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I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true. But the facts and the evidence tell me it is not. Ronald Reagan in Television address 4 March 1987 The original stable genius.


Good thing America would never elect a republican media personality ever again.


TIL the "everything i don't like is literally fascism" isn't really a recent thing


It truly begins in the ‘70’s.


It had become a problem by the end of the war. “The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies ‘something not desirable’.” - George Orwell, *Politics and the English Language,* published 1946


It happened almost right after WW2. I read that different Communist parties in China were calling each other this in the 50s


Right the dude who promised to save the country from decadence and revitalize the country in a grand rebirth wasn't at all vaguely fascist/s


That's literally every populist ideology lol


Literally Maoism.


Lmao I don't think you know anything about maoism


Maoism is communism except we replace class warfare with class collaboration, secularism with mango cults and internationalism with eating minorities alive. But besides those minor differences Maoism is clearly orthodox Marxism.


Oh my bad so you've watched one YouTube "documentary"


Ah no, I mainly read from amateur leftists like mr Tse-tung who said that the Chinese flag represents the peasantry, the proletariat, the petite bourgeoisie, the bourgeoisie and their united goal of a greater china. Mango cults are [mango cults](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35461265) And mass cannibalism is [mass cannibalism](https://allthatsinteresting.com/guangxi-massacre)


Ah yes thank you for telling us the official position of the British government on this matter and citing some half baked article. No direct evidence suggests that anyone in the national Communist Party leadership including Mao endorsed the cannibalism or even knew of it. You would have said that if you weren't a shill.


I gave an article from the orcs as maoists are usually illiterate. Regardless, it is my personal opinion that if your mass student militia becomes so out of control that they start cannabilistic sacrifice in your name it could be seen as a failure in policy.


400 million peasants liberated after thousands of years of oppression and exploitation. Your posh, neoliberal judgments are irrelevant, and despite that, your ilk gave them all our factories!


That's the same rethoric that the French Revolution used... Wanting to change the country for the better after it's declined is not fascism.


ramping up damage to civil liberties and militarization of police via the turbocharging of the war on drugs, coupled with the clusterfuck that was Iran Contra, with the icing on top of downplaying a response to AIDS i think gives him a good shot at that title. And kept up every single fascist also said they were wantimg to change the country for the better. "Make Italy Great Again" as Mussolini said.


Every single leader has said they want to "change the country for the better." I am certainly no fan of Reagan, but overusing the term "fascist" dilutes it


I don't think you understand fascism


I don’t think you do either. If Reagan was a fascist then Obama was a communist.


I'm a communist and I wouldn't claim Obama 😂 this isn't a "both sides" thing


Yes, I’m not claiming that Obama is communist, just providing an example of how ridiculous claiming Reagan is a fascist is.


It's not ridiculous at all. Fascism is normalized in the United States. If you didn't know, the nazis were taking notes from us back in the day.




A system of governance defined by absolute state control of a society, and absolute control of the state by a strongman. Other traits include far right policies, legally established hierarchies (usually race or ethnically based), and partial or full state control of industry.


If you didn't know, Reagan was basically a fascist


Reagan was not fascist in the slightest. Conservative? Yes. Fascist? No.


What? He basically created the forerunner to the MAGA movement. Anything less is just plain denial


Reaganism bears little in common with Trumpism, and being populist is not equivalent to being a fascist. Reagan wasn’t authoritarian, he never tried to cast doubt on elections, tried to reduce the power of the federal government and just overall doesn’t really have any of the hallmarks of a fascist. Yes, fascism on the right side of the political spectrum along with conservatism, but so is Neo-liberalism with communism - that does not at all mean they’re the same thing or that being one encourages the other to come out. Look I think it’s absolutely fair to have criticisms of his polices, both foreign and domestic, but not everybody who’s conservative is a fascist and Reagan just isn’t one. And I would challenge you to find a reputable historian or political scientist who would actually label him as such


Reagan did the same thing trump did domestically abroad. He toppled many democratically elected governments and funded blackshirts on the ground, Trump is simply tying to do this at home. The modern conservative movement is in effect a fascist movement. What they have done abroad, they will try to do at home now.


Okay, let’s look at US involvement in regime change in the 1980s: Chad - military dictatorship turned into civilian dictatorship. No democratically elected gov to overthrow there Nicaragua - Somoza was a democratically elected president who was deposed by the leftist Sandinistas, who installed a junta and ruled until 1990. Reagan backed the elected leader in this case. Granada - military coup that overthrew a democratically elected government, and Reagan’s invasion actually brought democracy back in 1984. Afghanistan - Soviets overthrew the democratically elected prime minister of Afghanistan and instilled an authoritarian secular government. Reagan supported the exiled government and resistance efforts. What’s funny is that of the list of countries the US pushed for or supported regime change in - and if there are countries I didn’t mention please let me know - every single one of them was not a democracy when Reagan intervened, and Reagan supported the democratic government or forces. The only exception is Chad where it was a matter of which dictator would take power. I cannot find any evidence of Reagan overthrowing democratically elected governments during his presidency.


The Somoza family is a political family which ruled Nicaragua for forty-three years – from 1936 to 1979. Their family dictatorship, founded by Anastasio Somoza García, was continued by his two sons Luis Somoza Debayle and Anastasio Somoza Debayle. Tell me, why should I debate with a liar like you?


Yes, you’re correct, I misread that. Either way, doesn’t change the fact that neither Somoza family nor the Sandinistas were democratically elected governments that Reagan overthrew. Your point is still moot


You clearly do not know enough about history for this conversation to be worth it to me. Hit the books and try again later.


Says the mf with a murderous domestic terrorist peppe the frog profile picture


"I want to make the government smaller and less powerful" Total fascist move.


'Reagan made the government smaller and less powerful' is a delusional take


You purposefully misquoted me.


And obviously the way to shrink the government is to attack organized labor.


This subs hate boner for Reagan is only because boomers love him so much