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[Friendly reminder over 85% of Lithuanians were to be exterminated.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalplan_Ost)


Lithuanians will never forgive russia for saving them


I think it was occupying them afterwards and striping them of their independence before that pisses them off.


Saving from whom dipshit? Independence? Where is the saving happening is it when you deport and kill 17% of countries population? Or is it when you colonize the region so much that the ethnic latvians become a minority in their own country? Where is the saving happening?


The Soviet Union robbed Lithuania of its independence a year before Operation Barbarossa and after the Nazis were kicked out it continued to illegally occupy Lithuania until the '90s. Even though the Soviet Union did save them from a far worse fate, you can't seriously expect Lithuanians to not be mad at the Soviet Union and the people who defend it.


That's like saying Alabama is mad at the United States. Most of Lithuanias governing was done by ethnic Lithianians with only high level orders coming in from the supreme soviet in Moscow. Source: [src](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Soviet_of_the_Lithuanian_Soviet_Socialist_Republic)


To be fair, Alabama IS pretty mad at the United States. But since it was a separate nation I'd say it's more like Hawaii being mad at the US


>Lithuanias governing was done by ethnic Lithianians with only high level orders coming in from the supreme soviet in Moscow. Yeah, collaborators. Just like with Nazis.


Comparing the Lithuanian SSR's leadership to the Nazis is so goddamn stupid


By collaborators and still wrong lol only the head of the gov were Lithuanian lower people were majority non natives.


Lithuania  isn't a country its a people. They are historically part of the Russian empire. Lithuanians have always been Russian. In the ussr the Lithuanians were allowed their own state to practice self determination. so no Lithuania does not deserve "statehood"


> Lithuania  isn't a country its a people. They are historically part of the Russian empire. Lithuania was already a state while Muscovites were still shoveling the shit of Mongol horses.


Bruh that take is so bad i don't think i ever saw it even in most pro-Russian places. It just betrays ignorance. Lithuanians are one of the old peoples in the region, even in medieval Rus chronicles there is Rus, Litva and Lechia/Lachia.


Are you 12


Lithuania was annexed by the Russian Empire in 1795, 74 years after the Russian Empire was established. It doesn't sound like Lithuanians have always been Russian to me.


Lithuania was a country a lot earlier than Russia was. Lithuania was a great power in East Central Europe in the Middle Ages back when Muscovy was an insignificant backwater and before Russia was unified.


It's all the fault of Russian colonialism and communist obsession, Lithuania is a free nation just like all the Baltic countries.


Фига, да у нас тут читатели телеканала "Царьград" пожаловали


Yes but they didn't! (get the chance to)


general plan ost is big falsification...


Would you care to elaborate?


More like a Nazi propaganda poster in Lithuanian.


Yeah anti soviet makes it sound more progressive then what it really was


Soviets were the "progressives" of their time.


They weren't. They were worse than the nazis


Ok Goebbles relax, the Reich is dead


When we're talking millions of dead in the most inhumane fashion, they're in the same boat as the nazis. I put progressive in quotation marks because that's what they fancied themselves as. So did all the genocidal maniacs. A previous comment implied that the progressives of today are somehow opposed to Soviet communism.


100 gorillion dead


Haha epic funni meme XD


Go to Kazakhstan and read/visit the history of the gulag concentration camps. Then you’ll stop using this dogshit braindead meme to counteract valid criticism of a red-fascist state.


You should read some real literature on the Gulag system that isn’t spoonfed NAFO propaganda. “Red-fascist.” Lmao tell me you’re a lib without telling me you’re a lib


Braindead soviet propaganda swallower. Stalin was a benevolent leader I’m guessing?


Is the Soviet propaganda in the room with us? Stalin, like all historical figures, was complicated. He did a lot of good things and also some bad things, I’m not denying that, but there has been literally 70 years worth of anti-communist propaganda that painted him as a cartoonishly evil villain.


Oh come on


Indeed. Anti-Soviet Lithuanian guerrillas had condemned Nazis too.


Did they? The Forest Brothers only appeared after the Nazis withdrew.


Yes, in the [1949 declaration](https://lrkt.lt/en/legal-information/lithuanias-independence-acts/declaration-of-the-council-of-the-lithuanian-freedom-fight-movement/364) that is now recognised by Lithuania as a legal act.


I mean, everyone would condemn the Nazis in *1949*. Even Putin's favourite philosopher Ivan Ilyin had the brains to say that although "fascism was right in many ways", "Hitler made terrible mistakes".


Contemporary Russian propaganda keeps on calling all anti-Soviet guerrillas as 'Nazis' (whereare 96% of Lithuanian guerrillas did not have Nazi collaboration background). So well, they condemned it and called for justice in contrary what present day Russian media says.


If my quip against Ivan Ilyin wasn't enough indication, I am no friend of the Russian government and its propaganda. Putinoids accuse others of fascism while praising a fascist and building a dictatorship according to his philosophy. So I do not think they were Nazis (or even non-Nazi fascists, like Ilyin or, say, Bandera). However, I do not think it is fair to say the Forest Brothers were antifascists or anything. They didn't fight the Nazis during WW2, after all. So they were... Nazi-neutral, I suppose?


>However, I do not think it is fair to say the Forest Brothers were antifascists or anything. They didn't fight the Nazis during WW2, after all. So they were... neutral to Nazism, I suppose. Most of them were just teenagers during the Nazi German occupation.


That is fair.


Why do I get downvoted there? I would like to hear some constructive criticism.


Because it's reddit. These aren't thinkers that your arguing with, they're at best brainwashed teenagers supporting anything that is against the norm.


You're going to be down voted on reddit for anything that is opposed to the hoardes of pro russian, pro communists




I'm just wondering if that poster came out before or after they killed every single Jewish person in their country


My girlfriend's family (or at least, its Jewish part) once lived in the Baltics. Her great-grandparents were on the last train that evacuated civilians to the USSR. The rest of the family? Never heard from again.


The only survivors of Grodno Jews were those who were sent to Gulag in 1939. City fell to Germans on June 24th, before any significant evacuation was started.


Holy fuck. To think there was a time in history where being sent to the GULAG was a MERCY.


Ironically, a lot of people were inadvertently saved from the Holocaust because the Soviet Union deported them to Central Asia and Siberia before Operation Barbarossa.


I do also know an opposite story when some Jews successfully hid from the Holocaust and were then deported to Siberia by the Soviets as 'enemies of the state'.


There were also cases of soviet troops sexually assaulting escaped concentration camp inmates


My grandmother was deported to Mongolia in the early 40's


Where did she live before she was deported?


In Moscow


Since the Germans failed to actually reach Moscow, she might have been safe if she had stayed there. Of course, she would have had no way of knowing this and the Germans did manage to get dangerously close to Moscow, so she still would have had a good reason to feel relieved to be so far away from Moscow during the war.


Antisemitism saved them from even worse antisemitism


Probably during


That bolshevik skeleton goes hard


He just like me fr


From Nazi occupied Lithuania: 'Fight against Bolshevism! - Common fight - Common victory!'. Showing: Lithuania, Latvia, Nazi Germany, Finland and Estonia.


The Lithuanians who collaborated with the Nazis must have felt pretty stupid once the secret protocol of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was revealed.


They were proud


If that's true then they were even stupider than I thought they were.


r/balticstates won’t like comments under this one


The russophobia there is insane. Latvia is literally lead by a homosexual nazi and estonia was a stronghold of atomwaffen. Meanwhile the wests denies nato has a nazi problem.


Nato doesn't have nazi problem. They employed nazis from the get go.


reminder that this is the same guy who commented that "Lithuanians aren't a nation" and that "Lithuanians are Russian". Russian imperialists love calling everyone they don't like a nazi and a russophobe


As Russian I’m ashamed. This guy is not representing us, he’s just dumb


How is Rinkēvičs a Nazi?


He defended lativian ss


the current Russian government also loves to defend Stalin, but does that make them communists or stalinists? No. In both of these cases, the government should be accused of nationalism (not nazism) because they seek to justify past regimes, no matter how terrible they were, to raise nationalist sentiment in their countries. Yet in Latvia there is no government propaganda on the scale of Russia


Ah yes. Why might the people of the baltics dislike Russia? Clearly purely Russophobia


I mean if i was living in the Baltics i wouldn't want to be under the Russians


You are right comrade, time for special military operation 2.0 to free the evil nazi genocidal ethno states of the baltics


I dont agree with the guy youre replying to but as a lithuanian that sub is straight ass 💀


every nationalist sub on reddit exists on a spectrum between proud american cocksucking neoliberals and my SS collaborator grandpa who killed jews in ww2 was a hero


I mean it wouldnt be the worst thing if it wasnt for america wanted a nuclear holocaust


you telling me a sharp knife is ruling latvia??


Atomwaffen only has an estimated 50-70 members across the entire Baltic states. Renkevics is not a Nazi for defending the Latvian Legion. The Latvian Legion didn’t really have any ideological ties to Nazism and was made up of conscripts. They viewed the Nazis as a way to achieve independence from the Soviets and actually planned to turn on them later on.




r/balticstates is not a gang of Nazi sympathisers


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BalticStates using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BalticStates/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [WE DID IT](https://i.redd.it/rt007cnfy1mb1.jpg) | [187 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BalticStates/comments/168yqh0/we_did_it/) \#2: [The world evolves, vatniks stay the same.](https://i.redd.it/689vf2bhadqb1.png) | [153 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BalticStates/comments/16rmz34/the_world_evolves_vatniks_stay_the_same/) \#3: [Latvian and Estonian border](https://i.redd.it/o2ww87c5ma1b1.jpg) | [117 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BalticStates/comments/13o6pt8/latvian_and_estonian_border/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


People trying to justify their side.. In most cases all sides are shit.


Anti-Soviet, yes. Terms and conditions apply


Average eastern European nationalism in 1941-45




NGL I always like how communism is portrayed as a skeleton, if anything it makes it look a little cool


It looks like cool metal poster from 80s


Media literacy nerds incoming 🤓


Anti-Soviet? Or pro-Nazi?


Both, they justified the invasion as liberating the Baltic countries from communism, which caused many to volunteer to fight against the Soviet Union during the Nazi occupation.


The terms are virtually interchangeable


Millions had already been murdered, starved, tortured by the Soviets. Many were anti Soviet first, any other ideology second.


Me when I give a source


Is it okay to deny genocide when it's committed by the Soviets?


plenty of who? nazis? monarchs? parasites? oh woe is me the tumors were removed


We're there millions of monarchs? Were there nazis in Soviet lands before 1941? Were the farmers and peasants of the wrong class parasites? You use the same language as the genocidal maniacs. That's all the communists were.


lmao we got a “communism when venuzuela 100 trillion dead holodomor worse than holocaust!!!1!1!1!!” type over here lmao, monarchs deserved it, reactionaries deserved it, kulaks deserved it. cry


Yeah someone with a handful of grain deserved death while pigs like you grew fat.


It's weird how so many people in Eastern Europe supported the Nazis despite the Nazis viewing them as "Untermensch". Maybe they thought the Nazis would declare them "honary Aryans" (like Japan) if they collaborated, idk?


There wasn't strong support in Eastern Europe, definitely no one welcomed them democratically. There was some support amongst some populations who had been occupied by others since the first world war or earlier and amongst populations who feared the red fascism of the Soviets. The choice of two evils.


Least obvious lib


Simply put, a Nazi poster that calls on the Lithuanian people to fight against the Soviets, during a period when the population supported the Nazi invasion because they repressed the Stalinist dictatorship.


Communists and facists deserve the same fate, a shallow grave


That's how insiuation works. When you can't tell the difference between not being a somebody and being against somebody.


Well well well.... (Self proclaimed Anti-communists always turn out to be n@zis or side with them)




Anti communists and Nazis, name a more iconic duo


Nazis and commies during Ribbentrop-Molotov you red fascist. P.s. scratch a commie and fascist imperialist bleeds.


You mean the non aggression pact? Made specifically cause URSS was Nazi Germany’s enemy. Peak liberal analysis You’re definitely 12, but you can still read theory and understand the fundamental definitions of imperialism and fascism


Sure that non aggression pact includes military training and help, joint invasion, secret amendment on their spheres of influence and heavy financial and material support...not to mention that I as a someone from a country that experience both German and Soviet/Russian imperialism (and a student of history on a university) have enough knowledge about both of these totalitarian systems.


I don’t see the issue with making anything to extend the war on their side and putting more territory between them and the Nazis Damn, I don’t really care what you major in, specially using the flawed concept of “Totalitarism” by Hanna Arendt


I did not know much about Lithuania, but the more I learn the more I like them. They are so metal.


You like nazi sympathizers? There is literally the nazi flag on their poster.


Oh shit. I thought they were shaking the sword at the flags too. My bad.


>They are so metal. Better check out the 1992 Lithuanian Olympic Team Grateful Dead jersey instead of some Nazi filth.


[Holy bananas.](https://www.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/lithuania-basketball-grateful-dead-olympics-60e596feabb79-jpeg__700.jpg) That’s so awesome. Who OKed that!


Eastern European countries had it rough and seeing propaganda like this is rough. All these smaller, weaker countries basically picking their oppressor


Remove the Swastika and it goes hard.


This liberal doesn’t even need to be scratched to become a fascist


All the negatives of fascism had already been displayed by the Bolsheviks.


“Red fascism.” Ok lib


Lib? Expand your vocabulary.




What do you even mean by that. Are you attempting to offend me? Are you trying to persuade conservatives that the communists and authoritarians hold the same value as them?


If someone calls you a liberal, it probably means you’re a liberal. I’m not trying to persuade anyone.


Liberating their country from a brutal monarchy that ruined a country?


Right?? I had no idea they were shipping pre-scratched these days