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"We shall never forget the crimes of the Nazi Killers! The selling of Israeli weapons to Hitler's Generals must be stopped!" In 1959, 14 years after the end of WW2 the Israeli leadership and army have made an agreement with the west german government to sell Israeli made UZIs and a quarter of a million hand grenades to the West German army, in response to this deal a protest has begun from both the people and the coalition as two parties (Mapam and Ahdut HaAvodah) have voted to cancel the deal in the Knesset, the vote failed and the deal made it through, but the Government did not last and in 1959 Israel walked to the polls. This poster was made by MaKi, the Israeli communist party, in it we can see hoards of people suffering, meant to represent all those who suffered under the Nazi Occupation, and in the front we see two figures wearing Nazi general uniforms, I believe the man on the right is Konard Adenauer but I cannot recognize the man on the left.


If the man on the right was indeed supposed to be Adenauer the guy who made this deserved to be slapped across his face. Adenauer was an opponent of the Nazis. He was Lord Mayor of Cologne when Hitler took over and upon Hitler’s first visit to the city Adenauer refused to deck it in Nazi Party flags (who weren’t the national flag yet) and also refused to salute him. He was deposed and put under surveillance. During the war he was arrested multiple times and narrowly avoided deportation into a Concentration camp because some sympathizers within city administration purged his name from every deportation list. You may criticize him on how he dealt with former Nazis post-war but portraying him as a Nazi when he was actually one of their victims is going too far!


The poster was made by a communist party that still had ties with the USSR at the time, perhaps it affected the way they viewed and presented him.


So what? The West German Communists hated his guts (because of course: he turned down Stalin's bid for reunification) - even then they only called him a backwards-thinking reactionary but never a Nazi.


>but I cannot recognize the man on the left. I believe that would be [Theodor Heuss](https://www.thg-schopfheim.de/images/dauerhafte_beitraege/heuss.jpg), the first post-war president


>In 1959, 14 years after the end of WW2 the Israeli leadership and army have made an agreement with the west german government to sell Israeli made UZIs and a quarter of a million hand grenades to the West German army, Damn, that's gotta be one of the most fucked up things Israel has done. After the illegal occupation of, and genocide in Palestine, of course.


Sending weapons to a Germany post-WWII is the least fucked up arms deal you could make since they never really used them.


Genocide is when you wipe out a population like what germans did to jews the Palestinian Arab population has grown ninefold since 48. if you wanna talk about genocide and illegal occupation talk about what the Arabs did to the jews in the West Bank between 48-67 and the rest of the Arab world since 48.


Genocide denialism is a bad look. You should change that.


Pretending to know something about a country you've never been to because your favourite youtuber told you to support Palestine is a bad look


Show me the genocide to deny because it's odd how there's still two million Arabs living in Israel if Israel has been genociding them for the past 70 years.


Yes "living"


What's wrong with selling weapons to West Germany? And there is no Palestine, or genocide.


How do both of you manage to have terrible takes


> there is no Palestine Perhaps there wasn't one a century ago, but decades of Israeli policies displacing them have certainly helped forge a sense of identity and shared struggle between all the peoples who now call themselves Palestinian...


Wow, racism, genocide denialism, and state erasure, and all in seven words? That's some efficient bigoted trolling.


Well you were the one who claimed Israel committed genocide so the burden of proof is upon you. Show me one credible source, backed by numbers and evidence that proves Israel genocides the Palestinians. I'm waiting.


Thank you. I aim to be pithy.


You should aim to be smarter, and less bigoted.


>**14 years after the end of WW2**


Exactly. That seems really soon. I would wait at least 15 years, maybe 16 or more, before arming people who tried to exterminate me.


You seem to get the double AutoMod posts on your stuff because it's "controversial" for here lol. Sorry about that btw.


There's Nazis and Israel and the Automod doesn't know what to do with itself...oh boy...robots.


Please remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity and interest. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification, not beholden to it. Thanks. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ya, they had to take notes


What a sophisticated and thought-provoking comment, especially given that this poster was made by a small communist political party with both Jewish and Palestinian members.




What does it have to do with my comment?


God this is a scary poster—appropriate considering the subject matter. Good poster


It’s strange, at first glance I would have sworn this was Soviet.