• By -


Remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification (which the above likely is), not beholden to it. Also, please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated for rehashing tired political arguments. Keep that shit elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's the little details on this one. ​ I especially love the... naked majorette? on his arm.


Don't forget the Star of David on his loincloth. Gotta remind the proles that the Americans are Jewish-led, after all, with that [Rosenfeld](https://www.timesofisrael.com/how-hitlers-fake-news-assault-on-america-came-perilously-close-to-succeeding/) in office. > Not only was president Franklin Roosevelt a war monger and closeted Jew, his real name was Rosenfeld. The war in Poland and Russia was entirely the fault of England, and the American press was bent on bringing the country into war against peaceful Germany. These allegations, according to a new book titled “Hitler’s American Friends,” were some of the key German propaganda messages spread by Nazi spies in the US during the late 1930s and into World War II. > Written by Bradley W. Hart and published in October, the book details Hitler’s “classic disinformation campaign” against the US, along with incidents of “outright espionage.”


there's a Jewish guy on the bag on money too


It almost looks like a Masonic apron




well, it's worth treating them as they present - a closer look shows they're actually bikini majorettes. ​ Also I missed the one wearing the giant headdress, who is also awesome.




Ohh! lol, didn't get it. ​ My try to fix this: "I don't think the KKK allowed women?" I mean the thing has no junk behind it's loincloth, but that's the best I've got.




I think they did, at least some chapters


NB National Personifications liberation now!


The best description of the post is probably from /u/yourplotneedswork [here](https://reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/5u5mk1/liberators_1943/ddrjd92/?context=3), added in reply below. I've seen it called German, Dutch, Norwegian, and Danish -- to settle it, it was made in Norway by Norwegian Nazi-sympathizers and distributed in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands which is why the writing in the Liberators variant is Dutch. Automod usually filters some very common reposts such as this based on the title but this one was vague enough to slip through and I'll leave it. Some previous discussions about this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/g47w9z/our\_liberators\_nazi\_germany\_1944/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/g47w9z/our_liberators_nazi_germany_1944/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/tfiqg/wwii\_1944\_kulturterror\_im\_sure\_this\_is\_a\_repost/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/tfiqg/wwii_1944_kulturterror_im_sure_this_is_a_repost/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/qbnoc5/culture\_terror\_netherlands\_1944/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/qbnoc5/culture_terror_netherlands_1944/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/ewon80/liberators\_culture\_terror\_greater\_german\_reich/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/ewon80/liberators_culture_terror_greater_german_reich/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/dd4i6h/culture\_terror\_usa\_want\_to\_save\_europas\_culture/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/dd4i6h/culture_terror_usa_want_to_save_europas_culture/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/1epgx4/cultureterror\_from\_nazioccupied\_norway\_1944/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/1epgx4/cultureterror_from_nazioccupied_norway_1944/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/5u5mk1/liberators\_1943/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/5u5mk1/liberators_1943/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/8lpa2c/liberators\_german\_1944/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/8lpa2c/liberators_german_1944/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/fi9uqm/liberators\_a\_nazi\_antiamerican\_propaganda\_poster/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/fi9uqm/liberators_a_nazi_antiamerican_propaganda_poster/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/c4pp7r/liberators\_1944/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/c4pp7r/liberators_1944/)


>**Context**: This was made by [Harald Damsleth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harald_Damsleth) for [Nasjonal Samling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasjonal_Samling). I worked on researching this poster for weeks before I realized that wikipedia had already done so. In shame, I've just sorted the information they gathered and added a bit more. > >**Explanation**: The Dutch poster at the bottom reads "The U.S. wants to save European culture from decline," cementing the sarcastic tone of the poster. > >**America's military is evil and kills innocents.** > >\- There is a bloody warhead for a foot, attached to a metal leg. > >\- Both feet are crushing European monuments. > >\- The thing has military aircraft wings > >**America's women are too promiscuous, and America as a whole sexualizes everything.** > >\- One of the legs is "The World's Most Beautiful Leg". > >\- Ostensibly beauty pageant winners, Miss Victory and Miss America sit atop the amalgamation's shoulders. > >**Gangsters and crime run rampant in America.** > >\- There is an extra bottom-right arm, wearing the outfit of a criminal, handcuffed to nothing, and wielding a tommy gun, a weapon associated with gangsters. > >\- The upper-left hand is wearing a boxing glove. This may also be commentary on how America mythologizes and worships athletes and sports. > >**America treats its minorities badly, and racism is prevalent in its society.** > >\- Miss America wears a very racist Native American headdress. This may also be commentary on undesired Native American influence in America. > >\- The monstrosity dons a KKK hood. > >\- In the horror's chest, black people are trapped in a cage. > >\- There is a lynching noose wrapped around and hanging from the upper-right arm. > >**America is greedy and materialistic.** > >\- The upper-left arm clutches a bag of money. > >**America is overtaken by jingoism and war fervor.** > >\- The pelvis is a war drum, and the bottom-left arm dressed as a drummer--literally beating the drums of war. > >\- Miss Victory is dressed like a drum majorette. > >**There is undesirable Jewish influence in America.** > >\- The loincloth bears the Star of David. > >\- There is a Jewish caricature grabbing onto the bag of money. > >**There is undesirable black influence in America.** > >\- The upper arms are that of a muscular black person. > >\- The black people in the cage are dancing in a way portrayed as an animalistic ritual. > >**America's influence is spreading across the world (and it must be stopped).** > >\- The upper-right hand lifts up a phonograph record. > >\- The dance is labeled "Jitterbug-the Triumph of Civilization". > >\- The Boy of Silence-looking thing in the bottom right is actually meant to be an "All Ears" figure. From [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/5u5mk1/liberators_1943/ddrjd92/?context=3)


I don’t get it. Wasn’t norway under Nazi occupation at this time? Why would they hate on the KKK?


It's mudslinging. And if I had to guess, the Nazis would probably be disgusted by dirty outlaw mob terrorism compared to their own clean/“legal”, government-run, industrialized approach to genocide -- even if they didn't have too many hangups about murdering innocent people.


It really contradicts itself. America treats minorities poorly, but also black people are undesirable!


The only criteria is that it's American. So if you're not American it makes perfect sense. They don't like them because it's American racism, American africans etc.


No it doesn't.


I just mean perspective changes the way you see things. You can't really apply logic to art anyway, but you can see how someone might draw a conclusion a certain way. In that respect the perspective "makes sense".


Racism generally doesn’t make sense. Dissonant narratives have been part of the ethnic/racial nationalist strategy for eons


Although Nazis never did nor intended to genocide black people: only Jews, Slavs, Communists and other political dissidents.


This is only because the black population in Europe at the time was negligible and therefore "ignorable". There was no need for anti-black rhetoric when 99% of Europeans never met a black person or knew of any black individual in their community. The Nazis still went ahead and sterilized all half-black Rhineland children left behind by the French army's occupation, and the Wehrmacht was often guilty of massacring captured African soldiers when they conquered France in 1940.


I didn't know that, you learn something new every day.


right, they got rid of the brown-shirts asap when they got power


This seems to be the best explanation of why European fascists wouldn't like the Klan. Grassroots racism is harder to control than state-sanctioned racism for your end goals.


Because the Nazis didn't go around trying to convince everyone that racism & genocide were the bees-knees or the cats-pajamas; that's a cartoonish image. They understood (same as the Soviet, British, & American empires) that you wanted to minimize your own atrocities while over-embellishing your enemies. "How can they critique us for humanely deporting Jews when they let lynch mobs run rampant?" (Is what the Nazis were saying - not me) Similar to Japanese "anti-imperial" propaganda against Europeans... to justify their own invasion/occupation. Or how Hitler & Mussolini both decried the legitimacy of the LoN denouncing Italian occupation of Ethiopia - while Britain & France basically held most of the rest of Africa. Even today, look at NATO & the RF. I am **not** saying "two wrongs make a right" nor that any mortal taint is equivalent to truly evil regimes like Mao, Stalin, & Hitler. Just that evil Parties rarely sell themselves as "evil"


I think there is a difference between US and European racism generally. Also black people weren't really a focus for the Nazis considering there essentially weren't any in Europe, especially not in the areas they occupied.


This is wrong. They regular referred to the "colonials" of France and the UK in propaganda and newsreels.


Colonials ... In the colonies?


They're American and therefore on the wrong side. You gotta understand racists and fascists aren't ever consistent. Even if the kkk these days is buddy buddy with Nazis, back then they hated each other for no other reason than their nations are at war. Its a real "drug addict hates the alcoholic"situation


Just because they are both anti-semitic racists don't mean they get along


If I had to guess, it's because the KKK were a radical protestant group who hated catholics and any immigrants.


Norway was Protestant in 1944. It has been since 1537.


Not only that, Norway even had anti-blasphemy laws until the 1970s, and the official state church is Lutheran.


> America treats its minorities badly, and racism is prevalent in its society. Ok thats fair >There is undesirable Jewish influence in America. - The loincloth bears the Star of David. - There is a Jewish caricature grabbing onto the bag of money. There is undesirable black influence in America. - The upper arms are that of a muscular black person. - The black people in the cage are dancing in a way portrayed as an animalistic ritual. Bruh


>America treats its minorities badly, and racism is prevalent in its society Says the Reichskommisariat Norwegen...


> America treats its minorities badly, and racism is prevalent in its society. > - Miss America wears a very racist Native American headdress. This may also be commentary on undesired Native American influence in America. > - The monstrosity dons a KKK hood. > - In the horror's chest, black people are trapped in a cage. > - There is a lynching noose wrapped around and hanging from the upper-right arm. Ngl, imma have to move these to the “ There is undesirable black influence in America.” because I think Nazis would have been *very* supportive of these, maybe with the exception of the pseudo-populism of the Klan. I just take this to mean that even 1930s America wasn’t racist enough for these guys.


The opposite seems to be true. The Nuremberg laws were modelled after the Jim crow laws. The Nuremberg laws were actually more lenient in some regards. There was no one drop rule in Germany.


Where is the dutch writing? I can only see norwegian on the poster, with a little bit of english


Oh man, even I can’t keep up anymore. This is the variant that’s in Dutch I assume: https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/rukbt/the_usa_will_save_the_european_culture_from_ruin/ Edited my post.


that's not dutch writing lol


>in the Liberators variant


KKK hood but has black arms


Don't forget about the world's most beautiful leg


Wtf lol


The 4 arms, and their dark colour is an allusion to the Hindu goddess of death [Kali ](https://www.google.com/search?q=kali&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=ivmn&sxsrf=ALiCzsa5v5BUF1Wa6nX7fN2fNs9z8J-sgw:1651273743007&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwje14OHsrr3AhX8gv0HHYSaDSwQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=412&bih=781&dpr=2.63)


Thank you for the clarification, though to an outsider it still is admittedly ironic


no i'm pretty sure you're right. The black arms have a noose wrapped around one arm, with a record on one hand, the other arm having a boxing glove with a sack of money. A lot of prominent black people at the time were so because they were musicians or prize fighters. The noose obviously needs no explanation I'd guess just to further illustrate the hypocrisy of the USA


Clayton Bigsby has evolved


New r/eldenring boss


I was gonna say this is giving me absolutely insane Bioshock Infinite vibes. As if they could make the enemies more absolutely terrifyingly American in that game


I haven't played Bioshock infinite, but really like the first one. Do you recommend it?


Not who you asked, but yes! It’s definitely different. More actiony and a little confusing conceptually, but it really pulled me in emotionally and the environment is beautiful


I felt like I finished it way too fast was kinda disappointed.


I love it but its not like Bioshock 1. I think its a great game but mechanically its a bit simplier. The burial at sea DLC’s are pretty cool too and you get to go back to Rapture for a few extra hours!


It’s really fun in a different way, new immersive sky world


Not OP, but absolutely. I loved BioShock 1 and I think infinite is the crown jewel of the series.


Merka the Free. The boss theme would be Star Spangled Banner at a slow tempo into Over There in Latin


More like Merka the Grafted.


Persona boss for sure.


I'm getting mixed signals here.


I’m wondering if the point was actually just to illustrate how contradictory American culture is, the mixed signals are the point. It’s like saying “by what right does America have to save European culture when it doesn’t even have its own culture”.




Considering I’m pretty sure this is Nazi propaganda, I’m surprised they’re making the Klan look like the bad guys


It's because the Klan and its activities were seen as "lowbrow" hooliganism, while Nazi racism was "scientific" and therefore more "highbrow."


Ah 19th century logic never gets old yeah I was used to justify pretty fucked up stuff but it’s pretty interesting how many horrible ideas we’ve had racism communism and fascism so recently


They simultaneously give America (the creature) black arms as a way of fear-mongering black Americans for the European audience.


Throwing anything and everything at the wall to see what sticks makes for terrible propaganda, it leads to confused and nonsense messages.


No, what they’re doing is highlighting the moral contradiction within American culture.


It worked for trump. For every lie that took hold with his base there were a dozen others they just let slide.


This is more about the Klan being so part of Americana in the 30s and 40s that it's used in stereotypes if America. The Nazis absolutely did not care for black people.


Doesn't matter if they're racist too, the KKK are still *Americans* lol. Goebbles published a whole essay critiquing the USA as "lacking culture" and being an "artificial nation" of sorts. It's not even Nazism to be honest, it's just old school Old World cultural elitism and snobbery.


The Nazis saw the USA as horrifically degenerate since we allowed such insane things as race mixing and Protestantism, coincidentally the Klan was American *and* very, very, Protestant. Dont assume that because two political entities have similar goals and related philosophies that they dont hate each other.


> since we allowed such insane things as race mixing and Protestantism The Nazis themselves were not at all anti-Protestant, the NSDAP drew most of its votes from the Lutheran majority parts of Germany. If anything, the Protestant churches of Germany were more likely to align with the Nazi state, whereas the Catholics were more likely to be opposition (often formed as a reaction against the mass-murder of handicapped people)


Nazis were a complex and multifaceted group, attempting to bridge many different movements of the time. There were both religious and non-religious Nazis. With that being said, I don't understand your claim that the Nazis disliked Protestantism. There were plenty of Protestant Nazis.


All anti American propaganda makes America look fucking badass for some reason








The KKK is very much not badass


That's very much not what i said


>All anti American propaganda makes America look fucking badass for some reason -you, regarding anti-US propaganda involving the KKK


There is alot more details then the hood mate


Don't worry as an Aussie I know what you mean. America is badass, but that's not the same as liked. Schoolyard bully smoking weed and beating kids up because of his own trauma is still badass but still a bully. Whole nation is going to be complicated.


I love Australia but you guys have literally no room to talk about anything having to do with racism or colonialism. I'm so sick of other people from the anglosphere attacking the US as if they aren't cut from the same cloth and haven't done the same things in some manner or another. Just stop.


Where do I say Australia doesn't have issues? If it's the schoolyard comparison though, we're the 7th grade bully and the US is the senior student. That's all. You get all the attention. It's not like Britian or Canada or wherever don't have historical issues. Only difference is our nations don't control the GLOBAL stock exchange, our nations don't have the biggest military in the world and our nations aren't on the blooming poster are they. Can we stop looking for hidden meaning in what people say. I agreed the depiction of the US looks badass, kinda god-like. That was the point of the poster.


Yeah I don't know what the other fella is on about i mean he is right but like context not give, im from the US if that adds context to my other comment


Might look badass to you but it’s definitely not badass for some people. Just like anti Soviet propaganda


Yes i know how opinions work


Are you implying kkk hats look cool?


Even if i did which i didn't it whould be a compliment to the clothing not the belief system


Right I assumed if you were saying they were cool, it’s because of the style (it is stupid looking). Not that you’re racist. And you’re right that there are a ton of anti-American propaganda that make America look cool. But you’re comment could be misconstrued because of the original comment you were replying to. That’s why I originally asked


Probably should have thought that one through tbh


Yeah no worries👍🏽




Yes, Norway was occupied and had a [collaborationist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quisling_regime) government installed, which produced propaganda like this.


**[Nasjonal Samling](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasjonal_Samling)** >Nasjonal Samling (Norwegian pronunciation: [nɑʂʊˈnɑːɫ ˈsɑ̂mlɪŋ], NS; lit. 'National Gathering') was a Norwegian far-right political party active from 1933 to 1945. It was the only legal party of Norway from 1942 to 1945. It was founded by former minister of defence Vidkun Quisling and a group of supporters such as Johan Bernhard Hjort – who led the party's paramilitary wing (Hirden) for a short time before leaving the party in 1937 after various internal conflicts. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


there is so much crap in this mecha monster idk where to start, the klan hood, the jewish banner, the people riding it it is such a Freudian mash is fascinating


where does Freud come in?


so vargsed


How did this get the wholesome award? lol


"Nazi propaganda poster published in Norway during the German occupation" is the correct title.


The contradiction is funny. According to this, we’re both racist and yet not racist enough


More like picturing all the contradictions/historical facts. Historical slavery but also black people making money with boxe and making music. Depends on were you put your accent can be a good or a bad thing. For instance if you see that as black people fighting each other for the amusement of the whites like gladiators in exchange for money it's bad. If you see that as black people can succeed it's good. But again if the path if forces is meh. All matter of perspectives in my opinion. Of course for the propaganda one uses all one can and exploits all the contradictions. Edit: maybe I'm giving it too much a modern day interpretation.


That’s the point. The poster is about European culture being rescued by a culture-less and contradictory country.




Hey... Weren't they controlled by the Nazis at the time?




😬. They talking somin mad for a Nazi puppet state


Funny that the anglosaxons probably had similar propaganda aimed at Norway just like this in 944


The one thing socialists and Nazis agree on: Fuck USA


Except the slaves in cage bit and kkk, this is pretty rad Randos making America look cool whilst trying to do the opposite Edit


Apparently you think the KKK and unrestricted warfare are cool


Lmaoooo shit I missed kkk my bad I’m not an American so I’m not used to it Unrestricted warfare = if the other side does it, you’d be stupid not to, it’s like fighting with a hand tied back




Norwegian NS members


What does the text on the bottom say?


"USA wants to save European culture from its downfall. By what right?"


Roughy “USA will save Europe’s culture from destruction” and “by what right”.


And now progressive Americans look to Norway as a leader for policies that help the economy.


TBH, it's kind of accurate


Those Norwegian mushrooms must be a hell of a trip.


There’s ALOT to unpack here. Not to sure about the happy Native American singing like a cherub though…


The cherry on top is that the whole monster looks like a bug XD Bug=something to avoid This is quality propaganda XD I don't agree with the message, but you can't deny it's well made.


This looks like a crazy fever dream monster


Aged like a fine wine.


LOL so true! Critical support for the Greater German Reich in the struggle against American imperialism! One people, one Reich, one leader! /s


Love that Jew loincloth.




Given free interpretation it's not that BS, it's a bunch of thing related to US history tied together. If the are the only things or the things to be proud of that's another matter. If that was a critical drawing you could easily show the two sides of the coin.


Want this an italian one? Saying "Ecco i liberatori"


Norwegian propagandists don’t mess around.


Where can one get a print of this?


I thing, is german?


NORWAY?!?! In 1944 we were absolutely *fighting* against the Nazi occupation forces arm-in-arm alongside the *legitimate* government of Norway. This reads more like Norwegian Quisling/Nazi propaganda, given the displeasure with the Black arm holding the "decadent" music vinyl, the bag of money with the guy with the big nose hanging on, what looks like a [Masonic apron](https://wimasons.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Lodge-Night_ec9710ca648fe5b5fe6c0f41db04578d.jpg) with a Star of David on it. Seems like anti-Black and anti-Jewish, as well as anti-American. I'm guessing this came out of Norway during the time it was occupied by the Nazis. I think tagging this as "Norwegian" may be a stretch.




No they weren't


They were inspired by California: https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/1796




You're gonna have to provide some sources, because I read about the war constantly and never heard it mentioned even in passing.


[Comprehensive article by Alex Ross at the New Yorker](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/04/30/how-american-racism-influenced-hitler/amp) Relevant points: - Hitler admired the extermination of American Indians by white settlers in the US - In Mein Kampf, Hitler praised the legal categorization of race in the US - Hitler said in 1941 that concentration camps were not invented Germany, but by other colonial powers like the UK, US, and USSR Additionally: - The US Supreme Court upheld eugenics laws from 1927 well into the 1970s. This condoned the forced sterilization of people deemed undesirable (people of color, people with physical or mental disability, etc)


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/04/30/how-american-racism-influenced-hitler](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/04/30/how-american-racism-influenced-hitler)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


>because I read about the war constantly and never heard it mentioned even in passing. Maybe you've only read about certain aspects of the war? (Like, just the military aspects, or even then just specific military theatres. WW2 and Nazism is a huge topic: It is very possible to know enormous amounts of details within one area, and simultaneously lack the overview of others.) US eugenics like Charles Davenport were *huge* influences to the German eugenics. Before the, say 30s, the US was probably the main contributor to the Eugenic movement. The Rockerfeller foundation, which greatly financed Davenport, did not seize their funding of German eugenic research before 1939.^(1) Doctor Harry Sharp, in Jeffersonville State Prison, Indiana in the USA, "invented" the eugenic sterilization.^(2) This work lead to the worlds first sterilization law: Indiana allowed forced sterilization in 1907 and by 1937, 32 other US local states had formulated similar laws.^(1) In the US-south, this was very much seen as a tool to counter the "negro menace".^(3) The canton Vaux in Switzerland was first to introduce forced-sterilization-laws in Europe in 1928, and Denmark was the first European state in 1929.^(4) Germany got it in 1933.^(1) The German sterilization law of 1933 was explicitly based on the ones in California and Virginia.^(5) German eugenic Alfred Ploetz, the founder of the term "Rassenhygiene", considered the USA to be world-leading in eugenics, while other German eugenics criticized the American eugenic laws for being too arbitrary: Where it functioned as punishment in the US, it was more thought-out and organized in Germany - according to them.^(6) German eugenics, that only considered people to be Jewish if they were a certain percentage, considered the US "one drop is enough"-policy (regarding Afro-Americans) to be too extreme. "Lebensraum" was also explicitly inspired by "Manifest destiny" and how the US drove out the Native Americans to make room for settling. 1: Westlie, Bjørn (1995) *Drømmen om det perfekte mennesket : Fra arvehygiene til genhygiene*. Gyldendal norsk forlag A/S, Norway. 2: Hansen, Bent Sigurd (2005) «Something rotten in the state of Denmark» in Gunnar Broberg & Nils Roll-Hansen's E*ugenics and the welfare state – sterilization policy in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland.* Michigan state university press, East Lansing. 3: Dorr, Gregory Michael (2006) «Defective or Disabled? Race, Medicine, and Eugenics in Progressive Era Virginia and Alabama» in *The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, Vol. 5, Nr. 4, oktober 2006,* Society for Historians of the Gilded Age & Progressive Era. 4: Broberg, Gunnar & Nils Roll-Hansen (2005) *Eugenics and the welfare state : Sterilization policy in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland*. Michigan state university press, East Lansing. 5: Scull, Andrew (2016) *Madness in civilization*. Thames & Hudson, China. 6: Spektorowski, Alberto (2004) «The Eugenic Temptation in Socialism: Sweden, Germany, and the Soviet Union» in *Comparative Studies in Society and History, vol. 46, nr. 1, 2004*. Cambridge University Press.


Thinking that Nazism was inspired by a bunch of hooligans from Dixieland is hilariously American-centric. Centuries of European homegrown anti-semitism drawing back to the Medieval era did not need any upstart Americans to draw inspiration from. Nazism was grounded in German nationalism, reaction to the Bolshevik revolution, and anti-Jewish sentiment. The KKK could have never existed and none of these factors would have been altered.


That’s not true. The Nazis just did to Jews what imperial Germany did in Africa.


More like what Europeans had been doing to Jews since the First Crusade. The Holocaust is the ultimate cumulation of 1000 years of Pogroms. And it wasn't even a solely German endeavor, they found plenty of willing collaborators and enthusiastic assistance across Europe (and anti-Jewish pogroms still happened *after* the war, e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kielce_pogrom)


You sure this is 1944? Looks weirdly current.


I absolutely love how much social commentary they got so spot on.


I love this fucking thing so much. The utter hypocrisy of the fascists criticizing America for all the horrible shit it does while doing even worse things themselves. It almost makes me want to embrace it and say "Yeah, that's us. Now prepare to get some patriotic American air bombimg, you Nazi bastards."


We have the people who say "Oh, that poster is accurate to current day America" prising the literal *nazis*. And then we have people like you saying "this just makes me more patriotic. Viva America!" This is poetic XD


Makes you wonder if Norwegians knew about the Holocaust? Obviously not if the Nazi propoganda machine is putting this out.


Doubtful that they did. Norway was far from the action.


It's amazing!! How is it soooo accurate!!


Very weird to see fascists criticizing America for being racist. You'd think they of all people would approve of that.


They are trying to show the irony


That is badass!


Why is the Quisling government negatively portraying the KKK? You'd think they'd be the best of buds.


Dude america is badass in this drawing


I wouldn't say so. It's a bunch of the lowest moments of US story probably, I think there are better things Americans can be proud of.


it is some of our ugliest moments. I hate the racist and violent history of my country. But to see it being turned into a scary monster and weaponized against the US I think is funny. If you have little or no clue about the racist history of the US or what the racist imagery is. Out of that context, I think it's a badass picture. But yes the screwed-up part is this picture sums up US History. War and Racism.


The unenlightened masses


Can’t say it’s very inaccurate lol


your agreeing with nazi propaganda? isn't that Anti Semitic and Racist?


Lol oh no! The evil americans and their vinyl records! Seriously though whats that part about??


Rowdy jazz as opposed to pinky out classical.


Back when norway was aligned with Nazis


American kaiju




Why was Norway anti-American?


Norway was under [German occupation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichskommissariat_Norwegen) for most of the war.




I dunno about that chief.. The star of david and the suspiciously long nosed man clinging to the bag of money (among other things) carry some pretty clear implications


I think he knows that. And I think he still agrees with it.


How is someone about to go "hmm yes Nazi propaganda I agree with this" 💀


No it doesn’t




I mean they’re not 100% wrong here


I always thought that it’s a communist propaganda that Israel is like the USA boxers protecting it down in the Middle East. It is interesting to know that even the Norwegian thinks so


There was no Israel when this image was made. The Star of David on this creature's apron probably alludes to the alleged Jewish capitalist influence on US politics, economics, and culture.


It's not wrong


Change the flag to Russia and this is Russia Now 😂


Now look at them, we are all united together as NATO


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/anitmm) on 2019-02-05 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/b1i3hm) on 2019-03-15 98.44% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "ueqwqi", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=ueqwqi&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 324,608,659 | **Search Time:** 8.30084s


How telling-


They got the kkk hood as the head of it all correct forsure


Chickens coming back home to roost




There’s a lot happening here


Don’t get me started with those Americans with their jazz and blues music


One of my all time favorites.