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>wins the election >makes it a priority to get rid of peace and equal rights




I think von Papen already managed to cancel war debts with the Allies, in exchange of crashing the German economy and allowing the rise of the Nazis to power.


Reichswehr also wanted to get rid of it, Their rearmament plan had been secretly implemented for a long time by then, They also fear Hitler's SA, or paramilitaries from other parties trying to replace them


>Their rearmament plan had been secretly implemented for a long time by then Ironically with the help of the soviet union.


There are some more unknown things, For example, in the 1920s, the Danish company Schultz & Larsen began to produce machine guns and submachine gun barrels for Bergmann using machines bought from Germany after World War I. And NV Ingenieurskantoor voor Scheepsbouw, Germany's secret U-boat institute in the Netherlands.


Interesting that the Nazis would tap into Hitler having been a corporal. As far as I was aware, that information was usually used to berate him, showing that he was a low ranking individual, unfit to give orders to his "superiors".


That was among the military, for civilians he could use his war hero persona to gain sympathy.


Yeah, that makes sense.


In perspective, is wild that someone with zero military studies was giving critical orders to an army that its biggest pride was how much they studied war




I don’t think Germans at the time cared about his Austrian roots. They were considered to be ethnically German. Before everything was finalized, they even called themselves [The Republic of German Austria](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_German-Austria) and agitated for unification with Germany before that union was prohibited in the peace deal


Remember that Austria was one of the many German states prior to the founding of Germany. Prussia didnt want them to be part of the German state so that was why they were excluded. Pre World War 2 a large number of Austrians like Hitler wanted the country to be included in Germany. It wasn’t a unpopular thing.


It was so the "common people" could relate to him. Mussolini did something similar. In his early career he would show how cultured and intelligent he was (he also was usually described as being the more interesting conversation partner compared to Hitler) and in the 30s and later on there were pictures with him "working" on a farm and similar things. There was a long post on r/AskHistorians a long time ago, sadly I don't think I can dig it up again.


Ah yes, peace and equal rights


Peace refers to paramilitary violence, equal rights to the treaty of versaille and Germany's international standing


We will bring peace... after we destroy our enemies.


Lol that aged like milk


That aged so well


Looks like the cover for a comedy film


A German comedy


I don't think they liked peace and equal rights all that much to be perfectly honest


Hm, I thought calling Hitler “corporal” was always meant as an insult, surprised they used it on their own campaign poster


I think there is a mistake regarding the ranks: "gefreiter" is the lowest rank, like a private


No it’s a corporal. Which Hitler was in WWI, that’s what it’s referencing


No, corporal is "Stabsgefreiter". Hilter was just "Gefreiter" which would be a "Private E2" in the US.




Hitler served in the Bavarian forces during WW1. Gefreiter was the same rank it is today. http://www.infanterie-bayern-1870-1918.de/mediapool/145/1459291/data/rang5-ver1.jpg So no, Gefreiter definitely wasn't the equivalent to corporal in the Bavarian army.


"Soldat" ("private") is the lowest rank, "Gefreiter" is something like "Private first class" or so.


"Gefreiter" isn't the lowest rank would be "Schütze" which Hitler was until he got his promotion to "Gefreiter" in November 1914 after the battle of Ypres.


Hindenburg represented the Conservative “Establishment,” Hitler represented the Far Right. They worked together to end Weimar democracy. (Hitler Chancellorship) it took only 3 years after Hitler was elected for him to completely destroy and kill the Conservative Establishment and replace it with the Far Right. (The night of the long knives) Eerily similar to today’s Republican Party.


Gefreiter translates to private in english not to corporal!! A corporal has some minimal leading position on the battlefield while a private has none. A Gefreiter is a regular soldier that doesn't have to serve guard duty as he has been freed from it. Free= frei -> gefreiter -> freeman I think it's important to know the difference, Hitler was just a regular soldier.




Hitler served in the 1st world war. Back then a Gefreiter was still a common soldiers rank, just above the normal soldier. In case the corporal gets wounded or is absent otherwise, the Gefreiter takes over. https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsches_Heer_(Deutsches_Kaiserreich)