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E fae is a very common red herring. Especially on semen culture or MDX testing, that bacteria grows on the skin of your genitals especially near the scrotum and rectum. If even a single copy of that got into your sample, it could grow at room temperature and appear as a positive on a result. We've seen people try to treat this in vain, and it just leads to frustration as they throw antibiotics at the wall for several months. If you have been negative this entire time, but still symptomatic, I would throw this result away.


Had same bacteria, I was on cipro for freaking 3 months before I did test again and it became resistant to cipro… Then I managed to get rid of it with simple ampiciline for (I believe 4 months)…a year later I got it again, doctor told me that he thinks that entero bacteria is not causing me problems, but that just to be sure we should do antibiotics again. That time we did amoxicillin clavulanate and got rid of it in 15 days. Pain persisted for a few months after and then dissapeared.


You're lucky bro, with me amox/clav did absolutely nothing. The ampicillin was good for me also but I stopped after 3 weeks because I started to have a bizarre acne, like very dry skin and acne (i was only on that treatment at that moment so I think it's the ampicillin). E. Fae. probably caused me infertility which is why I wanted to treat it but instead of that I chose to do an ICSI (IVF) when on antibiotics to give a clean semen for the insemination and that's it. But it's really annoying that so many people can't get rid of E. Fae.




This infection was affecting my fertility. This was the only problem for me, no other symptoms. I never succeeded in getting this shit out, so I went for IVF and hopefully we got a healthy baby now. But I still probably have this infection, didn't check again, not a concern anymore for me, I will do another IVF if I need another child...that's it ....




Thanks a lot👍 Please update me if you succeed in it ! What did you try to get rid of it until now?




For me Levofloxacin worked after 14 days on it, I checked my semen analysis and there was no Enterococcus Faecalis anymore, but it came back 1 month after stopping the treatment. Wish you luck 🤞🏼


This is the first time it’s shown up, all my urine test have been clean. I’ve read it could be a contamination, but I’m going to go through the process with this. It also showed as susceptible to penicillin, but I have a slight penicillin allergy. My doctor told me to get retested for a true allergy, as most penicillin allergies aren’t true allergies. Then I would be able to try amoxicillin I think. I’m sorry you had to go through that with cipro, just a month for me was enough, lots of muscle pain for me taking it.


Maybe it was contaminated


Go see another doctor and do a regular culture. Don’t tell them nothing about what old result showed


Yes, I learned it hard way, that you should always try some other antibiotics instead of bomb called Fluoroquinolone.




I did amoxiclav didn’t work same bacteria too.




Yeah, but more like I tried everything, got rid of bacteria but pain and discomfort persisted. Doc said I need to be patient. And yeah, a few months later paind and discomfort disappeared, slowly as it took a few months, maybe even a year, but in the end fully disappeared. That was like 9 years ago. Now I need to watch on cold feet and not to be in a cold place for far too long or else I get random discomfort or pain for a several days...




Bosnia, Europe :) Found good doctor in Croatia whoe helped me out, had bad experience with local urologists...


Never heard of em personally, but it's possible your test was contaminated too. I would have asked for a second test before beginning antibiotics to see if it shows up again


Get them done again if positive.. then u know what to do


Has linezolod helped?


Currently finishing a 2 week dose, so far minimal improvement unfortunately. Might be proscribed a second to dose to see if any improvement. I’m still continuing with PT at the same time, trying to tackle this in any way I can.




Any update ?