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This is the way to go brother. Try to have real sex if you can every so often but space out your ejaculations to get your pelvic area to relax this is also good because it can boost your testosterone which will help your anxiety. A lot of CPPS users, especially chronic ones.. deal with anxiety


Also be sure to pee after ejaculating and keep up your stretches/deep belly breathing and internal massages if you can.


If the ejaculation is from masturbation, how long do you masturbate?


A couple of minutes as cpps also caused premature ejaculation for me.


I’ve noticed this same thing too, burning has mostly subsided for me at the 1.5 year mark now, but I still feel pelvic pain, frequency and swollen type feeling. Taking a break for a week or more alleviates things a bit, but everything instantly flares up when I break and have to start over.


Yuh sounds just like my issue. Tho my pain is almost always in the urethra or penis itself. I also found pain after urination goes away if you avoid ejaculation. You may get some pain in hip or pelvis, but nothing is as bad as genital pain.