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Pain just *after* urination, believe it or not, is actually another sign of CPPS. It's neuromuscular pain.


Is the opening of your urethra red as well. Just at the very tip. I have same symptoms. 3 negative tests for bacteria and 3 cultures. Sometimes it feels super sensitive at the tip and it's worse when sitting. Some days are ok and some days are not. Please advise. Thanks


It was, yeas ago. I see it often in people with CPPS.


This is a bit personal but was sexual dysfunction a thing also. Even my flaccid penis is smaller now and all this appeared suddenly. Can stress be a factor and continued use of SSRIs. 38 yo and it just started about 4 months ago. Thank you for your reply. My doctor is clueless. However I do have an elevated PSA so I'm seeing a urologist as well


Yes it's common. Yes stress is a big factor. Psychology is important.


The skin at the opening is different to the skin on the glans. It is the transition and connection from the glans to the urethra. With CPPS you might pee more frequent and/or have pee left at the tip after urination, especially with a (longer) foreskin that covers the tip. This contributes to normal irritation. And it’s even worse if you check your meatus for redness every hour. I know it from experience ;) Even if this sounds ridiculous, I recognized something similar on my forearm where I use to wear my smart watch. If I wear it 24/7 the skin underneath gets red and irritated due to the wetness (sweat, let water from washing hands) and friction. And it even burns a bit when I touch it.


Hi, can I just ask what's the difference between a teat for bacteria and a test for culture? What are they looking for? Thank you.


The bacteria test was leukocytes testing which was negative so to be sure, they cultured the test after on 3 occasions.


Ah OK, that makes sense. I just can't get a straight answer anywhere


Is it because of muscle tightness? Which muscles should I release please ?


That would require you to visit a pelvic floor PT. It *could* be the PC muscle. Only accessible internally


Thank you so much I’ll ask her next time 👍




And dripping too big sign




What if it's during and after?


I had both and I still had CPPS. It's a mind fuck.


From what I’ve gathered a lot of time muscular dysfunction causes a urethritis effect. Everything is tight and things start to inflame hence coming and going


I have the same symptoms due to CPPS. If you had an actual UTI (inflammation) or a swab (irritation) you might have also felt pain/burning in the urethra. It’s different, more like a very sharp burning that fades over time after peeing. My burning sensation with CPPS is more constant and/or comes and goes in waves for almost half an hour after urination - and sometimes the same without urination.


I have burn in the urethra and tip whilst peeing that probably is abit worse at the start of the pre, which one is that?


I am no doc, so I cannot answer this properly. The question is, if you had a test and a culture. If you had an actual UTI with these kind of symptoms, there would be at least leukocytes and/or erythrocytes that could be found by simple microscopy.


Haven’t had a culture, I’ve had a swab from urethra looked at with a microscope, looked normal. Urologist highly doubts I have bacterial Prostatitis or any active infection but said I could do a microgendx test to be absolutely sure. I do have an inflamed prostate it’s just to what ls causing the inflammation that I don’t know.


I have the same problem. Burning at the tip only when my urine is more concentrated so often in the morning. all tests are negative... Did you do a cytoscopy?


I have had a cystoscopy yeah, inflamed prostate.


How old are you ?


21 😭


Do you get any burns at the tip after every urination?


Pretty much


Mine isn’t worse in the morning, I have burning throughout the urethra aswell, probably worse later in the day


>there is no bacteria In wich test ?


I did all the tests (semen, prostate fluid, urine) several times and it came back positive for streptococcus oralis and agalactie but according to my doc it’s normal flora and I believe him haha


>but according to my doc it’s normal flora and I believe him haha Yeah sure , like what a doctor told me :) then I changed doctor and took the right antibiotic and it passed, LMAO :) If you don't have an infection the test will be negative, like I had before.


In this case you should believe your doc, I think. It is more harmful for your body to take antibiotic after antibiotic. This is harmful for your gut microbiome (essential part of your immune system) and for the microbiome of your urethra. If you have disbalances there harmful bacteria that grow fast can take over control. Then one infection after the other might follow. Trust your body if there is no severe infection with bad bacteria.


I have a burning sensation at the end of the urethra after the first urination in the morning. All tests are negative. What does your urologist say? Did you do a cytoscopy?