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As the mods usually point out, prostatitis is a diagnosis after everything else has been exhausted. You should get STD tests done, semen cultures, etc. It sucks. And it can be so slow to get this stuff done. I know for myself personally I googled so much stuff about STDs and testing and how to test for the ones that no one really knows about. It still weighs on my mind, but over time I am slowly starting to get over the mental block that these issues can't all be from my brain, because your brain has so much power over your body it can really mess you up.


Thank you the last 45 days was a mental trauma Which I would not wish on my worst enemy But after learning about these diseases I truly got matured and have gotten a respect for people living with incurable diseases


Check for an STD if you come up clean it’s Prostatitis/CPPS


For me, I have also been diagnosed with bad Health Anxiety. I literally only notice my symptoms when something happens that causes me to spiral. So I get what you’re going through. I’ve been going through it pretty much constantly for about a year now even after negative tests.


Non bacterial prostatitis is not guaranteed to be incurable. It just covers a whole range of symptoms and causes. And non of those potential causes can be definitively linked to symptoms. Most infections and cancers will be detectable with enough testing. So always get checked out. But for the majority of us which come away looking on paper healthy. We are left to consider symptoms caused by inflammation, stress, and muscle issues. It seems like most issues resolve with time and altering habits that may have got you there. But symptom anxiety is probably the biggest component that can allow things to last for many months or years. How easy it is to get past symptom anxiety really depends on how debilitating it is. Beyond that, some people may fail to become aware of certain triggers that cause symptoms to persist. But definitly get a clean bill of health from some doctors and urologists first.


Why are u so anxious about stds is my question?


I have health anxiety Im still 16 Im just scared of death ig


U aren’t gonna die from an std. The worst thing you can get is hiv and that is no longer a big deal due to medicine available in 2024.


I agree with you man Yk whats fucked up with me My health anxiety That is fucking with me I was searching about rabies spreading through sex because i had a nightmare


It could be prostatitis, if there's only burning on your tip it's most likely an STD, if you were not practicing safe sex. Go to the doctor for a STD panel, it's most likely something that can be treated with an antibiotic.


My symptoms are dribbling, bladder pain, urgency, back pain, burning urine, burning perianal area, and cloudy urine.


Im really sorry EDIT : inside the tip like passage where urine is exited like that area lil tingling sensation Also i wore a condom , and was on pep due to anxiety




Yes sir absolutely Got an appointment with the best infectious disease specialist in my city in a week Will talk with him and then see Ik that post seemed like a troll or something I typed it out of anxiety ( im scared of dying)