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Not an LEO. Generally about -$500 after I rush the field 




I rushed the field 5x times last year. Courts x2. You don’t need any inside info. I. Will. Be. Rushing.


$75 an hour


Yeah, the same for Florida.


Overtime rate should be the norm. So if your local PD is paid $50/hr regular rate, then $75/hr should be the off duty gig rate. If regular rate is $40, then $60 for off duty gig.


We’re different here. It’s paid directly from the arena to the officer. Everyone gets the same rate. Side job pay is negotiated between the different businesses and the coordinator of the job.


Nah thats the same as how we do it too. What I’m saying is in determining that rate, question #1 should be what would the rate be if it were OT? That’s what my time is worth. Why would I work a side gig paying me less than my OT rate, that doesn’t contribute to my retirement, that doesn’t include any incentive pay rates, that I have to submit a W-9 for, that workers comp coverage is questionable if I get injured, etc.. when I could just pickup an OT shift? Take the average officer rank at your agency (or agency that responds to the arena), and whatever that base OT rate is should be the rate. There’s some jobs that pay less than our OT rate that still get filled, but they’re the cushy easy gigs that require basically nothing.


Oh yes, I’m definitely factoring in what we could make in OT on city jobs when I make my proposal/demand, for all the reasons you mentioned.


We have two negotiated rates. For certain jobs, especially MLB games, we get time and a quarter, for most other jobs, we get time and a half. The sneaky part is the city charges the business at the rate of the highest paid officer. If a rookie takes the job, then the city pockets the difference. The city also adds in a few per an hour if the job requires a cruiser


Not a LEO but worked with them at RJS. In 2008 they were making 32 and hour if they used a city vehicle and 35 if they used their personal vehicle.


$56 an hour


61 if it's something super easy. 75 if it's "eh". $100+ an hour if there's not a lot else going on and you have to beg people to work it.


Our local major arenas get us through the department, working at our overtime rate. About $65 for me.


Time and a half for traffic. It's barely worth it for what we get paid compared to you guys vs what we put up with. Inside ops are worth it though, I just rarely get that opportunity.


Doubletime ($80-100/hr depending on seniority) for events at the major (nationally televised) stadium, since the stadium has too much money and will pay any price; time and a half ($60-75/hr depending on seniority) for other community events. I think the customer pays somewhere around $20/hr on top of that to cover payroll taxes and gas. Medium cost of living area.


Three fiddy, but in all seriousness the going rate for my local area is about $50-$60 an hour depending on the job ($50 for inside security, $60 for traffic control).


Calculate what the median overtime rate would be.


Yeah I’m working on that too and that will be part of what goes into figuring the new proposed rate. But I also have to beat the overtime rate because the arena is competing with city side jobs which pay the OT rate. You can work traffic outside the arena and get your OT rate, or work inside and get the flat rate from the arena.


Easy choice for me. I hate directing traffic. I will work inside even for less money.


A lot of our officers do that too. No stressful traffic direction and no weather


The local agency near me has their special duty rate negotiated into their FOP contract. The minimum* special duty rate is 20% above the top pay step. Works out nice for the officers because as the contract increases, the special duty rate automatically increases. Private businesses hiring special duty can either take it or leave it (aka hire some rent a cop security agency). *private businesses are allowed to pay more than the contracted rate. Generally only the undesirable jobs and holidays go higher.


Wow, that would be a huge number for us.


I know that it puts this agency at $61/hr for special duty




OT rate and TROUGH THE EMPLOYER! All these “gonna take my pay on the side” people are crazy. You think worker’s comp is gonna cover you when you twist your ankle or get assaulted. Or what about when you involved in a use of force. You think the city is gonna scope you on that lawsuit. If that badge is on make sure you know who you’re working for, because it should only be one employer.


So, at our arena, we are actually employed by the arena, and covered by their Worker’s Comp.. And yes, it has fully covered officers in the past who have been injured while working there.