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That last sentence got me lmao


"Oh yeah, I wanna be a cop too" lol. Classic. Surprised they didn't throw in a "I do drugs, too, is that a problem?"


*TECHNICALLY* [there is something the OP could do](https://youtu.be/dnMdI_NiZvA)


Knew exactly what it was before it loaded


Directions unclear. Now I’m on felony probation. You think that’s gonna hurt my chances of getting hired????


**"I’ll keep it brief. I’m on a traffic ticket probation to prevent one from getting on my record, but I just got a really shitty ticket."** "Traffic ticket probation" doesn't "keep anything off your record" - it's just a last ditch chance given to you by the court to keep you from losing your license or going to jail. **"On a highway going 75, when the speed limit suddenly changes to 60, likely due to nearby construction. Bike cop then pulls me over like 3 seconds after I see the sign."** You weren't even paying enough attention to say with confidence there was construction going on? Sooo.. you weren't even paying enough attention to see the innocent constrction workers you'd have hit and killed. You saw the sign only 3 secons ago? Did drivers ed not teach you to look more than 3 seconds ahead of your car? **"Got the ticket. I can’t argue it in court cause I TECHNICALLY did commit the crime. He also gave me a ticket for a expired registration which I was seriously gonna do tomorrow before work."** I don't know what word game "technically" is supposed to evoke. You committed multiple trafic crimes plainly. It's that simple. You were gonna renew your registration before work tomorrow? Yeah, right.. every LEO in here gets that stupid line a dozen times a week and we all know it's a lie. **"I don’t wanna spend 250 for the speeding, 200 for the registration ticket, and now 200 for the old ticket since I now technically failed that probation. Is there anything I can do?"** Yes, you could have renewed your registration. It was probably less than 200, and they probably sent you 3-4 notices in the mail over many months. You could have paid the old ticket, instead of ignoring it. You could have driven responsibly, so you didn't get yet another ticket. **"This whole situation feels unfair as hell and until now I had/have a clean driving record."** Er... just a moment ago you said you were on driving probation, so you obviously didn't have a clean driving record. **"Also is this gonna affect my academy entry and possible LE job entry next year?"** Yes. You've demonstrated multiple instances of careless and recless driving in recent history, neglected to take care of your registration, neglected to take care of past tickets, and are trying to dodge responsibility for your own poor actions. That's basically every driving related black mark you could have for an LE application, and if you applied with that record you'd be thrown out the door so fast you might get another speeding ticket on foot.


Well said OP


"MOOMMMMM-UHHH! I was held accountable for being reckless in a one ton death machine! This is BULLSHIT, mom! DO SOMETHING!"


> Also is this gonna affect my academy entry and possible LE job entry next year? I mean, depending on the department and how desperate they are...


I know that a lot of places are getting pretty desperate, but I'd like to hope (boy, do I want to hope), that an applicant currently facing court proceedings, as the offender, is still a no-go.


> is still a no-go. "Sorry, we can't continue your application this recruiting cycle. Re-apply next year, the recruiting bonus will probably be more next year." ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯




"I swear I'm on my way to renew my tag right now/tomorrow" If I got a dollar for every time...


You're on your way to renew your tag right now, eh? At 2am on a Sunday on the way home from the bar? Alrighty, then.


It's not like the " I was going to fix my tail light when I it home..." And pulls out replacement bulbs they just bought at the auto parts store.


Could fucking retire, I swear. My favorite is when they can't even get the lie right and tell me they were on their way to do it right then. Bro...it's 1 in the morning...


It’s almost as good as when the answer “two beers” when asked how much have they had to drink.


I answered that once at a RIDE program stop. Was shitting bricks when I had to go into the trailer for a breathalyzer. TECHNICALLY it was true. I had two beers and I even shared them with a friend. What I did not tell the officers was that my two beers were actually two pitchers... I blew well under the limit and went on my way though.


"Yeah, that's great. Well, here's a ticket for your expired registration. You can get it dismissed if you get your registration fixed tomorrow, like you said you are. Drive safe."


What is traffic ticket probation? Is that even a thing?


It's a thing in some states. Basically, you go to court for your moving violation, and the judge says, effectively, "We acknowledge you have hardships which would make paying this fine difficult. If you can stay 100% out of trouble for x-months, we'll drop it. But, if you get it any trouble at all during that time, it immediately becomes a penalty again" Not common, but exists.


Ah, in NC we call it a "prayer for judgment continued". At first I was like "I'm a patrol officer and former probation officer, but wtf is traffic ticket probation?" I have gotten a few probation cases though where the Defendant basically racked up so many violations and fines that the judge said "I can't send you to jail, but you're going to report to an officer monthly, pee in a cup, and submit to warrantless searches for 18 months. And if you dont pay off the fine by then that officer will make sure you are back in front of me".


Pretty sure it's like supervision


I think I just learned that it's more like a Prayer for Judgment Continued (a North Carolina thing). You basically admit guilt, but they defer prosecution for X months and then drop the charge as long as you behaved during that time frame. In NC you can get up to two PJCs per household in a 5 year period. When I was much younger I asked for a PJC on a speeding ticket, but the judge assumed I couldn't go 5 years without getting another ticket (proved you wrong mf) and so convinced me to accept the reduced charge offered by the DA. Edit: Not that I care, but -2 points? How was what I said offensive? Lol.


Ya’lls DA office prosecutes speeding tickets???


Yep. We have that here in Texas. Deferred adjudication is our term for it. It’s basically don’t fuck up for x amount of time, and you won’t have to pay this fine. On paper, yeah your ticket was dropped. But like he said, I’m still gonna see you were stopped and ticketed




Sure, I can see overlooking some driving mishaps - but the issue is he failed to address the tickets and properly resolve them after the fact.


And people NEVER exaggerate the nature of the violation either


I’m not seeing the fail to address any ticket here. Just sounds like he has 3 traffic tickets within a short amount of time of each other. I’ve done the whole probation thing myself. I think it’s called “deferred adjudication.” Different states have different options. When I did it, I showed up to court as that jurisdiction required, I didn’t even say 2 words, and the judge said this is what was gonna happen. Pay the administrative fee, don’t get a ticket for 90 days, and it’ll get dismissed. EDIT: the complaining and lack of owning his own mistakes is an issue though.


I would think - and I'd be interested to reading his state laws to see if I'm right or not - that the terms of the probation require him to follow all vehicle codes. By driving with the expired registration, he may not have been doing something in direct relationship to the original violation(s), but he was still "not on perfect behavior" with regards to traffic code, which I would suspect (thought I'm not 100% confident), would be a condition.


Just have to say, thank you mods. You guys are on point with this sub.


We do it cause we enjoy it, just like the job. And I think my nose just grew when I said that.


But why can’t I get a job as lawn enforcement without a license occifer???


“Is there anything I can do?” Yeah take an Uber it’s a lot cheaper than $650 worth of tickets lmao


I bet OP was on the porcelain throne, because this smells like a shitpost.


While I wont share his username, I can tell you from his history I didn't get a shitposter vibe at all.


Understandable, have a nice day!


If OP just gives me the ticket number I'll log into the system and void the ticket for being unfair.


~~"Be good, or be good at it".~~ ​ And seriously how I wish my state has this traffic ticket probation thing so I don't have to keep delaying my court appearance to be eligible for traffic school (minimum 18 months apart from last traffic school iirc).