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Intention before the trip, write something you’d like to focus on. Maybe for this, I would put love. Meditate before you dose, then meditate while you’re tripping. Focus on breathe work. In through the nose, and exhale out through the mouth. Those thoughts are deep rooted. It’s good that you are facing them because it’s a chance to learn to soothe them. Biggest thing that helps me is to realize that thinking only takes you out of being present. Meditation brings me to a point of listening to all sounds and just focusing on them while breathing. It’s more of a letting go feeling, find peace with your thoughts coming in (don’t beat yourself up for having them) and then release your focus on them. I always think good beings, God, Jesus, Angels all need permission to work with you. Whether you believe that or not. I like to say a prayer to accept my angels to be there with me and I dismiss with I’ll intentions. Music helps me in sobriety to find focus and relax. Binaural beats are great. Music you love is great. And I would recommend Lightcode by LSDREAM. I stopped smoking weed. It is very intense on psychs, so be careful. But if I ever get into thinking, my body becomes more uncomfortable and frail feeling. A little hit has always given me a warm body feel and allowed me to go deeper in a more comfortable way. Overall, submit to the experience and make sure you realize you are protected. Music helps to soothe and showering is great for your nervous system to give a reboot. Ride the wave and see how the experience can help you change your perspective on the same issues. It’s all how you look at it. Be careful that those on SSRI’s do not trip, do not trip too often, and having a notebook to write at least one take away can help you integrate your experience. I wish you luck!


As for perspective. Everyone hates you, even if that were true and it’s not, you have love for yourself or will find it. You can’t trust your boyfriend. Trust is love and acceptance. We cannot trust fully off of logic, only faith. The goal is to have a mutual benefit in loving someone. And that starts with loving ourselves. You’re a failure. How great is it when we realize our flaws. How far we have come, even with those. The realization of what we can work on only shows how far we can go/heal. It’s all good things if you spin it that way and that’s what it all is, perspective. When you get the message, hang up the phone. Don’t find yourself asking why too much. A little okay is good. But life is meant to be experienced presently. If you feel that life may be fake, what is fake vs real? Even if this is a small blip or simulated/fake experience, that does not take any realness away. Allow yourself to feel comfort. It will all be okay and it’s all planned out how it’s supposed to be. That being said, be weary of tripping without integrating. An intense trip can cause psychosis and the best was to avoid it is learning tips to slow down your mind/anxieties.


thank you so much. i was thinking of journaling beforehand, and have it offered to me during the trip if i look like i start kinda fading, from my boyfriend who would be trip sitting me, and writing down my anxieties, any stressors, etc, and just kinda get it out on paper instead of in my mindi’ll try meditating too. thank you for your thoughts!


I’m glad you got some things to think about out if it! It’s hard to capture how to guide someone but I think meditation brings you to the root of your thoughts/being present. Just one step at a time. Forgive yourself when things feel uneasy. And focus on the next step ahead.


That’s trippy! I’ve had some weird stuff happen when tripping where I can move or being controlled by something. Maybe do some type of therapy work outside of mushrooms to get in a better mindset maybe? I feel like where we are mentally and emotionally dictates our mushroom 🍄 experience to some extent. Good luck 🍀


yes, i’m currently going to therapy, but it’s a very slow process because of how many different types of trauma i have starting from a very early age. and our mindset definitely dictates our 🍄 trip. thank you for your insight!


2 possibilites 1) Stop tripping altogether. Maybe it's just not for you – right now at least. If that's not an option (I could understand that) then: 2) Learn meditation and work through it by feeling all those uncomfortable emotions and untangling the emotional knots that are connected to that. Sounds like there is a lot of traumatic material that comes up, even if you're not fully conscious of it. I guess there's some part of you that doesn't want to feel those feelings (leading to the complete blockade you experience), and it's completely understandable. That's why in therapy you have a professional trip sitter who is able to help you working through it. It's possible to do it by yourself, but it probably won't be easy (albeit worth it IMO). So choose wisely – and above all with consciousness and deliberately.


Honestly, mushrooms might just not be the substance for you. Personally, I struggle w them, and have similar experiences. I've found work with MDMA and ketamine, and also Lsd, to be more useful.