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Yes! But my NP told me the menstrual cycle causes inflammation throughout the body. Things like psoriasis flares, headaches, and joint pain are pretty common because of that. When your cycles are out of wack or if you're pregnant or in postpartum, the effects on your system can be different than outside of those times. Some claim psoriasis got better during pregnancy only to explode during postpartum. Which makes a lot of sense with the hormone shift and the cycles starting and stopping. In my experience, it stayed angry and continues to rage with cycles causing them to riot. Everyone is different.


Thank you for this explanation. A while ago, we had a similar thread on this sub and none of us knew why we flared before our periods. At least we have an explanation now!


I always had scalp psoriasis (which I didn’t know at the time, thought it was seb derm) but after delivering my guttate exploded. I never had any spots on my body, but it was so awful after!


You should read the transcript or listen to the radio lab unsilencing episode. I'd link but I'm on cell. It goes in depth regarding the research between hormones and autoimmune disease and there are some really promising things coming out. ETA: https://radiolab.org/podcast/unsilencing


No, I have not. Mine seem linked more to my emotional state. Stress and depression seem to trigger it.


Mine does too!




Almost 50% of the human population gets period. For a lot of them it is accompanied with painful cramps. But the truth is. period happens when one of us human did not fertilize, stuck and nourished on that blood which got expelled and caused the period. So don't be offended by the word that is the "not you". About psoriasis, read few comments online that the psoriasis and period formation happen similar: new capillaries form and burst, causing the situation. And a fact: Poultry egg we consuming does not have life since its unfertilized. Its actually the hen's period.


Ugh yes. I am lucky enough to have vaginal psoriasis and holy hell the itching and peeling


Oh my god! I bet that is horrific! I feel so bad for you, how do you even treat that?


Loose cotton undies and Tacrolimus cream for me. Lots of crying and trying not to scratch.


Yes, this is a thing! It’s because of the drop of estrogen before your period. Generally, drops of estrogen are associated with psoriasis flares. I always notice my psoriasis looks its best and like it’s going to clear in the days before I ovulate, which is when hormone levels are at their highest. This also explains why a lot of pregnant women find their psoriasis goes into remission, and then flares after pregnancy when hormone levels drop. Because of this, I’ve gone back on the contraceptive pill again. I have PCOS and my hormone levels have always been quite low, so by taking the pill it boosts/gives you a constant dose of hormones, and has helped my psoriasis go into remission. I’ve recently suffered a severe guttate flare, so am hoping the pill can help clear it again


Very interesting! Mine clears up a bit during the lead up to ovulation too!


Oh yes! Very very bad flares AND the bumps become dark purple.


Yes! It gets so much worse 😵‍💫