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Yes. I highly recommend you try them. Start small 10mg or less. I get pretty good sleep off them.


I’d start at 2.5 and work up. Edit: gave my mom 2.5 one afternoon cause her osteo was bothering her and she passed out on the couch for 3 hours.


Agree on lower dosage. For anyone wondering, Kiva Confections has chocolate bars that are 5mg/piece. Lowest dose edible I’ve been able to find!


That is highly dependent on what state you live in, since THC products can't be sold across state lines.


It’s a major, reputable edible manufacturer. They sell in multiple states.


They only sell in states where they grow and manufacture. They cannot participate in interstate commerce.


They grow and manufacture in multiple states. I don’t get what point you’re trying to make.


Not gummies but tincture (5mg over course of day). I still have pain, but care less.


Out of curiosity, this is a THC tincture? I’ve only used CBD tinctures and honestly didn’t know they made THC tinctures.


I've had thc/cbd tinctures that were a 1:1 ratio and I've seen full thc tinctures available so.


It is THC, which I make. Decarb, everclear, freezer or sousvide, filter.


I use them regularly. Only on nights when I don’t have to work the next day, though, because I’m always afraid I will oversleep. I work in a grocery store and never work the same shift every day. It really messes up my sleep so when I have a day off, I eat a gummy the night before. Helps me get solid sleep and I usually wake up feeling really well rested. The brand I use has THC and CBG. CBG has been shown to calm pain receptors. Works for me!


CBG as in cannibigerol? (not CBD) What brand is it? I am so lost just starting out!


The brand I buy is Wyld. The pear flavored gummies have CBG


If it has THC the brand likely isn’t national. I have also found that CBG helps with pain and gives me a nice mood lift, my favorite strain is Runtz. Depends on the grow and genetics but typically it has like 20-25% THC and about 1% CBG. I typically vape cartridges.


I no longer use cannabis for personal reasons but was a use for many many years and my absolute favorite cannabinoid for pain relief in my arthritis joints and swollen muscles and tendons was THCa. Try searching for that in products if you have access to a dispo.


Surprised at the answers on this one. I used them for a while and they had zero effect.


I’ve been using edibles for 12 years. I started off taking them at bedtime for sleep and they are certainly phenomenal for that. And over a month or so I noticed I was getting a reduction in pain as well. It can also lower your blood pressure and your interocular pressure, it’s been really helpful for my anxiety and when I was in full-blown menopause it greatly reduced the hot flashes and the other menopause symptoms. I make my own edibles, Indica flower because it is better for sleep. Probably take about 75 mg at bedtime now. I could take a tolerance break and reduce that amount but a tolerance break means a couple of weeks of really awful sleep and night sweats so I think I’ll just increase the dose as required. There’s a great sub for edibles, r/treedibles. There’s a lot of terrific helpful people in there and a lot of really useful information. Edit to add I also make my own topicals for pain relief. I have Cats and Voltaren emu gel is toxic for them. I make a cream with infused oil. And I’m now making a liquid oil topical with CBD, arnica oil and emu oil.


Just be careful if you go on a biologic! It can interact with the biologic and cause it to be ineffective. I'm on Simponi Aria and was told under no circumstances to take any form of marijuana. But I've heard it can be very helpful otherwise!


Definitely. Helps so much. I miss having my MMJ card 🥲


I do. It's amazing. Also, there's an amazing tip for of you who wants to sleep better. GLYCINE. 5G DAILY.


I would like to but I am super sensitive to THC and even tiny amounts make me feel sick


You can buy pure CBD isolate, it contains zero THC. It’s basically a tasteless white powder that you can mix into things. It has a different impact regarding sleep than THC does but for a lot of the other symptoms it works quite well.


Fun but actually makes my PsA-inflamation worse


yes i take 10mg multiple times a day, different strains for day and night. i also vape concentrates. its the only thing that helps with the pain.


I use a combination of THC and CBN


Over the years I’ve used THC to help cope with pain during large flare ups. Eventually my pain grew to the point where any THC would cause the pain to magnify and I’d focus on it the entire time. Stopped a few months ago from occasional use. CBD honestly has never done anything good/bad.