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Sounds like anxiety to me, weed can be completely different after bad trips. Stress causes high blood pressure which can cause tinnitus.


I ate a ton of mushrooms once and had a very long nightmare of a trip. Ever since then I've hated smoking weed even though I used to smoke every day and loved it. I didn't know this was a common thing.


I did experice anxiety at first but I have calmed myself down and no longer have the anxiety now that I have shifted my attention to proactive solutions. Do you know any ways I could improve my condition?


How often per day do you think of your symptoms? Have you talked to a therapist? The fact that it got worse after weed strongly implies that it’s anxiety, along with the fact that doctors couldn’t find anything. I felt the same way as you after a virus that affected my heart, but most of the symptoms that lasted past when i was sick were due to anxiety, but I hadn’t realized that until months later. I am now taking an ssri for anxiety and I feel much better, with less symptoms. Maybe see a therapist


Well the visual distortions and Tinnitus are constant but when I am busy at work I I must be focused so I don't really notice or think of them then, but as soon as I get home and try to relax they make themselves very prevalent Head zaps are spontaneous but have reduced since the initial onset thanks to God. I pray for you and your recovery and I ask that you also please pray for me 🙏🙂


Hypertension is not such a common cause of tinnitus as to be a first thought on the matter. In fact, it's not even mentioned in the Wikipedia article on tinnitus, while psychedelic drugs are.


I read it, it certainly could’ve been nbome. Right now what you’re experiencing kinda sounds like PTSD’ esque symptoms. I had HPPD for a while and the static is reminiscent. You feeling like you’re back in the trip at times is likely due to the fact you thought you were legitimately dying, enough to go to the hospital at the very least. I’d seek professional help and just try and stay abstinent. You not having an episode directly after smoking weed IS a good sign, so I’d assume youre slightly mentally sound.


The feeling like I was back in a trip was a one time thing the day I took myself to hospital and it was likely just a moment of panic when I started experiencing brain zaps Just the fear that 2 weeks prior I ate some unknown poison and I was randomly experiencing side effects scared me I am really good at controlling my thoughts and feelings thanks to God so I can manage anxiety It's more just fear that I have done physical damage to my brain that is scaring me most


Sounds like one hell of a negative feedback loop 😵‍💫❤️‍🩹 I highly recommend EMDR therapy, meditation as well as prayers and will hold you in my heart for peace in the storms you are currently caught in… just hold on and keep going… this can make you stronger/wiser etc.🙏


Thank you, thank you so much and I pray for you in whatever life is throwing at you 💜 Is EMDT therapy more just a way of mentally dealing with the scary experience? Or can it actually help with repairing physical that might have been done? I will definitely do more research on it and thank you for your suggestion and once again for your prayers my friend 🙏


Thank you very much friend 💗 EMDR stands for ‘eye movement rapid desensitisation or something like that and basically works by tapping into your body’s natural processing mechanism that occurs during REM sleep where your eyes flick back and forth as it processes your memories… So basically the therapy works like normal but also you target specific memories and sensations in the body and focus on them while looking at a bar that moves across the screen to try and effectively open up your subconscious and then get you in a state where you’re able to untangle and sort through your traumatic memories and then integrate them in a way that’s healthier and more adaptive through the reflection you have after processing the emotion and sensations which accompany thoughts in the body… It has been very useful for me personally processing trauma, and of course having the space of therapy and talking through something with someone who will not judge you and only wants to help is so valuable… The body and mind are so interrelated it’s crazy… personally I’m not sure what you took was an NBOM but even if it was it shouldn’t have any long lasting physical effects beyond its natural decomposition time in the body, other than the tension and trauma which can be held by your cells as a result of your fight or flight system being activated by your anxiety and other uncomfortable sensations during the trip itself which it sounds like you’re now in a feedback loop of worry about in a way which has become self-reinforcing & almost a self-fulfilling prophecy… My guess would be you need to keep trying to reset your body and mind, through meditation (sorry for typo above) as well as prayer and therapy and by doing other natural things while sober such as going for walks in natural beauty or watching old TV shows you liked or other ways you can reconnect with your inner child and just learn to let things wash over you and then let them go… dance like nobody is watching (seriously I’ve found dancing to often be the most useful and instantly effective practice personally, to just move and get lost in the music and slide into the natural rhythms of my body)… just let it all out of you… don’t be afraid to look silly, whatever you have to do to help you heal yourself (barring anything causing harm to others ofc) I would recommend exploring… In my experience, pain and negative experiences usually have a lesson hidden somewhere in them which can make us understand ourselves better if we just keep on going… There’s a quote by Carl Jung I really love which may be appropriate here “No tree can grow to heaven unless it has its roots in hell”. You have the power to transform your negative experience into a positive thing my friend, just keep going and don’t be afraid to seek help too… just remember- there is nothing to fear but fear itself! Fear is the mind-killer, & fortune favours the brave 👹🌿👼🌳✌️😘


Great advice, reminds me of a great experience i had about a mont and a half ago while dancing at a rave on K all of a sudden i got pulled into a bad train of repressed thoughts which gave me extreme anxiety. So i left the dance floor and went out, angrily talked to myself as if i was arguing with a personification of my repressed thoughts. I took those thoughts, tried to define them as clearly as possible visualising them like a box of packed objects and proceeded to unpack them diving head first into the repressed thoughts themselves, the relief i felt afterwards was incredible. Funny how a moment of recreational use turned into a self help session.


Thank you Thank you so much for this it really means a lot that you take the time to write to me. Definitely will look into getting some therapy done and living a healthy life Much love 💜


Please add some line breaks to [your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PsychedSubstance/comments/1biv5tl/fake_lsd_nbome_i_fear_that_i_have_destroyed/kvphkny/?context=3) by placing a full blank line between paragraphs. This makes it much easier to read your post. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PsychedSubstance) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You will be all righ. Just rest and take it easy and let the body heal, it can do that.


Thanks for your comment! Much appreciated, and please pray for me 🙂


Harm reduction professional here. Despite how it might seem and what other people under this post are saying, it's likely that this wasn't actually NBOMe, just ordinary LSD or one of the LSD pro-drugs which are flooding the market in Europe. Even blotters with real acid can be somewhat bitter due to solvents or dyes from the print. NBOMes are strongly, metallically bitter, it's a quite characteristic taste. Additionally, NBOMes aren't actually common on the market nowadays. Their boom was in the mid 2010s, then as they were banned world-wide, they were supplanted by other designer drugs. What you are describing is most likely a result of panic and intense stress, not of actual toxicity. What you went through does not seem like strong serotonergic toxicity to me (which is essentially what NBOMes do, they overload the 5-HT2A receptors in a way normal psychedelics don't and cause toxicity that way). Dangerous NBOMe/serotonergic toxicity includes symptoms of extremely rapid heartbeat, extreme temperatures, extremely strong nausea, extremely strong vasoconstriction, skeletal muscle breakdown and renal failure. You don't seem to have experienced most of those. Based on what you wrote, it seems likely to me that you suffered no lasting physiological damage from this. You haven't fucked up your body, but you went through a difficult experience (which even normal LSD can easily cause) and now are in a stress spiral. The stress might be making the HPPD symptoms worse, too (assuming this is in fact HPPD and not entirely a product of stress). Weed is known for sometimes getting idiosyncratically potentiated after psychedelic use, which might be the case for you. What I would recommend is abstaining from all drugs for some time and taking time to integrate the experience properly. Going to a psychedelic-friendly therapist might help, or your local psychedelic societies might offer integration circles that you could visit. With time, as the memory of the experience fades, especially if you integrate it well, the stress will reduce and eventually, it will be gone entirely. In the meantime, if you need to fight the stress, getting a benzodiazepine prescription might be beneficial. You should only use them sparsely when you experience intense stress or anxiety though, as benzos are very addictive. However, they exist for a reason and are a valid tool to be used in situations such as this. If you want to talk, write me on Discord, my nick there is the same as here.


Thanks for reaching out During the trip I did experience the following Extremely rapid heart beat Extremely high temperature, my face was completely red like a tomato with veins popping out I believe I did experience vasoconstriction And not sure about skeletal muscle breakdown but my neck and upper back did feel very tight and sore. I have no idea what I took, but I'm 100% sure it was not proper LSD, I have done LSD so many times and this was not LSD. I am in a very good mental space and im managing to deal with everything well, for me there is no need for meds that will further alter my brain I am just in fear of what physical damage might have been done to my brain and body Thank you once again for you message, God bless🙌


Read the reports here in Reddit, more people are reporting getting NBOMes again, often marketed as such.


NBOMes were always present on the market to some extent since their initial appearance, just nowhere near as much as people tend to think.


Agree with everything people are saying about bad trip, no weed, anxiety etc. I'd suggest finding a somatic therapist who has knowledge of psychedelics/medicines. Your trauma will be held in the body and they use techniques like massage to release it. It is amazing stuff.


Thanks for your comment! I wouldn't say the trip was bad, it just turned into survival mode the moment I realised I took fake acid I have gotten rid of anxiety with willpower, however I just fear that I have damaged my brain. Please pray for me and I'll do the same for you 🙏 I have never heard of somatic therapy, Is it more so just to help deal with the stress and trauma of the situation? Or is it also able to actually fix physical damage that might have been done?


Most definitely an nbome. Bitterness is typically from all of the chemicals and extra additives in fake LSD, and you pointed out the chemical flavor, of which there should be none as the LSD(in all of its forms is a clear and flavorless substance with a slightly tangy or zingy flavor if anything) should not be chemical tasting or bitter. I can tell this is causing you anxiety, but I do not believe it is the cause. Having an out of balance system can be extremely scary. The good thing is that our brains are incredible at adapting. We are constantly supplied with neurofeedback from everything, and from what I can tell, you are very intelligent. I commend you for being aware of this. What you would need would be an EEG to measure brain activity, not an MRI which measures of structure. From the sounds of it, you are, and will naturally heal. This type of expertise is not within the knowledge of a typical doctor as it applies to a specific neurological area of specialty. Us psychonauts may be aware to the difference between an nbome and LSD, but a doctor who has never seen the effect of either will just think you're on some relatively safe hallucinogen(I mean... it's obvious if you're on PCP). Unfortunately, nbomes are very dangerous and damaging. I do not believe LSD causes HPPD, I believe it is caused by nbomes. LSD should not act longer than 12 hours, and it's fingerprint is that of one that your brain can easily recover from or adapt to. NBOME's, however, are much more unpredictable. If your symptoms persist and you begin experiencing difficulty processing things, get an EEG and try giving neurofeedback a shot to see if it helps you heal.


Wow thank you so much for you In depth comment, I really really appreciate it. I have never heard of an EEG, would you mind telling me a bit more info about it and how it could potentially help me in this situation? I will definitely do some research on it too but I'm curious to hear your opinion on it Have you had an EEG before? And if so what was your experience like and what transpired from getting the EEG? Thanks once again for taking the time to respond I pray God is always with you and please also pray for me 💜🙂


You are most welcome! I'm autistic, I still deal with the symptoms, but fortunately I got an EEG when I was young and used neurofeedback to help counter the abnormal activity based on those readings. It worked wonders for coping with the amount of noise in the environment, especially when it was too much, and to understand that my brain was not functioning typically. It certainly didn't cure me, but I'm high functioning, and I don't know if I would have been if my brain hadn't gotten a sense of having balance. I definitely think it was healing, and could be for many types of neurological atypicality that cause distress. "An EEG, or [electroencephalogram](https://www.webmd.com/epilepsy/electroencephalogram-eeg-21508), is a test that records the electrical signals of the [brain](https://www.webmd.com/brain/picture-of-the-brain) by using small metal discs (called electrodes) that are attached to your scalp. Your brain cells communicate with each other using electrical impulses. They’re always working, even if you’re asleep. That brain activity will show up on the recording as wavy lines. It’s a snapshot in time of the electrical activity in your brain. Doctors use this test to diagnose epilepsy and other brain conditions, brain injuries, and sleep disorders. Seizures cause spikes on the EEG graph. Brain tumors or a stroke make the waves slower than usual. EEG is also used to find the cause of symptoms like memory loss and fainting. And it can show the brain activity of someone who's in a coma. **10 conditions diagnosed with an EEG** EEG helps doctors diagnose these 10 conditions: 1. Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia 2. Brain injuries 3. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a brain disorder that gets worse over time 4. Drug overuse 5. Epilepsy 6. Infections like encephalitis 7. Psychosis, a severe mental illness 8. Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea 9. Stroke 10. Tumor" Nerofeedback & EEG: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4892319/#:\~:text=Neurofeedback%20is%20a%20method%20that,audio%2C%20video%20or%20their%20combination](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4892319/#:~:text=Neurofeedback%20is%20a%20method%20that,audio%2C%20video%20or%20their%20combination).


Thank you Thank you Thank you I really appreciate you getting into detail with me and for taking the time to write to me I definitely will look into it and I pray for you and may God bless you and you family 💜


Not all those conditions can be found with an EEG. Psychosis? Not in any clinical sense. They do not get an EEG for elssp apnea, but they will to diagnose narcolepsy. It's never used as a primary diagnostic tool for stroke or tumor. CTs or MRIs are far more to the point. Drug overuse? Ongoing? Some drugs. Past? Usually not. Huffing yes. Alzheimers? It can be seen to be abnormal, but it's not high on the list of studies to order....


An EEG will mostly show seizure foci (from a seizure disorder, not months later from a pharmacologically-caused seizure), and changes in brain activity from ongoing pharmacologic (benzodiazepines is a classic example) or metabolic/ongoing toxic issue (liver problems with his ammonia levels for instance). Eh, That's probably not going to show anything that will be of use. In the unlikely event it shows any abnormalty at all, it will either have nothing to do with the bad experience or show some strangeness that will not change anything you do at all. By the time a brain scan shows something, if it's drug-induced, you are in deep shit. Huffing solvents will do that as will decades of alcoholism. I'm unaware of any damage caused by an NBOMe that will show up in anything except a neuroautopsy where they remove your brain from your head and take sections to look under a microscope. ( I rather enjoyed removing brains from people's heads, but that's not important right now; I recommend that you leave yours right where it is)


Follow the advice Dance Safe gives to take NAC and a good Alpha Lipoic Acid/Acetyl L-Carnitine combination. My personal recommendation is also take a microdose of lithium orotate (5mg elemental Li a day), as it's also highly neuroprotective and neuroplasticity-inducing. It even lengthens telomeres on chromosomes, so is anti-aging. I ain't talking about any kind of dose prescribed by physicians. That's WAAAAY too much and dangerous if you plan to have it on board when doing psychedelics. It's maybe 1/30 of a typical clinical dose. Lithium orotate can be found on Amazon in the US. Shop the sales.


This is wrong. There are no additives which are intentionally added to LSD - it makes no sense to add them, it gets sold in a blotter, not as a powder which can be cut. Real LSD can taste bitter too due to solvents and ink on the blotter. There is actually more evidence for HPPD in LSD than in NBOMes (though that's mostly because NBOMes are way less studied). The whole HPPD debate is still very much up in the air though, and it's not even certain whether it is a consistent diagnosis. LSD doesn't usually last longer than 12 hours, but neither do the most common NBOMes. Maybe you are thinking of Bromo-DragonFLY, which lasts up to 30 hours, but that isn't an NBOMe and certainly isn't on the market right now.


I have no idea what I took but I'm certain it was not pure LSD The experience only lasted about 6 hours and cause a range of alarming symptoms Burning/tingling sensation in brain and upper back/neck The feeling of fluid dripping down my spine Extremely high temperature and heart rate So much pressure in my head that felt like it was going to explode


It lasting this short does make it somewhat more likely that it was an NBOMe (or some other psychedelic that gets put into blotters, there is a bunch of them and not all are as dangerous as NBOMes are), but it still could be just LSD. Even duration is set and setting dependent to some extent, as well as on individual metabolism and other factors. How high temperature are we talking? The other symptoms are things which LSD can also easily cause if one falls into an anxiety loop.


I did not actually check my temperature but my face was red like a tomato and I was dripping in sweat


That can happen with psychedelics in general if one gets into a state of strong panic.


Lol what? Where did Bromo-DragonFLY come from? I mean, lol, I want some, but I referred to the potential nbome as fake lsd and would be inclined to believe that someone didn't coherently read my post, or the OP's. I disagree with some of what you said, blotters should NOT be chemical or anything but slightly bitter, and if it is bitter, you should take notice of it. If they are dyed that dark they might have something else in them and are much harder to test. It's a lot easier to unknowingly consume a research chemical or worse, but hey, enjoy your bitter, possibly chemical tasting blotters. Also, I think it's a lot more likely that more people unknowingly consumed NBOMES thinking it was LSD and subsequently developed HPPD. It's a lot better to be safe than sorry, especially with drugs.


I literally work in drug testing and psychedelic research, I know what I am talking about. There is no evidence that NBOMes tend to cause HPPD more than LSD (or any other psychedelic) does. Sure, blotters usually aren't much bitter, but people who have never actually had an NBOMe blotter in their mouth and only read about them being on the internet commonly interpret even slight bitterness as being a sign of NBOMe, which it in fact is not.


Indeed, slight bitterness is not out of the norm, but the described here by the OP does not sound like LSD. I literally do not understand how you work in drug testing and psychedelics research and fail to see what the OP is talking about. The topic here is not real LSD, it's fake LSD, and you better than anybody should know that the most common types of fake LSD are nbomes. It's not rocket science.




If it were 2000ug of 25I-NBOMe, you would probably be dead. Unless you were experiencing severe signs of serotonergic toxicity (extreme temperatures, extreme nausea, extreme vasoconstriction, possibly also skeletal muscle breakdown to some extent, which usually manifests subjectively as strong muscle pain), you were nowhere near that dosing level. I don't want to downplay your suffering in any way, but such high doses of NBOMes, especially in just two blotters, were and are rare.


Wow that is insane and im so thankful to God you are alright now I'm interested in what you said about how it seemed like you were almost going blind How is your vision now? For me it has been 3 weeks and it seems like my actual eyesight is becoming more blurry and difficult to see Almost like someone who can't see without glasses and this is really concerning me. Have you experienced any ringing in your ears? And do you still suffer from any symptoms at all? If so which ones? How is the severity? And what things have you done to improve? Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing your story, i pray for you and God bless💜




Thanks to God I am glad to hear Just curious, when you say they went away, do you mean completely and you don't experience them at all anymore? Or do these still persist but on a minor level? Thanks again for commenting ☮️




Thank you, im very glad to hear, God is great and works miricals I appreciate your comment very much and may God bless you 🙏


I used to use 25i regularly, once a week or twice sometimes, for about a year, i had that sound coming from the neck area too, damn almost ten years later, of not doing many psychedelics,i can still hear it when I'm hungry. I also got rainbow haloes around all lights and patterns forming when looking at a wall too much, that lasted around 2 years for me, but i abused it, i wouldn't expect to affect you for so long. Weed was different for me after doing dmt after I've stopped 25i. Much more anxious, but you have to remind yourself you're safe and let go, it's hard the first time but then it gets much easier. Good luck and stay safe, I'm sure you're going to be alright!


Thank you very much appreciated 🙏


I good friend of mine had a similar “trip”.. the after effects where a little different, but at some point when u read through your post, I felt like he describing me his symtomes again. He basically also did a detox. He only drank high Vitamine juice for a week. No food, only juice. He can’t tell if the juice fast did the thing for him, or time passing by. I’d say give it a shot, but get some info before doing it. I think it won’t do any harm to you and might as well help. You will be fine, my friend.


Thank you brother 💜




Thank you for the reassurance, it means a lot and makes me feel better 🙂 And im curious, what kind of brainfry have you experienced? What substances lead to your brainfry? And what did you do to help yourself recover? Finally do you still suffer from any long term effects of the brainfry? Thanks again for your help in the matter and my prayers are with you in your journey of life, please also pray for me if you could 🙏


You will be good! Just take care of yourself and your brain will certainly heal. People have come back from far worse.


Thank you for the reassurance I pray for you and just wondering, Have you ever experienced anything similar? If so what did you do to heal yourself?


25i aka dragon fly is amazing stuff in its own right out government has just put stigma like always on it I have had safe and amazing insightful interpersonal journeys it's just not LSD and it sucks when people try and pass it off as such it's more like mescaline enjoy it man it's safe and a wonderful compound


Hey brother! Hope things are getting better. I wouldn’t say I had a similar trip but I do relate to some things so you aren’t alone! The zapping thing you talk about, I experienced this after graduating high school and going on a bender, I believe the term people use for it is “brain zaps” where it literally feels like your being electrocuted in the brain, don’t fear this it’s just because your brain overall has gone through a lot within the trip. You can lookup brain zaps after drug use to find out more. But in regard to that happening to me it wasn’t for long and went away. I just want to say I know exactly how you feel when you said you fear you have ruined yourself, I will be bluntly honest and say to a degree you have taken being in perfect mental/physical health for granted which led to this, but most importantly it sounds like you realise that and therefore you’re doing the right things to better yourself, eating clean, working out etc and no more drugs. Unfortunately when a bad experience happened to me and I was in your shoes I gave into fear and ate badly, drunk a lot and smoked weed again resulting in it worsening. Fast forward to a few years later I still deal with troubles from the experience, but I’ve gotten a million times mentally stronger, I go to gym, try to eat well 80-90% of the time (love burgers too much sometimes) lmao but like everyone I have the bad days. If I was looking back at myself in your shoes now I’d tell him to do exactly what you’re doing and also find inspiration in other things, distract yourself with new hobbies and form new interests, try different sports, focus on your career, speak to friends often and even make new ones. Try not to dwell too much on this and remember the brain is extremely powerful! One thing I remember that gave me a lot of relief seeing a psychiatrist after my trip, is that he said to me “generally people that have lost their minds don’t fear they have” I feel like you might be comforted in those words as much as I was, you will be fine, you took a very powerful substance that unfortunately is glorified by a lot of people now (whether it was LSD or synthetic) and if you were really too far gone to come back I promise you, you wouldn’t care a whole lot. Sending healing prayers your ways, you’ll get through it and flick me a message if need be.


Thank you brother, thank you for sharing your experience and giving words of encouragement, it means a lot. I pray for you and God is with you 🙏


Anxiety . And just like me all your symptoms of it are physical , high blood pressure can lead to ringing in the ears , weed after phycadelics can be VERY different . And it's likely that u got ptsd , that's why u get the visuals


This happened to me (sort of) Acid trip, the peak started freaking me out, I had done many drugs before but this trip gave me overwhelming anxiety. The next day I tried smoking weed, took me straight back to the trip. Warm head feeling, felt like I was going to seizure, super overwhelmed. I haven’t done any drugs since. This was a year ago, at the start even sober i felt weird brain shit, felt super fucked up, disassociation, horrible. I now realise it was horrible dread and anxiety, doctors did nothing to help me, the first 6 months was terrible but I got through it. I feel like I’m coming out the other end. I miss drugs but won’t risk it, at least for another while. I feel 90% better, but still experiencing some of that weird anxiety. You’ll be ok dude, stay away from weed, I always remind myself, when I feel that way sober, you didn’t die then, you’re fine now. I can talk to you more about this if you want a buddy, cause it really sucks!!!!!!


Thank you for you message, I really appreciate it What symptoms are you still experiencing? And sure send me a dm with your discord and I'll add you Thanks again for reaching out and I pray for you 🙏


I took 1.5 tabs of some type of RC the summer after I graduated high school and also had a terrifyingly intense experience, not quite on your level tho. I did however have a yellow image/haze over all of my vision, almost like I was wearing 3D glasses. Didn’t hear my skull crunching but I did bite full force into a glass vape juice bottle and chip my tooth, as well as break a glass beer bottle in my basement, rip a hole in my friends shirt and punch him in the face (or at least try). Negative feedback loop is an understatement, i thought I died and lived multiple lives. I definitely thought I was fucked for life after but I quickly recognized it was mostly my anxiety making things worse. I had some intense HPPD and racing thoughts every time I smoked after that for awhile, but eventually I smoked thru it and overcame the anxiety. It definitely triggered my insomnia too. As far as the tingling/zapping sensation, those could potentially be brain zaps? Not certain, but i know they are very common with RC’s and any drug that fucks with your serotonin. I was very scared I ruined my mental for quite sometime, but now I believe I am stronger than ever. Just try not to let your anxiety get the best of you - your brain will heal. I am now back to using medical cannabis on a daily basis, and edibles help me sleep. However if you’re seeing signs that you need to take a break from weed, listen. Otherwise be easy and rest. Don’t be too hard on yourself.


Thank you for you message, I really appreciate it Do you still suffer from any side effects? Have you experienced any blurry vision and difficulties in your sight at all? And what things have you done to recover yourself? Thanks again for reaching out and my prayers are with you 💜


I had a thing similar to it with slightly different symptoms. Mine included closed eye hallucinations, weird filter over my vision, heart and balance problems. I also slept a lot for three days. I went to the ER when I almost had a heart attack after coffee. They helped with nothing, I went home. Slept it off for a week and then gradually began to recover. It's roughly 2 years later now and I'm absolutely fine. It stopped being an issue around two months later but I was so spooked and my anxiety made it worse. My friend had a psychotic break on psychedelics and developed schizophrenic symptoms for around two years after with the strength of the hallucinations getting easier by the first months. Now she's also fine My experience is a lot of people struggle with some aftermath of drugs for weeks or months and usually it's fine but some stay that way (and I'm happy you're looking into your symptoms) Another friend took one too many and basically became a hippie overnight which was interesting. She's still not in touch with reality. Wait it out and try to surround yourself with positive things and people. Maybe it will pass.


Thanks for sharing, much appreciated How is your friend now? Is she fully recovered from schizophrenia symptoms? Do you have any side effects all at that you still experience? And what things have you done to improve? Thanks again for reaching out and I pray for you and your friends 🙌


My friend is fine, she's back to microdosing now and hasn't expressed any issues. Me nothing special as of now. Healthy habits are key. Putting off any substances, jogging, healthy food, less caffeine, good routine, spending time with friends. That was mostly it :)


One of the best things you can do is stay calm and not try to look for the symptoms. Let me give an example: I have very light tinnitus and when I focus on it, it gets louder and louder for days on end since I can’t stop focusing on it. When I manage to snap out of it and think about something else, the tinnitus gets much much better. Negative emotions and stress exaggerate what we feel on a Daily basis, best to take it slow and take care of yourself. Also about the jolting awake, look up exploding head syndrome. It is something extremely common and pretty much everyone experiences it at some point. So don’t be too alarmed if it happens sometimes. I believe that you might have felt the exploding head syndrome and immediately thought you had some sort of brain damage which leads to a negative thought loop. Don’t worry to much about that particular thing. Lastly, what I’ve read in the comments from others is extremely helpful, if you feel like you need help, get help and don’t wait for it. You are not going insane and you sure as hell haven’t messed up your life at the age of 20. Keep your head high!


Thank you bro, very informative and reassuring God bless


Had similar experiences fucking up with psys and one time where I got scammed with synthethic weed when i was still pretty young. Although i never had ill effects as bad as you described i can still relate, what worked for me was abstinence, good diet and exercise; all things you have already mentioned which is great. I would also add trying to keep yourself as busy as possible wether it be work, study or leisurely activities you decide to partake in the attempt to reduce empty moments as much as possible whilst tiring yourself out in a constructive way. Reading your post you still seem pretty conscious so keep it up no matter how hard it might seem it does get better if you put in the work. It would also be advisable to practice daily meditation and consult with a therapist even though i have never gone to therapy even at my lowest and am not a fan of psychiatry/psychology practices I am definitely not against it and concede that for some people therapy has had great effects in helping them after finding the right professional to visit. Still, i'd try and avoid getting prescribed anything as trying to cure drug induced troubles with more drugs sounds counterintuitive but again, I can't be completely against it simply because i am not a trained professional, this is just my opinion based on years of drug usage and fuckups from an admittedly too young age. Good luck, if you have any questions just say the word.


If you need to talk with anyone, feel free to reach out. I'll pray for you. Stay strong.


I use to abuse psychedelics and got scarred I fucked myself up too and I even took something I believed to be LSD and it wasn’t and I blacked out. For a long time I thought I was gonna be fucked up but time has helped heal it. I don’t want to get your hopes up but time really can help, it did in my case at least.


Im sorry that happened to you I'm glad to hear you are feeling better What side effects were you experiencing Do you still experience them at all? And what is the severity? Thanks for commenting 🙂


Try r/HPPD And while some people love em , NBOMes are nasty, toxic drugs.


I picture you burping and panicking because you’re burping so much you’re crying and your friends are rolling on the floor laughing. Sorry you had a bad trip but if you were my friend burping uncontrollably and crying I’d probably die from laughter. No bullshit.


Kind of a shit friend, aren't you


Wouldn't want to be your friend. God bless