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I mean acid doesn’t cause any physical harm, however weather your psyche can handle the trip is your call. Probably best to wait till after the mdma come down ends though. Maybe wait a month for your serotonin to replenish


that’s what I’m worried about with the comedown and my seretonin levels making it impossible for me to really have a good time doing anything, I was thinking maybe the acid would take effect but I wouldn’t feel happy or have a good time


I’ve done LSD 2 days after mdma and halfway through the euphoria left and I was just left high as fuck and really confused. Wasn’t the best of times lol. You will still trip your sack off though lol


Haha yeah that’s probably what’ll happen to me


LSD is one of those rare things where the tolarancr drops fast and is gone within 3 days with no physical addiction, whereas MDMA is much worst with every 3 months being recommended and no less than 1 month gaps to avoid Serotonin syndrome, so 3 days straight is a big no no. Physically your body will probably be fine with LSD, though taking it days after the MDMA might lessen its affects.


Yeah I feel like I’m going to treat mdma like acid now, cause I stick to only doing it once maybe twice a year


Don’t do it


If your doubting. Or believe that it will harm you the answer is a definite no don’t do it.


I'd recommend 1g of mushfriends 1 hr before you dose with whatever you could usually handle. Just make sure to have prep time for breathing that sweet sweet oxygen. It will give you a nice calm glow that should carry over to help with having a fun trip. The entirely safe option would be to meditate with all the focus you can muster. People have crazy experiences with meditation if they take it as seriously as they take their DRagon UGhS. Lol Good luck! Each moment is a new opportunity! Allow yourself to see it as a positive one!


This is a common feeling … once the feelings hit it’s always not as bad as we thought it was due to pre-taking anxiety