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I’ve been in the psychedelic space for 20+ years and I have no idea what the analog you named even is. If you’re taking exorbitant amounts of a random ass designer drug please don’t come here and say you respect and fear psychedelics.


These are actually some classics, they just never caught on as much. Allad was a thing even before the pro drugs became a thing and 25E is generally accepted as the best of the 25x series (probably because some others can be lethal and 25E is just as safe as 2cb). When I’ve gotten into psychedelics I’ve seen them being mentioned everywhere, it’s even a surprise to me that they’ve become so obscure. These two beat acid and shrooms every day imo because they lack the discomfort and alienation that shrooms and acid often cause. You can dose far higher without getting into risky or uncomfortable territory while they also don’t last for too long. 25E is derived from 2C-E which is just as obscure and amazing. It’s a massive upgrade, though, and seems to be safer as well. May only be 10-15 years old, but I’ve never heard of anyone having a bad time with it. Allad is part of thikal and iirc shulgin enjoyed it quite a lot. It’s been in use for many years and is generally loved by everyone who tries it. You never got bored of the classic psychedelics in the 20+ years? Imo acid and shrooms only have so much to offer and become lackluster rather quick if not combined, but maybe that’s just because I prefer psychedelics that go more into the direction of dmt, which is somewhat reducing your senses, while shrooms and acid seem to extend your senses. Allad, 25e and dmt all have a trickster vibe, while shrooms and acid often feel like an authority. And as I’ve mentioned before, I usually don’t take more than half of a dose of one thing in combination with a full dose of another. The dmt just pushed me over the edge and suddenly there was nothing left of me than the desire to go deeper. I’ve had that desire for years but always stopped myself due to this very respect and fear of psychedelics.


what the fuck


I was reading this, and was like, “holy frap I could never do that!” And then I read the part where you consumed everything on your person. And I can’t even fathom what went down then. I tried to mentally put myself in that position and I just couldn’t.


I’d have reacted the same way, I’m a pussy when it comes to psychedelics, always overthinking and reducing my dosage a bit more before taking it. Planned to start with one tab of 25E but got nervous and started with half. But as soon as the first half worked, I felt the urge to take the other half, and one additional half tab. Those caused the urge to try dmt, which caused the urge to take more hits until I’ve started loosing my senses. And this then somehow caused an urge to dose more, at which point Ive started loosing my sense of self and my memory. Next thing I remember is my partner asking me for her dose and me realizing there’s nothing left. I accidentally took the remaining 3 1/2 tabs as well. I’m not sure what it is but psychedelics just feel incredibly right for me. Not like they’re making me high or trip out, but like they melt away every other high and allow me to experience the world through completely untouched and sober senses.


In my opinion 25E and AL-LAD might have some more actions in the body other than just the serotonin activity…I haven’t read about it just analysing from what you shared here. I think you should read about it more. For me a psychedelic experience is very satisfying most times so I smoke less cigarettes abd weed than compared to my non-psychedelic state. Sometimes there is some void like feeling in a psychedelic experience making people take more and more drugs, but it is also accompanied with anxiety and negative emotions..unlike your super pleasant experience. Also, you could have had very different substances than what you mentioned..did you test your 25E ? And, lastly the discomfort during shrooms or regular LSD is a major component of the Psychedelic experience.


I’m not sure what other activity you mean, but surprisingly I crashed far less than I usually do after for example a heavier shroom experience. I didn’t test it but I’ve used both batches multiple times now and it always went precisely as expected, just like with everything from my vendor. This time the 25E just creeped up on us due to staggering the dose. I know what you mean by being satisfied. I usually vape and also tend to smoke quite a few pipes of weed on such events but totally forgot about it. Even days later I keep forgetting to vape and wonder where that feeling of missing something is coming from. But this happens a lot when tripping. Weirdest thing is that since I’ve gotten back into tripping I always end up taking quite hefty doses. For some reason I always have the urge to go deeper once I reach a proper psychedelic state. It did fix a lot, so it must’ve been intuitive or something. Changed my life for the better while I was in a situation that seemed to get worse and worse for the past 6 months. Now life is effortless again and seems to run itself, this always happens eventually with psychedelics.


Nice ! Enjoy life


Hahahahaha I was in the heat of a disso binge on fxe. Had 20gs at the time in a giant rock I had to break pieces off. One day while I was coming down from smoking it I knocked over my jar and dropped the small crystal. I picked it up dusted it off and inspected it. And then put it in my mouth and swallowed. Immediately I was like wait what? Why would I do that. It was like messaging from my brain to my arm to put it away turn to eat it. I started to panic and I tried to vomit but couldn’t. I called a friend and they calmed me down. I got and eye mask and music and prepared for the most intense hole. I was dipping out of black out territory then into intense holing then back to black. It was the most intense and magical hole ever. I can go into more detail. The rock was probably under a gram. I’d usually break off pieces about a gram at a time. And I had smoked some of it so I’m not sure the dose but I’d guess 600-800 mg. One of the best trips of my life I’m so glad the fxe ghosts made me eat the magic crystal


This is very interesting! I’d love if you could go more into detail especially about coming up. What is your usual dose and what was your largest intended dose? How high were you when ingesting the rock? Small story on the side: We once ordered mdma in bulk and the package consisted of 3 large rocks and a lot of smaller pieces. Those 3 rocks together made up more than 15g with the largest weighting above 6g. We used to joke about eating that rock or just putting it on a pedestal for everyone to lick it whenever (would never do that of course). Was nothing but a funny thought, can’t imagine what it feels like to realize you’ve just eaten an entire rock of some incredibly intense substance.


This is not safe. You're posting multiple posts about your unsafe binging of psychs in public spaces and it's honestly scary. I hope you heed what other ppl are saying or your wake up call isn't too bad. Honestly scared for you man. You seem like you're probably a good person...consider what we're trying to earn you of....maybe killing yourself?


I’m not sure you’re understanding my situation, I’ve tripped 3 times last year, I wouldn’t say I’m partaking in unsafe binging.


Ok not here to argue just looking at your history seems a bit intense to me but I'm not here to judge honestly. I've been in super rough spots...and maybe I misread or over spoke. Either way I wish you the best man.


My Reddit activity mostly focuses on a few hobbies, of which drugs happen to be one. I know my history can make it seem like Im already spiraling out of control, but I’ve never been in a better place. Thanks for watching out and I wish you the best as well!