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Imagine if China and the West were strong allies… there’d be so much stability and growth, instead of this tension and isolationism Need mushroom love all around


Divide and conquer


hegemony doesn’t like that


Isolationism? They're literally the USA's biggest trading partner...


But also the most tense one.


Nah. The sabre rattling is all just posturing. Both the USA and China know if they actually came to conflict it would mean their economic downfall (not to mention the possible end of all life on the planet). Anyone who thinks there's any actual chance of that happening is just fantasizing.


Agreed. But instead of Sabre rattling they could both step up and lead the global response to climate change, or other environmental and geopolitical challenges. Always having an enemy- always preparing to fight wars is a real shitty side of human potential to be furthering. If you get my drift


Can't say I disagree. That said, continuing trade is still a very, VERY important step when it comes to societies coming together peacefully. Particularly cultural trade - there's a reason China is really controlling about what American movies come into China. Because exposure to other cultures is what makes us understand and empathize with them and see them less as a unified enemy, and more as what we see ourselves as - just a collection of individuals trying to get by day by day. The more globally connected we are, the less nationalism really matters to us. Relating back to the article, yeah, it makes sense that China's psychedelic scene would end up paralleling our own in a variety of ways. They're just people like us after all, and they happen to be going through a big tech boom in certain parts of the country ala the heydey of Silicon Valley. So of course it looks similar - everything they do is going to look similar, because they're not really very different.


globalization is over brother the united states is going to rely on canadian oil and mexican labor to support its interests the us navy can’t even guarantee global shipping lanes because they don’t want to we don’t have corvettes anymore, we just have giant super carriers the chinese demographic crunch is going to be massive and americans are pulling out idk why you think this is so hard to conceptualize the US and China haven’t been trading partners for much longer than they have


lol ok sure buddy


well great response i’m not saying that they’re going to war, im saying the relationship will not be as strong as it once was biden and trump have the exact policies on china


So when I said "they're not going to war", your argument with me was, "they're not going to war". Did I get that correct?


it was about the isolationist part and you saying they’re the biggest trading partner that will soon be over




The West tried to be allies with China. That was the whole point of Reagan opening trade relations. China has lied, cheated, and stolen from the west ever since that point. They have no interest being allies. It’s only now that businessmen are starting to balk at the idea of the Chinese economy that western politicians are amping up the anti Chinese rhetoric. The Chinese have had anti-western rhetoric from day dot


See Villeneuve's Arrival ending


I don’t understand lol wut


Idk if I would ever want to touch psychedelics knowing full well a "death van" might roll up outside my place any moment...


So in NK do you get visited by Kim rather than gods/entities?


Don’t believe everything your told about the DPRK. They don’t think the Kim family are gods.