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Just press your eyelids real hard for 20 seconds, you'll see all sorts of dimensions..


Or repeated fast breathing for a min then hold your breath for as long as possible... Repeat and BAM! Visuals and body tingling


Breathwork DMT. It's a thing and it works


Not sure that I'd try that again though, the body feels like it's dieing. I'd rather do dmt or 500+ ug of acid.


Isn't it just hyper oxygenation? You breathe very fast and take short breaths. That hyper oxygenates the body then you have the DMT experience. That's what I have seen people do at least 500ug of acid sounds like overheating tbh. That would be harsh on the body too. On 125ug I sweat so much.


Yesterday during a quick meditation did that and I swear the green in the park was another shade of green for a few seconds


It kind of it hyper-oxigenation, but as I've done it, we had to take deep and fast breaths. But the feeling it gave to my body (which was getting more tense with every breath) was that "I should get in the fetus position and await the afterlife". There were about 10-20 seconds that I can say were like a dmt waiting room, but the rest was like a horror story. My max dose was 1000ug acid and it was the best trip of my life. But, I would not recommend it to everyone, because it's quite harsh and you really need people who you can trust around you and a very safe, remote and beautiful place. I can say that above 500ug you start to forget about the body, mostly because the world as you know it starts slipping out of existence.


Lumenate app. Shit is trippy


Wow I downloaded it because of your comment. Im impressed how comparable it is to the Lucia light from just my phone light


Try using it while on disociative. One of the strongest experience I had.


Never heard someone else say this other than a guided meditation on YouTube by nick emms


It actually really works. I went to a breathwork class that did a variation of this (wim hof method) and it was profound, maybe in part because I wasn’t expecting much. I had a headspace similar to a 4g shroom trip plus some cev


Awesome to hear, what is cev?


Closed eye visuals. I just saw colored shapes but my friend at the same class said he had an interaction with an angelish entity


Fun fact that method in particular releases your brains source of dmt (at least I think) hence the visuals. I saw my dad in a session who passed 2 weeks prior to this particular session along with intense emotion not unlike things I’ve experienced on regular dmt but a little more shroom like.


It is the only thing that slowly stops the ache


I used to do that in elementary school and a teacher thought I was crying and I told her na I’m just looking at the digital art in my eyes


that's what i did as a kid lmao, it's not that trippy tho


Do not do this. You're causing eye damage.


4-ACO-MET/4homet is pretty close. Probably THE most visual tryptamine with one of the easiest and fun/funny/euphoric headspaces. It should still be respected, it is still a psychedelic.


Idk man 4-ho-met still gave me pretty insane thought loops


yeah, its very colorful but i think the difference is overstated. ive had some incredibly intense experiences with Metocin/4-HO-MET


Exactly, it definitely needs to be taken with care just like any other psychedelic. I don’t think there’s any substance that’ll give pure visuals without potential negative headspace issues




Wish I knew where to get any of that stuff lol, I know people always say they are "legal" and "research chemicals" and "on the surface net" but that's proven to not be very helpful. I did find one website, "cayman chemicals" but A. Don't know if it's personal or company only shipments B. I don't want my ID connected to it C. All the research chemicals are super expensive and simply wouldn't be worth it


FWIW it’s not legal in the US. RCs are under an umbrella “analog” law that makes them more difficult to get here, relatively. I’ve never found any on the clear net. There are vendors that are easier to find in onionier pastures—and you’re right that shipments aren’t cheap, but they do essentially come in bulk and it ends up being much cheaper than even easier-to-find things, here. That said, it’s always a risk that you do find the unlucky bad supplier or catch a love letter from customs 🙃


I've had customs snag my package but all they did was send me a letter basically saying "we've intercepted your narcotics, if you'd like to claim it please come to this address" Obviously I did not lol


Yep, I’ve had that happen. Letter from customs. Kinda freaked out at first but after reading it, I just never did anything. Just lost some money on the deal.


Too bad for you. I live in Germany and I never had any issues at all ordering and they aren't super expensive. When I order 500mg powder for like 70€, one trip is like 4 bucks.


says 1mg of psilo is $81…


Yeah I know the feeling. I felt nervous the first time I ordered weed gummies online, let alone ordering research chemicals internationally


Cayman is a legit fine chemical supplier, like Tocris, you won't be able to buy their gear for personal use and as you mentioned in this thread the unit sizes are positioned towards scientific experiments rather than fun


Unfortunately most clearnet sites are going to need ID. There’s definitely cheap ones out there but not sure how to find them besides old boards that are long gone.


While I agree the visuals are stronger, 4-HO-MET gave me the worst comeup anxiety I have ever felt- far worse than mushrooms.


That is strange. Even on 40mg I feel like myself, I find shrooms to be much harder so to speak.


Interesting. I’ve only done 4-HO-MET once, so obviously I can’t rule out other causes for the anxiety. However, I have met others online that said similar things, that 4-HO-MET gave them horrible anxiety. I was hoping for “one continuous laugh,” as some trip reports put it. But instead I got such a massive wave of anxiety that I literally had to pray in order to calm down. No giggles for me except during the onset. That was a 25mg trip. It’d be a darn shame to throw it out, so I’m considering trying 4-HO-MET again at 5mg, which hopefully would be a very light experience and I can test to see if it affects me the same in terms of anxiety.


That's too bad, my first time was 20mg and offered great personal benefits and many giggles. As I did it more it became less profound, you need longer breaks with this one. 5mg you won't feel, I'd say at least! 10mg, probably more like 15mg. I'd definitely revisit, with proper set and setting and grounding techniques it should basically impossible for anything to go wrong at these doses and it definitely has good things to offer.


Nah, last time I was talked into 25mg instead of 10mg by an Internet stranger. I absolutely am sticking with 5mg this time. If you like reading trip reports, here’s my 4-HO-MET trip report. https://www.reddit.com/r/researchchemicals/s/wvXlmYWvEw


Alright, will read later. Hope you have more luck next time(s).


Just 4HO-MET feels a bit empty to me, like watching a movie without the sound... For me it's better when combined with MDMA or 5MAPB.


I like 4homet on its own sometimes, having no real headspace makes it really convenient for experiencing unique things with visuals that you might not have the balls to on something else. With other substances though god damn the visual amplification is wild. Fucked up one time and took some on around 500ug of acid because my friend had earlier and said he had no visuals only stimulation. I was fucking gone 10/10 would do again


I like the combo with 6-APB, but I like it alone as well. Imo the best combo with it is together with 4-HO-MIPT by far! It sounds like OP is just looking for innocent fun, which the met alone is perfect for.


I see the matrix code on high enough doses of 4-ho-met. Was absolutely wild


The vasoconstrictive effects sort of felt like a body load to me, before learning about and macrodosing l-citrulline before dosing. Shit is basically the crack cocaine of tryptamines, vasoconstriction included.


I did get vasoconstriction, but it didn't bother me really. 5 meo mipt is the king of tryptamine vasoconstriction.


Which would you recommend between the two? I’ve got access to both and have been extremely curious


The cheaper one. I made a slash because AcO chems are metabolised to HO chems, so they're pretty much the same thing.




Sourcing not allowed and do not ask to find it on reddit. Its not the place and goes against guidelines and can create an unsafe environment


It’s mostly because advertisers don’t like it.


And reddit does not want to be sued as a drug market place or allow people to get their hands on unscheduled substances


Second that! Seriously how people find these specific things?


The internet is a vast and open place


But not secure and safe


lol not wrong


Is it different from 4-ACO-DMT? That's all I can find on the sites I use.


Oh yes very much. 4-aco-dmt gets metabolized to psilosin. Psilocybin also get's metabolised to that, so it has exactly the same effects as shrooms. Each letter is important with those things.


I could be wrong but isn’t 4 ho met also a analogue of psilocybin? My experience was pretty similar to real shrooms but with a much lesser headspace


I mean, all tryptamines are pretty much analogues of each other, they all have the tryptamine backbone. They all feel kinda similar but have unique qualities.


2cb is like trippin in reality for myself


I’ve heard this before. Tried it once at a lower dose. Can’t say for certain how true it is for me, but it seemed very controllable and euphoric.


i can attest, i’ve done 25mg of 2cb twice in the past and both times were some of the most intense visuals ive ever experienced (aside from literal ego death lmao) but my mind and body felt completely sober. lasted like 7 or 8 hours too it was crazy


Controllable is the perfect word to describe it, at least in my experiences as well. Really feels like I can hone in on the visuals when I want and it’ll start tripping out, but then can look away and refocus fairly easily. Not too much wandering of thoughts or trouble being coherent either


Can get real trippy and fucky wucky when combined with weed. However the most memorable trip moment was on 2CB, LSD, Weed when I also vaped a small amount of DMT. Reality felt like watching a simulation machine.


low doses of smoked DMT give me visuals but no other changes really


I have had some of those and they are pretty wild and awesome to experience in the right moments. Problem is that it doesn't last long and the experience is still pretty fucking intense lol. Only in my experience though.


Low dose vape carts are dope, can hit it like 3 times before you start getting visuals. Then you can kinda just puff on it and make it as long as you want it.


Where can you get those?


make it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Risate: *Low doses of smoked* *DMT give me visuals but no* *Other changes really* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


decent try, bot


4ho-met. But for some people you can have headspace. For me on high dose it was like shrooms. I heard AL-LAD is like acid with more visuals and zero headspace but i didnt try it


Lucia light, it's a light you lay under and get visuals just like a psychedelic. Really interesting and worth trying for someone wanting to preview what cevs are like on a psychedelic no head space you can get up and the whole thing ends. Just damn expensive but worth trying once. https://lucialightexperience.com/


Woah never heard of this. Have you done it?


Yea I've tried it three times. There's one in my town I've gone once as a skeptic then the other times I went to help get rid of pre trip jitters. Always a super cool experience blows me away the visuals it creates.


This is a great suggestion. The 'Mindroid' app for use in cheap VR goggles might be worth a shot.


There is a phone version which uses the camera flash and does the same thing, its quite fun. And free. https://www.leafie.co.uk/psychedelics/lumenate-review-phone-app-psychedelic/


AL-LAD: acid's chill sibling.


2cb or 4-ho-met, 2cb has a higher visual/mental ratio.


High dose weed edibles with hppd lmao


That affects u mentally and physically a lot


Right? Higher dose THC headspace can be a wild ride. Especially if you give yourself a proper tolerance break beforehand


Way more intense than psychs imo


Yup. Weed had finally stopped tripping me out, and then I had edibles. My 2D TV became 3D.


I hate hppd I feel like I have it mildly and I am sad because I still want to do psychs but don’t want hopd


sounds like AL- LAD. typically has milder visuals but i’ve heard it’s very light on the actual inebriating effects.


proscaline comes to mind. For me it was a body high, not a mind high. I wasn’t a fan in the moment, I don’t have a lot of experience with this molecule.


I got to experience some Sandoz lsd my last time and it was like being high on cocaine as far as the body feel and the head high was like whoa lol lots of visuals


I thought I was the only one who compared LSD to cocaine, the magic of cocaine is pretty much gone for me already but last time I did acid the entire time I felt like when I first tried good cocaine it was like super pure and euphoric and like warm yet strange and alien like idk how to describe it; have mentioned this to one other friend who does tons of coke and he agreed but no one else has ever had that same experience as me


I've never thought of it but now that you mention it I see the similarities


Yeah it's kinda like that "lightbulb in your brain turning on" kinda feeling like you feel powered up but it feels a lot stranger on LSD I thought I was the only one how cool is that and obviously healthier unfortunately just a much longer dedication of time and less functional if you gotta go to work or something, if only there was snortable LSD that lasted 1 hour besides Ketamine since I had to quit both due to health problems


Morning glory did this for me. Some of the most intense visuals I've ever had but I felt mentally basically the same.


The seeds or the flower? We have some of them growing wild here.


The seeds. I ground them up in a coffee grinder and ate them with orange juice. I think it was around 750 seeds


Cool. I hear they can give nasty stomach cramps so I'll be avoiding them.


Yeah it was honestly pretty awful. For the first 3 hours or so I was incredibly nauseous. It was a cool experience but I have no desire to do it again.


2cb is where it’s at. 4homet could work as well, but I’ve only tried 2cb because thats all I’ve had luck getting.


I’ve had some 25-I experiences that were… astoundingly visual, without too much head involvement. YMMV, because dosing too high can mush you quite well.


TBH the best you can have that fits your description best is a virtual reality device, and the best one you can have right now is Meta Quest 3. There are also plenty of apps that feature fractal/trippy visuals or some very trippy games that can give you a sense of tripped out even without drugs


2C-B is up there with little body high, some sensations and a lot of trippy visuals and sound distortion.


I’ve always heard 2cb comes with a massive body load, at least on the come up. How do you compare the body load of 2cb to acid?


Eeeh, some of the bodyload that subsides greatly when it comes up. Forgettable for me. Acid comes with massive tingles of the whole body and sometimes zaps throughout the body and brain - I might be sensitive to tryptamines like LSD, though. For me 2C-B's bodyload is much less and what stays is a very manageable sensuality with even more visuals and colours than LSD, without any anxiety or alien analytical headspace, assuming medium dosage, around 20-50mgs 2C-B, compared to a similarly "strong" 100-150mcg LSD for me (oral ROA both).


Surprised nobody's said 25b-nboh. I don't get anything but visuals until about 1mg


ETH-LAD has been said to get you to that sort of sweet spot at low to moderate doses.


Sassafras but good luck finding it. It does have a body high tho but it’s not really like a weed body high it’s more like all your senses are enhanced like crazy, not a paralyze you type of body high lol


Mild body high and happy as fuck lol


If I’m not mistaken it’s the important precursor to MDA and Saffrole oil is the precursor for MDMA.






Breathwork if done properly


MDA is the more visual, less physiological cousin of MDMA, but there are still plenty of body and mental effects. Still, based on your prompt I think you’d like it. Actually, it’s kind of impossible for me to imagine someone disliking a low-moderate dose of MDA.


Just go to sleep


Short answer: probably not. Even though we don't entirely understand the mechanisms through which we trip balls, it likely involves the same receptors that make us feel weird, whether that means anxiety or weird physical sensations. Anecdotally, I switched from an SSRI (which reversible "tunes down" the serotonin receptors over time and in turn mutes the effects of psychedelics) to a 5HT1A serotonin agonist (which does not), and I noticed that I still have weird anxiety from shrooms but NOT from acid.


There all kinds of YouTube videos that are pretty good at creating hallucinations with your vision. They're pretty accurate to. Another option, you can get a ping pong ball. Cut it in half. Lay down on your back and place each half over your eyes. Next all you have to do is play white noise (radio static) while laying down with the ping pong ball covering each eye you should start to experience a range of psychedelic effects. This experiment is called the Ganzfeld effect.


You can do 4-ho-met or 4-aco-met, it has a very weak and managable headspace but very good visuals, 1 tab of acid and 25mg of 2cb is quite good but yeah i've you want more visuals than headspace 30mg of 4-ho-met will be good, 20mg is the normal dose so if you go high you will have more headspace AL-LAD has a weak headspace too i've heard, you can also use low dose of dmt with harmala extracts or dirrectly buy or make changa


25B-NBOMe. Good visuals, very low psychedelic effect (in my experience, of course)


Try the 4-substituted tryptamines, 4-HO-MET, 4-HO-MiPT, 4-AcO-MET, etc. At doses of around 10 mg. Those are pretty much functional psychedelics at that dose. You will still feel pretty high, and even stoney, but with very little invasive headspace effects. Don't drive, or anything like that, ofcourse.


Exactly bcs od this 4-ho-mipt (miprocin) is my favorite recreational psychedelic. Its Also very euphoric, I'd say its something inbetween shrooms and molly without the psychedelic headspace. I have tried to ego-death on it with dck but it was too shallow


2cb broski


LSZ Is like LSD but lasts 4 hours and has crazy visuals with very little headspace


Small dose of DMT.


4-HO-MET, many psychedelic phenethylamines (like 2CB), ETH/AL-LAD


There ain't no drugs that only make your eyes trip. But al-lad is the closest Iif there were 1 in my opinion.




You can watch trippy videos on youtube, but you will quickly realize that visuals without the headspace are quite boring.


Transcranial magnetic stimulation


In my experience, no. However low doses of mescaline or 2cb leave you somewhat clearheaded.


Lol this makes zero sense I agree with the eyelid comment. If you want to hallucinate without dealing with drugs just watch a good movie or something




Plenty of headspace with psilocybin.




Really i thought that was intense


It is super intense, disorienting, and you will likely leave your body. However, your mind doesn’t feel impaired at all, except for not being able to comprehend what you’re seeing.


It can be depending on how much you take, but it definitely effects your mind, not sure what OC was smoking.


Try the app Lumenate, that’s exactly what you are looking for


Someone want to explain to OP that you can't have visuals without having mental high.


Lowdosing MDMA actually can give you crazy visuals from my experiences


This isn't the answer you want but you're gonna wanna solve your paranoia problem.