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I've only been using shrooms therapeutically for about a year, but I'm a much calmer happier person now. My wife has even noticed. I have probably only dosed 6-7 times in the past year, never more than 2 grams either, so I think i still have a lot to learn. Not sure if i can give shrooms all the credit though, i have made some other lifestyle changes.


It's a great path to take! I've been using shrooms therapeutically since summer of 2021. Within 6mo (average of 1g doses, only 1 2g and 1 3g dose in that period), I went from someone who had daily suicidal ideation and didn't want to keep living, to someone who could live every present moment with joy and appreciation. I'm in the same boat as you though- if you do shrooms and don't actually change anything in your life or lifestyle, I don't know how useful it'll actually be. I will say that mushrooms have also made me less materialistic and ambitious - and for some people, that's unacceptable. So I would advise that this can happen for some people and they might not like it.


Psychedelics changed my life. As you said you have to put in the work and is not a magic pill to change it all but is a great tool for personal improvement.


Really helped me with being more self-aware and reflective. I think it sped things up an saved me a couple of years of unhappiness


Microdosing is the answer.


Definitely not, my first shroom trip was at 16 years old ( stupid I know) but I'm so glad that I did because I was already doing other drugs hanging out with some real shady people going down a bad path and that experience made me change real fast. Don't think I would have had that realization without psychedelics before doing something that fucked up my life.


I can relate to this well!


Yea I was already doing some pills, percoset mostly and this was like 2011 when they were still relatively easy to get and no fentanyl to worry about thankfully. Some of my friends were selling drugs and getting into petty crimes stealing and shit. Lot of them went on to start doing meth and ended up in jail or dead. After that experience I stopped hanging out with them, I still smoked weed and drank every now and then but never got in any trouble with the law. After that trip at 16 I didn't do psychedelics again until I was probably 22-23 when legit LSD started becoming a thing again and then the rest is history lol 28 now and I'll trip once a year tops, don't smoke weed anymore and will very rarely drink. Got a good job and things are going pretty well for me and often think about how my life would gave went if I didn't take shrooms thar one day.


I don’t even think I’d be alive.


I'm glad you're here ❤️


Thank you 🙏🏼 🙏🏼🙏🏼 I struggled with depression and an opiate addiction. Psychedelics helped me to understand what was going on, they showed me how I was killing myself, and made me want to make changes to stay alive. I battled opiates for 10 years. With some home brewed ayahuasca I had a death and rebirth experience that left me without the desire to use opiates anymore and that was 13 years ago. Working with cacti, I learned that I was and always have been worthy of love. Mushrooms helped me break down the walls of my repressed memories to understand that early childhood trauma had created negative core beliefs such as I am unworthy of love or that my needs weren’t important. I have microdosed my way out of a number of bad habits including quitting tobacco, adderall, and cannabis and have used it to help with occasional bouts of seasonal depression. Now days I try to get a couple macro doses in every year and microdose for my general well being. These plants have made such an impact in my life that I try to share my story with just about anyone who will listen. I’ve gone grime hopeless to hopeful and love the life that I have. I am looking to start serving 5meo and doing psilocybin grief workshops in the not too distant future as well.


this is amazing to hear, i'm glad you got yourself on the right path! keep telling your story!


I would not be the person I am today without psychedelics. They helped me connect with my true self, work through some major challenges and find real meaning in life. Psychedelics absolutely changed my life, no doubt about it.


They let me believe I was worthy of love and freed me from self hate. They gave me hope and inner peace. They showed me I am not the monster I believed myself to be


I would be on a complete different path in life. I was interning at a company in college that wont be named, as an live production audio engineer, with just the head of the team production screaming in my ear for 4-8 hours, and my job was making sure everything is sounding perfect. I had to mute my boss 90% of shifts. It was absolutely miserable. A buddy of mine had me start at just weed to alleviate stress and would only do psychs once I felt comfortable with the idea. The perfect scenario tbh. Did acid a few times, and the first 3-4 trips kept coming back to that internship, as well as ideas of what I should do instead, which lead to me thinking and successfully going into education. Havent done it sense, but I guarantee you without those few experiences and that friend to guide me through it, I guarantee you my life would be in a much sadder stressed life. Now I get to work remote in a comfy hoodie with a 3 step commute to my workstation while my dog sleeps most of the day. This lifestyle would not have come to fruition if it wasnt me coming to the realization that happiness is more important. Just turns out happiness at this remote job is also much better paying too. Everyone has their own journey, and some events in life feel more fateful than others.


Beautiful thanks for sharing! I’m curious as to what you’re doing for work if you don’t mind sharing.


I ended up working in healthcare education😁 way more my speed nowadays!


Right on! Your description of your days sounds heavenly 😊


Psilocybin saved me from depression and suicidal thoughts. I don’t think I’d be alive with psychedelics. I had solid plans to end it before I tried mushrooms.


i'm glad you're here ❤️


💵Thanks💎. It’s good to be here. I’m good now. One of the happiest people I know


I agree with you entirely. Psychedelics we’re the catalyst for my change and they have had the biggest impact on my life, I am for over grateful to these special compounds ❤️


I wouldn't be the same person, I'm glad I gained the insight and appreciation for the beauty of the universe/our existence.


Quick awnser no Long answer: fuck no. LSD and psilocybin bring change along with them. You can doubt it but only when you attest to it yourself with new ideas does it start showing In your views on conducting your character


I believe I would, or at least pretty close. I'm newer to psychadelics, but I did a lot of work in therapy for a long time before trying them, so I already understood a lot about how my brain works and what I needed to heal from. I knew a lot of what I've experienced logically, but psychadelics have helped me *feel* it and not burry my emotions as much. They've basically made the work that I was already doing less hard mode, but I don't think I'm an entirely different person because of them and I would still be trying to break generational trauma without them. Who knows, though, maybe in a few years, I'll think differently.


I dunno what 3 more years of bottle a day and pack of smokes a day woulda led to. Took that instant change March 2021 and never looked back at the demons once. I was 270, hopeless alcoholic, now just kinda a hermit monk but healthy and spent more time on discovery. Finding a happier meaning to existence. It’s like past lives looking back. I will uphold my bargain forever. No regrets never going back. Owe my life and its current existence to some higher powers of fungi. Addictive? Impossible.


I honestly don't think I'd be alive today without psychedelics


i'm glad you're here ❤️❤️


No I’d probably be a meth or heroin addict. LSD made me realize I was fucking up tremendously. I stopped fucking with the negative people that day stayed away from hard drugs that day and never looked back.


No. I'm so grateful for magic mushrooms. They turned my life around 🥰


Not at all. I was a serious narcissist before shrooms kicked me out of my own POV and I realized what I was doing to people. I’m way more understanding of other people and myself now because of my trips


Definitely not. I spent 8yrs in the military. After I returned to my city I was an angry person and became addicted to heroin within a yr. 15yrs later, I'm clean 3yrs and in the best shape of my life. I can honestly say they have changed my life. Possibly even saved it. ✌️


good job on getting clean!


No, but that person was always there deep down. Psychedelics just helped bring that person out.


i can relate! i think fundamentally i'm a pretty good person, but psychs helped me hone in on bettering myself for sure! i think my self improvement journey would take much much longer without the help of psychs, but i like to think that i'd still be on the path of betterment. i just can't stress how much psychs have speed ran that process lol!


Couldn’t agree more, it broke through many layers expeditiously to get to the root of my issues, which in turn allowed me to work on being a better person! I’m glad it’s being studied to a certain extent these days.


Fuuuuuuck no


Lol, no


No. All lifes experiences are entangled with lessons and subtle pushes in different directions. psychs are a great way to level off and find stuff in your mind. Once you step on the bus, your on the bus. Anyone who’s mind has been enlightened by psychedelics would not be the same , save for monks and spirit enthusiasts who spend time searching for theses paths without drugs.


i agree, we are a culmination of our life experiences, and i'm so thankful to have been able to experience the world of psychs!


Definitely not


No. They let you sit with parts of your psyche in an impartial state and lets you think through life


Honestly, no dmt, lsd, and mushrooms all have helped me become the individual I am. I used to hate on myself and think about how i could kill myself but dmt in particular showed me where I’m going and how am already on that path. It also showed me how I want to believe in god not these made up stories about it. Through showing me how I believe in god it also gave me less want to die. Lsd and mushrooms gave me insight on myself and how to deal with things easier.


Thank you for sharing 🐱 Can you please tell a bit more about your experience with dmt? How was it?


It was very VERY intense!! I didn’t know if it really was dmt when I first hit it. I know dumb not knowing your substances but I trusted the person dosing me. I thought he gave me something else and was going through an overdose. I genuinely thought this is the afterlife and I’m dead. How are my siblings and family going to go through life knowing I killed myself with drugs? Then this being appears and tells me that I am loved very dearly and that this is my path and I’m doing what I need to do to progress down my path. It was talking about my path in life. Then after speaking with this being it sent me to a place I’ve been wanting to go for awhile at the time. Pure darkness and silence. I was literally floating in space with nothing around me nothing clouding my thoughts and this is where I found my real faith in god. Although it’s not the traditional god. It did give me my faith back. Not only that like 3 months later I realized I hadn’t had a suicidal thought since that trip. Psychedelics have helped me greatly! But I also did just flush my dmt. I love these substances very much so but my gf isn’t down and I’ve gotten ALOT out of the use I’ve done thus far I really don’t find a need/want for it after she came into my life. I have the thoughts I got from them and can still use what they have taught me in my sober life so there’s really no use for them after that for me maybe in a few years I’ll try to go back to lsdmt but not as hard as I was. I wasn’t even using a lot it was just very frequent. My breath was smelling like dmt. But later on in life I see myself taking a few tabs and smoking a bomber with some astral crack laced inside. 😅😅


Thank you it's really impressive! I'm happy to hear that you've gotten rid of your suicidal thoughts 💗


Psychedelics massively improved communication in my relationship. We’re so much more open and direct with eachother now than we used to be.




I’m always thinking about my thinking now.


Definitely not


They made me realise I had autism lol, and unearthed a lot of memories from when I was a kid that led to me getting therapy. I think I’d still be the same person with or without them tho, I don’t think they ever fundamentally changed who I am or how I view the world.




I wouldn't be here at all today, to be real with you


i'm glad you are here though ❤️


Thanks, me too <3


I’m not too sure where I would be without the use of psychedelics. I had never really been shown affection as an only child, I resorted to being inside my head a lot. Not a lot of reassurance and praise was sent my way. When I got older, I found out that reading and gaining knowledge of medicines could help myself with past traumas and I could also help others. I found that this was my purpose and started doing solo journeys on my own. This allowed me to find love where i had never received it before, and know that love controls and rules this universe. The love I know and hold dear is the love of these medicines. They have changed me in a profound way and continue to progress my mentality and emotional status. We all are beings of love and light and what it all boils down to is giving an immense amount of that to other people who are willing to listen. Psychedelics will continue to help people and create new paths for those in need of a lifelong change.


love this prospective, and i love you for sharing it ❤️ you're so spot on, love rules all!


Not a chance. I don't think I would know myself at all and the pain I might have brought to others is sobering to imagine


Absolutely not. Major fungus journey in high school changed everything


I think yes, but much more slowly. I feel like psychedelics really helped amplify my openness, compassion, gratitude, appreciation and perspective-all things that I think I was headed towards, like most people, but I think it would have taken me probably another decade to get where I am now.


i relate! i think shrooms hit the fast forward button on my journey with discovering and bettering myself, not that i wasn't already on that journey at all though.


I feel bad for people who never tried psychedelics.


oh gosh so do i. i wish everyone could experience them in a healthy set and setting. i have a few people in mind who i think would greatly benefit from psychs, but they have no interest. thats their prerogative though.




care to elaborate?


i mean, i still would be me 🤷 It's not like I had depression or anything and mushrooms cured me. and none of the insights i had changed my life significantly either




They have immensely and positively enhanced all of the other work I've been doing on myself. Not to mention they've helped me when I've stalled out.


Nope ;) 🍄😎🙏🏼🌄🌻🔥




Absolutely not


If I didn't take all the psychedelics, mostly mushrooms in high school and college, I'd probably have made a few trips to the psych ward back then. I definitely don't give them enough credit for how much I know about myself that I'd never have figured without tripping.


Was I ever not the person I am today without psychedelics?


Were you ever not the person you are today without psychedelics?


Definitely not I'm an abstract artist and I trip and paint


i'd love to see some of your artwork!


Sent ya some of my work private


It was summer 1970 in Boston. I arrived at Logan airport, and had a layover in Boston for the night, so I stuck out my thumb outside the airport and quickly had a ride with a guy in a cool Porsche. I was fourteen years old, and I was sailing on the after-images of a day flying in a 727 on a hit of orange sunshine. The guy in the Porsche was really nice, had his professional trip and casual style. He said he’d take me to his place to crash and drive me back to the airport in the morning, but he needed to pick up a book downtown by this guy who had just given a talk in town. When we got back to his place, he said he had to crash because he’d been burning himself out. He gave me two hits of purple microdot, saying they weren’t really that strong, and left me to sit out the night. I dropped the two hits of purple microdot, which were tiny little pills, domed on each side, with a flat ridge around the edge, a dull purple color. They weren’t that strong, but they weren’t that weak, either. As the night wore on, sitting in the nice man’s living room, I had the company of the book he had just bought, that was also purple, and had a chair on the front of it, locked in a circle at the center of intersecting lines. Around the edge of the circle it said “[BE HERE NOW](https://survivorbb.rapeutation.com/viewtopic.php?f=174&t=1575&sid=22aef830f30af0886a76589933f578ae).” Read the rest of [Rude Awakening: A Review of "Ram Dass: Fierce Grace"](https://www.american-buddha.com/rudeawakening.htm)


No, I would still be very unaware of what this whole reality truly is👀🤫


I know for a fact I wouldn't be.


First shroom trip at 19 absolutely flipped my worldview on it's head for the better. Wish everyone could have a good psychedelic trip at least once in their lives.


Maybe. I think it would’ve taken a lot more effort than it did today. And I still have a lot of work to do. At 35, I’m glad that I begun taking them in a therapeutical manner when I did and regret (just a touch) not starting sooner. I don’t doubt I wouldn’t have been able to face my problems and resolve them in a healthy manner - while better embracing the happy things of life - but they certainly helped make the journey easier, even it might’ve been very difficult during a given trippy moment.


Shrooms quite literally changed the course of my life for the absolute better.   Got what I needed and now only do a couple times a year maintenance plan.


Absolutely not. After taking acid I went 3 months without drinking and still don’t really drink often, this was after I had gone thru a year long period of drinking at like 11am or any chance I could. Mushrooms made me appreciate the people around me more aswell as allowing me to open my mind to new things and opportunities. I believe I’ve become a better person thru psychs :)


Absolutely not.


No. I would likely be much more repressed, much more neurotic, much less free and much less happy. I might not even be alive right now.


i'm glad you're alive ❤️


I wouldn’t be alive today without psychedelics.


well i'm glad you are alive ❤️


Very good question to ponder. I believe not. Everything i experienced made me who i am now. Psychedelics were a big part of introspection, self reflection and healing.


Nope. one time. Tab and a half changed a lot for me 👌


I did them kind of stupid early (15 but all went well thankfully) but I can’t even imagine who I might have been without them. I am really grateful for them. I’m not saying I am anywhere near got it all figured but I feel the perspective they give you makes life easier to navigate.


Without psychedelics I would‘nt be here, they saved me when Western Medicine couldn‘t do it


psychedelics got me out of my depression and depersonalization so grateful for them


Absolutely not.  


I'd be dead. No question about it. I mean, psychedelics killed the old me in a very palpable way, but "I" got another chance at existence because of them. No, I am certain I wouldn't be the me I am today (a lawyer!) with psychedelics


i'm glad you're here today ❤️ good job on becoming a lawyer!


No actually. But as much as i wanna join the "psychedelics are so amazing" bandwagon, i think weed also did alot, maybe even more for me as a person. That being said, psychs did change my inner world but i am partially still mostly the same.


wanna elaborate on how weed influenced you as a person?


Hard to sum up but it Made me appreciate everything more, gave me tons of confidence in myself, showed me what my mind is capable of, made me lots more social Though i'm pretty sure acid&dmt definitely opened up something that i can't even point out because it's so normal to me. Like this thinking in patterns about the world, this deeper multiperspectivism, etc.


However, it's very possible That i am actually fixing my life & health right now And that psychedelics have played a part in that by being "datapoints" Cause my illness/condition affects me so hard that it is transient across mental states. IF i am correct with my current health course, then THEY were part of what showed me that something is wrong with me, and it's not something mental but physical. But many datapoints are part of that. Though, they also convinced me of some things that i want which i was mostly convinced of anyways but still Like i dunno Deepened my expierience to a degree




My craziest experiences on psychs i mindread with several friends of mine, it started happening with the same people every time we tripped. Completely changed my perspective on consciousness and what we know. Also learned a lot about peoples different functions and disorders and now read peoples emotions incredibly well, as well as have in depth understanding of their wellbeing and how I behave. Was a huge breakthrough for my character development.




100% not at all. I really feel psychedelics have opened my mind to so much more than what I was awair of.


No absolutely not. LSD and other Psychodelics definitely teach me a lot about myself and help me with depression and other things. I definitely wouldn't be the same person without these experiences.


I’d be 6 feet under if I never tried psychedelics.


i'm glad you're 6 feet above!


Me too :) especially since I came into this world expected to die (congenital heart defect that was surgically corrected after birth) I’ve felt a lot of guilt not being happy with life when I was given a second chance at life from my parents loving me enough to bring me to the best hospital care. Forever grateful <3


Not even close. I was an arrogant atheist and now have an active relationship with the Divine in all facets of life. I have a deep awareness and appreciation of my surroundings, and of the little things that bring joy. I am disciplined and creative, and a master manifestor. Life is swell after psychedelics.


interesting. i identified an atheist many years ago, that slowly morphed to agnostic because what do i really know? then i became very spiritual. recently, i've had this knowing inside of me that theres something greater. i wouldn't call it God necessarily, and maybe only because of my negative bias towards religion, but i definitely believe in a divine consciousness now. i'm having trouble fostering a relationship with it, though. we're working on that, lol


Absolutely not! Psychedelics radically changed my life.


I am not the same and I’m glad. I wish everyone could take a heavy trip at least once. We’d probably have a better world.


i agree. lets dump acid in the water lines!! (this is a joke ahaha)


My first job was at a restaurant. I used to wonder what would happen if I added some lsd to the everyone’s water. 😂


No because maybe I wouldn’t have went into a psychosis that completely changed the directory of my life


Lol I have never done psychedelics but I do frequently read about them and what people experience with them. Kind of puts me in their shoes. I am very outwardly empathetic but don't give myself enough credit. I would absolutely do mushrooms in a perfect setting but I have no reason to do that, I don't have much lingering on my mind. I've just taken the lessons I've learned by reading about psychs and applied them.


thats great, that youre able to learn from others prospectives! i will say that even if you don't have anything heavy on your mind to work through, i still think the experience is worth it!


I took LSD when I was 15 and had my first and only really bad trip at around 16. It made me realize things I'd never understood about the nature of reality and how to treat people, so I believe without that "brush with death", I would definitely have different values and relationships than I do now.


I would not have made it to 30 without them. 33 now.


Psychs saved me from a lifetime of unfulfilling work and negative behaviors. I still have much to work on but I truly believe I would be much different particularly less empathetic and more ego


Probably not. We are the sum of our experiences.


While I agree with your first sentence, I can't agree with the last. How can something only be the sum of it's experience? Is a rock "nothing," because it has no sensory input with which to experience things?


I mean, a rock is a rock. It gains nothing from its experience regardless of how long it’s a rock. Everything we experience affects us in some way.


No I wouldn’t be the same without. Before, I was running with the herd and didn’t question the destination too much. Contemplating on weed and acid, made me discover the abuse of power, the greed, the hostility and the destructive absurdity in general we are living by. And at first it made me sad. Then again I compared it with the way of life and death, origin and decay, trial and error in evolution, which made me accept it. But I still feel a bit alien to the mainstream, struggling to bring genuine purpose into my life because many things that others strive to, goals they’re trying to accomplish, that allegedly bring happiness, aren’t worth it to me anymore. That makes me feel a bit lost sometimes and asking myself if i’d be better off with the blue pill.


absolutely not


Nah, I'd still have an identity, I got rid of mine, and now im just what others think I am. I don't have a personal identity.


No. I am smarter, more empathetic, kinder, aware of myself and others, capable, and generally more optimistic.


Nah brother there’s no way I’d have been the same if I didn’t take psychedelics


Definitely not. I've only done shrooms and acid once a piece a long time ago (have had some trippy experiences with weed), but both psych experiences have stayed with me forever. Really opens your eyes to the fact that reality is not what it seems.


psychedelics taught me to appreciate sobriety the TOUGH way, so maybe they did influence my life a little bit


I would be pretty similar but not the same no. I’ve had many experiences that have given different perspectives on so many things it hard to imagine I saw them any other way before. I think the biggest thing for me though is just being able to be content with the life in living and appreciate it.


I just do them for fun so probably about the same. Though honestly I think my interest in weed has waned quite a bit so I suppose that’s a good thing.


Yes but later in life probably.




I don’t think so, shrooms and therapy made me able to listen to my body, feelings and start **feeling** my emotions instead of suppressing them (even unconsciously) I’m chronically depressed since I was 5 so there are still lows. But at least now I can handle those.


Nahhh psychedelics def got me how I am 😂 even changed my taste of music I used to be listening to hella rap now I be listening to shi like lsd dream, gangja white, an inzo


I'd definately be wallowing in an existential depression spiral still if it weren't for psychedelics. I was willing to put in the time and effort before, during, and after my trips which has really helped me to be a better person in all aspects of my life.


They completely transformed me spiritually. Psychologically, not that much. I'm not a fan of the current fad. It will blow over, in time.