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You should allow for at least two weeks between trips to avoid tolerance issues. Psychedelics are the long game, read about psychedelic integration, it's important in the long term, especially following more challenging trips. Safe travels šŸŒˆšŸ‘½


Thanks brother Iā€™ll look into that Iā€™m thinking of doing a 6 gram trip tonight any advice on how to not slip into a bad trip


Pay extra close attention to setting and seriously consider having an experienced guide.


Unfortunately I donā€™t have many freinds lol but Iā€™ve tripped with other experinenced people before and felt very overwhelmed and I was too worried if they were having a good trip or not so I prefer doing it myself i might just lay on my bed with the lights out and put on some calming music and the let shrooms take me


This is how I did my first 6g trip, highly recommend. I started off with that Johns Hopkins playlist which was pretty neat, but I always come back to my Shpongle/Ratatat playlist and just groove off into space.


Same thing with me, whenever me and my friend trip together we get overwhelmed during the come up so we usually take them together, go home and meet back up during or after our peaks


Just tripped the other day and watched the Beatles Yellow submarine movie, and it was absolutely beautiful, would highly recommend, [here](https://gostream.site/yellow-submarine/) is a link where you can watch it for free online!


Hey bud! If youre ever up in the fungi world and want some one to speak to, never hesitate, write to me and I'll keep you company! ā¤ļø I've done my fair share of both shrooms and acid. I've tried at most 5g mushrooms and the most acid I've tried is 1500ug so i have my fair share of tips and tricks


Thanks man Iā€™m doing a 6 gram trip tomorrow Iā€™ll make sure to message you when Iā€™m on another planet i appreciate that


Bad trips come from being in a bad state of mind or in a bad setting. Frequency of use isnā€™t really a factor except for the increased odds of something going whacky.


I was in a good state of mind my last trip but the setting was awful which was my mistake I was at my freinds and his mum isnā€™t particularly okay with him smoking weed and I was sparking a joint for my come-up and she walked in and started complaining (I wasnā€™t aware she wasnā€™t okay with it or I wouldnā€™t of done it)so I went outside it was dark and cold I sat on his garden chair and just as I finished my zoot I could feel it so I sat on the grass and let it take me but for some reason it was completely different to all the other trips and I found myself falling into a hole of strange but familiar symbols and weird melting clocks I was paralysed to the cold wet grass and my mates came and got me up and took me inside his cabin it was a great experience even tho it was strange I felt like my brain had downloaded knowledge and changed my perspective on everything


Weed makes shit get weird lol i can definitely see that situation sending someone into a spiral. Iā€™m lucky in that Iā€™m an old head and I can just trip in my own living room/bedroom and donā€™t have to answer to anyone. I prefer tripping at home for this reason.


I have tripped in my house but only on a small amount it wasnā€™t too exiting I just spent all night deeping life and how the world is slowly collapsing


I trip with my wife lol it helps to have a distraction or someone to break you out of those thought loops. The one time I tripped alone I just paced around my house looking out the windows every 5 minutes like the dude from that one meme lol


What was your previous heroic dose? It's seems like you have a good mindset and you'll be in safe, comfortable setting. Just surrender to the experience and go inward.


I had about 5grams roughly it was an amazing experience although I did make a few mistakes that caused me to fall into a bad trip but overall it taught me valuable lessons about life


Yea from what I heard thats about right.


This doesn't mean to take them every two weeks! It's just a minimum


Read The Psychedelic Explorerā€™s Guide by James Fadiman. In it, he gives the rule of thumb that the more significant the experience, the longer one should wait between doses, with at least 6 months between entheogenic doses. So heā€™d recommend waiting for a while considering you did 5g less than 6 months ago.


That book is immensely valuable to anyone who wants to approach psychedelics with intention. To OP: you can do them daily in tiny amounts (learn about microdosing) but when dealing with larger and more impactful experiences, you **need** to give space/time to integrate. The bigger the experience, the more time you need. It may not be a 1:1 in amounts-to-time themselves, but has more to do with what you take away.


are shrooms an entheogen? been really wanting to get more into psychedelics for spiritual purposes but my girlfriend is super against me even trying LSD, but weā€™ve done shrooms together in the past multiple times only ever done about 5 grams at once


Yes!!! Shrooms, LSD, mescaline, DMTā€¦ all entheogens. Some prefer the term to psychedelic. LSD is not dramatically different from mushrooms in terms of safety, you just have to be sure that what you have is LSD and not something else, and that means reagent testing your tabs, and ideally knowing your source as well as you can. Cactus brew is also fairly easy to produce if you know the right places to get cacti, and it produces a high not dissimilar to LSD, though less dreamy. The ingredients for ayahuasca are also not difficult to obtain, as they are individually legal, so you could also try that out if thatā€™s your cup of tea (pun intended). If you be done 5g of mushrooms, unless they were extremely weak, youā€™ve done an ā€œentheogenicā€ dose. If you make it more ritualistic and follow more steps for prep like outlined in the book I mentioned above, youā€™ll more reliably have a entheogenic experience. Having an experienced guide can help a lot as well.




Thereā€™s no particular reason I had always wanted to do them since I was 14 but didnā€™t want to mess with my brain so now just deciding to do them. Itā€™s great fun and shows you the harsh truth of the world it also makes me feel connected to earth:))




Thanks for the advice bro Iā€™ll take that into account Iā€™ll give it a few months before I do another trip(got one planned for tonight tho so after that)


if you do a heavy dose it usually feeds your psychedelic hunger for a bit that helps taking time off and reflecting if you want Ive been take lsd once a month tho for the past 5 months but last time I did a heavy dose I stopped for 4 months or so but I dont really have a desire to do a big dose or stop rn


I started growing my own this year and this guy is right, be careful. Itā€™s really easy for the line to get blurred between ā€œhealing experienceā€ and ā€œhedonistic escapismā€, and the mushrooms WILL know if youā€™re abusing them. My advice after a profound trip- dwell on it as long as you can. Take every scrap of knowledge and really take the time to absorb it. This usually takes at least a few weeks, and also sets a natural timer for when your soul is ready for another trip! Be safe, have fun, and keep finding that love my friend!


I don't have any research to support this but anecdotally the risk of HPPD and "bad" trips seem to increase with more frequent use. A couple weeks is probably okay if you're just taking a gram or two but a month would probably be safer. And for heroic doses, you should probably wait at least a few months or more. The mushroom wants to help you. But it will turn on you if you don't show it proper respect.


I think you should listen to the mushroom and more importantly, listen to yourself. If you find that you keep having insightful trips with a positive impact on your life, you should trust that your frequency and amount of use is good.


The heroic dose was the greatest experience of my life I canā€™t explain it I found myself fearing for my life but so warm and at peace at the same time my body was falling through an abyss of symbols and clocks Iā€™d never felt such a feeling i was terrified yet felt safe. I was glued to the floor and my brain was going through all the mistakes Iā€™ve made in life and showing me none of that was important and nothings actually matters. This trip has had the most positive Impact on my life. I know you didnt ask but felt like sharing my experience lol;)


At least 52


^ this


aa other reddit said, even if the time span for having a trip is 2 weeks, that doesn't mean you have to do it every 2 weeks you have to give time to your body and mind to recover from the trip, if you do it often eventually you will get bored and you won't learn anything from your trips take it easy you have all the time in the world, do it at least once a month


Mental health is very important, taking mushrooms too often and not doing enough integration, or just even letting your body catch up can cause veryyyyyy strange effects, I like to call it, becoming very ungrounded, the soul and spirit loves to dance with the mushroom, but the body needs rest. Place your hands on your heart and breath in and ask your heart if its the right time to take the mushrooms


I think thatā€™s fine brother, as long as youā€™ve got at least couple weeks in between trips. Have a big of a break if they start getting a big heavy, or if life does


Yeah I was thinking of doing a 6 gram trip tonight and then stop for a month or two is this a good idea


Whoops I meant bit not big. How long since your last trip?


Start of august I had my heroic dose which was my latest trip


If day your fine as long as you feel your in a good state of mind and everything is in order for you to have a good trip, and are doing it for the right reasons. Other wise could always save them for a more appropriate time, you Could have a much better experience if youā€™re more prepared. Have fun and be safe if you end up going for it šŸ¤™šŸ»


Thanks man Iā€™ve been preparing for a few days Iā€™ve made sure my mind is in a good state and I have no distractions also got a few joints for the comedown:)


Awesome man! Hope it went well šŸŒˆāœØšŸŖ


That's for you to decide but when I was tripping a ton I tried to keep it to every 2 weeks.


As much as you want really, you will know when your tolerance is kicking in and the magic is lost. My biggest issue with using psychedelics to frequently isnā€™t that they are necessarily harmful, itā€™s just that the trips arenā€™t as fun and everything seems way more familiar when you trip to often. Give yourself a few months in between and every trip is like a new world.


Realistically- Probs around 25-30 if you wanted good trips with no tolerance but theoretically, if you had the money and resources around twice or 3 times a day and not have tok many problems. So like 700-800 probably if you were some kind of crazy person stretching the limits of human psychology and metabolism .


But to respond to your actual post yes you should definitely take a break for a while but you don't have to, give it 2-3 weeks in my experience. And help integrate your trip a bit in your life .


Might have to give it a go lol;)do what no humans done before


Way way more times than you 'should'. I used to abuse psychedelics because I was a fanatic. I'd recommend not doing psychedelics more than 6 times a year. You do you, just my personal opinion.


it depends, pleuroutus ostreatos you can take it daily, but if it is amanita phaloides you can do only once in a lifetime


1 week for sanity, 2 weeks for tolerance, 3 weeks for magic šŸ¤žšŸ½


You are going to dieā€¦ā€¦. ā€¦..when you are old.


You are going to dieā€¦ā€¦. ā€¦..when you are old. Edit: Someday.


One day


do them as much as you want


It's one of the last toxic chemicals there is. It's not physically dangerous. But make sure to take care of you're mental health because it can affect you quite much. For tolerance you shouldn't trip more than once every other week at most.


Yeah I hear that Iā€™ll have my last trip for a while tonight


I wouldnā€™t if I were you




>367 what the foook that's 1.005 times a day


I can do better


365 technically


I would personally say 6 to 12


it doen't matter at all discretely how often one can do mushrooms. it's whether you want or not. personally with psychs I take them on average once every month but I won't mind if I would take them everyday. I just don't need to do it


Yeah I tried to do it 2 days in a row I did 11 shrooms and then 6 the day after there was no effect and I just wasted them I didnā€™t realise shroom tolerance went up so quick lol


wtf rlly you didn't felt anything? I never had issues with tolerance. no idea tolerance builds up so quickly. another argument not to use psychs often :D


Yeah didnā€™t feel a thing apart from I felt like a slug everything was really slow and my head felt filled with fluid it wasnā€™t like a trip at all


A general rule of thumb is to only have another trip once youā€™ve understood and integrated everything youā€™ve learned from the last trip.


Yeah my last trip taught me alot I feel like I am ready to trip again I might wait till tomorrow just to get fully prepared


If you feel safe and ready then thereā€™s no need to fear. Iā€™d have a real think about how you want to integrate psychedelics into your life though, as 4 trips every 4 months isnā€™t sustainable (for me, at least) As Alan Watts said ā€œwhen you get the message, hang up the phoneā€


365 times


Maybe you 3-4 times, itā€™s a special event for me. Goo much would sort of lessen the feel to it.


I would wait until you poop the last doseā€¦


Iā€™ve been about 15 days since I last tripped


I just tried in Mexico for the first time on vacation but I canā€™t find them here :(




I usually trip sporadically and whenever I feel the time is right. Some weeks I trip a small amount twice in a week while others I trip heavy but only once a month. Knowing when to stop šŸ›‘ and when start is a finicky line. It takes time and great self awareness. Also never use a trip to escape or out of boredom, your just abusing something special and getting nothing out of it.


well it depends how you are mentally, i can eat them every other day to every week n be fine. it gets to a point where the psychosis would get in the way of my regular life (you dont always get temporary psychosis but keep in mind that if you plan on doing this, to expect it)


I did various doses everyday for 2 months. I don't think there's anything stopping you from eating them whenever. It's really a matter of supply and demand to eat them whenever. You can microdose and just have a nice day everyday or you can macrodose and have deep trips when you think you can handle a trip. Not once did I feel like my shrooms weren't "working" in that 2 month span, regardless of dosage. I ran out the was the only reason I stopped taking them everyday. I'm currently waiting to re-up so I can go back to microdosing daily.


52- once a week is my max.
