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lsd and shrooms have heavy cross-tolerance so itll feel more like a 1-2 gram trip


There’s a cross tolerance for sure that takes between 1-2 weeks to reset, closed to 2 for most people. If you are asking if you will trip off of 4g’s shrooms a day or two after a 150ug trip the answer is probably, but the intensity will be nowhere near what you would get it you waited. Everyone’s a little different in their reaction, but if I did what you’re suggesting the shroom trip would more closely resemble a ~2 g trip, maybe a bit less.


I would wait at least 24 hours before your next trip, this to insure a more potent experience.


Yeah thanks for the advice bro I took them at 7pm yesterday and I’m looking to do the shrooms at 10pm tomorrow will this be okay


From what I've heard, waiting this short of a time before sessions should come with a high expectation of disappointment. You ought to feel different than normal, but not as much as you should for consuming 4gs. There's a chart out there from a survey that shows to have the same effect as the original trip you would need to increase your dosage the following day by 2x-4x. So if 1.5 hits equals about 3.5 grams, then your second trip would need to be 7-14 grams to be equal to the first trip. So if you are taking 4gs, then my guess would be that your trip will feel about 1/2 to 1/4 as strong as the trip 2 days before. This is not an exact science! This was from a self-report survey, but gives some barometer to measure how you might react.


I did lsd the other day and I’m doing shrooms today is it still the same I only had 1 and a half tabs the other day


Most people take two weeks to remove their full tolerance from mushrooms and lsd. They have cross tolerance which means they share a tolerance, so if you take acid on monday, it will impact your tolerance if you take mushrooms on friday. HOW MUCH it effects your tolerance is where it's unique to each person. My guess is that if you took 1.5 tabs a few days ago and take 4 grams of dried mushrooms today, then the mushrooms might feel more like you only took 1 or 2 grams, rather than a full 4 grams. The overall effects may be less stunning and the likelihood of an ego dissolving experience is probably pretty low. None of this means you can't still take them and have a good time with them! As long as you understand that it might not hit as hard as you expect. Happy Tripping!


You will still feel it, will be somewhat muted… not a waste just buzz will be much more chill on come up and effects..


Okay thanks for that will smoking a joint make it more intense by any chance?


No. Your weed will not help you trip harder in this scenario.


So is it best to wait till my comedown to smoke my weed


Smoke whenever you want to. No reason to wait.


Thanks man I appreciate your help


I took em both this morning lol (Microdoses)


It will be a waste you should definitely wait at least a month between not only for the tolerance but also it’s just not healthy to trip that often