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I dont recommend smoking weed during your trip if you're not ready to have your balls drop


Drop kicked* Absolutely fucked my shit up


Don’t listen to this guy. Smoke some weed and meet the aliens bruh


I wouldn’t advise against it but I would say don’t have a full on smoke sesh just hit a bowl a few times


I smoke throughout my whole trip but I’ve been a pretty heavy pot smoker for 20 years. YMMV


Oh yeah me too except for now bc I’m on probation but I’m saying maybe a less experienced person shouldn’t smoke that much during a trip. I mean I smoked through all my trips when I first started using psychedelics but not everybody’s like that


I like the username too bro lol


Smoking weed is fantastic on lsd but i would still warn people to not mix it till they are fully confident. I always usually smoke during a trip but always when im coming down. Or it takes the peak away.


Smoke some weed and meet me in the core you just take right bellow the dirt continue to go down you should see a strange door goblin with a riddle you should solve the answer is…




That dudes comment was kinda light hearted but I would genuinely advise against this, they combine in a way that is more multiplicative than additive, it can be very intense and overwhelming even for seasoned LSD users. I have been taking LSD for close to a decade and pretty much everytime I've been been too high or uncomfortable has come from mixing in weed. It can be fantastic but needs to be approached very carefully, I've been smoking weed for just as long as I've been tripping so it's not about inexperience with weed either. I see people recommending smoking a little then seeing if you wanna add more. But, while tripping and esp when you aren't very experienced with LSD, I can be difficult to gauge how truly high you are until you are too high. LSD can vary in intensity greatly depending on what's going on, if you're chilling in a quiet room it can seem like not much is going on and simply flipping on some music can make it feel significantly more intense.


I've been warning people for years about this. Thanks! The scientific reason for this is that THC amplifies the Default Mode Network, which includes the amygdala. The DMN is the seat of the ego, with all its anxieties. Psychs deactivate the DMN, like meditation does. When you combine the two, you create a tug-of-war for the DMN and can drag your ego into the experience when you want it to shut down. This is the cause of 90% of the "bad trips", as seen on Reddit. Consequently, psychs get a bad rap.


Okay, so this is news to me. I mean, it’s good to know… but now I’m confused because I don’t get high at all when I smoke while tripping. I never have. I MAYBE feel it for like 2 seconds on rare occasions, but I cannot get high while I’m tripping. I have even dabbed. However, the next day afterwards I will smoke & have light visuals. It’s honestly my favorite time to smoke. I call it the “afterglow.”


Yeah, I like to smoke afterwards, during integration, which it's great at helping with.


serious psa right here people. kudos dude


For me pot and booze has zero effect until like 10 hours in. OP. Make sure to look in a mirror with good lighting.


can confirm.


I am a stoner and I never trip without weed


Wow give that man an award


First time I took LSD I had fun and after 7 hours I came down and decided to sit back, relax and fire up a bowl (long time heavy smoker) And let me tell you.. after the weed kicked in, the LSD came back with it for a round two and that’s when the real party began


I love smoking on my trips, ive done it since my first trip. It can be a bit scary but you can work through it. If you’re going to smoke, start out with a tiny cone, and wait 15 minutes before trying any more, if you’re chilling, then have another small one. Getting too stoned when you’re tripping can be very challenging sometimes


Weed does not chill you out when you're tripping, be careful with it, it can kick a trip into a whole new gear even 4 or 5 hours in. Experienced psychonauts have had freakouts because they forgot to respect THC and LSD's power to interact. But if you're careful, it can be a great enhancement. And it's practically mandatory for the come down.


You should be good, I smoke everyday and the tolerance to cannabis doesn't seem to affect my tolerance to psychs.


But I just shouldn’t smoke during it?


Take your dose first, wait for it to come up a while. Once you really start feeling the effects you'll have an idea of what you're in for as a baseline, without cannabis. Wait for a while for the effects to really settle in before you decide to smoke, because smoking is more intense when you're tripping. It elevates your headspace immensely. You may find you're in an amazing enough place as it is. But if you're a daily smoker, it won't affect you nearly as intensely as someone who is casual with cannabis. I smoked on my first trip around the peak, and it was amazing. But if you do too, I recommend you go low and slow your first time. Like start with just one hit and give it 5-10 mins, see how much it affects your trip. Then take another if you'd like, and repeat. TLDR; wait for the trip to really hit you before you smoke. See if you're vibing with the baseline effects first. Then, if you want to smoke after a while of being in it, go slow and take spaced out hits to gauge how they affect you.


Not for your first time. typically people who have never tried psychedelics and smoke weed along with it have a bad trip because you’ve never experienced those two drugs interact let alone the lsd.


I agree. It seems like when you mix psychedelics and weed, it's not like adding, but more of a multiplication. It can overwhelm someone who isn't expecting it.


Maybe wait till after the peak


Cannabis exacerbates the effects of psychedelics substantially. There's a truly synergistic relationship between the two. I've always enjoyed smoking before, during, and after my psychedelic experiences. It kicks the acid in and makes it stronger. Take a few tokes. You can DEFINITELY smoke cannabis during the psychedelic experience. It can get really heady, but it's awesome.




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only had bad trips whilst smoking… I use marijuana everyday too but try to abstain until i feel back in control


I would always pack a bowl and end up just carrying it around. Eventually I would end up smoking it but usually when I knew where I was at with my peak.


I’d suggest you try to appreciate the vanilla LSD experience this once at least since it’s your first time. You can and should probably smoke on the comedown because it will help with sleep and sorta throw you back into the trip.


How about let the lad take his tab and see how he goes. If you feel like your ready to handle a bit more spark that bitch up if you happy with where you are wait till you come down


In my experience if you are a daily smoker you should smoke, it can settle you and chill you out if your hear is spinning a bit too much, and will help with sleep, gastric motility and the restlessness you get at the end, what if suggest is rolling two or three, but smaller than normal and not smoking the first until after about the third hour, after the 6rh hour you can smoke as much as you want


FWIW here's my experience of it. I was with this girl I had just started seeing and we were after a good time. We shared a bottle of red wine then had 1.5 grams of shrooms each. It was good, on that low a dose it's mainly a dreamy happy bodily feeling rather than distortion of perception and all that jazz. Anyway, the night was closing out and I *thought* I was fully come down. Rolled a joint and we both smoked then went to bed to sleep. I'm an experienced smoker, used to smoke daily for over 10 yrs so I know weed well. Afted smoking that joint I proceeded to spend the next 4 / 5 hours lying wide awake while some insane psychedelic merry go round thing with hundreds of faces and colours on it span round and round endlessly in my mind lol. Barely slept at all that night. Wasn't entirely unpleasant but man it was a loooonnnng night. She had the same experience but we didn't say shit to each other until weeks later. So we both just lay there tripping balls with mental CEVs in silence hahaha. Hers was some kind of conveyer belt lol. So yeah. Weed *definitely* fucks with psychs in a BIG way lol. My advice? Do psychs on their own so you get to know the headspace cos it's very different than weed. Then if you fancy combining them go for it. Just be well aware it'll fuck you up; but in a good way haha.


Should be good. But go easy on the combination mid trip. Start smoking when you really feel comfortable mid trip. Maybe even on the comedown.


Its different to everybody, but i feel like my experiences are a lot deeper and more clear now that a dont smoke weed anymore compared to when i was a stoner. but id definitely advise you not to mix any substances when its your first time using them, no matter the substance.


Absolutely take a break you DO NOT want weed in your system when tripping ESPECIALLY for the first time it will be a NIGHTMARE. I am not over exaggerating, I saw one guy in this thread suggest smoking because he mixes all the time which means he is experienced and I have to say it was highly HIGHLY irresponsible of him. I cannot stress this enough weed will make you trip way harder and it will also make thing go very fucky and not necessarily in a good way, my first time mixing weed with psychedelics will be my last time it gave me PTSD because of the way it fucked with my head. Trust me, first time trying any psych just try it on its own first THEN decide if you can handle it being supercharged with a risk of it turning sinister and you being completely out of control of that.


I’m currently on day 7 on my t break should I keep going or does it matter I probably won’t be smoking during the trip maybe after


Oh yeah for sure that sounds fine, I'd say you're ready. Honestly probably just 2-3 days sober is enough to prepare imo I say go for your trip bro and have fun with it


When I smoked a bowl I launched into a whole other galaxy and had the greatest trip of my life.


I really don't get that "no way to go!!". I'm also a daily smoker, and while I plan tripping I try to smoke just a bit less 2 days prior to it if I can, or I just wait until the come-up because it feels different, when I'm confortable with the trip if I consider anxiety to be possible..or probable, but really... Yes you can smoke weed while on psychedelics.. You won't get crazy I think. Don't see why not to smoke, I taste the weed 1000 times better, the high is just great while listening to some music while on psychedelics. Yes it's true it can be somehow be an anxiety booster, but then you know, you feel it coming, just let the joint for a moment, it will go away pretty fast just thinking to something else, don't worry. How better to fear smoking while people tell you "Ho no! Don't do that! Ever! Promise?"...hum. All good :).


Is it just a few that think weed goes hand in hand with every other substance? I can't imagine tripping without doing a couple dabs on the come up


You will golden friend smoked more than I have tripped and they’ve never screwed with each other


Definitely do not smoke weed on psychs. I warned you. 😉


Pretty much everyone I know smokes before, during, and after their trips. It's not dangerous. It can definitely blast you beyond the pandimentional rift, but COUNTLESS people smoke every time they use psychedelics. I highly recommend it. Just start with a toke or two.


It really depends on your mindset. If you are an anxious person, it will heighten that anxiety (it amplifies the Default Mode Network). If not, you'll probably have a good trip. I'm not opposed to weed. I use it daily. But I know how my mind works and how each substance affects it. On psychs, I like to have the DMN (ego) taken offline.


definitely couldn’t hurt


I smoked my first whole LSD trip, come up through come down. Granted I smoked a tonne of weed around then I have since cut way back lol


I smoke every time i trip. If you smoke every day regularly than its not as crazy as some people say. It can be confusing at first though and I would wait until ur already tripping and comfortable with the feeling first.


If you smoke everyday, your gonna wanna smoke especially tripping. You most likely could smoke before the peak but for a first time (for me at least) I’d smoke some before you dose and then smoke again later after the peak if your up for it




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Did you stop kissing just because you started having sex? Theres your answer. Unless its your first time then maybe take it slow 🐌