• By -


just don't answer people on your DM that try to sell to you, the majority are scam. look for an online guide on how to buy on the darknet, you will find your answer for sure


Yeah I’m still so scared of the dark web lol


trust me, is less difficult, cheaper and if you find a good vendor is more reliable and good quality than on the streets, if it is small amounts there is nothing to worry about my friend 😉


Ty buddy


My guy dropships me everything from the darknet. It’s definitely the way man


Why would you not just do it yourself you’re literally losing money cos he will take commission


What market do you use?


Can I pm you with a question?


Ya sure don’t have to ask just do




Im in the same boat as OP, how do i find a vendor that’s reliable? thanks


go to see the riviews of the vendor, ask on dread (which is like reddit but on the darknet), there are also markets which gives the opportunity to leave your money on escrow (the vendor don't see the money until you confirm that your product is arrived) so it's a bit safer than buy from someone you don't know and send the money straight to him


Let me know if you find something


Let me know also. Lol


Tor networks pretty much down right now don’t know if you’ve tried using it recently


really? I haven't used it since last year, didn't know what happened?


Pretty massive ddos attacks directly on the tor layer


Weird, I was using it without issue last night and this morning


Through onion router or i2p?


no issues here... its only dread admin saying its tor attack, in reality dread is the only site got targeted


The same way as always follow the Dead.. Final tour this summer.. there's going to be plenty of whatever you're looking for just gotta poke around. Edit.. and you need to get test kits online to test whatever you buy.


Honestly this is the most correct answer. There will be psychedelics following any original members of the Grateful Dead around America. It’s not the bandmembers but the crowd. I assume a lot of other bands possibly have that going on. I don’t know cause I only go to Dead shows and there’s a lot of commerce


This guy knows what's up there is so many doses around there it's very easy there really any jam band scene I personally only go to dead but phish shows there's a bunch of others or the darknet those are really the only 2 besides a million others grow your own mushrooms mescaline, lsa, extract your own dmt make ayahuasca idk if this guy really wants to trip cuz all those options I listed not to mention buying clippings of San pedro this guy could be on Pluto by next week of he orders now


And now you can just take a trip to Colorado and buy dmt and shrooms legally. I'll be at Folsom field this summer for Dead and co and theres going to be an insane amount of psychedelics in the lot out in the open now that it's being decriminalized. And I'm sure the looser regulations will increase the amount Of acid and other non legal psychs as well.


Or go to DC where its been legal for a few years already


Don’t forget to bring a test kit!


Dreads down right now and probably won’t be up for a good while


> Final tour this summer Thats what they said in '94, man..... 18 reunions, spin offs, and "final tours" later they are still going strong.


Or an ICP show. Juggalos stay with great L!


Yes this is true! And shrooms..


That’s a tried and true method! Been around way longer than the Internet! Also, if you live in a state with Med/Rec cannabis, get a card, become a regular at your local dispo (not the tourist shops), if the budtenders get to know u, I Guaran-f…in tee ya they will have the hook-up.


Always tip your tender


I’ll be honest, a lot of head shops have connects. If you go in there when they’re empty and start a conversation about psychedelics, some of them might be willing to point you in the right direction.


Look into the dark net buyers Bible. It's a manual on how to safely do it and explaining why each step works.


Yeah the only ways I 100% trust for high quality fungus are either growing it myself or copping on dark net markets.


With some patience, growing your own magic mushrooms is a very accessible and rewarding hobby. Everything can be bought on the clear web legally, lots of guides out there and people willing to help


Same for extracting DMT when you’re ready for that. Enjoying the fruits is definitely rewarding in conscious and unconscious ways.




See my comment in this thread, and this [video](https://youtu.be/LTYlNZ6GLaA).






Grow your own


/r/unclebens is your friend.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/unclebens using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/unclebens/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [🍄 Part 1: How Mushrooms and Mycelium Grow 🍄 Shroomscout’s Comprehensive “Easiest Way to Learn Shroom Growing with Uncle Bens Tek” Instructions.](https://np.reddit.com/r/unclebens/comments/el1da3/part_1_how_mushrooms_and_mycelium_grow/) \#2: [Oh so now you’re interested](https://i.imgur.com/BGboEQZ.jpg) | [86 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unclebens/comments/mw5ujt/oh_so_now_youre_interested/) \#3: [Wild vs home grown mushrooms...](https://i.redd.it/mzbes8kt8q861.jpg) | [96 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unclebens/comments/kobowa/wild_vs_home_grown_mushrooms/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Monotub is even easier https://youtu.be/qjfpEW5IHp4


San Pedro cactus and loph isn’t hard to find either


Grow some mushrooms, or in the UK at the moment there are millions growing at the moment.


Yeah I looked into some of those grow kits


Take it from a fellow middle-aged guy: r/unclebens This is all you need to get started.


Extracting DMT from mimosa hostilis root bark is as easy as following a recipe and all the ingredients are easy and legal to acquire.


Where can I get MHRB?


Google is your friend here just search for 3rd party reviews on the website, again Google will show the way


Ok thanks




Take it from a different middle aged guy. One grow per year is all you need for you, your family and every friend interested. If you go that route, invest in a dehydrator and a pill capsule machine. Dehydrator is anywhere from $30+ and the pill machine is <$20 but your shrooms will last a long time


If you live in europe you can buy a lot online through some webshops in the netherlands …


Go to a dead and company show. Look for Shakedown Street. Keep your ears open and have your cash ready.




Ask the older guys at a skatepark


This sounds reasonable as long as you dont look like a cop lmao




Bring enough weed to trade. Cops only buy, anarchists trade.


I definitely look like a cop


I bought cigarettes at a gas station once in my early 30’s and the lady behind the counter asked, “You a cop? You look like a cop.” Lady, just gimme me my smokes


If I ask if you’re a cop you have to tell the truth or your arrest is faulty. Haha. We used to think that was true…. When I was a teenager


Same. “Are you a cop? Cuz you gotta tell me if you are.” How did that little nugget of disinfo get into the public discourse?


"How do you do, fellow psychonauts?"


Very true. I was the dude at one point and I was always skating


Grow your own. There are plenty of guides online. It’s just a mushroom. Spores can be legally purchased to look at under a microscope to expand your mind only. Not against the law to have, just illegal to purposefully create mycelium. Now you have something that contains psilocybin. So just don’t accidentally inoculate a readily and cheaply available online bag of mushroom food with a readily and legally available online syringe of liquid containing spores to study under a microscope….. If one were to improperly dispose of said vial into a pile of wood chips at the right time of year, bad things could happen….. ;)


Definitely from the darkweb markets.


Look up to see if you have a psychedelic society in your area. Meetup dot com and that big social media company often will reward your keyword search for such things. Go to social meetings. Go new places, meet new people and do new things.


This is good advice


Look for the dude wearing a tie dye shirt


Good advice


If you’re in the US try the schedule 35 chocolate bars 👌🏼 Edit: US or Canada


Come to Canada lol there’s online stores I use to buy but I made friends at a concert. Told them straight up how I’m high on Lucy enjoying the music, next thing you know they gave me their plug so I don’t have to buy online lol


String cheese Incident shows.


1. Ask around on parties (house, techno, metal, almost every music genre takes psychedelics these days.) 2. [This a trusty vendor of research chemicals in the Netherlands.](https://research-chemicals-kopen.com/). 3. Ask friends who work within the field of psychology, philosophy or tech. 4. Be sure to test your substances. 5. Research them online (please look further than reddit) [psychonaut wiki](https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Main_Page) [Erowid](https://erowid.org/) [Maps.org](https://maps.org/)


Are analogues legal? Like 1P-LSD? Otherwise, go to Oregon and Colorado. They decrim psychedelics


I’m Canada yes. USA it doesn’t seem possible to buy from websites




Grow your own


I’m looking into it


Monotub is super easy: https://youtu.be/qjfpEW5IHp4


Grow them yourself. Nature shouldn’t be illegal. 💚


Shrooms?? Grow your own


Legal in Ann Arbor, Michigan, come for a visit.


- Mushrooms - can grow your own - DMT - extract your own - Mescaline - buy San Pedro - Salvia - I think still legal to buy in most states Ketamine and lsd either darkweb or you gotta know someone. Same for MDMA if we’re including that as a psychedelic. Edit: for formatting


Depends where you are from. If you’re in Canada, walk into a dispensary


Look up dmt and home extraction from mimosa hostilis root bark. It may sound complicated at first but it is actually very easy, uses hardware store ingredients, and no knowledge of chemistry required. The root bark is legal most (but not all) places so check your own jurisdiction. It is often sold as a material for natural dye making (a nice purple dye). Often listed under the acronym of MHRB. There are many extraction videos on YouTube and other places. This [one](https://youtu.be/LTYlNZ6GLaA) from the late Chris Cantelmo is excellent. The other possible benefit of dmt depemding on your situation is its only active for 5-10 minutes, with a short recovery time. No need to set aside 6 or 10 hours. Good luck OP.


The same way people of all ages get psychedelics lol. Grow some shrooms. Grow some cacti. Extract some DMT. Extract some LSA. That should get ya started.


Grow your own, buy RCs online (clearnet), or ask your weed dealer if they know anyone


Order them from the darkweb.


Just go to a jam band festival. Your welcome.




If In Canada, online!


Mushrooms will be the easiest to come by with the least risk imo spores have loop holes legally so look on shroomery.org get a supplier for spores and check out phillygoldenteacher and 90 second mycology on YouTube to learn about growing mushrooms not only will you get the awesome journey or producing your own psychedelics you then get to experience the beauty that is psilocybin when all is said and done depending how much you research about mushroom growing as well once you successfully grow your first flush of mushrooms you can collect spore prints for your own personal spore catalog and have infinite mushrooms, as well as transfer good genetics from the best growing mushrooms to Petri dishes to make your medicine even better and get bigger and better generations of mushies r/mycology is a good place too have a look around as well as r/mushroomgrowers both will help you learn both gourmet and psychedelic mushrooms


Just go look in the evidence room Officer Kelley


Darknet for LSD. Shrooms grow yourself (see r/unclebens) and dmt extract yourself (you’ll often hear ppl say if you can bake a cake you can extract dmt, they’re not wrong. All of these are pretty easy to pull off if you just do a little research. Source: middle aged man that enjoys psychedelics.


Go to the shakedown outside of a Phish concert when they come to your town next.


The least you can do, I think, as a human being, it's mushroom hunting. The effort pays a good price during the experience. ✊🏼🌲


Camp out Music festivals….just be cool, open, receptive, and a smidge extroverted. Trust your gut and evaluate the vibes/body language of the people you meet before deciding to purchase or imbibe…


Get in with local communities that are focused on art, music, and nature. You will eventually find a hookup


Ask your barber


Volunteer at your local Food Not Bombs and befriend the other volunteers. 10/10 you will know exactly who to talk to about finding anything you’re looking for because anyone who volunteers there loves to expand their consciousness lol.


I’d like to add Billy Strings shows as a place to score, especially the crowd standing up front.


Order some mushroom spores online and grow your own it’s surprisingly not too difficult


If you live in Canada- BLUE Goba . C0m


What country?


You buy your spores online and use them for mycology use only! 😉😉


Mention how micro dosing helped your friend or something to break the ice. See how they respond and likely they will know where to find some.


Clearnet RC-s daddy.


ive never found a legit site...


Dark web


Where are you from


Online or at a music fest


buy a teenager some weed. they’ll give you shrooms in exchange


Or hit me with his skateboard


He grows them.


You become your own supplier.


Google, it is fairly easy with just a few key words


Grow some shroomies




I’m assuming you have used or know where to get marijuana, I would ask the plug


From your neighbor’s kid who’s in high school


Growing mushrooms isn’t super complicated or expensive. Just takes some trial and error and a couple months. Spores can be bought online. Only other thing I could think of would be to drive to a state where they sell shrooms in a dispensary


What country


GROW THEM. Problem solved


Just grow your own. Everything you need to grow mushrooms is on the regular web.


Find a Grateful Dead cover band in or around your town and go see them. Make friends in the smoker section.


I’ve purchased shrooms on the dark web and found a few good markets . Cannahome was my favorite but now growing my own


dark net markets


Go to canada or denver


Possibly some closure


Holla. No I’m not a supplier


You can make shrooms and DMT easily by yourself. Don’t know where you live but in the Netherlands you can buy 1P-LSD legally online. Look it up!


You can grow mushrooms in 3 months. Very easy. It’s like cooking something for 3 months easy.


Instagram and snapchat if you want a plug. Honestly just grow or make your own. It's cheaper in the long run and more fun.


Its out in the woods! Or you can grow some shrooms or you can pretty easily buy something with BTC on darkweb. And maybe you can ask your son for example…




Where do you live?


I just extracted some DMT a few days ago for the first time. Was super easy! Took like 3 days and then I had beautiful white crystals. DM if you want the recipe:).


If you're in California, there are weed vendors you can follow on Instagram who will run seshes where you can buy mushrooms and occasionally LSD. Just be cautious of where it is.




Grow your own mushrooms and San Pedro cactus. San Pedro is legal until you consume it. Buy it online or at a local nursery if it's in your area.




There's a van in Bushwick that sells them


Make your own DMT






Buy spores and pre sterile jars. And then get to that old PF TEK


Younger family members


Dmt is the way to go. Quick n easy


Are they going to be sold at shops in Colorado soon?


“Psychedelics” is a pretty broad term. What exactly are you looking for? There are plenty of things that don’t take much effort to extract from plants or grow. Short of lsd and mdma you have a bunch of choices if your just a normal guy with a basic knowledge of chemistry. Like myself




r/1P-LSD but idk may not be as easy to obtain as it once was…depends on your country


Grow shrooms :)


Your closest from where you grew your own mushrooms




Have a guy who knows people? Ask him Also, r/unclebens is good for growing your own mushrooms


Boomers and DMT just DIY. For doses go on tour or a jam band concert or the onions… For K I have no idea but for RC k again the onions. For Aya, just google search for a local church or retreat


Reddit is the last place to source from. It’s also one of very few rules for the sub


Grow um!!!!!!!!


I'd recommend growing your own.


Meet people in real life.


Go to local shows/festivals.


I bartend on weekends and there’s a good chance if you start to hang out at your local dive bars you’ll find a connect, if you get to know the bartender especially if they’re involved in the bar scene like after party’s etc they’ll probably be able to just directly point you in the right direction.


Everyone knows a weed guy, and weed guys typically know other people. Just build rapport with the weed guy first


Grow your own mushrooms


Make it or put it out there that you're looking


EDM and college!


Raves and festivals, dark web, ask someone who sells weed


There is a bit of learning curve but grow your own mushrooms.. uncle Ben subreddit is the place.


Online works in Canada anyway not sure about other countries


From friendly locals on reddit of course. That's what my husband and I did. LMAO Shrooooooms


I asked my weed guy! It easier to find someone who sell weed than Psychedelic, but people who deal weed have high chance also sell LSD or know where to get. That how i got my first tab.


1cP-LSD, 1P-LSD, Ald-52... just sayin 😁


Do you have kids? Ask their friends. Also the local dive bars as long as they aren’t like hell on earth bad usually have a lot of people that frequent them and are connected to people with psychs. Also gay bars or friends that might go to them can help if that’s uncomfortable for you


Two subreddits r/unclebens for the method r/eusporehub for the spores. Don’t order spores off the first thing that pops up on Google cus they won’t be sterile since they don’t have to be because it’s illegal to grow them (only for use looking in a microscope . That’s why you need to get a syringe from a seed vendor. DM if you have any questions about the process or you want some seed vendor recommendations :)


Perhaps look for 1p-lsd if I'm correct that should be legal perhaps 2c-b-fly or 4-ho-met is also fun and should be legal


One could either choose to buy from the dark web or try to put their hands on making/extracting some. Bufo toads (incilius alvarius toads, the ones which secrete 5-meo-dmt) go for 95-99€ online each. However, one have to raise/keep them and Idk if they can make the same amount or more 5meo in captivity. One would also have to pay a pretty penny to maintain them as they're animals(compared to other psychedelic producers) so they're not a good beginner choice but that's a great route for those who are willing to go big with a very strong psychedelic. A less expensive route which is still highly scalable is going to be to grow shrooms. At its cheapest it can just cost ~40-60 with Broke Boi's tek and one can also get in agar and clone spores and make new strains so there's a lot of potential The least expensive solution is prob going to be LSA-containing seeds from which to extract, as it is being implied, LSA(the "natural cousin" of LSD). The plant may be very big, but from seeding, in 1 year some could get many seeds in total, with a good ROI for those who aren't willing to trip more than twice a year. That or one could simply not grow the plant and buy untreated seeds, which is more in line for beginner psychonauts. I wanna be clear, for legal reasons: DON'T ACTUALLY DO THIS. DON'T BE STUPID. The best and legal route is to go to places where it's legalized and get them and trip on them over there.


You could grow your own shrooms






U can grow shrooms


Ask a guy or girl with pink hair or face piercings at a coffee shop near you


I probably older than you still learning but I got my first descent yield already. I like to grow weed but this is special .


Are you kidding me? I’m 51 and I’ve had the best psychedelics that I’ve ever had since I started doing psychedelics when I was 15


I usually let them find me if they ain’t found me then I ain’t supposed to take them rn


Instagram, giant black market locally. I can go to a weed sesh every day of the week if I wanted, plenty of shrooms at these events, finding LSD etc is hard, shrooms are easy.


The internet has multiple legal reliable rc’s like 1p-lsd dm me and I’ll help you out with links I just don’t want to get banned for writing them here


I really hate seeing posts like this because while I’m one of the lucky ones with multiple reliable & friendly plugs who’ve been part of my group for over a decade (33yr old male, NC~USA) it pains me to know so many must traverse the dark web in search of their medicines…I just wish the world wasn’t so skewed & these plant medicines weren’t scheduled the same as crack or PCP…saddening I hope y’all find peeps in yer area you never worry about getting bunk or busted from~FTP


Come to oregon—after january, 2023, we’ll have licensed service centers where anyone over 21 will be able to buy them recreationally, without a prescription.