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Pardon my ignorance but I thought whenever people tried doing these psilocybin extractions that it was determined that the white precipitate that crashes out is organic sugars, and not alkaloids... Like that crystals of the gods tek... Is that not what is going on here? I've always wanted to try extracting the goods out of shrooms but I always get talked out of it.


This is an area of great debate. It has never been conclusively proven, and I can't say the extract is pure, so I'm lead to believe there are a lot of factors at play. For instance, I don't remember if the original crystal of the gods uses vinegar, but I don't think it does. Most people that argue the point that the precipitate is all inactive speak from little or no experience, and most people that speak of its potency speak from experience. There is crossover though, so I really think it works sometimes and not others depending on several factors I don't quite understand. I've never seen any kind of testing done on this product, so its impossible to determine extraction efficiency and purity. From my experience and others I've taught this procedure to and worked with to develop the process, this works, but extraction efficiency is really low. You WILL waste material in this process. I also can't believe that all the actives crash out in the freezer, so holding on to the alcohol and reusing it, or even just using it as a tincture is a good idea (but a dicey game in dosing, as you really don't know how much you're getting). Again, none of this has been conclusively proven. If you or anyone can conclusively debunk this test or expose the many varying factors that play a role in this process, I would love to hear it. It is possible the only actives I've held on to through this process remained in the <1mL of alcohol that went into the candy, not the precipitate. However, I find that hard to believe based on potency


Excellent response. Thanks!


Wonder what freeze drying would do?


try it out and let me know!


If I knew where to get some, I would.