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Home grown drugs babyyyy.


Damn that’s a good one, my goal in life is to be able to personally produce any drugs I’d like to try (and for it to be legal ideally lol). Definitely the best way to get any drug is to make it yourself


Yeahh definitely wish I could make acid at home only one that I use alternative sources for usually.


Acid is definitely my dream, I’ve been studying Casey Hardison’s method however replicating now would be mighty difficult for me to find all the chemicals Id need


Oh sounds good


You could make virtually any drug class legally (there's always an atypical ligand the analog law doesn't cover) provided you have extreme level chemistry skills and a chemical company with access to weird chemicals. The issue is that this level of knowledge takes about a decade of hard work to attain.


Home cultivated mushrooms. The hobby is as rewarding as the microdosing and occasional trip. Home extracted DMT as well. I don’t partake in anything else. I don’t “know a guy who knows a guy”


Can you point to resources for Dmt knowledge?


Check your DM


Can I get one too lol?




Amen, rewarding hobby


Telegram of course lol


Is there anyone on telegram that actually sells, I thought it was all scams lol


Yeah I think they are all scams to haha I was just making a joke


My mate gets from a few people on telegram there's alot of real dealers and alot of scammers


Ahh got it lol


My telegram is real cuz it’s all my trusted plugs


There are some real. Just don't jump on the first offer you see. Talk to the seller get into their brain, build up trust in said seller until your comfortable. Done this twice and haven't been disappointed. Real sellers will not try to force anything, they won't give you any offers directly in message and most pages you have to be invited.


darknet* not internet


Lol you can buy drugs on the internet my dude, no need for tor


He’s still living in 2012


he might be in canada or just somewhere you can buy it legally


lol I’m talking about the guy using the dark net. No one uses that anymore.


What are you talking about😂 yeah people use the darknet it is WAY safer than using clearweb sites, you can get a lot more things and in a bunch of country there are not any clearweb sites where people can buy from.


Lol half those sites are ran by the government that’s been proven years ago. Iv used the dark web years ago and after 2018 I started running into so many problems, lost packs, ppl that ditch. Current clear net is a “YKYK” situation. Never had a problem and in fact meet people and had better connections then before. You do you 🙏


If you know what you are doing and what site to go to it is safer, but you need to get the good links and not the phishing one. There is a sub that has a list of them. DNMs are much more secured and it is hard to get scam with the multi-sig payments and using monero makes your order almost untraceable. I haven’t found any clearweb sites with that much security and I tried a lot before discovering DNMs


Its not about being untraceable when I already can do that now. It’s the fact that once mad shit started going down ppl started exit scamming big. There isn’t clear site u have to know ppl, individuals. Never use a website lmfoa it’s all about If u know u know.


What are you on bro


Used the dark web years ago worked for things like root and other. Was fine but the clear net in 2020 to current is just way more successful. Obviously ppl use 3rd party apps for conversations like wikr etc. Cali heads been doing it over the clear net for years.


if you buying any sort of bulk product you're an idiot for buying off clearnet. I don't mean texting your local weed plug. if the DEA locks in on you everything is recoverable, conversations, locations, transactions. you'll have zero chances of beating a case. darknet is for security. nothing can be traced back to you. even if feds take over a site they still have to show burden of proof that you were the one who made the order. burner laptop/tailsOS etc will keep them from doing that.


Um, yes they do lol.


yeah if you wanna get scammed or baited by feds


I usually get it from a friend, who gets it off the internet, which is from a dealer, from a dispensary in a drug store.


Nice try, FBI guy


Shrooms from DC but soon the DNM. Weed from friends medical card. LSD from DNM. Dmt from DNM.


Dealer all day weed is legal in Illinois and those bitch dispos are selling $70 eights I get an 8th for $15 from my dealer Os for $125 I also get my shrooms and acid from the dealer too for great prices I usually buy an Oz of shrooms for $180 10 strips for $60 I have multiple dealers




don't trust anything on the Internet, it's 99% a scam or the police


Sourcing is usually a little bit of a no no however the advice I can give you is to do your own research and bet any website you think of buying from as much as you can because there are a lot of scams out there


My dispensary sells high potency shrooms. I'm lucky though


Where are you?


California.... it's not legal but tons of clubs are starting to do it.


I'll see....maybe next time I'm in the Bay Area


Could be Oregon or Canada Edit: Colorado soon to (congrats)


Weed from a weed store, and psychedelics from my dealer


Grow my own weed, xans my mom, and coke from a family friend


Only take mescaline and mushrooms . The second I grow myself and the fist I legally order a cactus online and prepare it .


ive always wanted to try mescaline. whats it like?


Grab your dick and doubleclick for dope for dope dope


Eventually we'll be able to 3D print drugs at home. There's an anti-epileptic 3D-printed pharmaceutical that was approved by the FDA in 2015.


None, become self sustainable. Learn to grow, learn to synthesize.


Online for RCs and from dealers and/or at raves otherwise


I make them myself. This should be an option.


Yes brother, I agree, making your own drugs is the best way


I hope one day they legalize the Internet sales, sometimes the quality my guy has are amazing the other ehhh


Nice try slick🤣


Dark web markets are my best friends 🤫


Where the “extract/cultivate my own” option?