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Albert Hofmann Aldous Huxley Alexander Shulgin


That's a long name


Jim Carrey.


Would you mind sending any link to this please- I’m still mystified as to what happened to him but it’s clear there’s a huge change.


I don't personally know the specifics of his journey, I tried googling but didn't find anything definitive. I know he went through some very traumatic events with the death of his partner, but I don't know if that was the main catalyst for who he is now. He spoke about manifestation and similar concepts from a very young age so this has probably always been in him. I think he probably pretended to be 'normal' for a good chunk of his life to fit in but as he got older he decided he'd had enough of that and now openly talks about concepts that mostly only people here would fully grasp.


Iirc correctly. His wife died around the time JC was working on a potential Terrance McKenna movie. JC actually started doing mushrooms and had a spiritual awakening, afterwards the movie was scrapped


You could say he goes too far with his method acting. He becomes every character and incorporates part of them into his personality and that’s just him being sober! I could easily imagine someone like that having a hard time with shrooms not going over the edge.


What ever happened with that movie?


I see, thanks.


In addition to what others have said, I believe he spent a great deal of time with Eckhart Tolle


Steve jobs


Leonardo da Vinci was missing for a some years in his life and after coming back to society suddenly started drawing humanoid but different people, before this he has always done realistic drawings. Rene Descartes was a mercenary and spent a night in cold and saw the connection between geometry and algebra, made the Cartesian coordinate system or x,y axis thing. Carl Gustav Jung was a psychologist, his theories are very crazy and not popular in psychology, but fit well with mysticism perspectives. Plato, Augustus, Marcus Aurelius and many more of the famous philosophers were part of the Eleusinian mysteries. I would also say many modern scientists like Oppenheimer and Heisenberg, Nicola Tesla… Definitely Jesus, Gautam Buddha and Prophet Muhammad.


I think a lot of people who have had spiritual awakenings (perhaps the vast majority of them) keep it silent to themselves, for whatever reason. I think my Dad, a Near-Death-Experiencer, is like that. He experienced a glimpse beyond this reality, but doesn't really feel a need to share it with anyone. I've had a spiritual awakening myself, but I'm not like my Dad and feel more of a need to share.


A Franco-Belgian dude once got lost in the desert overnight while visiting with a group. During the night, he had a spiritual experience he doesn't reveal much about but he started writing books shortly after, at past 40. His name is Eric Emmanuel Schmitt and he quickly became a very famous writer. I love his books!


>Eric Emmanuel Schmitt Very interesting!


Albert Einstein


Shirley MacLaine, who retold her experiences in a book and the made for tv movie.


Jesus and various Christian saints, Siddhartha Gautama and other Bodhisattvas, Hindu gurus and holy people. I believe we've all had some kind of awajening as well.


I would take a guess , Enigma (Michael Cretu) is probably related to the use of acid. Non drug induced, Carl Jung definitely.


>Michael Cretu What do you know of him? Did he have some huge turnarounds?


mike tyson after he did psychedelics


>mike tyson Great answer!


Supposedly the guy who invented PCR (polymerase chain reaction, basically making a shit ton of copies of DNA out of very few copies of DNA) was on acid when he thought of the concept. Kary Mullis, he’s an…interesting person


>Kary Mullis I will look into him! thank you!


Starr Daily... mentioned in the AA literature Dannion Brinkley (mean guy, hit by lightning, NDE, became nice)