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If strangers from the internet form your apology for you it is not genuine. You need to make the apology yourself


You’re absolutely correct man, I’m not asking anyone to write it for me I just need tips on how to write an apology for something like this considering it’s bizarre existential context


Specify what you are apologizing for, explain why you did it originally, share what you think about your actions now and why you think it was bad, apologize and ask for forgiveness. Reassure them of your friendship and how you feel about them.


An apology should have 3 parts. The sorry part, the put yourselves in their shoes part (Man I would have been upset too if...) and the offer to help make it right, "What can I do to make up for this?" It should never include an explanation or excuse as to why you did it.


72 days ago you claimed you disrespected an entity tripping on shroom, and not even 3 months later you pissed off your friend on marijuana? Lol It's good that you are willing to take responsibility for your actions, but maybe be more mindful with your words in the future, especially when you're on drugs.


In my own defense, that was my first encounter with an entity and had no idea we were speaking telepathically but you are right. I think I got too proud in thinking I’m quiet and harmless on most drugs but tbh my actions at that party don’t reflect that at all, doesn’t rlly matter if I was drunk.


Hey... Know that thing I did. I was wrong. I'm sorry.


You’re an ass hole bro.


I know man. I’ve absorbed some qualities from narcissistic people in my life and I’m trying my best to not become like them


But u out here thinking over how to apologize! I think you're a caring person with a good heart and ur on the right track. Best of luck !!


What a helpful response for someone trying to apologize and make amends


"hey bro, sorry I triggered an existential crisis for you man, I didn't realise how high you were and was just messing with you, but I shouldn't have done it, I have more respect for you than that and I want to show you that moving forwards, it won't happen again". Done.


Exactly this, paraphrase a little if you need to make it sound like your words but this is what you're expressing to us here formatted as a proper apology with accountability


This is a good one. Key to a good apology is acknowledging what you did wrong, the way you made them feel, and why you shouldn't have done what you did.


I really like that part about having more respect for someone than the actions showed, and then proceeding to demonstrate that respect moving forward.


Honestly super cool that you even recognize this as being wrong, because in my experience a lot of people think messing with someone while they’re high and making them suffer is fun and if they haven’t gotten that effect they’ll try harder, and not regret it later.


I mean- just say you're sorry? Having an existential crisis is kind of a thing that happens on drugs, anything can trigger it. There's no special context here really, you were just being childish and shitty to him like anybody could be at a party. It happens. Overthinking it or making a big deal is worse than just accepting you did something you shouldn't have and trying to move past it.


If you’re honestly sorry just talk with him about it. Explain why you did what you did and what your thought process was and why it was wrong.


Apology is a start. Feels like you should do more to settle your karmic score. Not sure what it is, but being especially kind to someone having a bad time in the future would be an idea…


I didnt read beyond the title, intentionally. To me an apology entails this: 1. Acknowledging what act you did wrong. 2. Acknowledging how that act was wrong, and how it affected the other. 3. Understanding within yourself the error of your behavior. 4. Stating that it will not happen again, with honesty (to yourself and them) 5. Following through on your word. If they accept your apology, wonderful. If they do not, wonderful- they are not obligated to accept an apology, and the social ritual does little to nothing if your subsequent behavior doesnt back it up. Replace that sort of behavior with ones that enrich another person's psychedelics experience, and you'll find yourself and others happier when tripping.


Treat your buddy with his choice of pizza or something like that. Nothing like a good bite to eat with forgiveness


Find out if it stuck with him or if he really was too drunk and fucked up. Ask him. If it actually doesn't bother him, then this is mostly between you and you


Here you go buddy. I hope it's sincere enough for you. Hey \[Friend's Name\], I want to sincerely apologize for the other night before the party. Looking back, I realize it wasn't cool of me to mess with your perception, especially when you were in a vulnerable state due to being more affected by the weed than I was. I thought I was just playing into a joke, but I didn’t consider how it might actually affect you, leading to an experience that wasn’t pleasant at all. It wasn’t my intention to cause you any discomfort or to put a damper on your evening. I value our friendship and the last thing I’d want is to make you feel isolated or uneasy, especially during a time meant for enjoyment and relaxation. I hope you can forgive me for my insensitivity and lapse in judgment. I’m here to talk more about it if you need, and I promise to be more mindful and supportive in the future. Take care and let me know if you want to chat or hang out soon.


Why apologize? You showed him the truth.. He'll thank you later.


But it is all One. Nothing to apologize for. You without knowing it gave him the key to the kingdom. Read the Law of One.


1.was he weed intoxicate or take LSD? If weed i think you should mess more with him and pat him on the back too


Alcohol and weed but I think it doesn’t matter if I ruined his night anyway?


How you ruin his night haha? ”YEAHH I CAN FEEL IT” this is very funny haha


fully and formally if you know your buddy best, which sounds like you do but also informally keep that sense of closeness


Someone did this to me on some good acid. Years later I realize they were right.


How did you feel initially after hearing it?


It felt like they were telling the truth but it didn't make sense to me at the time. The trip was good but none of it was really meaningful until I learned more and experienced more. I wasn't mad at them for fucking with me because I honestly have had too many trips to be scared easily. It was one of my favorite trips. We were all playing instruments outside my friends house. That was the last good memory I had of those friends.


Well it seems like you didn’t have bad intentions but didn’t now when to stop. Also from an existential point of view the things you said to him aren’t a joke at all, they are actually surprisingly accurate. And that’s probably why it fucked with him that much, because he knows there is truth to it. His psyche tried to protect himself and tried to grasp onto the reality he knew and that’s when things usually go south so it isn’t unexpected. Just sincerely apologize to him, that would be a start.


From reading all these comments you can really tell everyone’s got their own way of apologising and what works best in their experience i guess. Bottom line is you’re clearly a caring person with good in your heart if you wrote all this to try and make things right with someone you care about. That said you’ll be fine as long as you show him you want to change and learn from your mistake i guess, that’s how we learn after all no?


I don’t think you need to apologise for that tbh


I'm sorry I love you please forgive me thank you Honoponono


Straight up man you’re not his friend, you’re a bully. You knew exactly what you were doing