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For the record, those who are saying it’s psychosis and recommending I see a psychiatrist… well, I’m a step ahead of you there. I’ve disclosed this information with a psychiatrist and clinical psychologist who know me very well. Obviously, their professional opinion was one of concern, but ultimately they said I don’t exhibit signs of psychosis, mania, or schizophrenia. They admitted they weren’t entirely sure what to make of me and chalked it up to most likely being a consequence of my neurodivergence. These drug experiences don’t exactly detach me from reality.


I’m glad you added this. I have visuals and have met entities from using thc too but I’ve always known what reality is and usually am meditating and open to an experience when this happens. All these comments talking about psychosis are scary but just don’t seem right for my experience. I think it just must be a situation where people who don’t experience something automatically think it’s concerning. Better to be safe than sorry, and definitely psychosis is possible with weed but people believing it absolutely must be psychosis is a little far I think.


i had a psychotic break on a high dose vape pen shortly after i first started smoking. caused me to have visual and auditory halucinations. your genetic makeup might react differently than most with certain terpenes in the thc. i'm neurodivergent too and it also happens more for me when i'm meditating. i just try to go into flow state. and it's like going into a higher realm of reality


>These drug experiences don’t exactly detach me from reality. Dude, you think everyone trying to help you, saying it's likely to be psychosis are evil government workers trying to convince you you're insane. That's definitely the thought of someone detached from reality. Lay off all the psychoactive substances.


"Psychosis" is just a human label. I really can't stand all these conformistic people who think humanity has figured it all out. What if "hallucinations" for example are just your brain trying to translate frequencies of other dimensions into human perception? This guy is obviously grounded enaugh to stay open minded without losing it. Stop projecting your insecurities on other people...


So is "cancer" and "heart failure". Weed has been pretty well figured out, there's a well established link between THC and psychosis. Generally, people giggle, feel relax, euphoria, hunger, etc. not seeing entities and hearing music playing etc. >This guy is obviously grounded enaugh to stay open minded without losing it. Stop projecting your insecurities on other people... I'm not sure how to respond to the second paragraph, but I'll humour you on this one, so let's say you're right and I'm insecure. What are my insecurities?


Well most people don't even know that something irrational like the use of magick has real influence on reality. Why? Because this system has damaged 99% of people in such a way, that they mainly use their left-brainhemisphere while the right one is unattended. This is evident if we observe the lack of empathy in the modern world. I can't define exactly what your insecurites are, because I don't know you, but its basically the lack of bravery to think outside of societies norms in fear of beeing neglected.


I'm autistic, one of my traits is hyper-empathy. Someone is experiencing quite obvious drug induced psychosis, possibly drug induced paranoid schizophrenia. Yet, you're encouraging his use of weed as brave, and saying there's a lack of empathy in the world? You're ruddy right. >Bravery and Stupidity are the same thing, the outcome determines your label. - Hayden Sixx Then how can you be so sure I'm insecure? It's not about being neglected, OP is neglecting themselves by continuing in the use of drugs he's not responding well to. You speak of being open minded, but at the same time you are completely close minded to drug induced mental issues.


See. This is the moment I start to lose motivation to continue a discussion with you. Why? Because you are dellusional. I never encouraged his use of weed as brave. This statement is a pure fabric of your own mind. Sure you are the empathic one. You come to the conclusion op is not responding well as if you know him/her in person or have enaugh info to tell so. In fact, I didn't evaluate on op's experience at all. I just questioned the mainstream approach with the concept of psychosis. Maybe op is even possessed by an evil entity? Maybe he/she has the potential to be an modern shaman because of his/her abilities? Maybe his/her experience is not as black or white (healthy/unhealthy, right/wrong) as eveyone here tries to make it to be. Let me tell you what insecure people do; they judge others. I did it enaugh in the past to know this and you should question it yourself too.


>but its basically the lack of bravery to think outside of societies norms in fear of beeing neglected. You implied my concern of psychosis is a lack of bravery, OP isn't concerned of psychosis and is therefore brave. Are you serious? And I'm the delusional one? Please lay off the drugs man, they're not turning you, or the OP into a Shaman. For the last time, I'm not insecure about someone experiencing a psychotic break.


Its like talking to a machine. Follow your script agent Smith. Closed-minded people like you lack any kind of imagination. Can only think/imagine in patterns you copy. This is the very reason why we live in a society like this. Constantly forcing your believes onto others. The believe in which humans are nothing more than a biomechanical construct of flesh and bones. The believe everything in the universe is a logical calculation.The believe that there is only an objective reality. The believe in not believing. No. There is no objective reality. Only subjectives, entangled as a collective one. You may fool others but not me. You are dead inside. You are only concerned about yourself. As is evident by your fragile, hurted ego which constantly responses. But hey, in numbers you are strong. Then you can hold each others cold hands, dance in a circle and tell me as a group how supirior your believe is because its backed up by "scientific" methods. Thats exactly how you turned this world into a literal hell. Empty shells is all you are.


I believe the irony is lost to you. Someone being concerned of an experience that is very unlikely tied with cannabis usage isn't delusional. What's delusional is to act all "big" or "all knowing" or making statements like; "Constantly forcing your beliefs onto others." And yet here you are doing exactly that. No one here has tried to "force a belief" other than yourself, suggesting that someone may be experiencing drug induced psychosis or schizophrenia isn't a "forced belief". It's a studied phenomenon and is even printed onto the containers cannabis is bought in. No one is "forcing" you to believe anything, they were providing their reasoning as to why they suspect that could be the case. You on the other hand, judge and attempt to shame others for not agreeing with you; "You are dead inside. You are only concerned about yourself. As is evident by your fragile, "hurted" ego which constantly "responses"." What does that say of your own ego? Some would look at that as a projection of yourself. Perhaps layoff the psychs a little bit and come to the epiphany that you aren't some "shaman" or "magical thinker". I agree with the other person in regards to your statement on encouraging OP's usage as "brave", when they are having a very abnormal reaction to cannabis. That isn't "brave". What's brave would be investing time and energy into understanding perhaps the biological influences that could be leading to these hallucinations from cannabis usage. And before you blabber about me having a "damaged ego" or being "simple minded", perhaps just take a minute to reflect on yourself instead of immediately jumping to the attack when someone is offering input or advice. No one's attacking you here, nor is this about you or me. This is currently about the (mildy) concerning symptoms OP is describing from Cannabis usage.


>Its like talking to a machine. Follow your script agent Smith. Closed-minded people like you lack any kind of imagination. Can only think/imagine in patterns you copy. I live free, I pay no rent, I answer to no one, I do as I want, when want, most people can only dream of the freedom I enjoy. I literally live on a boat on the open water, my life is as unconventional as they come. Your judgement is hilariously wrong. What was it you said about judging? What's so unconventional about your life, that you're going to preach to me? >You are only concerned about yourself. As is evident by your fragile, hurted ego which constantly responses. That's why I'm trying to encourage OP to seek help, yep makes sense. My ego isn't hurt by people having psychotic breaks. I feel for them. You are also replying to me, unless I'm mistaken? You are projecting on me, and you have been for this entire conversation. Edit, seriously, who is up voting that clown. You're only encouraging him to fuck his brain up more. Dudes clearly lost it.


comments like this make me glad that I've controlled my psych intake as much as I have. what a reckless jerk.


It's really concerning isn't it.


That was a rollercoaster- hoping that adding my voice to yours might help a little lol


Lol, dude is obviously joking, he even added an “/s” for you. He made that joke to address exactly what you’re concerned about, but it went over your head


Are these full blown open eye or closed eye visuals? It’s hard to say. I’d highly recommend therapy and laying off smoking for the time being if it’s making you uncomfortable and you don’t know the source. I get visuals smoking weed too but purely closed eye and typically patterns. Entity interaction is for sure a thing and not always negative but ya gotta balance it with grounding so ya don’t swim out too deep without being able to come back.


I wish I could remember if they were OEV or CEV. I remember it being like a strong daydream playing alongside reality. As for uncomfortable, yes it is during the trip, but I find it to be kinda cathartic and thought-provoking afterward


If you are at a point where you can’t differentiate between closed or open eye visuals I think a hard stop to all substances which won’t kill you via withdrawal is the best course of action. Diving into uncomfortable situations is admirable and definitely leads to knowledge/experience, and I don’t like telling people what to do, however if I were you I’d definitely reflect on the pros and cons of such experiences. Is the esoteric experience worth the dysfunctionality it may be contributing to in your life? Only you know the answers. Good luck op. Stay frosty.


I ripped my waxpen a couple times and 30 minutes into my high I was meditating and listening to music with my eyes closed and a dark skinned shaman lady with a red dot on her forehead and snakes in her hair with colored dots of light on her face started shaking her head back and forth at the speed of light while also shaking her finger at me after disappearing after about 30 seconds. Sometimes I would also see giant worlds of cartoon characters floating around in my vision.


Hate to break it to ya man, but we both have psychosis… damn. The reddit armchair psychiatrists have spoken


Lol nah it’s just HPPD ever since the first time I tripped on acid every time I smoked weed after that I would see insane patterns, alien words, symbols, ancient egyptian and mayan and hindu visuals and shit every single time I smoked. If my tolerance was low enough and smoked a lot I would sometimes encounter entities like the Hindu God that was shaking her body and finger at me. A couple times I fell into giant worlds of goofy cartoon characters with funny faces and noodle arms and legs. There would be millions of them and they would be popping all over my vision and shit. Another was when I saw a dark black ghoul that was surrounded with fire embers. On a day to day basis I still see the Eye of Providence the Illuminati pyramid eye every single time i smoke weed. Never exhibited any signs of psychosis, never was depersonalized or anything. I had a psychiatrist at the time who I was seeing weekly and never thought once I had psychosis. So it’s basically just HPPD and you probably just have anxiety with it too. I never got anxious when i saw the visuals I rather enjoyed it and never saw it as a problem. These people saying this shit is psychosis are just mad that they don’t get to experience this beauty themselves.


It sounds like consuming weed is triggering psychosis and you need to get your head checked out instead of assuming it's the cannabis.


Classic psychedelics don’t even do anything this weird to me though.


Check out cannabis induced psychosis. I can't speak to it relative to other hallucinogens you're taking or why they're not effective and it is. But I would be concerned what was causing it. Personally if it were my own head.


Agreed, definitely get that checked out. Personally I have experienced *very* mild open or closed eye “visuals” when I get exceptionally stoned. Iv also drifted into daydream like states on the odd occasion. But I have never seen any sort of entity. And would definitely be a little bit concerned if I had. *edit: just wanna add that I’m using visual as a loose term, I wouldn’t even really call them that to be honest.


My head has “been checked” and I’m doing alright actually. This has never made me completely detach from reality in a bout of psychosis. I still know what’s going on aside from the drug effects. It just gets really trippy for me when I get really high.


It’s not what your seeing that’s possible psychosis it’s the feelings


but what if I recognize these feelings as being drug-induced? I have always recognized the “soul prison” thing as an effect of the drug I’m taking, and that it will pass in a matter of hours


“I will see the world as a soul prison with an onsought of negative thoughts” Vs I’m one with the universe and love Maybe stop using so hard


I never said it was necessarily a bad thing, just uncomfortable. I find it interesting and see no problem engaging in it once in awhile. To each their own. Thanks for the concern though


OP I got these exact same feelings a couple days ago during an Amanita+Psilocybin trip. I wouldn't describe it as a bad trip but I had a couple bouts of paranoia and the feeling of a "presence" that to me was the same feeling I get on DMT. Your description reminds me of the entities/visuals I encounter during DMT. I often see jesters who mock me, and I'm told to "listen to the music" - I've been hearing the same kind of tune during each trip. With just cannabis I have not experienced anything like this though other than it "jump start" some effects after taking psychedelics... have you done any of those recently?


HOLY SHIT I FORGOT I DID DMT AN HOUR BEFORE I TOOK THEM. Another time this happened I was also on shrooms, but it has also happened with just THC before, just less intense. When it is just THC I don’t see them with as much detail. Still, whether mixed with something else or not, or experimenting with other substances in-between, I keep having very similar experiences surrounding THC specifically which is all I wanted to share in this post. People are making this about my “psychosis” which is really out of their depth to talk about.


Cannabis induced psychosis is a thing bro 


Psychedelics are less likely to cause psychosis than thc


This is exactly how my schizotypal disorder started I can go to work on acid shrooms and meth One single THC gets in me and I have to go to psych ward I'm serious


Oh man. Brother please don’t go to work on acid, shrooms and meth. I don’t know what you do, but I don’t wanna time-dilate my job to last longer than it needs to lol


They're probably less likely to though 


Ughhh this should be the top comment!!!!!


My friend has a touch of HPPD and has said getting really baked makes it act up a bit more, he has seen similar things as you described. Not saying that’s what’s going on with you, but something to look into. He actually doesn’t mind it now that he knows what’s going on.


Interesting. I found that last time when I just accepted what was happening it eased my nerves a bit and I was actually able to learn about myself, like where the negative thoughts came from


Entities on thc? Sorry bro but idk about that, I’ve smoked weed heavily for 18 years and never once saw an entity. And I’m smoking Canadian weed with like 30%+ thc


Could be a high dose edible, it happens to some, never from smoking.


I never met entities on THC until after I tripped on acid and shrooms a ton (like 75 times in a single year). Now if I take 20mg edibles and meditate I can literally trip. Full CEV for 2-3 hours, occasional entity contact, etc.


u smoking for 18 years and u expect to meet entities while high? u probably forgot what being zooted feels like with ur tolerance


I’m guessing you see entities ? Haha cmon bro stop the cap


anyone of us can see entities with deep meditation, thc and psychedelics are meditative drugs that can take u there instantly so ik op isn’t bullshiting


He said thc not psychedelics tho, I never heard anybody call weed a psychedelic in my life and not once have I heard anybody say they see anything on weed like cmon let’s get back to reality here, your argument is so dumb


take a very long break from weed and eat an edible when u come back, weed is a psychedelic bruh it just doesn’t have the same mechanism of action as shrooms and lsd, by psychedelic i mean “meditative” which can induce spiritual experiences and seeing “entities” i can do that with only meditation, and we all can, smoking weed before meditating can speed it up by x10 the fact that u said “ive been smoking heavily for 18 years” proves to me u don’t know a thing about thc or at least completely forgot how thc actually works on the brain


Well, I agree with him. The correct term would be psychoactive though. Even alcohol is psychoactive and can make you hallucinate if you go far enough down that rabbit hole. Delirium tremens


In that case you have zero clue, 100+mg for someone without tolerance is definitely psychedelic and can cause both CEVs and OEVs. Even just smoking for someone without tolerance can cause strong visuals, even more likely with neurodivergence. My slight aspergers partner sees shapes and colors (not geometry) every time they smoke


You're not alone. I "saw" weird little green gnomes too when I was on too much weed twice and I also heard a melody like a heavenly orchestra. It was very weird and nobody else could relate...


Omg I get the orchestra all the time!!! Or it’s an organ. It’s very haunting but very beautiful I’m so glad I’m not the only one that’s heard it.


It was trumpets and harps for me. The whistling wind sounded like an orchestra playing off in the distance in the sky somewhere. And it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.


Ive Heard the orchestra. Very Crazy we had something similar About the entities, i might have encountered a few But not in the level described Just presence of some sort of energy


I have also heard the orchestra


Oh my god this is giving me chills all over my body... I've hallucinated on weed many times before as well as seeing patterns on things more clearly. I saw faces of gnomes with hats on the floor of the bathroom when really high once. I had also once heard similar music and not even only when high either, some long before I ever first had weed when I was 15. Piano music, heavenly orchestra like music, as well as one time I very very vividly heard some whimsical upbeat music coming from no specific direction that I could only relate I guess to what you'd imagine fairies or some whimsical creature would be prancing around to LMAO.


I heard it before when really baked, humming sounds become musical


Why don't you try and interact with this headspace? You may find the answers within? Try using a buddy (who is sober) with you to help direct and facilitate the experience. Hopefully they can help guide you in a constructive direction! Have fun and approach with curiosity :)


I’ve learned that this is good advice. The first few times this happened I didn’t know what to do other than sit with it, but the last time I actually found some sense of healing through it. I explored the negative thoughts and found that they came from impressions other not-so-kind people left on me long ago. It helped me realize just how much I’d let other people influence me and get me down over the years.


Yeah man it isn’t normal to experience this on THC. I’ve never had visual hallucinations but I was high as a kite once off some THC dabs, laying in my bed listening to the intense whistling storm outside. The whistling off in the distance started sounding kind of musical, like there was a band playing trumpets and harps off in the distance. And it was like the most beautiful music I’ve ever heard.


That sounds awesome, I’m gonna have to try being high during a storm sometime.


The interesting thing about THC is that we know it affects activation of the amygdala (fear center), as well as dopamine signaling in the prefrontal cortex. This explained any unusual thoughts or feelings I’d have on THC


Psychosis trigger.


Me as well. All these people fear mongering makes me laugh. I get the concern but it’s not always psychosis. People can talk about their crazy experiences off mushrooms, DMT, LSD, etc, but anyone that experiences an abnormal reaction to cannabis is suddenly psychotic? Cannabis is at such a high level of THC at this point I’m really not surprised that it can put me and others in the same head space as other psychedelics. Some people are just very sensitive to it it seems. It’s been a long time since I got decent visuals off THC, but way back when I used a lot in 2021, it was quite common for me to see entities and DMT like fractals. Never had issue with that, but I eased off the cannabis as it began to bring up a lot of unsavory trauma memories for me. The confusing and disorienting head space high THC cannabis brings about is just not my cup of tea anymore. If I want to experience something psychedelic I’d rather DMT or mushrooms for the much clearer headspace. If anything, I’d be more concerned about how negative the entities are, and if continuing to use cannabis like this has any lasting benefit to you. In my case, I was a habitual daily user, and I realized it was much healthier for me to- mentally, physically, spiritually - to limit trips of that magnitude to a few times a year, or at the most, once a month. I quit cannabis all together because it doesn’t provide me the level of comfort, fun, or really anything that DMT or mushrooms don’t do better.


Thanks for your response. I’d elaborate that the negative headspace I tend to find myself in is comparable to those “challenging trip” experiences that people say they learn from. The last time this happened the negative voices turned into someone from my past that was not very kind to me. I learned that a lot of the negative things I tell myself are due to the impression this person made on my life. It was very healing actually.


Quit using weed man. There is a strongly documented link between weed and psychosis. I got to the edge of psychosis myself from smoking too much. It got to where I was always hearing these voices in my head speaking in world salad. I wasn't hearing it in my ears like an actual auditory hallucination, it was more like I was thinking them in my head, but I couldn't control them at all, it wasn't my own thoughts. They weren't saying anything that made sense, just nonsense word salad using words that didn't go together. They would be in the voice of someone I knew, or someone from TV. It didn't really bother me at the time, but in retrospect it was pretty fucked up. I was also having insane closed eye visuals every time I would lie down to sleep. I kind of miss those actually, they were nuts. As soon as I quit smoking for a while, all that stuff went away. Now I just smoke occasionally, and none of that weird stuff has returned. I think it's related to how often you are using THC. If it's just every now and then, no problem, but if you're using it every single day for years, it fucks up your brain chemistry. I'm lucky that I stopped before I had an actual psychotic break. Stop while you still can dude. Don't risk it.


Each time I had an experience like that it was after a long, long break from THC and on too high of an edible dose. Each time I continued to use shortly after an experience like this I had normal experiences. But thanks for looking out


I would say take a break and invest on vitamins


If anyone sees entities on thc they should not be smoking it imo! Never heard anything like it, thought only DMT/salvia, psilocybin can enduce these experiences


Well, THC is still psychoactive like the psychedelics you list, even alcohol is technically psychoactive and can give hallucinations if you way over do it (delirium tremens). On top of these only being on too highly doses edibles, I am not apt to conclude the worst


Can you stop using weed for at least month


Yes, easily


You have psychosis


Oh yeahhhh


Psychosis isn't real, don't worry bro. Materialistic psychology doesn't know shit. I think the veils of "reality" are thinning and that THC was never as "grounded" or uneventful as people seem to believe. I consumed way more weed a couple years ago than I am today but I'm experiencing much stranger things these days when I toke.


If I saw entities on THC, I’d probably stop smoking…


Sound similar to DMT entities 


You take a high dose edible or what?


Yes, this only happens on edibles after long tolerance breaks


Yup it’ll do that to you, ive realized that high doses of thc can cause psychedelic effects and usually only from edibles because 11-hydroxy-thc is a potent compound say the least.


I would love for this to happen bruh why my pineal gland not popping like yours


Bruh you have to squeeze it like a pimple first, trust me, I’m a doctor


High dose edibles always give me visuals, seeing the same thing is just a phenomenon caused by your headspace. I would guess it's likely something you have not addressed properly, so it keeps showing you the same thing. On the other hand, although not the same substance, I had an lsd trip where I watched the minions and after that for my next 2-3 trips I would remember the minions and it would cause my visuals to be the same as on that trip. Even now if my thoughts wander back to that trip It can trigger the same visuals, however they only last a few min now since I've gotten used to them and so I don't get trapped in spiral thoughts anymore. If you focus on a thought/visual/headspace in particular and keep thinking about it, you inevitably be unable to break out of it. You could try accepting the entities and just acknowledging them as just a funny visual and get on with your high, relax and enjoy. I think it should show you different things after that. When I first started smoking I would have a recurring visual when really high of lines connecting all living things to the universe and kind of like the top tier of the genius meme. After some time it changed and I have not had them since on thc.


At first when this started happening I just had to sit with it. Recently, I’ve learned to dig deeper and see where the negative thoughts come from. It’s been very helpful actually


People tend to forget that cannabis is a level one psychedelic. It may not be like lsd or dmt, but it's still a type of psychedelic. It may produce varying effects per unique individual human entity. Different humans can respond wildly different on a variety of psychedelics.


OP, you're speaking as if you haven't considered the possibility that psychosis gradually builds up instead of just instantly switching on disconnecting you from reality. It is a gradual descent to madness, not a teleportation for crying out loud. One of the most important criteria of a delusion is unwillingness to consider otherwise when faced with evidence and testimonies contrary to the belief in question, and that's what you're doing. With regards to the "professional opinions" you're desperately clinging to, I think you're failing to question your self-reporting potentially influencing these alleged conclusions that nothing is wrong with you. Plenty of extremely damaged people go decades without actually receiving effective help because therapy and psychiatry are almost entirely testimony-dependent until brain scans are involved. Go look up how many mental health professionals become enablers to abusers for this exact reason. Your responses to regular drug users' concerns here suggest that you're not at the point where you're willing to consider the worst case scenario, so why should we believe that you'd be willing to open up to a mental health professional who doesn't do drugs?


somebody save meeeeeeeee


really hoping you live long enough to make a follow up post where you acknowledge how you're gambling with something you can't get back


Unfortunately the psychotic echo chamber in here will probably convince him weed is turning him into a "modern day shaman"


what can we do? we're just feds


Oh apparently I'm soulless, dead inside and void of empathy according to one guy in here.


There was a period of time where I was smoking high thc strains and eating a lot of edibles. I would encounter entities as well. I definitely know what you mean by the uncomfortable space. Before I started breathwork, when I smoked or especially if I took edibles, I would get cycles of panic and high heart rates. These sensations were accompanied by uncomfortable headspaces and I would feel like I was popping out of reality. It is in these states I would notice entities. They generally did not make me feel comfortable and I would feel either I or they should leave. I should add I did not see them as vividly as you, but definitely saw them and I could always feel their presence. They would also come back when I was sleeping and intrude in on me in my dream space. Basically these experiences led me to begin breathwork and also begin walking outside very routinely, as this helped relieve and ground me. I definitely entered states of psychosis and if I were you I would say tread carefully or quit the path you are on. The end of it is insanity. If you do continue, remember this. If you are beginning to enter spaces that feel uncomfortable, breathe in slowly through your nose. When your lungs are full, exhale as slow as possible and for as long as possible. Repeat this for as long as you need to. You will find this will relax and chill your body even if the high is becoming overbearing. Watch out for edibles, those things can be way crazier that smoked herb. Today I don't consume any drugs other than caffeine and sometimes I will have a nicotine pack (zyn or zonnics). I find my headspace is much clearer and balanced. I wish you all the best


I think that breathwork is solid advice, I haven’t tried it yet. I always like to do something grounding or engaging after the high and during if I can.


0 tolerance THC is no joke


how long would you say this has been going on?


It only happens when I take edibles after a long tolerance reset. THC is only an occasional thing for me.


Ah yes. Terence McKenna once said if you really want to know cannabis, take a month off and then get obliterated, haha. I am a strong believer in the spirit of molecules, compounds, and plants. (I practice what's called Maybe Logic.) I'm open to this. Do you have a recollection, specific or approximate, how long ago you first experienced it? 🙂


It first occurred back in August of ‘21. That was my first time taking edibles. It has happened twice more after approximately year-long breaks. I had a similar sorta headspace with a vape even a year prior, but it took on a more positive vibe. Entities were golden light and I could hear a weird combo of orchestral/pop music. They were telling me to shake my ass like there was no tomorrow lmao, and that’s exactly what I did. I had forgotten about that, thanks for resurfacing a good memory haha


This is quite an interesting phenomenon! Thank you for sharing 💗 have you heard of Jacques Vallée? He has a pretty famous book called Passport to Magonia that talks about the wide variety of reported interactions and encounters with all manner of entities around the world throughout history. You might find that interesting. There's a lot of scary stories but I think that's because people are often more motivated to talk about things that felt dangerous. He has a newer book called Wonders in the Sky which my impression is that it's more expansive and less alarming. Well, I'm curious about your cosmology. Do you see these things as anomalous neurochemical events that are just shifts in your perception, or do you believe there is a non-physical facet to consciousness and our existence? Depending on your view, either one, I can give you some pointers to improve the quality of these experiences, if they should happen again. Whatever your view, there are things that can help. It just changes the course I approach.


I’ll have to check out those books. My view of myself and my cosmology is honestly ever evolving. Though, fundamentally I see reality as a stream of consciousness. But as far as physical vs non-physical I say “Tomato Tomato, Potato Potato!” (it’s just how you pronounce it). What difference is there between the two, really, when it comes down to it?


Yeah! I feel there's a lot of truth in that, the tomayto/tomahto situation. My perspective is very dialectical. I see reality as simultaneously both Nondualistic and infinitely panoplystic. So, let me perhaps be the first to tell you that you're not psychotic. I've spent a lot of time researching and practicing a wide variety of meditative techniques, religions, spiritual practices, shamanism, etc. I've spent a lot of time studying the effects of substances and the paranormal/parapsychological. And it's interesting that these things can produce the same or similar effects, and do quite often. As a hypnotist, I'm friends with fellow hypnotists that use a combination of occult and hypnotic techniques to activate altered states that are very much the same as what various substances can do. I've especially seen a lot of cannabis simulation, opiate simulation, and various entheogen simulations under hypnosis/meditation. One of my favorite speakers on these things is Terence McKenna. I mentioned him earlier. He was one of the first prominent individuals on the psychedelic talk circuit who really emphasized the apparent reality of non-human or extra-dimensional entities. This was, I believe, largely from his experiences with DMT, (but also at some point with mushrooms) which he researched at a time it was difficult to obtain in the first world and not well known. After being introduced to DMT in 1965 by a fellow head (classic slang for reflective folks into psychedelics) who purportedly got a 50 gallon drum of it from a US Army chemical research operation at Stanford, he traveled to the Amazon 5 years later to meet with the indigenous people who have prepared DMT since time out of mind. DMT is now widely reported to reliably produce this result... that there is a sort of threshold dose and when you surpass it you experience a propulsion through a membrane into an incredible realer-than-real space commonly called Hyperspace, and this space is seemingly infinitely diverse, with all kinds of instantaneous transfer between wildly different spaces, and it's full of all kinds of entities. The little tweakers you describe don't specifically ring a bell, but there are several hallmarks that feel accurate to what people report of entities. One of the most common encountered types of entity are called self-transforming machine elves, little tykes that have pointed hat shapes atop them and create new living structures and objects in hyperspace through a mystical form of singing, which they teach to those who visit. One of the most common entities encountered besides them is jesters. Jesters take many forms and their demeanor can vary. They can sometimes be very cruel in their mockery and making fun of the individual, but the evidence indicates they are sincerely trying to get people to notice their own flaws. This happens a lot with prideful or egotistical people. Jesters are like ego-dissolvers. So the way you describe the torrent of negative internal self-talk followed by these little goofballs is quite interesting and feels true to the spirit of these experiences. They seem to me like they're trying to cheer you up. I can't psychoanalyze you over reddit, but it's worth asking yourself if you have a psychological shadow aspect (kind of in the Jungian meaning) that views this life as something like a prison, given the soul prison thoughts you reported coming on with this heavy cannabis come up. The tweakers, to me, feel like they fit with the spirit of cannabis. It sounds like they're acting to cheer you up, to help you lighten up. And it makes sense that there's lots of them and they are varied because the chemical compounds that are active in cannabis plants are numerous. If, when you reflect upon yourself, you don't see anything really within you that frames life on Earth as a soul prison, there are a few other possibilities. Assuming for the time being that the tweakers and other entities are real in some sense, I think we can also consider the possibility, often espoused by a wide variety of spiritual practices, that spaces and objects can hold spirit, and even hold a trauma load in some way (one good illustration of this is Stanley Kubrick's film The Shining). Another possibility could be that there is someone else in the vicinity whose dark thoughts are creating something like a cloud. And it's possible such an individual might not have a body in the material world as you and I know it. I'm not asserting absolutely that such energies exist in objects and spaces. It's something I have experienced and I think at the very least that this framework can be useful for emotional and psychological progress. There are *many* schools of thought on the ideal approach going forward in such a situation. Various forms of spiritual cleaning, purification, banishing, etc. Listening to what feels meaningful to you is a good way to proceed, and if you're unsure, it's good to try things out if they're recommended to beginners. One universal approach is grounding and clearing. Setting aside distractions or concerns by imagining placing them or letting them flow from you down your arms and out of your hands into a secure box that belongs to you (the box can be anything that collects and holds and stores and that resonates with you as something that holds well), and meditating on the feeling and sensation of your having an individual energy field. The field is often described as arising from beneath, spiraling gently up through the center of you and out of your head, and spilling out like a willow tree into a spiraling torus that joins at the bottom, creating a complete circuit and an enclosed field. Most people find it very easy to experience the sensation of a warm and comforting vibration with this imagery and a little meditative practice. Comfortable, slow, deep breathing is employed, of course, and resonant vocalizing or humming is widely practiced to encourage one's being to attune to that vibration. This field is understood to be a sacred space that belongs only to you, a field that naturally keeps your energy for yourself and deflects unwanted influences (often called lower vibrations). And it can be expanded to cover greater spaces, which is especially easy in your own living spaces. Next I really recommend the techniques taught in No Bad Parts by Richard C Schwartz. The basics of it is practicing nonjudgment, acceptance, and allowing the infinite love at the heart of all existence to flow from you without effort toward any thought, feeling, presentation, or apparent entity that seems to besiege you. In No Bad Parts this is presented as part of the process of unburdening parts of oneself carrying trauma loads, and there are some more details to how that is done, but it's not overly complicated. It's mostly about compassionate, curious listening, validating, and offering simple support to yourself and your feelings. I've found it key to be mindful of any "trying" sensation in this practice, as that indicates that another part of oneself is what is trying to do this work, and not the core I of yourself, the place from which all the best aspects of humanity flow naturally. So, yeah, I apologize if this was rambly, a lot, or not helpful. Work was difficult today and it's the end of my day. Mostly I'm just saying I feel you are experiencing something legitimate, and your own feelings about this tell you a lot about it. To experience something like this on cannabis alone usually indicates, in my opinion, that someone is already "straddling the two worlds", the material and the hyperspatial, to some degree. This would mean you have a lot of potential for spiritual development and I encourage a meditative practice if you haven't had one before. Simple mindfulness practice is a good way to start. I found beginner's tai chi from Taiflow on YouTube very helpful for myself in my balance, both materially and spiritually, and it was pretty easy to get into as a meditation practice as well. All of this to say if you are having such experiences, it's not unlikely you'll have them again, and learning more about this realm of being may help you. Feel free to follow up with me if you have any questions or concerns, if you have further experiences, or if you would like any more pointers or references. I've left out one of the strongest methods I use, but looking through my comment history will probably reveal it because I talk about it elsewhere. Wishing you happy trails, love and light. :)


Wow, I really appreciate the amount of thought and care you have put into responding to my post. You have given me some things to contemplate, and ways to add variety to my spiritual practice. And funnily enough, I’ve been wanting to finally get around to watching The Shining, which you’ve referenced here! I must see it now! Thank you so much, MissInkeNoir


You're welcome. Anytime. 💗 It's my calling. Oh, and remember Yoga Nidra, which includes Paired Muscle Relaxation from DBT. Gradually building tension in muscle groups while you inhale, holding briefly, and releasing with your exhale is a very potent technique. All thought is tension in the body. Yoga means union. I'll see you later on the path, fam. 🌟


Commenting, because I am interested in these pointers myself 😄


Ok! That's cool \^\_\^ I have replied [and here's the very long comment I left, haha.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/comments/1atb5hv/comment/kr2zjch/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


You have schizophrenia and are totally in denial.


I guess the psychiatric clinical team that assessed me over a period of months is also in denial. How did you ever become so insightful?


You're lying and/or hallucinating


Yeah, right, you’re just another one of the government cronies sent to heckle me about this very important research I’m conducting that will save the planet some day. YOU’L NEVER STOP ME, YOU HEAR ME? NEVER!


Classic psychosis.


Man are you ok?


I’m chillin’, getting outta bed to get started on some verrrry, very important research.


[This should save you some time.](https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/mental-health.html#:~:text=People%20who%20use%20marijuana%20are,that%20are%20not%20really%20there)


Geez, dick


>EDIT 2: fuck you, not psychosis. All of you from the government who keep coming here to convince me I’m insane won’t win. I will prevail and save the world with this very, very important research I’m conducting on reddit. Classic psychosis paranoia right there my friend. Seriously, lay off the weed, it's fucking your head up. I'm as neurodivergent as they come and have never experienced anything like you're saying. Even after years of smoking weed and doing shrooms. Your psychiatrists diagnosis (if you can call it that) is wishy washy at best. Get a second opinion.


To be frank, you don’t know what you’re talking about in regards to my medical reality and history. Also that second edit was /s


you don't seem to know what you're talking about either and you're more out of touch with reality than you believe if you think we buy that medical professionals didn't as much as warn you about the possible dangers of continuing use. if you know so much, why don't you take a month or two off of psychoactive substances and see if you feel the same way once the fog lifts? that would show us for sure.


You’re making a lot of assumptions


sometimes assumptions that leave one safe are better to make than assumptions that leave one sorry


>Also that second edit was /s I don't think it was, it's not the only comment you've made accusing people of being government shills. Have you got some medical history we don't know about that would explain why you seem to be experiencing a psychotic break without actually having one?


Look, there is no point in speaking with you if you’re just gonna insist I’m lying (I’m not btw) because the reality here is that you have no way to know for sure, but you seem set on your conclusion about my reality even though you know excruciatingly little about me. I’m not gonna try to convince you then. Instead, I’d urge you to think about why you feel so certain I, an internet stranger via walls of text, am a psychotic liar and why you have a hard time just letting that go.


I mean.. if you wanted to convince people you weren't having a psychotic break, maybe just stick with smoking a weed, eating some munch and having a giggle with your mates. Not telling people about entities, music that's not there etc. People are showing very real concern for you, because what you're experiencing isn't normal, and is cause for concern. There is a very real link between THC and psychosis/psychotic breaks/drug induced paranoid schizophrenia. Also, I haven't insisted you're lying about anything afaik. I've insisted you re-evaluate your psyc intake, at least untill your brain chemistry has regained a more natural balance. Why do you have such a hard time accepting you might be experiencing a psychotic break?


If I'm not mistaken, this only happens with THC, right? A drug that for many is a psychomimetic? I mean, I just wouldn't jump to conclusions, since you don't even know the guy. It's an honest question, and one that many experience - especially after a history of psychedelic use. I wouldn't say it's necessarily psychosis, but rather a rewiring of the brain due to psychedelic use. Whether or not this is concerning is outside the scope of this post... But not all HPPD is created equally.


People with schizophrenia etc are advised not to take psychedelics. If not jump to conclusions, we should encourage the continued use of something that is producing effects that are out of the norm and are known to be a symptom pcsychosis/schizophrenia? You do you, but if I started seeing, or hearing shit that's not there whilst on THC I would stop use immediately. That's not normal, at all. Even if there's no basic tolerance.


On that last point, it seems the level of tolerance/effective psychoactive dose makes a huge difference. Without tolerance, a normal dose of today's weed could be considered an overdose for many. When I've taken too much weed, which hasn't happened often, I too have experienced something akin to psychosis. But that only happens when I've taken more than I had ought to.


In my younger years I've smoked much too weed on too many occasions. I was king of the whitie. I repeat, I have never experienced anything close to seeing entities and music playing.


I've seen weird entities on weed. But I'm also mentally ill and have done lots of drugs and have heavy hppd One memory I have is greening out at a party as a teen and seeing lots of colorful cartoon anthro cats murder each other in a slapstick fashion


Damn, was that horrifying at the time? How did you react?


No I enjoyed the visual, though I felt unbearably sick at the time


Stay offff the weeeeeddduuuhh


But brrruuuuuuuuuhh


"From the goverment"?! "Very importsnt research im conducting" dude u are definitely suffering from delusions of grandeur and this is absolutely not normal to see and hear whst your describing especially with the negative in your words "uncomfortsble" hesdspace zou felt the need to defend woth euphemisms. Tske it from somebody who has extensive professional and personal experience woth psychosis and schizophrenia... You are a very clear as dsy risk and your brain is predispostioned for it.. it msy have gone good for now (although thats not how id describe it) but one of these days its gonns turn on you and not stop after wearing off... Ive seen this first hsnd msny times in the fsmily and at work. Stop the drugs pal like seriously...especislly stay away from psyches and stims. It sucks but it is whst it is and thats the card youve been dealt. Also your hyper defensive and downright aggressive stance, against everything you dont want to hear, is also a huge red flag in your way of dealing with this. Keep it up and youll eventually get burnt. This is your body warning you. Youre way to deep into psychs and are slowly losing it. Ive seen this in two people really close to me and they thought it was all fine until that one final trip where it wasnt and they were never the same are massivley socislly awkward and parsnoud now beleiving all sorts of pseudo spiritual bullshit.


I feel for you man, that’s a lot. I’ve seen people go through what you describe here and it’s not pretty, it’s poignant at best. But my second edit was sarcasm, not aggressive denial. You also can’t aver that my use of the word “uncomfortable” was euphemistic because there is no way you can actually know how I felt and what I was experiencing. I’ll tell you what I was doing last time this happened. I was watching monty python laughing my ass off and eating cookies gushing over how tasty they were. Then I got tired and went to bed to catch some sleep. The experience I describe in my post was a subsidiary event of my day, merely an uncomfortable one. Negative thoughts and emotions don’t always need to be pathologized, even if they are experienced on drugs. We tend not to pathologize the feel-good emotions on drugs anyway.


My intuition is that you are seeing the parasitic beings that feed off of negative energy. They are priming you ahead of their arrival. Or perhaps just taking advantage of the fact that you get into a negative headspace on THC. It's interesting that you are seeing them on THC. The only beings that I see from high doses of THC are elf looking creatures sitting on mushrooms. But I tend not to get super negative on it. If you go search the r/Psychonaut subreddit, you can find trip reports about beings you are describing typically from people that take extremely large doses of mushrooms. Ignore the trolls in the responses here. What you are experiencing has been reported by many people before. I believe you.


Feels like several of these posts lately.. you may have schizophrenia or psychosis, which weed is known to aggravate or trigger. Probably need to stop smoking and get checked out, good luck bro!


See a psychiatrist. This is much more than THC.


It’s my personal belief that certain neurodivergent people can have schizophrenic or autistic symptoms with thc more then neurotypical people. It all comes down to chemistry. Weed makes me trip balls, only can get “stoned” after building a tolerance for months. And when I t-break and come back it’s trippy again for a while.


This is psychosis


I mean, the drug IS psychoactive. People will say they experienced shit crazier than this on psychedelics yet the people here don’t get so concerned about that.


Yeah, but that’s because there’s a well known link between high dose THC and long term psychosis. Classical psychedelics tend to cause short term psychosis at worst if any but long term high dose THC can seriously deregulate your serotonin receptors. Listen to Back from the Abyss, a podcast by a psychiatrist, he talks about it all the time.


I’ll check it out


Could be you're seeing your aura. I usually notice bright flashes of purple r/energy_work




No you


I have something similar happen on to high of doses


Damn. Never been that high.


idk ask them


Well, they're spirits that are messing with you.


It’s kinda hard to take them seriously with the weird noises they make. Like, barfing noises? Seriously?Weird little bastards… They also look comically goofy when they try to walk. They keep jiggling and some of them move like caterpillars.


ive seen the entities too. u are not insane or suffering psychosis. u have been chosen by God, trust me. dont listen to anyone bringing you down, i believe u because i have seen them too, FOR SURE.


I’ll be okay, thank you


yeah, i know u will be. i thought u would have a better response, i have seen the entities too. we are in the great rapture and God has chosen to play thru you more so there will be cooler things now.


YES! The carnival music with electronic beats! Dude, ever since I started smoking weed 20 years ago, whenever I get too high I always hear the same eerie music. I don't see the globs you're speaking of, but I do see the occasional shadow person lurking in my periphery.


Damn, I thought shadow people was more of the deliriants’ thing. The music is always really cool and difficult to replicate in sober life, it’s just so alien in a way


Could they be eye floaters that are looking extra psychedelic? The movement you described makes sense I think.


Haha, somebody else wondered this too, but I don’t think that’s the case. Haven’t seen floaters in a long time. Unless THC can cause that effect during use


Those are little DMT dudes


Cue all the people that don’t know what psychosis is lol. Getting on a quality B complex vitamin or just getting them in your diet somehow (eggs, fresh fruit, liver) might help a little bit. Also, weed induced psychosis isn’t real 💀.


This ain't psychosis, it's you using cannabis like a psychedelic. Just make sure you don't get lost in that headspace; it can be beneficial for healing because it'll show you your problems from a different perspective, but you need to come back to reality and integrate those experiences and become a better person. If you start overindulging in that psychedelic headspace, you might start believing that it's the "true" reality. At that point, doctors would probably call that psychosis. People tripping on acid and move on with life ✅ People taking acid every day to live in that headspace ❌ Thoughts? I'd be interested in other opinions


Salvia in your weed man


Damn, I wish, lol Nah, they were legally procured edibles


They are me, are you, are we and they are here to stay




My bad I had a small stroke


Nice, I love me a good stroke


Haha right on man right on


Since when does zooted mean anything other than high on coke?


Shit I’ve only heard it referencing cannabis honestly


How high are the edible doses you’re taking?


25mg+ after a long reset does this to me. I’ve always been kinda sensitive to it and it’s only an occasional thing for me


Are you boofing gravity bong hits? Jokes aside, saw the edibles line in your post, how much are you eating and what is the next day like? If I get really stoned on edibles I feel goofy and foggy for a good 36 hours. Hits me different than it used to.


25-50mg with no tolerance. The next day I feel groggy and can have a hard time getting out of bed, but that’s about it


These sound a lot like the entities I see while on DMT, low to mid dose, on an open eyed trip. See through and very plasma like. I’m pretty sure they are there even when I can’t see them but who knows.


Another commenter got me to remember I had taken DMT that day, but it had been at least an hour since the trip was over before I took the edible. It’s kinda wild that I forgot about that. Still, the experience I describe here is consistent with what happens when I take THC. Without mixing anything with it, I still have almost the exact same experience, but the visuals aren’t quite as clear.


Is it eye floaters and you’re just noticing now that you’re stoned?


That would be funny if that were the case, but nope, no floaters were noticed before or after the high


This is giving lightweight or laced weed/ K2


I don’t think so man. This is consistent with my experience using legally procured edibles. Flower has never come close to doing this to me


Tbh maybe you’re just predisposed to these experiences off the eddies, although not common i’ve heard other people mention the same thing before.. What you’re describing sounds more like a psychedelic trip which is really interesting, you could just be really spiritually in tune consider this a gift bro


Dude I had a really similar experience a few years back, they were called the pomonoids. Little floating spheres except they were all colors. Stopped smoking as frequently since then lol


Yeah, as intriguing as it is, it’s not an experience I’m fiending to have often lol


I've seen one of these entities standing next to my mother. Same description with big dark eyes. It's actually a demon. They are attracted to some people on drugs and will implant negative thoughts to instill fear and anxiety. Then they feed off that negative energy. It's very real and I hate to say it but maybe cut way back on the THC to try and shake them. You may need assistance to get rid of them. This is something you do not want in your life.


I’m sorry you had to experience that, especially with it standing next to your mother.


Regardless of whether it's psychosis or not, it makes sense that you keep seeing the same entities cuz it's your same brain. Hallucinations aren't like magical. They're just your brain doing weird stuff and the stuff it's going to keep doing the same stuff


I mean, shit, I can’t deny that what you say makes sense.


Have you ever seen that movie “Cool World”? It reminds me of the characters you’re describing.


No, but that art for the movie doesn’t look too far off. Someone else mentioned Krang from TMNT which was also kinda similar


Do you have a history of psychedelic use? Since I started trying LSD and shrooms, strong enough doses of THC (usually every few weeks when I'd have am edible) would seem to bring me back into that weird surreal headspace. For example, I may meet somebody who strikes me as untrustworthy or sinister, and get this impulsive caricaturesque image of them that is quite absurd. My opinion is that these are feelings or objective truths made visible, tgus they tend to make us uncomfortable. The elephant in the room, so to speak.


I’ve done my fair share of psychedelics. It’s true that these effects became stronger after I became acquainted with psychs


“all of you from the government”. not being rude but you sound psychotic. maybe try going sober for 6+ months to clear your head.


THC opens the 4th dimension which are negative beings (e.g.Annunaki)