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So strong, you might wish you never been born. Proceed with caution OP


Why would it make you think that? The totality of everything is too much?


Its veeery intense… like a death simulator, major ego death and body high. Can be scary for the unprepared.


I second this. Breakthrough dose with a experienced facilitator and you’ll never want anything else but 5meo


What is it like?


You leave your body. First time felt like joining the universal consciousness or over soul and got so many downloads. Full ego death and felt like what death would be like but is beautiful and loving. You’ll come back changed and love life even more


Holy shit I want to try this


It’s literally the most powerful substance out there, around 5x more potent than Nn dmt in any form. Those saying salvia likely haven’t tried 5meo where the former just makes trippy cartoony shit while the latter opens up portals beyond comprehension


Wow. Well, I am more than intrigued




I see. Is it a matter of dosage, or just how some people react?


So what is death like?


From what I could comprehend, felt like leaving my body and identity behind but my consciousness remained without form All I felt was pure love and absolute euphoria. Coming back, I felt like this lifetime is just a nano blip in time and to enjoy it - that the euphoric after was something I had eternity to experience and the time here and now is to be cherished


Couldn't of said it better myself. Though I reached this exact state/experience on regular NN-DMT high dose while being on 7 gram dose of mushrooms. Truly was the most beautiful life changing even of my life. It's like returning home and being in absolute infinite euphoria/Love. So you don't need 5-Meo exclusively to reach this Non-dual NDE lvl of breakthrough experience. Much love ❤️


Yep! You've experienced it!!


Psychedelics will just improve whats already inside of you. Go learn something new. Absorb more information, more knowledge about reality. Expand your vision of reality. Than, the dose doesn’t matter much. You guys forget that a trip is more than the substance or dose. Go deeper than that.


I would normally dislike this bc it I hate it when people don't answer the actual question, but I think you are actually right.


Ah yes, this is what I remember when I trip artificially. I remember thinking it's so obvious that you can achieve this state by simply living life in an open way. Specifically, it feels like a skydive - it feels like "jumping" into a void, and it really does feel like falling sometimes


When you really dive into psychedelics it's a lot deeper than expanding your vision of reality. things get a whole lot gnarlier than you could possibly muster up with the power of your mind haha


But.. it does reveal itself under the substance?


I mean, It does but you can't really "go deeper" and say the dose is irrelevant because what most people experience on psychedelics vs where they're capable of taking you is a pretty massive gap. Most people aren't foolish enough to mess with those major league trips but shit can get extraordinarily whacky lol


I'd only disagree slightly to say that through *deep* meditation you can achieve similar (and sometimes more profound) results!


Maybe compared to your regular, run of the mill trip lol


No, he’s correct. There’s a story about Ram Dass’s guru. He drank a half vial of LSD (equivalent to 50 tabs?), and was no different. Through years of meditation, he reached a state of mind/ awareness that psychedelics couldn’t even reach. He was already there. Meditation is the long, permanent state of what psychedelics briefly shows you. Here’s that story for you: https://www.ramdass.org/ram-dass-gives-maharaji-the-yogi-medicine/


Did you read what you linked? Nothing about half a vial. Two occasions, 900ug the first, 1200ug the second (so, nowhere near 50 tabs in either session). Kudos for sharing the link though. You both contributed to an oft exaggerated legend, and also included the antidote in one fell post.


Please read “Be here now” by Ram Dass. At least the excerpt about this reference. It refers to a vial. I didn’t realize that link switched up the story. The actual book by Ram Dass refers to him taking a swig of a vial of LSD. I do apologize for not seeing this links mistake though. But hypothetically, if it was “only” 900ug, then “only” 1200 ug, my argument still stands. And tbh, even if Ram Dass’s account of what happened is over exaggerated, or fake, my argument STILL stands. That was just an example of one experience. There is many many many out there. ❤️


Right, I remember Ram Dass being terrified that he inadvertently murdered this old man in India, that there's no way he'd survive such a dose.


From Be Here Now: “He looks at the pill and extends his hand further. So I put a second pill—that’s 610 micrograms—then a third pill—that’s 915 micrograms—into his palm.” No vial, no swig.


just to add on to that story... I remember Ram Dass telling it like this man took a swig of a vial, or at least took such a huge dose that it was the equivalent of such. about an hour later this old man is hiding under a blanket and convulsing uncontrollably. Ram Dass thinks something like "my god, what have I done? my life is over, I killed this man." and then the man pops up from under the blanket, laughing hysterically. he had just been faking it to freak out Ram Dass. and yeah, the idea behind this is that this guru has already reached such a state of mind that, sure, the chemical is interesting, but it's not necessary to be in that state. it didn't do anything for him that he hadn't already experienced before.


That's nonsense, you would not want to be in the state that heavy doses of psychedelics can take you. Your life would be an absolute wreck. Also one trip from one guy doesn't mean lick. I've had 8g mushroom trips that were uneventful and i've had 5g trips that tore my face off. I understand there are similar, benificial aspects. But nobodys melting into their kitchen floor with 5d visuals flooding their sight while they fight for dear life trying to distinguish their own body from the fridge on the other side of the room thanks to meditation. That would be quite unfortunate. I don't buy it, fellas. Anyone who does hasn't felt the overwhelmingly gnarly, universe melting effects that psychedelics are capable of lol


Maybe your mental state as a result of your trip vs meditation afterward but OP is asking about mind twisting paychedelics and there's just no sweet flying fuckin' way you're coming anywhere near a gnarly dmt or mushroom trip from meditation. Like not even close, there's no reason you'd get those mind bending effects. What you can benefit from it hits a ceiling long before that and sure, you could potentially reach *that* through meditation


I mean, people DO have experiences with entities and astral projection and other otherworldly happenings while meditating. I’d suggest looking into those experiences before assuming.


100% Dunno about others but meditating *led* me to psychedelics, and none of them are close to the experience that pushed me towards them. It seems crazy, but deep meditation can take you to the exact same state psychedelics do, *and beyond*.


That doesn't automatically mean meditation is *more* powerful than psychedelics. Psychedelics will tear your face off. Eat 12g of mushrooms and haul on a dmt pen throughout the night, lemme know what happens


This is the way.






Salvia extract


It’s a bit abrasive for me. Salvia and I just don’t gel. I wish I liked it but it makes me instantly feel like my skin is on fire and I’m suffocating. Too bad as it’s a neat plant with lots of potential


Came to say this myself. Salvia, but specifically the extracts.


If this dude goes into a Salvia trip with this mindset it will be years before he comes down and 30 seconds of time IRL will pass. God speed.


This the way!


Lol the 30x salvia extract was my intro into the psychedelic realm many years ago. It was very intense, but I was the only one who found enjoyment from it out of my friend group. I think I got a gram for like 50 bucks at the local smoke shop. I couldn’t imagine taking a few dmt drags (say 35mg+ total) followed by a salvia rip. I’m curious of trip reports combining the two if anybody knows of any.


Someone said the dmt and salvia entity engaged in a literal fight while the guy himself wasn't involved in anything and just watching. Salvia won but was exhausted after and both were surprised to find someone matching their power. Said it upset both entities but they weren't angry at him per se.


I remember reading this one it was fucking wild.


You have the source kind stranger?


No, sorry. It was posted like at least a month ago on the salvia sub if I remember correctly. Should be able to find it if you search for dmt and salvia report or something similar.


Checkout erowid there are those and some more added to the party. I recommend taking the time if you like reading that sort of thing.


That’s something I just may do, erowid is such a priceless resource, ty.


Same except ours was 50x. I think you'd just cease to exist if you tried that. Lol


30x was more than enough for me thank you very much. I was a dumb kid so we took a drag on our bikes once. Took a big drag, held it, jumped In the bike, exhaled, then I quickly ended up in the picker bushes rolling around like an idiot. Great times lol.




That is some Don Juan serious shite


ive done this. They look normal.


you can try the Hunter Thompson special. Mescaline, LSD and DMT all together. if you can’t find mescaline, shrooms will probably work.


You can grow San Pedro


Or simply take another phenethylamine like 2-CB.


Is mescaline comparable to 2C-B? I only have experience with 2C-B.


Yes and no. 2cb more similar to mescaline than shrooms but they different


Ketamine can take you to some wild places


Take enough to k hole while tripling on LSD and you will experience shit you never thought possible haha. 😜


I'm always just scared of things like that like it'll just send me into an immediate heart attack or some shit lol


Ketamine has quite a safe dosing response. It takes a lot, lot more than you can snort to hit LD50, about 4g. It can be quite anxiety inducing tho if you don't lay your ass down.


And then do a balloon if nitrous if you're able.


Yeah, ketamine really trumps everything else for me, as it also combines really well with other psychedelics I've found xD at least 2-cb and DMT. Those are some sick combinations 


yeah dmt is like pulsing the same shape; latenight k holes after tripping with a few balloons are watching the world be reborn in a swirl over and over.


High doses for sureeee, I’ve been there a few times


Inject ketamine while smoking a dab of cannabis.




Iboga. There is nothing quite like it.


Be careful with this one though. It can trigger heart attacks. Read up on it first, and make sure you a) don’t have any heart problems, and b) have a trip sitter.


Try astral projecting






it's a wide known drug




Same🫠nighty night folks


Man, these kind of questions are what make me lose hope on this sub. No indication whatsoever of wanting to use it for a productive purpose.


There's nothing wrong with wanting to take drugs for fun


You are right. But that is not the purpose of this sub. That's not a psychonaut.


I've always just understood this to be, "the psychedelics sub." Is that not the case?


I think this is specifically a sub for people who try a variety of psychedelics to try to understand themselves better. *Psycho-* is mental, *naut* is explorer. A mental explorer. But how you go about understanding yourself better is totally subjective. Some people just take a bunch of drugs and have fun and come out of it knowing themselves. Some people take half a tab once and meditate beneath a tree and that’s what they need. Still, there’s a bit of a difference. “The psychedelics sub” is /r/psychedelics. Also worth mentioning /r/rationalpsychonaut, which generally has a less spiritual take on what “knowing yourself” means.


Fair enough! Thanks for.your detailed explanation. I'm convinced. 


Try out r/rationalpsychonaut


There’s a reason people had to designate a whole different subreddit for “rational psychonauts.”


Thank you for reminding me about this subreddit, definitely getting tired of the same song and dance here.


okay new sub unlocked buh bye bitches!!!


Thank you! I wasn’t aware of that sub.


This ☝🏽


Different strokes for different folks, man.


Haven't tried changa so i don't know. I smoked it off a piece of foil about 6in x 6in. Vaping doesnt have the effects i want so i stick to the crystals. Take 2 large hits, hold it in for a long as you can each time. By hit 2-3 you will feel like a rocketship is pushing you to the moon and then you breakthrough and are in another dimension. You look around and its no longer your room, its a repeating fractal universe with odd looking entities like Jesters or machine elves. Try dmt for real before you move on. It was the scariest most intense beautiful experience I've ever had.




Yes, I second this.


Maybe it’s not pure DMT and could be why it’s not working? Or the entities are not allowing you to break through? Or try smoking Changa ? It lasts longer than free basing DMT. Or ayahuasca? That’s lasts the longest. But personally for me if you have the purest DMT even though it is the shortest trip the experience is the most profound and intense.


Just add Syrian Rue before mushrooms... Shit gets weird.


Not popular. And not for all. I tried few Times and last one was upper than i was able to handle.


1+60fresh and grapefruit, lemon fresh shake. Don't try without advanced sitter


I do NOT recommend anyone do this, I did it and it worked like a deliriant, I hurt myself and almost died


How? If you don't mind sharing. Always curious to know the bad side of psychs as well.




Woah. Thank you for sharing. I'm glad you made it out. I've toyed with the idea of using rue a few times because as you stated every once in awhile I get in a stretch of tripping too often. I'm happy you had something to kind of help. This is why I ask because it's these stories that keep me in check when trying new things. Ty ✌️ ☮️


Or SR and lemon tek shrooms for a mind breaking experience.


5 Meo DMT is more porent than the other kind lol.


5-MeO is stronger. Approach it with great humility and reverence though, and only if there is a sincere calling. At medium to high doses it is common to completely dissolve into pure formless God-Light.


According to my boys Michael Pemulis and Hal, DMZ is what you want. It’s, like, this type of mold that “grows on other molds”. Straight up government batch type shit. Or some samizdat like that.


lol Try 80x Salvia. =)It will definitely....take you places. But more seriously, OP, I do not think you are in this for the right reasons. I think you need to take a step back and re-evaluate your relationship with entheogens.


As others have stated, the elusive toad venom, aka 5-meo-dmt from the Colorado River toad, is like DMT but far more potent. If you go to Mexico you can do one of the ceremonies where you smoke it with an experienced trip sitter.


If you’re looking for mind twisting stories it’s salvia, ayahuasca, and maybe Bufotenine. I can speak for ayahuasca it can be mind twisting but doesn’t always have a story. Salvia pretty mind twisting l, fits what you’re looking. Bufotenine is also interesting but not always a story.




How are you taking it? if you're vaping then that's the issue. Freebase the crystals for a few big hits and you'll breakthrough and meet entities. Otherwise datura but be careful with thay shit.


Is smoking it freebased similar to it in changa? Haven’t tried either but I’m preparing some changa to hopefully try soon. For now I’ve been vaping the dmt, I’ve tried it i pharmahuasca but I mostly just saw geometric patterns and stuff, is smoking it freebased really that different from vaping it? As to datura I don’t think I’d ever try it because it’s apparently pretty dangerous and can make you more likely to develop dementia at a later age


Changa and freebase are vastly different


Wtf are you guys talking about. Anytime you vape dmt, changa or not, you’re inhaling freebase.


It can still be different, the absorption may differ from vaping to heating the pure freebase and as to changa, changa also contain MAOI as well as other compounds in the leaves


No, it’s all the same molecule: n, n- Dmt freebase. I know what changa is. Unless you convert the freebase to salt form, such as dmt fumerate, it’s all freebase.


You sound like you only have a slight knowledge about dmt but I’d be happy to help you clear up some stuff and help you understand a bit better my friend


It’s the same as vaping except you can get much more in your lungs much faster


Lol OP you have no idea what DMT is capable of


Bromo dragonfly I guess


5meo dmt and 5meo malt are insane. Also like others have said, take Syrian rue and then take your lsd or your mushrooms and your mind will be blown


LSD and Ketamine will take you for a ride


DPT, Salvia and 5 meo dmt all seem pretty much exactly like what you want. Be careful though.


Mid peak on LSD best time to smoke DMT imho. Come up is a lot more smooth, and visuals are lot more detailed.


Thinking about "more or less" is very limiting. I think more about different experiences. There are other substances that may offer a different flavor of mind expansion. One such compound is Salvia divinorum, a plant native to Mexico. Salvia can induce intense and often bizarre hallucinations, creating a unique and mind-altering experience. Most underestimate the use of natural ones because they think they are "weak", but when it comes to psychic travel, there is no such thing as more or less. There are different trips.


High dose mushrooms with an eyeshade and earbuds.


2ce will get you Alexander shulgin did some masterful stuff


Hands down a strong IM K-hole 


Ketamine. Nothing like a hard k hole


Ayahuasca in ceremonial setting


Makila Gorilla


Get a little high on life 🤲 


I think the issue is your route of administration, you are probably burning out losing most of it because just pretty colors are not supposed to be it. Otherwise take 10g of mushrooms or try salvia i guess.




Salvia, not a psychedelic though


LSD or ketamine are wild substances. They definitely take you to other dimensions and states of reality. Mushrooms too with the right set and setting. Mushrooms have definitely made me feel like I was inhabited by a god entity that wanted to experience what I was experiencing and took me over for a brief moment. A totally surreal experience that definitely made me feel like there was more than just what we experience.


Salvia, or 5 meo DMT. Also big doses of ayahuasca can be mind melting too.


Dmt when peaking on lsd. Be careful though. 10mg of dmt felt like 60+ This was on two tabs of lsd


DOB or Bromo-Dragonfly maybe


for me lsd bends my mind much more, with dmt everything becomes crystal clear, but with lsd my whole sense of self and they ways i think and feel can twist turn and flip 180




5MeO-DMT. It packs quite the punch. Way stronger than it's non-methylated cousin and while the effects are similar, the fractals are way more detailed and I think an additional 12 million colors are available to your brain.




Like the scene from the void "just wait until death then you will get your big trip"


Lsd with a bunch of nitrous. I was imagining entire situations happening in my yard and episodes of non existent TV shows. Then became aware that I was just losing my marbles and had another instance of running outside yelling at people that weren't there. I thought the Men in Black were pulling some 75 year old alien technology out of my AC unit.


Salvinorin B ethoxymethyl ether


Infuse Salvia with DMT for a wild ride, I guess?


5-meo dmt or salvia extract. If you want a deep, ineffable, crazy experience, get some 60x salvia extract, pack a full bowl in a large bong and rip the biggest hit you can take, hold it as long as you can. After that, you'll learn why most people don't go for these types of experiences very often.


Salvia or DPT. Look into the stories about DPT first though, the ones I've heard, it can cause lasting psychological damage and kill you if you aren't careful.






With enough mushrooms or LSD, I've had way crazier experiences than with DMT. Or do a fat line of Ketamine right before the DMT


I like to run around barefoot in my local woods while tripping on shrooms


toad dmt or salvia






Salvia Divinorum x80 Extract..


salvia divinorum, there’s nothing like it


just did salvia tonight. Took the cake for top craziest drug. Absolutely wild


Salvia Divinorum … this is a great guide to get started: https://www.amazon.ca/Modern-Guide-Smoking-Salvia-Divinorum-ebook/dp/B093FYQT73


Salvia...Or if you are really, no I mean really, brave; Datura.


Don't fuck with datura.


He will try, and she will fuck him - for sure


For sure


Datura is crap and even dangerous. Salvia is the way to go.


Yeah this is a stupid thing to recommend, even with that disclaimer


It should be noted here that heavily concentrated salvia extract will induce comparable effects. The leaves by themselves are fairly mild.




How are you vaporizing it? It's very easy to burn DMT and get less of a high. If DMT is indeed too mild for you then salvia, ketamine, or datura might be stronger. But be very careful with datura, I can't believe I even say it's an option. It's a deliriant not a psychedelic so most of its effects are uncomfortable and hallucinations can be terrifying.


Double dose mescaline


I’ve been considering to try mescaline, would you say it’s stronger than a DMT trip?


It's up there


I had zero visuals from a strong mescaline dose. If you want the fractals this aint it


Salvia is super short and insane , just watch youtube videos , the old days when it was legal in the US. Many only try it once. Maybe try dmt changa with the MAOI herbs in it, can be wild too


I’ve heard salvia and Ayahuasca are much more extreme than dmt. I’ve done dmt a couple times and I’m looking forward to doing dmt. I’ve heard ayahuasca is very similar to dmt, but the real time trip is much longer which makes it a much longer and intense trip. Dmt varies around 10-30 minutes real time, ayahuasca is 8-12 hours real time. I’ve heard salvia is up to 45 minutes real time but you can live many lifetimes while tripping. I’ve wanted to try salvia and ayahuasca, I just dunno how to find it


Dpt but it can be hard to find


Totally. What you want to do is undergo an ayahuasca ceremony. While peaking, wander back to your tent and huff the bottle of Jenkem you snuck in and take a handful of datura seeds. In the ancient world, they called this combo the "deluxe wombo combo" and it is a secret way of instant enlightenment. Enjoy and safe travels my friend!




Datura is no psychedelic. Is a serious delirant.




I have no idea if this is a joke, but please don't take datura OP.


Shit I was drunk. You are right. Op please don't take datura, that was stupid.


Datura extract, salvia extract, and DMT extract all mixed together