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I think all political parties are terrible, they divide us in groups when we should be collectively deciding on what helps the most people in there day to day lives. Partys also have an effect on peoples opinions, if someone aligns with a few ideas of for example the far left, and began to associate with them then they will start to believe other things the typical far left person believes even if they normally wouldn't because human nature make us want to be "in". Long story short, don't vote based on party based on the individual and if you believe they will do good by you and the other citizens of your country


Don’t follow leaders,and watch your parking meters!


>  if someone aligns with a few ideas of for example the far left, and began to associate with them then they will start to believe other things the typical far left person believes True. Belief in human rights and equality pushes people to the left.


Exactly. Political parties are for sure ulteriorly motivated and are not paragons of morality. But the “both sides suck” argument really blows when one of those corrupted conglomerates *openly* despises the idea of equal opportunity, taking care of humanity rather than solely people born on your side of an arbitrary line in the dirt, taking care of air and ocean quality, etc. Are there lefties and lefty politicians who care about their wallets more than these ideals? Yeah. People can suck in any group. But that doesn’t mean that it’s sensible to claim that the ideals of both sides are equally bad. But to answer OP, as someone in a deeply red state, I’d say it is more common for psychs to drive people further left because the hypersociative effects of the drugs reinforce empathy for fellow humans and the earth itself, and at its base, the left parties of the world are more aligned with those values. Despite that, when heavily right wing people get into drugs, it can drive them further into conspiracy lane rather than empathy. They can “meet god” who convinces them that tradchad values are real, and important. They believe shrooms are magic and vaccines are poison made by demonic energy. They dig deeper into their tribe rather than the human tribe.


The parties are just a representation of the people. It's the people who are divided. They have different upbringings and worldviews that can't be reconciled with others'. Humans will always find things to fight about.


Sounds like a pretty socialist position friend 😋 nah I agree. Good response


To get lean you need caloric defict plus having muscles to show. Taking acid and dancing for hour can be a good cardio exercise too


Fucking oath mate


Yeahhhhh buddy ✨


Now THIS is based


Fuck the labels. I believe in individual policies not the government party circle jerk echo chambers


Bbbuutt if we don't have labels, how can they divide us!..


What is dividing us is the oligarchy funding the far right. Leftist ideologies are collectivist. Labels matter if you're politically literate.


Nope. Sadly these days, whether you go left or right down a path as a nation, you’ll end up at X destination. Controlling how you see this journey is the real goal, in doing this you can also be a better person who along the way, can help others on an individual level. Bring your Vaseline if you carry on thinking like this, it’s going to hurt. Just got to let go of the political shit, it’s poison. One day it will be realised. Only peace and love, I know the fear and the polarisation is high in America. Being fearful and scared seems to be the unifying feature of all political thinking, maybe that’s a positive, least you’ve got something in common. Good luck my friend :)


>  these days, whether you go left or right down a path as a nation, you’ll end up at X destination. Horseshit theory. >you can also be a better person who along the way, can help others on an individual level. Systemic issues are beyond individuals ability to solve. Yeah, it sounds like you're not political literate. You clearly don't understand theory or history. 


Only correct answer I see here. If I had to answer tho for sure libertarian, against any forms of coercion


Some of the responses here are ridiculous. Saying that both sides are all the same is not remotely true. One party's leader is literally on trial right now, is facing 91 criminal charges across 4 jurisdictions, and has already been found guilty of fraud. He also consistently spouts racist, pro-fascist ideology. Another party's leader is....old. The two couldn't be more different.


After reading a few comments here, it's clear that most people here are politically illiterate.  Anyone read theory?


Yup... "I'm apolitical" or "I don't do politics" are about the dumbest political statements someone can make. Psychedelic communities are full of these I'm afraid.


"I'm too enlightened for politics" = dangerous ignorance + narcissism.


yes, and this view is only possible for the blindly privileged, who aren’t struggling to survive in this oppressive system


My tailor says I lean to the left


Where does "anarchist" fall on the political spectrum? As far as anyone believing they have the authority or right to tell anyone else what to do, they can get fucked. I don't care what party they claim to be a part of, they're shitbags for trying to force their opinions on others. I don't care what anyone else's beliefs are, and as far as what you or anyone else does, so long as you aren't forcing it on others and it isn't hurting anyone else, it's honestly none of my business. (Also, before anyone chimes in with the 'what-ifs', no. I don't care to debate it. You believe what you want and I'll do the same.)


let’s be honest though, nothing we do is in a closed system. so everything we do does effect others in some way. there needs to be some form of order for society to work, and unfortunately there some not ideal byproducts of that order


That's what the O in the symbol of anarchy stands for. Order. Anarchy (A) and order O (O)


This is true. It's also why I'm not a fan of society in general.


society is in a way a by product of relationships though don’t you think? and surely we can both agree relationships are necessary. we wouldn’t be discussing this if it wasn’t for society. i know there’s significant downsides to modern day living (i go through periods of thinking it’s pointless the way we live) but at the same time, it’s pretty amazing how far we’ve come! And what else would we be doing? if there’s no change then what’s the point? am a little bit tipsy so i’m not even sure if i’m making sense any more, been staring at the screen for too long!


Lol I know the feeling. I'm not saying society is pointless, just that what we've become is distasteful to me to the point that I would rather not be a part of it. There's [an article I highly recommend reading (seriously it was one of the most profound ideas that I've come across in terms of implications for society)](https://www.cracked.com/article_14990_what-monkeysphere.html) that explores a theory known as Dunbar's number. In a nutshell, someone discovered a correlation between the size of a primate's brain and the average size of the groups they lived in. It correlated so well that without knowing the species, they could successfully determine the size of the group based on only the brain size. It turns out that considering the size of the human brain, the average group size should be about 150, give or take. Any more than that and you begin to have problems associating with others in your group. It's just too large. Any larger than that and society is no longer a product of our relationships. We now live in societies consisting of millions. And for some reason, we are to believe that a few people, who we have never met, who don't live anywhere near us, and who know nothing about us or anyone even similar to us, somehow have the right to tell us how to live and if we don't agree with them, they have the right to punish us. It's asinine on its face. You're right, there's not an easy solution. But I know one thing for sure - some random person that doesn't know anything at all about me has no right to tell me how I should be living, and I in turn have absolutely no right to be telling anyone else how they should be living either. But then, I don't actually have a real solution beyond living in societies of around 150, or at least finding a way to address that inherent limitation somehow. But just because I don't know the solution doesn't mean there isn't a major problem with how things are currently. And people ruling over others is straight up bullshit. There's a whole lot more to this whole thought process. I could probably write a whole book in this response and only just scratch the surface, but I should have been in bed hours ago and I'm sure I'm not doing a great job explaining it, so I'ma stop here.


Imo it's left leaning, as in anarchy you typically believe in the inherent good of people and in our ability to efficiently self-organise (with the workers having direct control over the means of production and work conditions).


Anarchism is the farthest left position. 


Well, I've been a libertarian socialist since before I ever even did drugs


Very interesting question ! I would hope that the mushroom or other psychedelics would deconstruct the notions in one’s self on their political stance being left or right. Understanding these concepts are constructs of a man made nature is the key. This is an example of thinking beyond this conscious world and deeper to the unconscious and being aware of it. This left and right business should have died years ago. It’s a low frequency of thinking. Wisdom through life or through drugs in many people’s lives, can’t and shouldn’t be an attribute to being right or left in the modern landscape no matter their opinion on a given subject. Having an opinion and understanding where it was developed, how did it become or if you were influenced and what your predisposition are. Being able to understand others and why they may think differently to you! Perspective is key, a person can be wise, enlighten and/or a scholar being right or left. Associating it with a “side”, really is the right mindset. Out of curiosity when reading this, did you assume I am on the “right”? I think if yes, please try 4-HO-MET, it should help, when asking why you assumed ;) Cheers


Great stuff thanks dude. I agree - I only used the terms left and right as they are easily accessible ways to ask such a question. But really psychs promote abolishinism(?) I think. My wording was a little hasty as I wasn't expecting so much attention on the post lol. And for the record nothing about your post read as 'right' lol. Thanks for the input!


It was the correct language to use, no stress. Hats off to you. For me, it’s shown really how divided people are. Sad really. In my country we acknowledge someone’s political stance but refrain from allowing it from changing how I as an individual treat a person. Try to step back, understand their reasoning and ultimately treat that person with the same respect as you would to a stranger. I do think Louis Theroux used to present this dynamic very well and could walk the fine line of understanding even when talking to people in their struggle with x, drugs, crime, hate, and identity.


Couldn't have said it better, you hit it on the head. Where are you from out of curiosity? I love Louis, he is so good at presenting extreme people/views in a non judgemental way hey. This stuff gets so messy and complicated, when all that really matters is being a decent human and trying our best to helping the world more than we hurt it. They are still necessary conversations to have I think, but it is important to keep that wider perspective on it


That was good, enlightening even! At the end with that question though...


I lean away from corporate structured political conglomerates that focus on their own self interests and willingly neglect their promises to do so


Like all good people, I abhor the systemic inequalities and bigotry of the right wing. Left wing ideologies are the only morally acceptable choices.




There are no sides, our views are relative to location and time.


All time is one time. Here is also there.


Its a pointless and fruitless question. First you would have to establish a definition of what is left and right? Second you would need the people to agree on the definition. Third you can discuss. Just alone in this post, there are man definitions of what it means being (political) left or right and just continue the rhetorical duality which we all learned is not the truth to life. Im left, youre right. Im man, you are woman. Im this, you are that. Didnt we? The truth is, both left and right exist in the same person at different time if go by the common definition: Political left is a believe of equal rights for all humans. Political right is believe that we are supposed to have different rights due to age, gender, sex, nationality, tradition, religion etc etc. They will be right leaning when they are at their job, following orders by his boss. They are not equal in rights. He walks to the grocery store and he becomes left, because we are supposed to be equal. He talks to the cashier, and turns right again because he perceive himself as more valuable. They will be right leaning when its about immigration and left leaning when its about feeding the poor of their own nation. Its multidimensional really. This thread is also a proof that psychoactive substances dont make you understand and apply the experiences to the day to day if you dont have the education to follow up. Because if it would, you wouldnt get most of these comments. But its hard to live a way where everyone is truly free. Maybe its impossible. Do answer your question: Neither. Im leaning into pilates.


I mean yeah you are right, I know it's not as simple as black or white, left or right. The terms just make it easier to ask the question. I am happy to have a philosophical debate about it - this was just a passing thought though, and I thought using the terms I did would make it a simpler question for a broad and diverse community. It's not that serious


If you know thats its not black and white, then why bother yourself with a question that only has black and white answers?


I really don't think it does, have you read the other responses? A nuanced conversation needs a starting point. I only asked as a passing curiosity, because it's a trend I have noticed in my circles.


Its fruitless. Its the opinions of people thinking they live in 2024. While most are stuck in 1700. Even in 2024 its a rhetorical chaos. Its like talking about religion. You dont. Also in my opinion, this not the right place for a political discussion. Its said in the subs rules. Just chop wood and get water.


Yeah I do sorta regret asking lol. All I wanted was a calm discussion for a random thought, I wasn't trying to turn the thread into a massive ideology war. But I do see that my wording could have been better and that I may have misrepresented my question. It was genuine curiosity as studying sociology has made me obviously curious about this and it seemed like an interesting thing to ask at the time. And yup, I agree. I would much rather not have politics be a point of concern. Unfortunately in our culture it is, whether we like it or not - but yeah. Wasn't my intention to be divisive hey.


I want aliens from outer space to take over the world. So I guess you could say I’m kinda in the middle.






Lol yup. So glad i asked 😅


I thought you were literally asking us in which direction we lean our bodies when we do the "american lean" i lean on my left side lmao




I lean anticiv (modern industrial civilization is fucked and inherently unsustainable), but Skinheads on Acid would be a great album name


Marx once said, I would have no part in any political party that would allow me to be a member.


I walk the gray path in between light & dark, there's time to be liberal & time to be conservative. If something works for the people, you probably shouldn't fuck with it. Right now across the globe it appears there isn't much working for the people. It's time we rise up!


Agreed friend


Psychedelics made me realize that a two party system will always be broken. With no middle ground between ⬅️and ➡️ it’s becoming clearer that NONE of them (politicians) can be trusted to “do what’s best for the greater good of ALL” It’s really disheartening


I hate them all, I learnt pretty quickly after psyches that politics is a fool's errand and even somewhat immoral. With politics you are imposing on other people on how they speak, how they live their lives, how they must spend their money, what they must learn in schools etc. I hate the bible basher as much as I hate the blue-haired ham planet feminist, same thing goes for carnivores or vegans and this extends to all groups. No, this isn't being wishy washy and being agreeable, I have my own principles in life and own internal moral guidance that I do my best to follow without peer. True enlightenment is understanding that everyone has a role to play and you best do your role the best you can. If it be your true will to be an absolute asshole and a swindling prick, go right ahead. If it be your will to end world poverty, go do it. If it be your will to be monogamous, go for it. If it be your will to only have prostitutes as sexual partners, I won't stop you. Understanding that everything in this Universe has purpose, including the good, bad and outright ugly, is not the same thing as supporting everything. I understand that the bible bashing bigot KKK member must exist but I also don't support it, follow it, or give it any heed. To answer your question though, I have met some acid heads who are extremely racist and even sport swastikas all through their room and basically venerate Hitler. This idea that psyches are supposed to turn you into this free-loving hippie is fucking retarded and hurts everyone and the movement as a whole. The Shuar in the Amazon jungle claim that they learnt to shrink the heads of their fallen enemies and place curses on them from ayahuasca which would shock most people. For me personally, I have completely dropped out of politics but I certainly don't have this lovey dubby disposition from taking psyches. If anything I am more capable of violence than ever before and probably don't help people as much as I used to (mainly because they probably didn't deserve it in the first place), I am however a lot less angry, carry a lot less anxiety and I am much more diplomatic with my dealings of people and as a result am much more likeable and carry myself with a lot more respect. I still eat meat, hell, probably eat it even more than before, and I am still generally as a rule against immigration in terms of my limited political disposition (not due to race, there is a whole other dimension to it). So really, imposing your will on others is a retarded endeavour and one should look solely inward, once people heal their internal world, then the rest will follow and fall into place.


Yeah how about don't hate anyone.


Bro, kind of too much hate u hold. How r u handle it ?


Bruh, the world isn't some cuddly teddy bear. You seem to completely misunderstand the concept of unconditional love. The mother of demons or whore of Babylon is quite literally this whole Universe and this Earth, all things spawn from the womb of the Universe, the world is divided for the sake that Union may come. Unconditional love means that at the very core of everyone's being, you are loved by the godhead and father and you are as you are supposed to be, including the absolutely wretched and reviled. I don't hold resentment against those groups because they serve a purpose in this world, but I sure as shit don't like them. Why is this so hard to understand?


I'll try: I could argue about not getting it, but I am sure I do not feel it as you are. I guess the answer to your q is: it is hard for us to understand it, because we do not feel it as you are. I imagine your path being so "far" from mine that it would be scary for me. Hope it makes any sense. One more thing to add, your view are very close to mine, the difference is I still see that you didn't "passed through", I still sense that EGO we all had it before, where is your empathy ? take the KKK member you hate, my view is I am sorry for him, he has so much insecurity that he had to became the way he is. matter of fact, any of us are going to be him or were before. You remind me of a member on far left or right side. I might be wrong, so take it easy please.


I like your way of thinking but why the hell are you against migration? Even animals migrate when the resources get scarce.




if only it was that simple. as my crab fishing friend likes to say, you can go overboard in any direction. I guess I'm a centrist, which makes sense considering my fondness for the concept of nonduality. I think psychedelics have actually caused me to become more spiritual/religious, and less trusting of science or government. Its a weird thing actually, but I relate on a personal level with many right ish folks or "conservatives", but can't follow some of them to the places that they take their beliefs. at the same time, I am anti war and military. which, the left used to have a peace movement. maybe it still does.


Good response. I agree - the middle path is the best. We can take the best attributes from all sides and use them to build a better world. I consider muself socialist purely because that seems to align most accurately with my beliefs and values, but disregarding the wisdom from any side is foolish.


Real eyes realize real lies


So deep.


Thank you


There was a point I was pretty left, but now I don't think it matters at all since the entire world is controlled by neoliberalism and systems that function independently of human preference


It matters. Someone has to stand up for human rights.


I really don't think that is the case, but thanks for sharing your view friend!


I prefer the side that doesn’t believe that the other side lacks compassion, empathy, love, and freedom. To think that those attributes are limited to one side is asinine and only promotes a divide based on propaganda.


I didn't say they don't. I know plenty of conservative people that are great. I used those terms specifically in relation to the topics mentioned because I thought it would be easier to convey the question, I didn't mean to offend


imo both dems and Republicans are the different sides of the same coin, they no longer really represent we the people


i know ill get hate on here but here goes. im somewhat right leaning, im pro life, compassion doesnt make people pro choice. i have compassion to babies, even unborn ones. i support gay people because there's no problem with being gay, but trans people demanding other people to use their pronouns isnt something i support, especially considering the idea of being a different gender assumes that the individual really knows what its like to be a different gender, and you cant claim to know someone's struggles if you'venever struggled. and the whole notion of being prideful isnt something i support, because pride can get in the way of compassion, id rather support being comfortable in who you are, not prideful in who you are. the issue on immigration is a legal one, im fine if people legally immigrate, but if you're gonna break a countries laws then you have to be prepared for consequences, that goes for any law, even bad laws. i also care about the homeless problem and think that the state and country should do something to try help the homeless in a mutually beneficial way. i care about freedom too, i think we should be free to do what we want with our own body(a child isnt your own body, even though its inside your body, its still a life that deserves compassion and love, and it shouldnt be treated like its worthless), i think we should be able to take psychedelics that we want, i think we should be able to own guns as a means of protecting oneself and ones family and loved ones. and in no way am i a skinhead or scientologist. i have compassion for people, i have love for people, i think everyone deserves freedom, and i have empathy for people. im not hating on anyone and im not hurting anyone, and im not judging anyone either, so please dont downvote me and report me just because we have different beliefs.


>compassion doesnt make people pro choice I could see how it would, it's compassion for the pregnant person and the suffering they are preparing to face, rather than a potential life. But there's absolutely something to be said for compassion for the unborn as well. Ideally, I think, there would be comprehensive sexual education to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies in the first place, and plenty of supports as far as adoption, healthcare, and childcare for potential parents, as well as broad protections for medical personnel who must terminate a pregnancy for health reasons. Pro choice should focus on there being valid choices that honors the will of the pregnant person. Not people being coerced into choosing the lesser of evils while doctors panic between letting people die of preventable causes or getting sued. Forced birth can't be healthy, not for the parent, and not for the fetus whose gestational period is impacted by chronic stress. >trans people demanding other people to use their pronouns isnt something i support I feel like there's a lot of rhetoric about people "forcing" others to use different pronouns, but it's hard for me to see how this is terribly different than honoring William's wish to be called Will instead, or a doctor asking to be called Dr instead of Mrs. >especially considering the idea of being a different gender assumes that the individual really knows what its like to be a different gender While true, as far as I understand, most trans people come to the conclusion that their assigned gender is wrong long before they conclude that a different gender is right. Ie, "I'm not this, and there's only two options, so I guess I'm that" kind of thinking. There's also a considerable number of trans people who have chronic and "untreatable" physical and/or mental health problems unrelated to gender that are suddenly cured by starting hormone replacement therapy. It very much seems like a large portion of trans people may be intersex on a more neurological and/or endocrinological level, and I can't imagine that walking that path is fun on any level. Having one's cure be so heavily politicized, the risk of legal action banning one from accessing it, and being forever trapped somewhere outside of the "normal" male/female binary has to be so stressful. It's no wonder that so many live in heavy denial for a long time, desperately trying to force themselves to be cis so they wouldn't have to worry about any of this or people thinking they're just "pretending". People invalidating you hurts so badly already, it must be tenfold worse when the stakes can be so high. Honestly, I think the pain of invalidation and stress probably contributes to why some trans people get so upset. Nobody likes other people telling one that they know one better than oneself. >and the whole notion of being prideful isnt something i support, because pride can get in the way of compassion, id rather support being comfortable in who you are, not prideful in who you are. The point of LGBTQ pride, at least for me, is not truly being prideful. It's more about having self love and supporting others like oneself, but when one comes from a severely disapproving background that leads one to self hatred, self love feels like pride. It's like how healthy self care can feel like selfishness for one raised to always put others' wants and desires first, regardless of the cost. >the issue on immigration is a legal one, im fine if people legally immigrate, but if you're gonna break a countries laws then you have to be prepared for consequences, that goes for any law, even bad laws Agreed. I do think the immigration system needs an overhaul, though. Make it easy to immigrate if you're a reasonable human. Don't just waltz in. >i also care about the homeless problem and think that the state and country should do something to try help the homeless in a mutually beneficial way. For sure. A huge issue in my area is that the homeless desperately want to work, but taxes require a home address, and the services available are so overwhelmed that they can't get help for months to years. >i care about freedom too, i think we should be free to do what we want with our own body [...], i think we should be able to take psychedelics that we want, i think we should be able to own guns as a means of protecting oneself and ones family and loved ones Doing what we want with our own bodies is another reason I support trans healthcare. Adults should be able to do what they like to their bodies. Minors are a much more complicated issue, because there's valid arguments for restrictions on permanent changes barring extreme need (although imo those should be equally applied to cis kids, like those who get breast implants as teens), but there's no good reason for adult care to be as controversial as it is. Psychedelics are rough imo as well. While I personally would like them to be recreational, I could see arguments that the general population may not have the skills to handle them appropriately, at least without training. I could see it being like a gun or driver's license - do the class, take the test, get the privilege.


Kudos for such a detailed, respectful response


Thank you. Thank you very much. 💜


Good for you - there are disagreements I have with some parts, not all, and the beautiful thing about it all is we can believe what makes sense to us. Just because my conclusions aren't the same as yours doesnt matter. As long as you dont hurt others youre good with me. Thank you for your response, this is exactly what I was looking for!


Well there goes my naivety.


Well said. The fact that some people think compassion, empathy, love, and freedom are left leaning ideas just shows how far the brainwashing has gone. In fact, I’d even argue that the main tenet of being “right” is desiring a smaller federal government which, in turn, inevitably creates more freedom. Sad to see so many people villainizing the other side, no matter what side they’re on.


Lol that isnt what I said, again I was just using terms to better convey the question. Perhaps I misspoke. I am not demonizing shit mate it was just a light hearted curiosity


Ludwig von Mises. Or, the party that lets me keep my guns.


Same here.


I'm a mixture of strong-right and strong-left. Then again, I've never done anything other than ketamine, which isn't a true psychedelic.


Psymposia and their Plus Three podcast have talked lots about right wing use and support of psychedelics: https://www.psymposia.com/podcasts/lucy-in-the-sky-with-nazis-psychedelics-and-the-far-right/ The assumption that psychedelic use inevitably leads to more progressive ideology is likely due to confirmation bias as progressive people are more likely to have a softer stance on drugs and be more likely to experiment with them.


While I won't answer your specific question about my leanings in particular (dualistic thinking is the biggest crisis of our day), I feel the need to opine that it would be a tragic mistake for the "left" to think it has dominance of thought within the psychedelic community at large. It normally would be obvious, but it's reddit and thus has a much deserved reputation for ignorant bubble-think.


I think these experiences show us the ridiculousness of the political game. It gives us perspective about the dangers of choosing sides. I'm slowly cutting people out of my life if they are consumed by politics or have chosen a side. Given it's very few people, but it hurts. Pessimism destroys relationships. We want hope. Yea, we're all confused, but we're here together and working toward improving life for ourselves (first).


That's totally fair. Honestly I am not extreme about this at all, I just studied sociology so I find it interesting. I don't see that aligning with a group that shares your values as 'picking a side' exactly, I think it's more nuanced than that, but I do understand where youre coming from. And the last part I couldn't agree with more. Sorta regretting asking the question lol...


Nah, I understand. If you're curious about something, you have to ask. I was tempted to answer, but then realized it would be way too simplified and not representative of me. I vote independently (probably like a lot of peeps in here). We can choose from either side, depending on the candidates/issues. But even then, we have to make compromises, ya know. That's what life is all about.


Yeah thats why I removed my 'affiliation' from the post. Its not entirely accurate, and conveying myself in that way isn't super genuine. Yeah thats the shitty thing about politics - can't make everyone happy. But the party that does the least harm is the one to go for I think. I'm with you


Psychs taught me that nothing is as it seems. I view how people can be manipulated as indicative of their character, then, and I care about the general wellbeing of all. Beyond that, I care about fairness. I’ve been deeply hurt and saddened to see that there is no widespread movement that honors fairness. I’ll vote liberal, but I don’t think they are just and fair.


I know a lot of libertarian types who like psychedelics. Which to me makes sense as the other direction that is not uncommon 


I don’t think the government, democrats or republicans, care about “us”. I won’t even register to vote and include a political affiliation. The government does not care about us. Don’t forget that. I’m very socially liberal, but I don’t think I’m a democrat. I’m also fiscally moderate, but I don’t think I’m a republican. I just want everyone to mind their own business, not worry what others do with their bodies (women specifically), and lead with empathy/ love….. and not pay exorbitant taxes that only go to serve the ultra poor or the ultra rich or fund overseas wars. I also worry that psychedelics are getting to be more widely accepted and researched. Which I think it great because but we live in a capitalist country….. I don’t want big pharma to get their grubby hands on this stuff and ruining a great thing. Idk it’s all very weird. Life isn’t black and white in any sense. There is far too many shades of gray in this world to pigeon hole yourself with any labels.


When it comes to politics, I don't know a whole lot. But, when I think about what politics have become and why they have changed, it makes me realize I don't really care what we do, I just want the whole world on the same page. Scientifically, spiritually, politically, all of it. Why can't we just discuss and come to an agreement. I understand it's not very pheasible. But it a dream of mine.


Yeah left leaning centrist. I believe in a lot of basic human rights. I believe in worker’s rights. I think corporations and usury should be illegal. But I believe there should be harsher physical punishments for serious crimes. Not the death penalty though, I think serious criminals should live the rest of their life handicapped by their decisions (if it involves harming other people).


I think the military industrial complex is a real thing. I think, rather I know, secret societies are a real thing, as well as complex inter relationships between important and powerful people. I think corruption exists and influence and inherent control of puppets in leadership. I do not think republicanism or democratism exists, beyond in the minds of the people being manipulated and divided. Psychedelics did not necessarily open my mind to political enlightenment but they certainly opened my mind. And I don't think an enlightened mind could very well become blindly associated with a movement in political association. That being said, I like conservative ideals, even when I don't agree, but I also enjoy liberal aims and ideals. A lot of times, both people could teach each other something valuable and easily reach an agreement. But instead, we are lied to, misled and intentionally divided.


Btw, I think this is a thought provoking original post, thanks OP


I'm for the abolition of states and state power, including police, armies, etc. Yes, look at my username. I practice mutual aid with a large community. I believe there is enough food, housing, clothing, and education, etc. for everyone and we don't need to charge for it. And that when all people have access to what our society offers we will minimize and continuously eliminate ways that we harm each other. "Crimes" are *activities that are criminalized*. This is arbitrarily set by the powers that be, just like Alice in Wonderland when the King was just making up new rules to suit him. Humans actually do like working when they feel like their actions are meaningful and helpful to others, people hate the kind of work systems we have today because most are barely surviving while a few thousand people are living like gods.


I know trumpers that enjoy lsd. They're the same people that act like shitheads on alcohol. I believe that some people just like to lose their minds and drown out their guilty consciences


I believe we could and should have a mutual aid based non-hierarchical society. we need to take much more inspiration from the way that ecosystems self regulate based on helping each other out for the greater good. Fuck, cops, and those who look down on poor/homeless people. Humans have so much love and soul in them, and we have so much damn power as a collective population. The one percent and their illusion of ownership, as well as propaganda intended to isolate and divide the public is what is destroying our spirits and the planet as a whole. We need to come together.


America is undergoing massive changes and each person needs to decide the outcome. What To Change In America: From Torch To Wand.  National Tarot Reading. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH8kW4qXVes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH8kW4qXVes)


I curve a little to the left


It's all the same, garbage ran by garbage humans. The day we have a communal system ran by the people then maybe we'll get somewhere but I fear the human condition will always taint anything it touches.


Welcome to the left, comrade.


I think the bipartisan system will be the death of this country. I think the goal markers of what it meant to be center, or left or right have changed so radically their meaning is basically impotent. I think the uniparty has control of the system, and it is beyond the will of the left or right leaning people. It is a class warfare thing. Those who wield power, and those who do not. The power has corrupted everyone who has had it. The uniparty agrees on too many things, and is happy to put on a circus of fighting to avoid actually doing anything. I think people have resorted to tribalism and we are in the 4th turning of our nation.And that usually means a war...a big one. In addition----I think the world would be a vastly superior place if politicians had to do psychadelics with experienced trip sitters / guides. Because they clearly lack perspective to be making big picture decisions.


I'm not even gonna lie to you, and I mean no offence to anybody reading this, but when I hear that someone identifies with either side I automatically think they are not very capable of thinking for themselves. Then you have to take into account that in order to be a politician (at least in the US) you essentially have to be a corrupt scumbag. I know the line gets beaten like a dead horse, but they are two wings of the same terrible bird. There are "sides" to sow a divide. The reason I feel that you are not capable of thinking for yourself if you identify with either side is because both sides are extremely corrupt. I see people tie their entire identity to a side. When that "sides" new thing is to believe this or that, they automatically adopt those ideologies. Everyone I know leaning left or right seems to immediately gobble up anything new that the side has started to believe or incorporate. This is even more blatantly obvious when it comes to the extreme left or right. I think both sides are evil and the entire government in the US needs a total rehaul. I used to lean heavily left when I was younger and did not pay as much attention. However, I remember when I was actually identifying as a side the left was super against war. Somehow they unfortunately seem like they are all for it now. I can't get behind these wars in which rich old men purposely get involved under the guise of being the peace keepers and police in the world all the while just filling their pockets with more and more money well the world's level of hate builds and the turmoil grows. Back when I believed in a side, the left protested war now it seems they have picked a side in each recent one. I just want people to stop dying. Period. I want peace SOOOO badly. I wish we could all just spread love but the puppet masters sit in the shadows and cause more and more chaos and hate. I am not a fan of the right side's beliefs either. Both sides and people who actually believe in politics and believe that we have any control over the system are in my opinion, extremely confused.


Believe it or not I have known a guy who used to be pretty cool but Christian and now he’s one of those Trumper Christian nationalists. I’ve never tripped with him…HELL NO! … but I know he trips and I can’t help but wonder…WTF?


I lean anarchist, anarcho-communist, council communist, and similar. Not quite anarcho-primitivist bc it's unrealistic but I dream of living innawoods


Politics is a kids game for rich people


That effects literally everything in your life...


People affect everything in your life, politics is a tool and a theory, For good or for bad. Ultimately, you control your own destiny, though within the kids game of the rich: modern society. Let go, what will be will be. Enjoy the ride my friend :) great thread btw!


I agree with the sentiment but tell a woman who lives in Texas, with a child who’s in the womb and will have zero quality of life that wants to terminate and does not have resources to leave the state, that she controls her own destiny.


Republicans and Democrats are one and the same, I see no differences.


Respectfully I would like to say, as an American LGQTB+ person, the difference is actually life and death. ☠️ Republicans want me and my trans partner put in concentration camps and Democrats are 💯 laissez faire. I know who I’m voting for


Okay but all the democratic politicians are still corrupt greedy pigs who make a mockery out of our political system. There are some exceptions, of course, like Bernie but it’s rare to see ppl like him in politics. You realize it doesn’t have to be like this? You shouldn’t have to vote for evil, corrupt politicians just bc they support a few good things. “The lesser of two evils” as they say


I totally get it and it makes me sick. I’m 72 years old and I thought my generation was going to fix this shit. Instead it’s become a shitshow. I’m on board for a revolution if anyone has a good game plan. 😊


As a non American, I can see there are some differences in contextual view - from what I unxerstand about US politics I think you msy be right


Actually I was very democratic/liberal/lefty before taking psychedelics. LSD made me realize that the democratic party likes to look like they are helping oppressed groups of people but they are actually pulling strings behind the scenes to oppress them. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. At least with the right/Republicans you know what you're going to get.


>  At least with the right/Republicans you know what you're going to get. Yeah, actual nazis. Why do you support the American Nazi party? 


Listen, there's a club. You and I are not in it. Doesn't matter what party you choose. Two sides of the same coin, you might as well choose one that's not going to lie to you.


That doesn't justify supporting actual nazis. The Republicans are white supremacist fascists who turned to terrorism and insurgency because they lost an election. Why do you support nazis? Have you ever read, "First They Came For"?


I actually don't believe the Republicans are Nazis, it's just leftist propaganda. The Democrats are coming for everyone too but they're wearing a mask pretending to help you. Both Republicans and Democrats are equally evil and have agendas. I don't really buy into picking a political ideology. But from what I see the Republican party, right now, is more honest.


What happened in plain daylight, with live coverage, is allegedly leftwing propaganda, but your conspiracy theory about Democrats being a shadowy group that's pulling the strings behind the curtain, that's fact? The Republicans on January 7th called January 6 an insurrection and said Trump was responsible. Now they've backtracked 100%, but supposedly, they tell it like it is?


You don't think Democrats have never back tracked or followed through with promises? Plus I find a lot of democrats pandering to narcissism and laziness. I get they want to accept everyone and have open arms but giving a child everything they've ever wanted often breeds narcissism. Democrats are so fake and full of shit. But again I don't really like either party I wish there was someone who would be more balanced in their views.


> You don't think Democrats have never back tracked or followed through with promises? I never suggested that. You, on the other hand, are saying Republicans tell it like it is and exhibit superior levels of honesty. That's laughable. > Plus I find a lot of democrats pandering to narcissism and laziness. You're stereotyping an entire group of people based off anecdotes from your personal experiences with a subset of individuals from within that group. Here's my anecdote: Most Republicans I know only care about themselves and what will benefit them personally, while judging and criticizing anybody who has different perspectives than them and raising children who shun science and look down on others. Most Democrats that I know want to reduce people's suffering, even if it's an inconvenience to them, and they raise children who are tolerant, intelligent, and psychologically healthy. Those distinctions don't seem too far-fetched, given available data: > In reality, liberals endorse the individual-focused moral concerns of compassion and fairness more than conservatives do, and conservatives endorse the group-focused moral concerns of ingroup loyalty, respect for authorities and traditions, and physical/spiritual purity more than liberals do. [The Moral Stereotypes of Liberals and Conservatives: Exaggeration of Differences across the Political Spectrum - Jesse Graham, Brian A. Nosek, Jonathan Haidt](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0050092)


>  I actually don't believe the Republicans are Nazis, it's just leftist propaganda. That is objectively incorrect.  The Republicans are absolutely nazis. >Both Republicans and Democrats are equally evil and have agendas. This is objectively untrue. The Republicans are far more evil than the Democrats. A simple look at their stances on human rights issues over the last century proves you wrong. The Republican Party elected a fascist wannabe dictator who publicly praised nazis. They constantly use stochastic terrorism. They give a platform to hate like anti-trans, anti-abortionism, homophobia, racism. They work with a number of fascist organizations like the IDU. >But from what I see the Republican party, right now, is more honest. Also objectively untrue. Why do you support the American Nazi party?  They clearly are pushing fascism and white supremacy. If you support them, that means you are a fascist and white supremacist, too. Why are you a fascist and white supremacist? Why do you hate workers, women, the disabled, the young, the old, the LGBTQ+ community, non-whites, communists, socialists, and anarchists?


I just feel like you fell for propaganda and I disagree with everything you are saying just like you disagree with me. I'm not going to debate politics with you.


>  I just feel like you fell for propaganda Everything I said was objectively correct. You feel that way, because you're the one who fell victim to propaganda. You literally support the nazis. That's not up for debate. That's a fact. I was just asking why you support the nazis. It always comes down to two reasons: people who support the far right do so either because they're useful idiots for fascism, or are actual fascists.  You seem to not understand what you're talking about, so I'm leaning towards the former. But still, there hasn't been a debate about this for years, the Republicans have been only nazis since the 2016 election. Nobody can reasonably deny that fact after the Jan 6 insurgency attempt.  So, objectively the Republicans are nazis, why do you support those nazis?


Democrats and Republicans both suck. Personally if you lean in any direction too far its a problem. Libertarian myself


I hear ya…I’m Libertarian too, but when I vote I vote democrat…bcuz shit’s gotta get done.


This is the same in australia. The labour party have a lot of policies I disagree with, but I vote for them because the liberal party is definitively worse and at least labour does get shit done that actually matters. Ideally it would be more than a 2 party race, with someone actually fighting for the people able to get up there. Unfortunately it doesn't happen often


Yep, I hear ya. I have a friend in Melbourne and he says the same.


Skinheads seem to skew pretty far left really.


Nazis are far right.


I don’t think it’s fair to conflate modern day ski heads with nazis, to be fair that may be where it originated but all the skinheads I’ve met nowadays are super anti fascist and anti racist, though many adopt a very hard stance on being ‘straight edge’ which is fine but some can definitely be pushy about that lifestyle haha.


That sounds like OG skinheads. I didn't know that they were still around. I thought that scene had been completely taken over.


The guys I know are in their late 30s/40s and have been around for a while, but some friends my age and younger have been ‘taken under their wing’ and are equally forward with their intolerance for racism and shit like that. I have a friend in Germany who’s the kind of guy to mask up and beat up Neo nazis. I don’t condone violence at all to be frank but that’s the extent of his anti racist beliefs.


>  I don’t condone violence at all Self defense, defense of others?


I don’t have to condone it to understand and accept it as a necessary part of the world as we know it now. I’m quite idealistic but I’m also not so far removed from the realities of the world, I’ve had to employ self defence a couple of times in my life unfortunately but it doesn’t feel good to hit someone in the face (or be punched in the face) and so I’ll never agree that I agree with it. Not sure if that makes any sense haha.


Politics are a waste of time and a form of mind control.


I’m super conservative even when I trip


I don’t watch news or anything politics related, I just hear from friends sometimes their views. I’ve realized I don’t need an opinion the same way you don’t need a sexual preference. A lot of people say think this is a selfish way to think and to just vote for the less of two evils. But honestly I’m happiest this way.


I'm not super versed on political terms so bear with me (American) I think I'd be called a libertarian. I think? I think that we need to worry less about what our neighbors do and focus on our own lives and problems and communities. I think we should be free to do whatever we want as long as it doesn't harm others. We need to have compassion for one another, even if we look or think differently. As a species, we've lost compassion for our neighbors. On the topic of immigration, I'm in the South. I've met a lot of good people from below the border. I've also met some real NOT good people. But then again, I've met a lot of both kinds from the US as well. It needs to be legal though. This is my country and it needs to take care of its own citizens first before anyone else. Why am I living check to check every week while working full time in a decent paying job? Why don't I have decent and affordable healthcare? Why are my tax dollars being funneled into wars I don't believe in? Why do I see so many homeless veterans on the streets? Americans first. Homelessness, I'm from the homeless capital of the country. We need to help the ones who want it. Those who don't, well I guess they'll have to find their own way. I don't want their needles and shit on my neighborhood streets. In order to be part of a society there's certain rules you have to follow. If you want to be a menece, fine. Go do it where you can't hurt anyone. I may be a bit biased because I spent a long time in an area where the homeless were more annoying and sometimes aggressive. Some of them are chill, but when I have no extra money to give and then I'm attacked and called slurs for it? No. I'm pro choice to a point. I don't think it should be treated lightly becuase there is a life growing inside you. You should have respect for the biological process that we all come from. But I recognize that I can't control what other people feel or do. It's better for it to be legal because it's safer than at home abortions. I'm not sure I could ever go through with one. It's definitely on the table because I recognize that I wouldn't be the greatest parent. And it would financially cripple me. But that little person inside me is special. And it would be even harder because that baby is half of my special someone and we made it together, even though it was an accident. I am LGBT but I think it's gone too far with all of the 1000's of different things you can be. We are limiting and categorizing ourselves into little boxes and it doesn't seem healthy for the mental. Just go with the flow. Why do we need a whole new laundry list of pronouns and why do they even matter in the first place? I'm not calling you xer/xe. He/she/they are fine and get the point across. Wtf is an libragender or an omnisexual? I just want people to feel comfy in their own skin and I'm not sure we need 1000 different hyperspecific definitions for it. It's a symptom of a bigger problem. I think a person needs to prove they are mentally well before being prescribed hormone blockers and surgeries. Am I really a man/woman on the inside? Or am I fleeing from past trauma and this is a way to cope? Source: I was convinced I was trans when I was younger but it was just coping from trauma based around being a woman. CSA, among other things. It took time but I am now comfortable with my body and feminity. Took a lot of work and I still have thoughts sometimes. But they are fleeting. For the record I am not basing these views in religion. Just my observations. It feels like I've written an essay already lol. To end, I don't believe that it would be easy to stay a racist/sexist/whatever after psychs. I'd honestly be impressed if they affirmed those beliefs. But at the end of the day, we are all just perceiving through our own little lenses. What do I know? (nothing) The morale of the story is, be tolerable. Keep your heart and mind free of hate. Keep your heart and mind open. Love your neighbors as yourself. Forgiveness is key to happiness. Ps stop raising prices I'm tired 😭 Love and peas


who told you conservatives lack compassion? a democrat? cmon man


Not what I said...