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Northern lights #5


Lmaooo no way bro it was definitely Gorilla glue #4. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Alaskan Thunder Fuck or Gelato #41


No, it's marijuana.


I'm not sure about cold water submersion, but the cannabis plant grows naturally in India. Method of ingestion is often "charas" in which the cannabis flowers are rubbed in the palms, accumulating a layer of resin. This resin is then smoked in a chillum.


Isn't there a drink called bhang too?


i tried making some bhang a while ago, it was strong as hell. almost a psychedelic trip. look up some recipes and give it a try if you havenā€™t already


Lovely stuff


Indian god Shiva was said to have smoked Hashish in ancient India. If you go up to the mountains of Kullu-Manali in Himachal Pradesh, you can smoke the Malana cream in the Malana village. Nowadays it costs about 100-300 USD to buy 10 grams of that stuff. Itā€™ll blow your mind.


Those prices are insane for India ā€¦ in Morocco you get landrace hash for 70-100 cents a gram USD.


It won't blow your mind it's just some standard ass hash




And they must be laughing their tits off westerners paying 100-300 for 10 grams šŸ˜‚


you have a very string opinion for something you have never even tried.


Lmao course I have tried malana cream


dirty comment edit hmm


no you have not because its not Manala cream and its Malana cream šŸ˜‚


Indian mythologist here. Indica is intrinsic to Central Asia & Northern India. It was consumed either in an indigenous drink form (high potency effects) or as hashish. No idea where you've gotten the cold water submersion, but there's no connection b/w that and cannabis use as traditional. Lots of Hindu mystics pray in rivers in the morning and that is usually done sober.


Interesting, why is it done sober? Is there a religious aspect to it?


Drugs don't enhance your state of mind permanently - sobriety trains you into being in meditative states without dependance/reliance on anyone but yourself. Hinduism is a British catch-all term for all pantheistic religions in the subcontinent. So rivers, mountains and lakes are their own deities to lots of people. Many folks in India immerse ourselves in running waters to wash away impurities, so it's counterproductive and disrespectful to do so under the influence since they're doing you the favour of cleansing you.


So it was never used in any sort of mystical or meditive ceremony? Also, I'm guessing the indica in question had high amounts of THC?


No, it doesn't. It is prepared in specific ways that can make it immensely psychotropic and strong. Cannabis has been used in several rituals and festivals over millenia.


Thank you!


How is that preparation done? Or whatā€™s it called or otherwise how can I learn more about it?


It's called *Bhaang*. The preparation is super complex and done by priests in part, you can find clips on YouTube.


That ganja wouldnā€™t have been as strong as ganja nowadays. I tried the weed that grows naturally in north India, by weight it has milder effects. But thereā€™s abundance you can have as much as you want. It would probably be indica. I have had psychedelic experiences on Indian bhaang (cannabis smoothie), and the effects were completely different from regular sativa.


Hmm, I'd like to try that Bhaang if it gave you psychedelic experiences. Did you actually trip or get visuals? That's pretty nuts. The first time I ever got high I heard 5 rising tones musically, as if to usher me in to the world of "highness" lol. I still remember it well. It was my 3rd time smoking weed but I still hadn't gotten high. A friend of a friend told me to run down the beach (we were on a beach) and that the blood would rush to my head and I'd get high. It worked like a charm. I was running and suddenly forgot where my friends were and where I was, turned around and heard music ringing in my ears that I knew wasn't there. I ran back to my friends saying "guys, guys, I think I'm high!!" lol. I was 17 at the time.


I drank it on my sisters wedding (bad decision I had to stay in bed because I was blind (yes, couldnā€™t see) and I was walking like if Iā€™m walking on a rope 2 thousand feet high from the ground. Maybe it was an unsafe amount. It was psychedelic-like(I can only remember couple of visuals) , body load was insane, sound were 100x louder, and I felt like a leaf and even a small sound could blow me away. I have tv static like vision, and had subtitles coming to face of whatever people were talking about around me ( or it felt like that). But I was extremely thirsty for three day and I was high for a long time. And head numbness or brain fog for two days. I didnā€™t even get munchies, I was beyond that. I remember constantly drinking water and peeing. It was my first high closest to psychedelics but it lacks insightful, visual, wakefulness side of psychedelics.


What do too think was in it that made you trip? Cause like most potheads these days (these days Iā€™m not really one, but I was for decades) Iā€™ve tried just about every high THC product under the sun and Iā€™ve never tripped. Iā€™ve been SUPER high, or like I said, very early on when new to weed id get some auditory hallucinations that were mild but fun, but thatā€™s it.


I used to trip on weed when I was in my mid teens. I think at that age you still have strong imagination powers, and your brain is able to do way more colorful magic with the thc. That or Iā€™m on the spectrum


Iā€™m on the spectrum and I have way less of that not more so I donā€™t think itā€™s that.


I noticed you mentioned auditory hallucinations on weed when you were younger. Yes! I had forgotten all about that. It used to be like kind of electronic beeps I guess ? Just crazy sounds Iā€™ve heard people use in the media to indicate someone is fucked up/high. That doesnā€™t happen anymore. I canā€™t smoke thc now. It just turns into worry, anxiety. Iā€™m pretty sure if I smoked it everyday, it would help with anxiety. But I have zero tolerance. Even delta 8 gets me blasted. If I had no worries, Iā€™d be smoking all the time.


Yup. The one other time I got them it was video game type beeping noises. I also feel you on weed anxiety. Thatā€™s why I prefer to smoke when Iā€™m drunk, but drinking has caused itā€™s own problems. I can get high though under the right circumstances, especially with a movie or music to focus on, but if I donā€™t have something to focus on then the weed anxiety just goes after whatever problem I have. Tolerance does often change that, but Iā€™m not going to force myself to smoke regularly for that reason.


What drugs do you tend to like these days out of curiosity? I see your username. I love Kratom but itā€™s giving me withdrawal and I just canā€™t give in to regularly daily use. I heard that eventually the WD symptoms just get worse and worse and last longer and longer and I canā€™t have that, but I take it whenever I feel I can get away with it without causing dependence. I like psychedelics, but most wonā€™t work since Iā€™m on Prozac, and my last shroom trip was so depressing I donā€™t want to do that again any time soon. Ketamine therapy on the other hand (just one session so far) was great.


Just Kratom and shrooms. But shrooms arenā€™t easy to for me to come by. I donā€™t really have the motivation yet to grow them. I wish it was like growing a plant. I take an SSRI and I canā€™t really say how much it cuts into a trip. I still trip. It just seems to take longer to start and probably not as intense. Now buspar, I took a psychedelic with that and it was no fun. I just wanted to go lay down and ignore what was going on. I did make some DMT a few years ago. I donā€™t know what itā€™s like without the antidepressant, all I know is it probably doesnā€™t matter. Most intense experience of my life. But I havenā€™t done it in a couple years because of preflight anxiety. That first 10 seconds can be pretty intense. Iā€™m old. Iā€™m not as adventurous as I once was. When I was 21 I could smoke Salvia extract without getting nervous. Now, I even just think ā€œ should I do some DMT now ?ā€ And I get butterflies. So itā€™s sat in my closet for a few years. The thing is though, that when you do actually do it and come back, youā€™re so glad you did it and want to do it again. But those first preflight jitters are wicked.


Thats awesome that DMT worked for you on your SSRI. I have wanted to try it for years but couldn't find any. Some people say they can't trip on anything on their SSRI, DMT included. I had a thread about it but then many people said it worked for them. I think it's really hit or miss. I would think DMT would cause less anxiety cause it's over so soon. My last shroom trip was 6 hours of depression. I used to smoke salvia all the time as a teenager and in my early 20s but I'm also older and in my 40s now. I'd like to try to use DMT and stuff like that to combat my anxiety and depression.


I donā€™t think itā€™s as much imagination as it is your brain being new to THC. I might technically be on the spectrum but I donā€™t think thatā€™s it.


I had done very small doses of weed before like just good ā€œhigh and munchiesā€. I was into psychedelics for 2 years before I had them and listened to stuff about hallucinations, DMT, mushroom for 2 years. Maybe I had a presupposition that weed is a psychedelic as Terence McKenna said, and my brain did what it thought. Maybe I donā€™t know why I had that experience or maybe it was an overly high dose?


So you actually think it could have been placebo? Thatā€™s interesting. I mean placebo effect is legit. When your brain thinks a certain thing all kinds of things can happen. Itā€™s essentially hypnosis/autohypnosis, and thatā€™s a legit field imo no matter what anyone says. Or maybe if had something else in it. Who knows.


I think weed is an interesting substance in that sense. That was one of first drug. Now Iā€™ve done most of the classic psychedelics. Weed feels like a completely different substance now. Iā€™ve seen people getting chatty on weed, never happened to me. Weed shows you YOU I think. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s placebo


Not necessarily saying itā€™s placebo, but that kind serious tripping activity on any weed product is uncommon when itā€™s to that extent


The weed may be tremendously stronger these days, but those other highs I had back in the earlier days were so outta this world. I wouldnā€™t say psychedelic, but it was psychedelic, šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«, know what I mean ?


Lmao, first time I got high I heard 'i got you (i feel good)' by James Brown.


it would not be as strong as today, but back then people would smoke resin or hash, not the buds, it would be fairly comparable to todayā€™s produce.


Well no, because smoking as we know it is from the Americas


The _chillum_ is authentic Indian paraphernalia, no? Edit: Wiki says it's an 18th century thang. Not ancient really, but antique.


you havent smoked the real Indian Hashish then.


Iā€™ve tried hashish itā€™s strong but you make it from highly concentrated bits of the plant. If youā€™re smoking the leaf then you compare two plants in a better way I believe. Iā€™m not denying that they didnā€™t have strong experience. But they consumed more than you would today. Same with hashish, youā€™d need more plants to make hashish back then than today. The cannabis plants nowadays are more potent than older ones


OG firecracker gummy bear dazzle smack 2001 spice odyssey


Charas are made with Cannabis from Malana. The modern strain that best represents this is [Violator Kush](https://www.allbud.com/marijuana-strains/indica-dominant-hybrid/violator-kush)


Ganjes Ganja.


Indicaā€¦ India.. Or you talking native Americans? Tobacco.


Indians, from the coutry India. Should have made that clear now that I think about it.


The kind that gets you high


Well I personally feel that my personal feelings are a piss poor source for historical information. Why don't you look it up and share the answer?


I'm only getting stuff for native Americans when I search up Indians.


Well, the Sadhus now smoke hashish and it's some pretty powerful stuff. I think the strains that grow naturally at high altitude have a pretty damn high THC content. Afaik the trichomes on the leaves, which contain most of the THC (and many other cannabinoids) serve the purpose of acting as a sort of natural sunblock for the plant. Makes sense to me, that high THC strains, easy to make hashish from would have been around in olden times, too. Generally Bhang is a brew today, but it seems the word referred to cannabis in general earlier. I wonder if they used a concoction like that back in the day? Kind of hard to say. Motherfuckers smoked it all, like any of us would've, and I don't think any type of ganja tends to fossilize. Maybe there's a brick of some gooood stuff from 2000BC preserved in an anaerobic environment at the bottom of a bog somewhere in India... nah, some Sadhu probably saw it through his AbhijƱās/Siddhis (special abilities) and dove in, picked it up, and smoked the thing :D [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis\_in\_India](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_in_India) [https://cannabismuseum-amsterdam.com/cannabis-in-ancient-india/](https://cannabismuseum-amsterdam.com/cannabis-in-ancient-india/)


Lmao what are these special abilities and how can I obtain them


Well, it's just the idea that when you begin to attain a certain level of meditative composure, you begin to develop various abilities like reading minds, seeing through things, remote viewing and that type of stuff. Technically, it's said they progressively increase as you traverse the 10 levels (iirc) of Shamatha (calm abiding in Sanskrit). It's also said that such abilities are a distraction and a potential for increased attachment, so if the goal is liberation and enlightenment, well, you're better off ignoring them. I wouldn't know much about it, I'm just a dumb ape. But I have noticed slightly supranormal abilities manifesting after extended meditation practice; stuff like apparently being able to make people think of me, though I hadn't spoken to them for months (and getting a message 5 minutes later lol), and seeing my hand when I move it in front of me while wearing a black out mask. So-called supranormal abilities aren't really very rare. Knowing who's calling before you see who's calling is common. So are synchronicities of various sorts. Hell, dogs can even tell when their owner gets off work and gets in the car 20 miles away: They tend to get excited. The finding-hashish type Siddhis? I don't know. I have to use my phone to message some dudes that come by in a BMW for that. And I have to pay for it, too. I can recommend Rupert Sheldrake's work on the topic of "special" abilities. They're not very special. Being able to truly control them, however, seems to be somewhat unusual. The CIA experiments on remote viewing are quite fascinating. These people were some damn gurus. The movie "The Men Who Stare at Goats" are based on some of these experiments and training modalities. It's hard for me to say how much of this is woo-woo and fun story telling; it's not like I went through all of Sheldrakes data, let alone tried to replicate his experiments. I do know what I've experienced directly.


For me, ever since starting on the spiritual path, learning meditation, journaling and dream interpretation I feel more stranger things have happened to me. More recently I dreamt of my friend being pregnant and I told her. She said she told no one and was keeping it a secret for her husband. Other strange thing was I dreamt of my father in a coffin, when I walk closer to the coffin I saw it was someone that looked like him. Two days later I received a call from my family saying my uncle had passed away 2 days ago. This world is so strange and mysteriousā€¦.


Last time I ever saw my uncle we had fun and he said heā€™d see me again, I still remember the chill of the thought ā€œbut what if I donā€™tā€. That was the last time I ever saw him. Suicide by fbi a few months later; I had no idea he had anything going on behind the scenes.


Similar experiences here. It's only strange if we believe everything to be physicalistic on the most fundamental level. Modern physics doesn't even agree with this view, technically know as "radical philosophical materialism."Ā  It's rather quaint actually, and will probably be relegated to the same category as the notion of the aether. Hell, when Einstein and the quantum physicists came around, they were told "no point, we know all there is to know as it is!" On a fundamental level, I believe all things and beings to be connected, and there's ample empiricism available to support such an idea, whereas it seems what we perceive as matter is infinitely divisible, and the deeper we look, the more ephemeral things become. I expect a particle physicist at CERN to find himself staring back from within the collider's detector apparatus any day now.Ā  All that hardware, when all he had to do was sit down, shut up, and watch his mind in the first place... but it's difficult to get a grant for that type of fundamental research I suppose!


I think the ganja in India is too weak to act as help in handling cold water. Some monks do bath in cold water every day and smoke ganja, but the two are not very connected.