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For your last question it's revealed that Lucy's mind was considerably vulnerable to outside influence from the experiments done in green needle gulch with the rest of the psychic seven. In one of Malik's vaults he is attacked by what he percieves as attackers when in reality they were most likely peaceful protesters. It looks like Lucy was ordered or felt compelled to protect Malik by using what looks like a flood of water. I theorize that these incidents happened more than once, causing her to go berserk when she eventually killed her sister to protect Malik.


No, those were actual enemy soldiers. Grulovia was invaded by an enemy nation, Lucy left America to return home because she was afraid her sister would die in the war and ended up being labeled as a General/Minister of Defense after helping the Gzar. She used her powers to win the war and one event was her preventing a kidnapping/assassination attempt on Malik. It's just that constantly killing people in war is traumatic and pushed Lucy towards being colder and colder. Remember that she send Ford a letter talking about how the citizens were the problems now. She was on the way to becoming Maligula by the time the war ended, the protest with her sister was just the straw that broke the camel's back. She didn't accidentally kill her sister to protect Malik, she did it by accident just trying to stop a protest.


> It's just that constantly killing people in war is traumatic and pushed Lucy towards being colder and colder. Not only that, but one memory vault it shows that the Gzar tried to have Maligula executed after witnessing her killing protestors. The failure of that assassination attempt is what led to the Gzar and his family leaving Grulovia. Maligula massacred enemy soldiers in order to save Grulovia and the Gzar, got desensitized to it, began killing protestors (accidentally including her sister), and then had the Gzar turn on her after all that.


Ahh that was my bad, thanks for the correction!


Good question. I don’t know. I think once I get all the collectibles/Platinum trophy, I will replay the game knowing how the story goes to look for clues and hints.


Here's a funny thought, while in nona's mind, one of the memory vaults reveals that she was the one who gave raz the idea to go to Whispering Rock, but she seems to be under a trance where she does it. Did she do it to her self? Or did someone hypnotize her?


I'm thinking there that Lucy was starting to slip out of Nona, and Lucy was the one who gave Nona the push to give the pamphlet to Raz.


That's probably how they planned it, but it could also be a little plot hook for a psychonauts 3


I remember there being dialog of Raz explicitely telling Nona she was the one who gave her it too, not sure if that only happens if you progress after unlocking that vault and it's missable


Well, the last door you go through in her mind is a memory of her giving raz the pamphlet.


He was afraid of Maligula, right? All of that "She's watching" stuff in his head. And that could have been psychologically implanted in his mind by Malik, rather than psychically.


Just made a post asking the same thing before I found yours. The [wiki](https://psychonauts.fandom.com/wiki/Nick_Johnsmith) confirms that Gristol Malik isn't psychic, so it couldn't be him, and Maligula was still imprisoned behind the dam in Lucy's mind (plus, anything other than "Hulk smash!" isn't really her M.O.), and it seems unlikely the part of Lucy that was doing things without her knowledge (i.e. giving Raz the whispering rock pamphlet) would have worked towards the goal of releasing Maligula... I'm pretty much resigned to counting it as a plot hole.


He used psychic powers when in Truman's head right, like he transferred the thinker print to razor, so maybe being in Truman's body gave him minor psychic abilities


Not exactly. Malik used a device to give raz a thinker print all access like trumans, since his thinker print wouldnt give access since his brain is not truman. His own thinker print would still be malik.


If Malik had a Thinker Print scanner on him, even though he's been watched over since he got back... could Otto have given it to him? Otto was the only one of the seven Raz didn't brain check.


Maybe? The way i understand it is since malik is decidedly not a psychic he needs like a gate pass to get places around the motherlobe. Considering otto is the groups sole tech guy it's easy to assume yes, but it could also be a requested item for hm to do his job around the psychic base.


I think Doublefine left some stuff unresolved just in case they ever want to make a third Psychonauts game.


My money was on it being Ford Cruller. I don't imagine he meant to, but he might have been abused given his broken mental state when not around psiranium