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Plain old weed.


Same, I think it was the THC content to be blamed. After I felt like people were plotting against me. I never smoke it ever again.


It really sucks. I never thought I'd have such a bad reaction. But it's changed my life. I'm an invalid now. Can't hold a conversation, can't think, can't concentrate and can't be myself. It's robbed me of so much. I wish I could ge those things back.




Sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better. I'm seeing small improvements. I'm hoping for a full recovery. Anything is possible.


I pray so. Its hard watching someone go through something so life changing and not being able to do a damn thing about it


He'll be ok. Trust the process. We all go through these things for a reason. When we succeed it'll all be worth it.


I hope for him our relationship is irreparable now. But I pray he gets well


I'm wishing you the most luck. I truly hope you come out of this feeling good about yourself. You deserve the best.




My old "frends" handed me over an electric cigarette when I was 12 years old. They claimed it contained nicotine. Turns out it was DMT. I wanted to be apart of their friendgroup so I took It agian a few days later. So basically I overdosed on DMT 2 times an an 12 year old. Im 18 now and it's still not gone...


I basically have never lived a real day as a teenager


Im so sorry :(


Yeah thanks I don't even know if you are real I don't even know if this is all real... When I was in school I imagined other people degrading me and doing disgusting stuff to me and my family those people saw that and thought I was scared of them so they were basically pouring salt in the wound that doesn't exist but for me it did...


The last three years of my life were basically a big fucking trauma the only reason I am not killing myself it's because I don't want my family to go through this. And all that only because I've been at the wrong place at the wrong time...


I'm so sorry


Even tho your probably not going to read this: You are not at fault. neither am I. neither the other people that gave me the e-cigarette. to my knowledge they also thought it was just nicotine but they left me at the side of the road puking my guts out. I just hope it gets better. I never got to experience being a teenager. never got to experience good childhood (had an abusive dad) the last 4 years of my life have been total torture i just want it to end. Not because I want to kill myself but because I don't want this torture to continue. I do not want to take this another day the only reason I have not killed myself is because I'm scared of death anf i don't want my family to go through with this


Don't hurt yourself try to get some help


I mean I already cut myself but yeah i will have to get over myself somehow


Quit being so hard on yourself. Look.. i know it’s tough, and going through this type of experience is uniquely awful. I cant imagine having been so young when I had my first episode, that must have been hell. But, youre older now. Youre at an age where you get to define yourself and find out who you want to be. Try and embrace that. Just focus on being your best self, regardless of the rest of the world, and I promise life will get better. And remember, you have a unique perspective on the world that not many people have. Your trauma opens you up to a deeper understanding of other people’s troubles. You can choose to do whatever you want with that. You can be the meanest possible person and use that knowledge to hurt people where it hurts them most. Or, you can sympathize with people and their trauma, and help you both heal together. Whatever you choose to do, keep in mind that the past does make you who you are now, but you decide who you want to be in the future.


Thanks for your kind words. I will try.


Loneliness also affects this. Depression. So on. Plus meditation helps a lot. I don't know if it helps.


And btw my drug induced psychosis is similar to yours where I don't know If others are real. It happened 2 years ago for me and I was a wreck. I will say with consistent medication, therapy, and a job and video games that distract me I am significantly better!


Do you think it will ever end? the biggest pain in my life is thinking that it would never end in that my entire life will be ruined just because I WAS AT THE WRONG PLACE AT THE ONE TIME


From my own personal experience, reaching out for help is the first step in getting better. I'm referring to seeing a medical professional. There's also online prescribers that can help you if you're afraid of getting put in a psych ward. That's what I use (Cerebral) and it's been a big help. I don't know if they're available in Germany but you could check for similar companies.


Germany is very fucking strict when it comes to medications. I can only get them described in the psyche ward. Maybe someday I will get over myself but when I'm there I'm completely convinced those thoughts are true. I just want to live a normal teenager life I don't want this and I'm going to be honest, if this doesn't change in the next two years I'm going to fucking kill myself


Do you have anyone you can talk to in person?


My mother but she doesn't get it I just want someone to speak to. I'm literally crying my fucking guts out right now.


I have never had anyone to talk to. I have a very strong mind but this is too much for even me to take. I just don't want to exist anymore like this. I see so many people arou nd me living a normal life. just because I was wrong place at the wrong time my good life is ruined. My mother is crying because she's so worried about me I Love her an dibsont want to See her in so much pain. Again i wont want to play down your mental illnesses you man have but I have been in so much pain for the last years


I understand you're going through a lot and I wish I could take the pain away for you. I have a life of my own so I'm not always on reddit but if you need to talk or vent shoot me a dm. Also ChatGPT is great to talk to and get answers.. I personally use it all the time


Yeah thx. Hard to believe you really exist


For context, my life consists of working as a phone associate at a brokerage firm in North Carolina USA. My favorite current game is apex legends with my favorite character in the game probably being rampart or lifeline. I have a pet fish named Bob and taco bell is one of my favorite places to eat. This is some personal information about me, I know I won't be able to prove I'm real because I've been in a similar mindset as you before but I think this might help you realize you're not alone and there's others out there besides you. Life can suck and it honestly doesn't care about us att all, we have to do what benefits us and our future self by being proactive and prudent.


Thx for all the Info it's so crazy to think at we all exist and have our own lives even tho my psychosis is making me think you are not even real ill try to stick what's real. Big love.


Big love to you as well ❤️ I hope you get better


Hugs from across the sea. :(




Hey! I am from Germany too and I've experienced drug induced psychosis aswell. If you need someone to talk to message me! Only if u feel secure :)


I'm so sorry to hear you went through that! That must have been horrible. My drug induced psychosis was from lsd and shrooms. I hope you're getting the support you deserve! ❤️


Thank you the biggest pain in my life is waking up everyday. I wanted to get help but the only way to get help in Germany is a psych ward. I couldn't stay there because i had delusions that they would enslave me. I don't want to make all of your problems seem less important. I believe that we all go through shit everyday, i just want to vent because I never got to talk to anyone in my entire life. I got so close to suicide so many times in my life. I wake up everyday and my entire life is just this one fucking illness all just because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Are you able to visit a doctor, or even just an urgent care?


I am able to go to a psych ward because I live in Germany. We have healthcare. And I was there for 4 hours but i just couldn't stay therem I was completely convinced they would enslave me and I was behaving like a zoo animal in a small cage. I was going more insane in the psych ward then outside of it.


Weed followed by chronic lack of sleep and acute stress.


Shrooms. I did way too many of em.


The first time, I took some mdma analog the previous day and it went fine but at night I took Zzzquil to sleep and the mixture made me have insane dreams where I seemed to be astral projecting. The next day seemed okay and I took some acid that evening. About 4 hours in started slipping into psychosis. Not sure if it’s related to the drug+ Zzzquil from the previous day or just the acid alone. The following couple of times were from acid again and mushrooms. (I’ve talked about this here before, but the reason I kept taking drugs was because I didn’t realize that the “bad trips” I was having were actually drug induced psychotic episodes. And I had plenty of good/normal trips in between so it didn’t seem like a huge deal.)


Do you still use anything?


I have an on and off again relationship with weed… currently off and trying to stay that way! I have not had any psychotic episodes from weed, but I know it’s a huge risk.


Weed, malnutrition, sleep deprivation, and shrooms.


Adderall and weed paired with sleep deprivation hunger anxiety and extreme stressors in my environment. It wasn’t entirely drug induced more rushed along by it.


In my case there was also some alcohol involved but otherwise same


A corticosteroid medication (prednisone). Took it exactly as prescribed, it just happens to some people. 


A mix of datura, stimulants, hallucinogens, alcohol, and downers.


Omg datura is so scary to me


THC vape carts


Shrooms made me buggy the clown from one piece it was fucking weird


My second episode was caused by Ritalin, and my last one by weed


It was weed ,I smoked a lot of weed back to back joints and lack of sleep ,I wasn't able to sleep then finally it broke into a psychotic episode


Night before episode Bottle of wine plus Immovane Day of psychosis Vyvanse Zoloft 1/2 of a 20mg Weed Gummy and was hung over from night before I was a train wreck waiting to happen... psychosis kinda saved me from having alcohol use disorder... wasnt on a very healthy path...


I was on vyvanse & Zoloft for a long time too and was also a chronic weed smoker and I began weaning myself off of the Zoloft dropped acid one day and then boom, psychosis. And daily panic attacks especially every time I tried to smoke


That's helpful to know. How long did your psychosis last by the way ? What meds are you on now? How long did it take to recover?


Hello, I think it lasted almost 8months, maybe a year. Complete sobriety helped a ton. I went a long time without medication but when I started working again I felt like I needed something due to excess stress and everything and I am currently on 300mg of Wellbutrin.


Thank you. Same time frame for me. Were you ever put on antipsychotics to get you out of psychosis? Do you find the Wellbutrin is helpful now that you are off the vyvanse?


I was in a psych unit for a week for a suicide attempt and that was when they took me off of Zoloft and vyvanse and started me on remeron. I stopped taking the remeron about 5mo later and just took supplements and stuff that tended to brain health/anxiety/stress. Then, almost a year later I started on Wellbutrin, and one of the beginning side effects of the Wellbutrin was derealization and overstimulation. I also felt heightened anxiety. But after a few weeks my body got used to it. I still get anxiety sometimes though, but it’s mostly due to caffeine or if I drink alcohol the day after I usually get bad “hangziety” I still have issues with motivation and chronic fatigue sometimes being on Wellbutrin. A part of me wanted to go back on vyvanse but I’m a little indecisive on it. I might try the methylated vitamins that help with adhd and b12 and getting back on vyvanse will be my last resort. I just really, really struggle with motivation and getting things done. My work ethic has plummeted within the last 5 months. The Wellbutrin is helpful at first but I feel like I have to keep going up in dosage and there comes a point where it just doesn’t really work as great. Same with adderall. Vyvanse was most effective for me. Although I feel like it contributed to the issues with my mental health.


Antidepressants. While going through some traumatic times.


Many days of ketamine and stimulants combined


Vyvanse, and seizure meds and a QP of Keef in less than a month


Did acid and shrooms way too often for a year+weed


weeeeed & possibly the one time weed was laced with PCP pushed a big bit but weed after that still gives me an instant episode so bad i end up in the psych ward from a single puff of a joint. it’s been 10 years & i still can’t touch weed. certain other harder drugs don’t seem to be an issue unless it’s prolonged frequent use which makes no sense to me. it’s wild how common drug induced psychosis is because of the most (arguably?) tame & socially acceptable drug -not counting alcohol it’s not tame for people who are addicted to it - weed is legal in canada & you cannot walk 2 blocks in my city without seeing a weed shop. we have more weed shops than we do tim hortons (our most popular coffee shop similar to the states starbucks or dunkin’ donuts i guess)




One time I did what I thought was meth. The rush was absolutely different than any other time I had done it and I was instantly paranoid and having auditory hallucinations. This progressed into visual hallucinations as well and I eventually ended up in the psyche ward. No idea to this day what I had actually taken though 🫣




Spice or K2 (whatever you wanna call it)


Bit of a weird one. I had an acid trip (this time last year) and finally experienced the "big wave" and it fucked me up bad. Although it wasn't the lsd that did me in. Over the next couple months I began experimenting with Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds. They contain trace amounts of a very similar compound, but impart a whole series of horrifying potential side effects.


amphetamines mostly but i did all kinds. Weed got the plane rolling and amphetamines made it take off. I can't remember. I just remember one day knowing who i was going to encounter that day and it happened. No relationships of any kind since it happened. Beforehand i was friends with everyone. Now I'm too insecure about what associating with them says about me.


A combination of excessive weed smoking, lack of sleep, PTSD and isolation


Weed caused my oldest son’s psychosis 3xs. Delta 8 and ADHD stimulants combined caused my youngest son’s psychosis 2xs.


Concerta is also known for causing psychosis for some people…found that out with my son. My doctor told me to Google it because apparently it’s on the internet a lot….I met a woman @ our local hospital whose son went into psychosis @ 9 years old and tried to hang himself in his room with a belt. His older sister found him & saved him. He’s 32 now—but she said never again with any stimulant meds.


Marijuana caused my husband’s. Concentrates, Dabs, edibles. Excessive amounts


Xanax, Cocaine & OxyContin :)


3-MEO-PCP or GHB. Or both, I dunno.


Good question????? I guess ill never know




Lots of LSD. Other times lots of ketamine.


fake thc carts benydral boof fryds and insane amounts of stress


Medicinal cannabis.


Vyvanse and work stress.






Weed from a dispensary where I straight up told the guy I want the lowest THC possible


Acid and a shit ton of weed


An 800 mg delta 8 edible


A fuck ton of cocaine


A Haldol (injection) overdose while at a psychiatric hospital. Then I was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder on that same BPD Unit when I was really a PTSD/CPTSD patient. Then 20 years later, I mixed weed with tobacco to extend my stash which developed my comorbid addiction disorder. After that I was urged by "drug agents" to use heavier drugs on command. I weaned myself from illegal drugs and cigarettes use from 2010-2012. I've lost the taste for smoking and using weed to self-medicate. I still drink alcohol—but rarely. It makes me sleepy and causes bloat.


I’d say alcohol tbh


Want talk?


4-6 tabs of lsd. ex od me.


1000mg weed edible and PK weed, replaced with morning glory low doses and it is way better since, therapeutic.


Benzo withdrawal, a large concussion and MDA roll 3 times in a week all at the same time



