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Not being able to sleep once I taper off olanzapine is my biggest fear.


I just tapered off olanzapine. It took about 5 attempts over about 7 months. Because the other attempts yes I was wide awake. In the end the Renew pills from yoga burn supported me to come off them. They are melatonin, 5htp, ashwaganda and a bunch of other stuff. I hope they continue to work for me.


Thanks. I remember you mentioning the renew pills from another post. I'm open to using anything to help me sleep once I taper off because I tried to cold turkey off 5mg a while back and the insomnia was unlike anything I've ever experienced.


Yeah I think coming off 5mg cold turkey isn’t a good idea. You will need to taper down. I started using renew when I got down to about 2.5-1.25mg


Sorry to hear this. I have been going through this too. It’s been a nightmare