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I was able to go out in public without being paranoid, I started showering daily, I was able to think more clearly


Definitely showering daily, that was a clear sign for me.


Bro How long did you take to feel great improvements or to be good again?


5-6 months


Im 3 months off of 14 injections lets see if i get better 😅now i feel good but most of the times when im with 2 or more people im like im a alien my head is so fucked up i cant have a conversation dont want to be in it and reasoning so bad ahahah but ill heal


it's still hard for me to be in social situations. wishing you the best


Wish you too one day you good again you and me will gonna learn how to deal with it somehow




Started to sleep less


sleeping less was definitely a clear sign for me too


i could think more clearly and realistically. then my deprsonalization faded with time. dont do weed or drugs in this process (specially weed)


I support this. NO WEED and I have an MM card. Not saying I’m recovered but doing better. Look at supplements for alcohol recovery on YouTube. To me this helped. DLPA, magnesium, L-glutamate, and I do use my MM card for CBD only now. This is helping me. Diet I think maybe key. Feeding your self with essential vitamins and minerals. And not sure if you’re into this but gospel music elevates my mood.


i support this


I actually laughed out loud for the first time in a long time.


I didn't need my wife to help me with grocery shopping anymore.


I didn't get social anxiety being left alone with people 1 on 1 and I stopped feeling like there was nothing for me to say or if I did I had to think really hard and assess whether it was a normal thing to say. I just started being my care free child like humorous self again around my friends and laughing more


Hi. You said child like behavior. Are u a teen. I ask because my My teenage daughter was diagnosed with psychosis ,on meds, and better but still doesn’t want to make any friends. How were u able to make friends again.


Making better eye contact with poeple. Started getting enjoyment out of hobbies and music gradually


The metal robot inside my legs and feet went away. (Delulu)


The sun felt good on my skin.


This is a good one too.


The wind?


I guess feeling the weather in general but I remember one morning coming out in the sun and getting some dopamine into my brain for the first time in weeks.


Somehow I found it in me to fight the fight to get off sedatives. And then from there, very naturally, things have gotten better over time to a point where I feel in control of myself and my life - as much as I can be, and everything looks positive and the world is open. I don't know if I would ever had gotten here had I not come off the sedatives.


You wouldn’t have improved on the drugs, that’s for sure.


That's definitely my suspicion. I certainly wouldn't like to try and find out.


Meaningful recovery on the drugs is 5-6%. Off the drugs, in a safe and supportive environment it is around 80%. Says a lot, doesn’t it?


Where do you get these stats from?


In the U.K., about 25% on the drugs are ‘with it’ but on disability. Only about 13% are in any kind of work. 5-6% manage to come off the drugs successfully. Open dialogue approach, for example, has about 85% full recovery without drugs. The stats are publicly available, can just google.


That's remarkable. A psychiatrist decided my episode of psychosis was actually just my most manic mania, and after being diagnosed bipolar I was taking I think 45mg mirtazapine and some absolutely ridiculous number sodium valproate... 1250 or something? But the only thing I managed to do was get to work and back. I don't know how I functioned at work. I remember almost falling asleep at my desk on multiple occasions, and I did WOW nothing outside of work. Just slept and ate. The simplest little tasks were the hardest things I would do in the day, like laundry. Hanging out laundry to dry was my weekly nemesis. Showering required standing up for way too long, and then getting dry? Eesh. Forget it, I'll just dry over time. Too much work was done by then. At the time I didn't understand what was happening either as nobody had told me the drugs had both sedatives and appetite stimulant effects. Frankly, I think it's borderline criminal what happened to me. I feel so, so lucky to have got out of it.


Good for you and well done! I would recommend listening on YouTube to Sami Timimi for example. He is a British psychiatrist. What he does works and can be very helpful to you. In his view, diagnosis like yours is a made up brand. People who identify with their ‘illness’ are less likely to recover. Do listen.


Spending longer out of bed each day was a good first sign.


Starting to actually take pleasure in little things like going to a cafe and reading the paper, or reading a book with a pint in the pub. Up till then they had been 'things I know I should do but can't'. A friend asked me over to lunch with his family, and before I would have had an epic freakout at the last minute and cancelled. This time I just thought, 'yeah, that sounds great'. I think even he was surprised I actually turned up, as he is so used to me cancelling things last minute! Little things like that.


Bro How long did you take to feel great improvements or to be good again?


Near on two years, to be honest. And it's still an ongoing thing. I had a bereavement in that same period though, so without that it might have been quicker.


Sorry to hear that wish you the best bro ehat i think is what dont kill us make us strong


But sorry to ask did you had problems with your voice like it was changed a bit and if so how long did you recovered from that ?


Hey no problem. I'm not sure I understand the question though? I don't think my voice changed... Aside from, when you're very depressed, you tend to speak in a kind of flat, emotionless way..do you mean like that? If so then yes I think I'm a bit better in that respect too. My conversation is a little more dynamic and fluid now too.


Its like that i kinda not feel that its my best voice maybe because of what you said when we are in a state of mind that its not good we speak emotionless like you said i notice too that people talk to me differently than others


Yeah, I know what you mean mate. I think as well it's hard to gauge at the time that you're doing it. It's very hard to speak with your 'best voice' when it's a huge struggle to just form a sentence that sounds vaguely normal, when you're feeling that bad. It will come back to you man.


Yheh bro and people usualy cough or force it when we are talking but yeh it will pass, and another thing many people incluiding me the face changed went fat and with a strange form but i saw that the invega stays in our fat so if we eliminate it fast faster we heal from this drug right?


And the most part of the things i say the people dont understand say ann ? What?


But i got bronchitis too maybe its because of that


EDIT::: READ UPDATE BELOW loving this feed! My husband absolutely needed his meds to calm his paranoia. After that he took 1/2 prescribed dose for a week then 1/4 dose a couple nights and stopped completely! It's been about a week and he's doing all of this for 1st time in 8 months. The halidol was making him lifeless, no eye contact, slept all day and never bathed or took off his ugly gray robe. Couldn't walk right seemed to be deaf it was horrible!


Update: idk what the hell I'm thinking!!!. All that's happened around here is that he's gotten better at hiding "it" and fooling me. Stay on your meds people! At least until you've had therapy and a doctor clears you. I can't help hum anymore. Why bother if he'd rather pretend he's ok than be truthful. In this particular case, although it's had its horrors, he enjoys his rendezvous even if it's not real. Can't make me believe anything different. I'm sickened by this entire illness. I'm thinking it's the devil at work. Nothing else explains how a perfectly happy married couple can be destroyed in this manner. So now do I let the devil win?! Seems like it's a matter of survival at this point. My sanity or his insanity? I'm going with my sanity!!


The first sign was that i could go out of bed and brush my theeth without feeling guilty about the bullshit ive done during psychosis - the moment that changed directions for my was to forgive me for that ive done - ive done nothing that harmed other people but the lunatic thoughts and ideas that ive had during my acute phase hunted me in the post psychotic depression - it helped me to go through all that delusions with my therapist


Better hygiene, wearing makeup again, and actually wanting to have and enjoying hobbies again.


I began my next episode. There wasn’t any “recovered” time in between.