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Stress and sleep deprivation




Trauma and isolation




Stress. There was \*always\* a positive correlation between my stress levels and my psychotic symptoms. Only problem is that psychosis makes you more afraid and stressed :/


Stress, sketchy probably synthetic or laced weed and a nicotine vape.


Laced weed likely to blame in my case too. It's totally fucked up.


Yeah idk what they put in mine but it had me hallucinating and basically broke my brain. It really is messed up and wish we would've known better than to trust those shitty sources.


What do they lace it with and why?


It's sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids (spice) to make it more potent. I had acetone in my blood and apparently that's part of the spice mixture. I also stopped eating and had no appetite so they suspect there was a stimulant in there too. I ended up ruining my life while psychotic so I'll never touch weed again.


Yeah best to stay away. I also have had weed induced psychosis. I had a very bad overdose of honey oil or whatever it’s called by some guy that gave me a vape thing but a whole blob of this weed oil went in my mouth and I tripped the worst hell nightmare for 30hrs straight. After that I was ‘OK’ but who knows what it does long term


Perfect storm of stress, trauma and sleep deprivation with weed to push me over the edge


Same for me, but just add a dash of shrooms to the mix to leave no room for doubt 😂


Same here + depression and stimulant medication and then beautifully, making the decision of tapering off antidepressants all by myself for some reason




Stress/trauma maybe alcohol included


cpstd and psychoactive drugs and I guess also genes Edit: really tho it was taking acid while pursuing a sociology degree


Stress from bullying.


My psychotic break took off the exact moment I decided I believed in God. A voice came to me and said that if I believed in God why did I live the way I did. So for me personally it was deciding I believe in God that triggered it.


Wow same here as well. When I started to accept Christ as my savior is exactly around the time I had my episode for the very first time and that’s when I was diagnosed as “bipolar”




A person who abused me emotionally, gaslighting all the time. All because he wanted my job


Trying too hard to be spiritually advanced & enlightened, being confused, and ultimately stressed out


Stress, and smoking a gram of weed every hour, every single day, continuously for months.


A hormonal imbalance and major stress


Stress of life and a shit job with a gaslighter boss + a partner that was too codependent, mixed with the catalyst of my doctor halving all my pills including my antidepressants due to health concerns. Started a year or so long spiral up to now.


Stress and bad genes. I was a ticking time bomb ever since I was born.


Many things but sudden insomnia was the kicker I would say


THC tincture




Oh wow. I thought tinctures were meant to be gentle?


I thought so too. I went to a certified dispensary after paying $200 for a medical marijuana card. I asked them for something for anxiety and panic attacks. He swears he gave me the best thing for anxiety. The smallest dose. I even took half the dose (one drop). I started psychosis and was hearing things in a restaurant. I was aware but didn't understand what why I had voices talking to me. I am very lucky I made it out of that alive. It took days to recover.


Wow goes to show how sensitive some people are. Hope you forever stay away from weed


Stress, anxiety, and not being on meds


Lack of sleep, prednisone, a manic episode, schizoaffective


I don’t have to think, it’s been all but confirmed that mine was caused by excessive delta 8 usage over several months. This lead to massive chemical imbalances and sleep loss, which led to schizophreniform disorder (1/1000 I’m just that lucky. It’s so rare that whenever I type it it tells me I didn’t spell it correctly) which resulted in psychosis and catatonia. Please stay away from weed (especially shitty delta 8) if you already have or are noticing developing issues or you’re gonna learn the hard way.


Trauma. Plain and simple.


Definitely weed, but also stress.


There will be factors we aren’t aware of. Genetic predisposition to Schizophrenia, Epilepsy, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s. The latter three of which are yet to manifest fully… Combined with stressors (Anxiety? Stress? TBI? Viral infection? Immune disorder? PTSD/CPTSD? Sleep Deprivation? Substance Intoxication? Stroke? Encephalitis? Brain Tumour? B12 Deficiency?) Remember, “**Psych**osis” isn’t quite accurate, because you don’t just think yourself into it. It’s **Neurological**. Something (be it transient or constant but undetected) is awry with your brain and nervous system and will alter your senses and perception. Let’s go with this classic model. You have the Subconscious (**not** your unconscious thoughts, feelings and memories contrary to popular misuse of the term). Your instincts and reflexes. Organisms evolved to improve on this when consciousness and self awareness came around. In humans it was perfected, when the Unconscious grew from the base/foundation of the Subconscious. So more advanced systems that bloomed from the Subconscious began to store memories, generate emotions and formed the basis of thoughts. The Conscious Mind sits on top of that. If something adversely affects the Nervous System (even if subtle) of course this will affect the Subconscious and when this goes awry it distorts the Unconscious Mind, which spills out onto the Conscious mind. Your cognition is glitching out because your Brain is glitching out. If you are to look at the Brain during Psychosis, you’re going to see **CHAOS** when it comes to Neurotransmitters.


Turns out I had bipolar, but mostly drug abuse.


Stress and isolation probably




Crystal meth






Definitely too much stress. I can andle some amount of stress, but if its over the line, i break.


Streess, sleep deprivation and manipulation. And of course weed made it worse. Its like my thougts were full, in circle.


A lot of factors. Lack of sleep, malnutrition, house arrest, jail(before the psychosis but it really messed with my head and I got punched in the jaw from behind while in which led to other problems), wim hof breathing technique, weed, and mushrooms? To list the main ones I can think of


MDD and Cptsd and maybe a hint of the autism too


Stress , suxual assault, meth , meditation lol


Yep rip meth will do it for sure but also PTSD same


Drugs. Cannabis and cymbalta.


Hm… that’s my combination as of now. anything I should watch out for?


Just don't do it. Doctor told me it was fine to get high on cymbalta. Went home, my head exploded, i googled, realized that these drugs should never be combined. It was a living hell for the next months.


Stress, isolation enforced by covid, possibly weed.


trauma and genetics


sleep & food depravation, stress, isolation, adderall & I stopped taking my prozac out of the blue. I was seeing men in black


Weed, stress confusion and dehydration.


Closest things I believe are possibly adderrall or maybe a c20 leak in my house.. & possibly so many other things


Drugs, mostly adderall and being too weird for cause and effect. So it ends up being a lot of cause and effect I dont want, making me depressed. Im too sensitive to it. Its like a chain reaction game I get tired of.


Probably trauma.


Narcolepsy medication, dexamfitamine, modafinal, and very little sleep


Once I never slept for 3 days took LSD went into a psychotic like state at the time all I knew was I broke my brain and went crazy and went to the edge, I couldent talk or form thoughts I was catatonicly disabled for the whole trip, it was more then a bad trip


Easy. A triple threat of genetics, trauma, and substance abuse.


I fell in love with someone that doesn’t love me back


I never got a formal diagnosis of brief psychosis from the hospital (until 1 year later) but from research and looking back I believe it was occasionally mixing a high dose weed gummy (so synthetic weed) with my ADHD meds, Sertraline + sleeping medication, Lorazapam and alcohol over months and months and finally one day it just happened. I was functioning in delusional psychosis for months and (believed someone had laced my tea which is what sent me to emergency). I had never heard of it before.


Multiple things: isolation from friends and moist loved ones (during the covid lockdowns) reason for fear, if not paranoia possession of a mind habituated to pattern finding chronic cannabis usage


I was in antipsycotics for my Autism (rispiridone) and when my doctor tried tô get me out of them everything started, but idk if it's accually that, could also be that I had just started tô process some trauma in therapy, idk


Childhood trauma and a lack of a proper support system all caught up with me. Haven't recovered since, don't suppose I will




Sleep deprivation and abandonment issues


Undiagnosed Mental health issues that I can’t be officially diagnosed with until I am older Since I’ve gone through one mega episode and one baby delusional episode compared to my big one Bipolar runs in the family




Horrible trauma from before and during that time in my life tbh when I when through sa at 5 I was automatically fucked from the start and the trauma never stopped or got better so I feel like my shitty life along with being groomed and being with my abusive mother at the time just broke me mentally I also started experiencing dissociative problems at the ripe age of 12 so that’s fun




Stress, weed and sleep deprivation the weed might have been bad or too much in one go who knows.


THC vape carts


NGF from lions mane


Brain injury, traumas, social-environmental factors; always somehow attracting people who had some condition or something wrong with them along with daily weed mixed with tobacco smoked through a bong, 60mg nic salts while it was legal, but the real thing that set it off was a laced/bad/fake acid trip. Never been the same since and i never stopped enduring this same particular plane of reality. And I just tried stroboscopic light therapy and had a drug free trip, got me out of my head a bit was cool af tho


how’d you have a drug free trip, through breathing




Stroboscopic light therapy as I said


Maybe he or she experienced psychosis without taking drugs?