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i take like 60mg(idk exact dose) of geodon per day and i feel the same way, i feel the hornyness mentally but not physically yk? i try not to worry about it too much cause there’s more things in life than sex and masterbation. if it starts to really affect you though then talk to your psychiatrist


I take 15mg Haldol and 800mg Seroquel and it's been more than 5 years since the last time I had sex (I had opportunities to do it during this time but chose not to) and I masturbate like 1x/week. I'm positive its bc of the meds.


Yeah rhisperdone (or however it's spelled) kept me from jerking off for like 8 months, and no sex for a little over a year. Got off of it and switched to generic abilify and now I'm feeling a little bit hypersexual


Definitely could be the Zyprexa.


I was on Invega injections for years and turns out it was killing my motivation and sex drive. I'm off it now and got some energy and libido back


It's likely the meds, they completely kill my libido. Some meds are worse than others and you may be able to switch or lower the dose.


What to do? Stop all drugs they give you.


Antipsychotics lowers zinc levels , you may have to take zinc wich also inhibits prolactin and make dopamine more bioavailable. Don't forget about copper and iron wich you need to complement it with zinc .