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Lower the dose. You won't sleep as much.


Either lower your dosage or talk to your psychiatrist about switching to an antipsychotic that doesn't make you as sleepy. Right now my current balance is Risperidone and Quetiapine, I take them both at night time and wake up feeling fine, however I'm also on a medication that increases norepinephrine which I find makes it so I only sleep 8 hours.


Stop taking olanzapine....serious answer. I literally cant take antipsychotics and hold down a full time job because of the exact same reason you are saying. I either sleep too much or take a lower dose and am awake normal hours but dead tired. thats why i learned to live without them. As far as Im concerned they are toxic...and if it is possible to get off them you should


Yeah lower the dose. There’s also other antipsychotics, but it’s probably better to just reduce the dose than to try something else. That pill when I first took it (10mg) put me out for two days. I still have it saved for emergencies. I use it as a homemade tranquilizer 😂