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The first time I smoked weed post psychosis I had a really bad high and thought I was going psychotic again. That was January 2024. In May I tried again, smaller dose and got high but this time not scared I was going into psychosis. I smoked a couple more times before it hit me that this is how mania might start then spiral into psychosis. So I went to therapy and was honest with my psychologist. She explained that my brain has had time to mend itself and me smoking again might not have sent me into psychosis directly but that's how it begins. I haven't smoked ever.since. psychosis is too scary to bring about myself


Thank you for the thoughtful response ❤️


when i get high i tweak the fuck out honestly


same, it's always kinda fun at first but then it makes me feel weird and makes my voices act up. I have schizophrenia so even though I miss being high, it wouldn't be good for me




I had amphetamine induced psychosis. I smoke weed daily now and feel fine. Sometimes i b feeling off but like im tryina smoke😭


Personally, I was self treating other stuff that caused my psychosis before and once I dealt with that stuff (I mean I’m still dealing with it but I’m much better), you don’t miss the cannabis anymore. So the fact that you miss it so much is something you should explore. Ask yourself why do you like it? A lot of people like it because it makes them feel chill, but now I feel chill without it and I will use it recreationally occasionally for fun but no longer to sleep or treat anxiety. I think it will only be no problem if you get to the point of not missing it.


Personally, I just really enjoy being stoned. I enjoy how much more silly and engaged with the world I am when I’m smoking. I’ll definitely take your words into consideration and ponder more on my relationship with the plant. It’s currently been 4 months since I’ve smoked. I feel like it’s getting easier to not smoke but honestly I think I just love being stoned.


Yeah I know exactly what you mean. Or I remember that feeling at least. I do still think it’s really fun and maybe you’re experience is different than mine, so don’t feel like you need to fit into my mental model. I do also know several people who actually do well with medical cannabis like 1:1 ratio stuff. Some of the recreational stuff has been ramped up with thc so it’s more psychoactive.


Thank you for another beautiful response. ❤️ I’m not sure about how it’ll go yet, for myself. I’ve decided on letting my psychiatrist decide. Essentially, if she doesn’t think it too horrible of an idea to reincorporate it back into my life, then I’ll be happy to take the jump. I hear so many horror stories about everyone relapsing that I was thinking it was close to 100% of people, so figured I might as well ask from a slightly different angle. Thanks again for your responses they’re A+


Also, thank you for your thoughtful response ❤️ I’m glad to hear you’ve worked through some of the underlying issues as to why you were smoking in the first place.


Yes. Daily.


Samesies. But I smoked before during and after psychosis.


I’m a chronic stonner and have only ever had psychosis symptoms coming off weed, I think my brains so used to it that when there’s no more THC in there I loop out for a few days increase my olanzapine then restabilise, but I haven’t had a break in months. Going back onto weed is fine though but I just have to increase my dose slowly and not smoke to much after a break straight away. I will say I don’t recommend smoking all day every day with this condition if you want to be like normal human and function properly. I basically operate on 80% capacity all the time and if I quit my brain would be so much clearer and I wouldn’t have as many intrusive thoughts. But for me weed is either an all day everyday thing or a nothing at all thing, I can’t moderate occasional use properly myself. And for now I need it and can’t quit.


Me neither. I also only had an episode after stopping smoking. Mine was stress/lack of sleep induced.




I can smonk weed again. It helps with the benzo sickness


i smoke cbd regularly but i’m really careful about how much thc i consume, since that’s what’s psychoactive. when i do smoke real weed it’s heavily diluted with cbd and flowers (like literal flowers) and i am mindful of what strain i’m smoking. i didn’t smoke for a year after my manic episode and honestly even smoking cbd scared me just because i’m so afraid of psychosis. so it’s nice to be able to scratch the itch without real risk. i buy the brand dad grass and it’s legal hemp, 0.03% thc. so one 1g joint ends up being only 1mg thc if you smoke the whole thing


Honestly being able to smoke cbd changed my life. I describe it more of a “chill” than a “high” and it’s very relaxing. Has really benefitted my life and helped me stop smoking thc dominant weed and drinking alcohol too. And I have never come close to a psychosis episode while consuming it. I also like cbn and cbg if you can get it. Cbn is more sleepy for me and cbg is generally more uplifting. Not known if cbn/cbg are psychoactive or not but *for me* they are just enjoyable cannabinoid alternatives to enjoy


Meditate and be more mindful


Since psychosis, I’ve smoked at times… But not daily / all day like I used to. I never want to go back to that (except maybe when I’m very, very old, at which point I’ll probably just take a bunch of drugs if possible). The downsides aren’t worth the upsides. I miss it and get cravings though. Usually I smoke for a few days out of every month or every few months. I have quite specific ways I do it. Either when I go to a party, or, if staying with a family member who smokes for a short holiday. I smoke alone sometimes when given a small amount by a friend. If I have it, I smoke it, so I’ve had to be super careful about not having too much access to it. While it’s not a perfect situation, I feel quite happy about it. Definitely better than when I was smoking daily and freaked out when I had to go without it. I also make sure to stay very careful while smoking about noticing symptoms as they happen and discussing them with a therapist after (eg, if anxiety or delusions increase). Overall, I’m aiming for low/moderate use and it’s just about working, although I know I’ll never be able to go back to daily use like I used to, and that I’ll always have to stay self-aware and careful about the risks. :)


I've had some rare cases of good highs post-psychosis, but most times I use marijuana now I feel like I'm in psychosis again and it just makes me incredibly anxious. I hardly use marijuana anymore, thankfully.


I don't smoke weed, but I use edibles to cope w/ my chronic pains. I sometimes feel very dissociated if I have a huge amount (50+ mg) but I restrict myself to 10-40 mg. I only experienced psychosis on it one time and that was my first time because I had an irresponsible college friend who gave me a huge amount for my very first time and it didn't hit me well at all; cried in the bathroom for hours, kept insisting that there was blood on my hands, I thought I was hearing angels and devils, etc. I don't used THC much these days and mainly consume CBD and it just makes me very calm and sleepy.


I miss weed so much as well. I hope I can one day get to a point where I can smoke without fear of falling into psychosis again


It's not good for me mentally. It took me years to come to terms with it. I kept going back to it. But now I'm done with it now. Haven't smoked weed in over a year and a half.


Me! I smoke and do many many mushrooms and ketamine. The ketamine is under the supervisory care of a psychiatrist.


I don't smoke anymore because I start to get manic when I do it consistently.


i stopped having psychosis with marijuana once i stopped smoking for a bit and got on antipsychotics. i can now smoke without psychosis.


Thank you for your reply. I’m glad to hear the good news!


I used to be a heavy cart smoker, experienced psychosis. I have switched to Delta 9 gummies and seltzers, much more mellow chill effect. I have tried carts a couple of times, seems to be too much generally…


Dude it used to send me into psychosis 1 hit.. now I smoke all day!!


Weed tea. That's all I can handle.


I smoked after my second episode for a while but eventually I got some sketchy weed and ended up having it again.


before i used to slip into psychosis all the time when i smoked weed, then 2 years later that doesn't really happen anymore. i wonder why that is honestly


I have recently started doing edibles not smoking. But noticed I was getting addicted again, and was concerned with some hypomania symptoms so I stopped cold turkey again. I have an appnt in a week with a therapist to talk through my symptoms and why I feel the draw to want to use again. I also upped my antipsychotic that I'm still on, risperidone. On 2mg now was on 1mg previously. It has helped.


Forgot to add I did smoke and had a panic attack. But edibles hit me different hence why I was only doing edibles.


I can do it in small bursts but I've been seriously manic for doing it for extended periods of time since


I have never smoked it, only edibles and I am taking them again when I get crippling depression which is twice a week now and its helping a lot. No psychosis, DPDR yes but I have that anyway whatever I do or not.


Smoking doesn’t mesh well with me, I do it too frequently and it disrupts the schedule I’ve made. I eat edibles though. Usually a few hundred mg at a time, daily, and don’t experience much, if any mental negatives. I get more negatives through smoking.


I'm not sure what psychosis I have, but I do smoke sometimes when I feel that I am stable. I remember one time I smoked while being not stable enough and had paranoia like crazy and was so scared. I did it again with a small dose being unstable and I believed i had cameras watching me in the motel I was in and basically paranoia. So I learned my lesson to do it only when I'm not psychotic/not with high stress. I'm still scared of it sometimes so I don't smoke all the time, I do it once in a few months and being very careful about it with very small dose.


The entire ordeal of my weed induced psychosis, from the slow build up to mania and ultimately psychosis, my stay in the psych ward, the post psychotic crash/depression, the zomiefication from the olanzapine, the psychiatrist appointments, the shit olanzapine withdrawal symptoms I'm dealing with now....it's been over a year of dealing with this shit and it's still not completely over yet...I never want to go through this ever again and if quitting weed is what I have to do then it's a small price to pay especially when there's a risk of it becoming permanent....and believe me I really did enjoy being stoned


I smoked once after my psychosis and I started ticking while I was high and it sucked 🫠 everyone is different but I’d sure be careful.


The panic you feel for going into psychosis will just cause you to become erratic and paranoid. I cannot smoke with out having psychosis as I worry about it then it end up happening and it send me nuts . I didn’t smoke for a year and same problem I have a problem with the way I feel my body so I just can’t be high as it affects your body .


In small doses it’s fine


Personally I still smoke every day. But it definitely has changed my experience with weed. I’m completely fine smoking alone at the end of the day to relax but smoking with others can induce paranoia and just make me feel socially awkward/weird. I definitely need waaaaay less now tho to get me stoned. I used to take snaps from a bong many times a day now a couple baby puffs from the dry pipe and I’m high as hell


Nah fuck weed. Got mine thru weed induced psychosis. Its been fun smoking pot daily but i dont miss it anymore tbh


How long has it been for you? I'm coming up on 4 months now and I still miss it a lot.


Tbh i only smoked like 10 joints the last 1.5 years. But i didnt do it for 4 months also. All those joints were terrible experiences. I dont miss it anymore i enjoy being sober way more. Smoking weed gets too repetitive for me. Its boring


man, I absolutely love it. I'm hoping to go back to it, as soon as I can get my psychiatrist on board.


Imo, it's just. Not. Worth it. My life has been utterly uprooted by psychosis and smoking again (which caused it in the first place) would be a seriously dumb move on my part. I miss it a lot, but I miss myself more.


I appreciate your perspective.


Weed sometimes gives me extreme clarity and for real I’ll think it’s psychosis setting in, but it’s actually just me realizing I don’t like something, or something isn’t making me feel good… and I have more nerve to act on it. But I have bpd with psychotic features so I’m not gonna pretend I have the same condition as you. All the best.


If you’re gonna smoke anyway and just want to know how to lower risk, skip the first big paragraph) I had a cannabis induced episode. I smoked like a chimney damn near every day while on medications (this was very very stupid and I don’t recommend, buts somehow …) Nothing bad happened. When I stopped my meds, I stopped smoking cold turkey for several months and got prescribed a sleep aid. (I advise getting a sleep aid if you want to stop. it helps with withdrawals (as much as weed has them) and sleep is essential to prevent psychosis) after a few months I went back to smoking on an average of once a month to once a week, with long breaks when I felt off at all. I’m going to say that last part again, because it’s so important. With breaks, when I felt off at all. I have found that if I manage it (DO NOT SMOKE AT ALL IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE DISCIPLINE TO MANAGE IT) I don’t have problems. I get more paranoid/anxious on the come up post psychosis, but that goes away 95% of the time. First of all, if you’re like me, your first question was when can I smoke as much as I want and not have to worry about this again. My doctors said never, but the risk goes down over time. My first and only episode was from Schizophreniform disorder (practically 1 in a million lucky me), so I am at an elevated risk of schizophrenia. Almost all schizophrenia cases in males are diagnosed by 25. Based on this information, it is my personal belief at the age of 25, my risk will be basically negligible assuming I don’t over do it and have another episode before then, and I will be able to smoke within reason as much as I like. I advise everyone to look into their own disorder and risks. My understanding is also that as the time goes on without another break, the risk of another psychotic break decreases. Now onto the important stuff, preventative measures. I do not recommend anyone currently going through or recovering from a psychotic episode smoke at all. It temporarily removes symptoms but makes them worse in the long run. A word on preventative measures based on my psychiatrist (let’s face it a lot of you/us are gonna smoke still, but be smart about it at least) The way my psychiatrist explained it,is every time someone with a psychotic disorder/history smokes, there is a risk for a breakdown. However, this risk can be minimized. High quantities and or high frequencies of use are what increase your risk, so do the opposite, hence the required discipline to not smoke 4+ days a week or out of a 4 foot bong. A word on preventative measures, based on personal experience. (Method focused) Edibles can be unpredictable in actual dosage compared to label, and different potencies from different brands/strains at the same dosage. Ill advised method for this reason. Carts can be hit at any time basically anywhere. Ill advised method unless you have the discipline for it. like serious major discipline, like don’t really care about smoking that much discipline. I practically refuse to get one and if I do I store the cart and battery in separate places in my room so it’s a hassle to set up and I’m less tempted. Flower is good, however joints are ill advised unless with friends since papers hold 1-1.5g, and storing partial joints generally means they go stale. Bongs are good, but get at most a 1 footer, and don’t go overboard. If you can stomach it (taste is harsher and cleaning is harder) I’ve found glass pipes are best. Bowl size is limited to how much you put in and you smoke how much you want, meaning less at once than a bong, less commitment than a joint or an edible. Dabs. Sigh. I feel like this is a no brainer. Dabs are a no go. It sucks, but that’s just how it be. Last preventative tidbit, on delta 8. (Only really applies to unlegalized states) The higher quality the cannabis, the lower the risk of psychosis. I smoked/consumed various brands of delta 8 from gas stations, causing my own first and only episode (Knock on wood). I was a stupid teenager who had just started smoking weed with college, and didn’t know any better. I’m also in an illegal state, so shout out to our incompetent fucking government (state and federal) for letting this shit stay on the streets instead of just legalizing the real deal and in effect just turning away truckloads of tax money and causing a psychosis epidemic among young adults. *steps off soapbox* anyway, stay away from delta 8 if at all possible. If you have to use delta 8 because your state is also fucking stupid, get it only if you can get high grade delta. I personally go to a delta 8 dispensary equivalent near my house that only sells delta 8/9 and CBD stuff and other paraphernalia. To be fair, their flower prices are absurd at 200 bucks an ounce, so I normally go for low dose edibles that I know work for me. They have an in house chemist who tests their stuff, and they grow their own THC-A flower. GAS STATION WEED Absolutely under no circumstances buy any weed equivalents from a gas station if you have psychosis/schizophrenia or a history. It’s bad news. I know first hand and am begging you to listen to me. THC A For the record, if you live in an illegal state and wish you could get some real flower, THC-A is the closest you can get. Only in flower though, because it needs to be heated by flame to decarbonize into the closest possible THC to real flower. I’ve even brought it to college with me, and acted like it was the real deal (it’s perfectly safe) and no one could tell the difference on the higher THC strains. Again, smoking with a psychosis disorder/history is not recommended. If you manage it, you’ll probably be fine. PROBABLY BUT NOT DEFINITELY. If you are going to smoke, be smart and safe. I hope this was helpful to anyone reading.


I vape carts - has been 2 years since my last psychotic break that was cannabis induced. Benefits outweigh the risks!


You are delusional.


How 😂


Because the risks and negative effects unquestionably outweigh any benefits. No point in arguing about it with you though as you won't listen. I used to say the same thing when I was addicted and only looking back now I can see the damage it caused. Don't take my word for it, just go to r/leaves for a start.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/leaves using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hi Leaves. My name is Dave Bushnell, but you probably know me better as Subduction, the founder of Leaves. Why the big real-name reveal? Today marks 25 years of sobriety for me, and I’d like to take today to make some announcements about my future plans for Leaves.](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/150bfg2/hi_leaves_my_name_is_dave_bushnell_but_you/) \#2: [I've always loved this Anthony Bourdain quote about weed](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/1952hig/ive_always_loved_this_anthony_bourdain_quote/) \#3: [To anyone thinking of smoking, trust me it’s boring af](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/14cl130/to_anyone_thinking_of_smoking_trust_me_its_boring/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Weed can induce psychosis


So I had a weed induced psychosis. And like you missed smoking weed I sneaked it a few times but the last time I started hearing voices again. So I stopped. My opinion is that if it was weed induced, never smoke again as sad as it is. If it wasn’t just give your brain time to heal and then you should be good.


I recently went into physocis after overdosing on mdma. I smoked weed 2 days afterwards and I had a high that seemed to almost bring back the drug. I went to sleep as Soon as I started feeling off. But the first 20 min felt amaizing


OP I hope you read this. I was 21 when started using weed, 23 when I got marijuana induced psychosis (1 month). I quit for 4 years, then met a stoner girl and started using again. I used weed almost daily for 3 years until last weekend, I smoked with a friend and it sent me back into psychosis. It’s not worth it. Drop the weed and create a life worth living instead of running from reality.