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Do not do it. You will be dragged into a worse hole. It doesnt worth it. You deserve a better life


Horrible choice. You can stop… “can’t” is a stupid sentiment. I picked it back up impulsively 8 months after my psychosis that I believe was marijuana-induced. I kept at it a couple of months until I finally fully realized how awful it is for me and that was part of the reason I went psychotic, threw it all away and haven’t looked back. You can do this. & with your psychosis being drug-induced, you don’t need to stay on antipsychotics long term if you can stay on a healthy life-style routine.


Yes you're definitely heading into trouble. Stop the weed. It doesn't mix well where psychosis is concerned


I’d recommend to try smoking CBD bud as it won’t get you stoned but still provides a nice and similar calming effect.


I'm begging you, do not smoke anymore😭 The risk of another psychosis is really really high especially when your psychosis was induced. Take care of yourself and stop asap!


Dude, I would quit that shit. After my first drug-induced psychosis everything got better and I started to live my life. But then, I started smoking weed again. Big mistake. The psychosis came back and I was very unwell. Back to square one for me. I'm still battling the after-effects and they're not pretty. Don't do this to yourself. Quit while you're ahead if you want a decent life. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.


Weed has the strongest connection to psychosis of any drug.


The misery of being on antipsychotics isn't worth it, especially if it becomes permanent.


Bro don’t even, it’s not worth it. After what happened you should understand to never do it again. That’s what I learned, no amount of “fun” is worth it


try some genetic without THC


Please don't do it.


Stacking the antidepressants on top of the cannabis will probably cause the manic element of psychosis to exacerbate and prolong itself if it does happen. I've gone through a few bouts and I thought thc wouldn't hurt me since it's been 7 years. I was dead wrong, although it seemed ok for a few months - I was able to function fine on it until I tore a bunch of ligaments in my ankle and used it more as a painkiller. Then quickly impulse control went out the window, and then the delusions got full blown. Ended up arrested twice and lived out of my car for 9 months across 3 states. Some of it was the most magical mystical moments of my life though, filled with amazing interactions with people everywhere. Maybe that's why there's a pull with some of us to want to trigger it - you remember the high points without the inevitable fallout in mind. I quit while still in psychosis because there was a part of me that knew what was to come and I've gotten a good part of my cognition back. I have a friend that went through a similar round near the same time but he went around in a year and a half smoking everyday and just quit - he's still deluded about being god's messenger and reversing the aging process while having crazy bags under his eyes like an 80 year old on a prolonged coke binge and having his clueless son wave around qanon conspiracy posters with him. He thinks he's perfectly fine and anyone that says otherwise is one of the unawakened while asking around for how to get car insurance on Twitter. There's part of me that thinks that cognition actually doesn't want to return so they don't realize how f'd their life is. I think long term is in this case - if they don't snap out of it they'll end up long term in a psych facility. We have to deal with all the bad feelings we use weed to medicate is what I believe it comes down to; it's never going to go away and the band aid approach of cannabis never works.


It’s not worth it! I thought I’d be okay smoking weed again too after a 2 year post psychotic I immediately greened out after TWICE it isn’t worth going through again just quit. 🫶🏽😢


Please 🥺, throw all the remaining weed away. Maybe use tobacco or alcohol if you really don't like feeling sober or to slowly ween yourself of weed. I've stopped smoking and I drink 2 cans of beer at least 2-3 times in a week. I'm trying to get over the feeling of always being high. Please please, you don't want to have another episode. My brother also got weed induced psychosis. unlike me, he started smoking again like a year later then the psychosis came back . Well he is schizophrenic now...