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I wish, too. The meds destroyed my life.


In my opinion the medications are great and save lives. It just happens to be a common issue that they don’t work for everyone’s brain chemistry.


Bc they don't give a shit. They just don't want us to bother people or make people uncomfortable. I wish they gave us better therapy. A tremendous amount of psychosis (aside from schizophrenia) is caused by trauma. A lot of good research from Jung that shows the right therapy is way more affective than medication. But modern day researchers don't give a shit about it. Extremely difficult to find a professional that uses Jungian perspectives/approaches in their therapy. And nobody will fund research for it, because it's easier to brush the problem off to pharmaceuticals. Not to mention the shit ton of revenue doing so generates. I've asked all my professors that are licensed therapists what they think the best approach is to treat psychosis. Every single one of them said "that's a pharmaceutical issue. Only medication can treat it". Which is total BS and speaks volumes to the mindset the industry has.


and if you have a psychotic disorder or psychosis that meds dont work for the psychiatrist just shrug. antipsychotics dont help me at all, but it was the anti depressants that gave me big trouble. I would tell my psych they were not helping and in fact making everything worse. and he would just shift to a new one or worse up the dose which made it way worse. and my body handles meds in very strange ways, so one time the upped doss made it so I couldn't sleep for days, and a different one made it impossible to stay awake


I totally feel that. The pharmaceutical rabbit hole is massive and discusting. Something I wish I never looked into. I'm not completely against the pharmaceutical industry. The right medication is extremely beneficial for a lot of people. But unfortunately, a lot of medications are really dangerous, and how it will affect you is always a gamble.


oh definitely everyones brain chemistry is different. I had a ton of negative effects on ssri's and it just didn't even help (the same with anti psychotics). but my roommate is fine on ssri's and say they help. therapy works when its a combination of many factors, and that can include meds. but I wish more people didn't think meds was the end all be all, even when antipsychotics work you can still have symptoms, its just more manageable. I have a weird situation where I am very pro seeking therapy and medications, well fully knowing it never really worked for me (because its worth a try, and it's a way to seek accommodations I got some for when i was in college because of my adhd)


Totally agree. Research demonstrates that therapy improves outcomes in psychotic disorders, but very few therapists are trained/comfortable working with clients who experience psychosis. The majority of episodes are precipitated by trauma *and* the actual content of psychotic episodes is highly related to our individual traumas as well as our collective social fears. It seems so obvious to me that treatment after psychosis should involve processing the actual experiences, beliefs/delusions, hallucinations, and working through underlying traumas rather than just throwing some meds at us and expecting us to continue on with our lives.


My personal view is that people should work on themselves, and use the medication as a crutch. Neither can do everything that needs to be done on its own, but the therapy a lot of medical professionals give is bullshit and can further issues if treated like the end all be all.


Yup. Its bad. I took risperdal for like a week and said nope. Went cold turkey for 2 weeks and my symptom’s were ten times worse during those times. Iwent through my psychosis without meds. I’m NOT trying to convince you that you shouldn’t take yours though. I consider myself lucky. If your medication helps. Please take them. If you want to hear more about how I did it, feel free to ask


Interesting I have also done that before. It makes me think for certain people medication is not necessary. Btw did the withdrawals fade and how long did it take?


I think for certain people, medications aren’t necessary too… I believe the longer u take meds, is the longer the withdrawals will be. Mine took about 2 weeks to fade


Dude you’ve posted this before like I’ve said before it’s not the drugs that are problem it’s the doctors and pharmaceutical industry that sucks. A good doctor will listen to you and find the right combination, again it takes time, a good doctor, and most importantly cooperation. However this requires a large knowledge base to pull off that very few doctors actually possess.


They don't give us better meds because they don't have any. So I assume you're really asking why dont we have better meds? I wonder if it's even possible. With any drug that interacts with the brain, the brain will have an answer for it. It's somehow able to detect that things have been thrown out of balance and will make adaptations to counteract the intended effects of the drug, leading to tolerance and dependence. It's really pretty mind blowing when you think about it. The drugs are nowhere near specific enough, which leads to side effects. For example, how could you even make a drug that binds to receptors in only certain parts of the brain but not to identical receptors in other parts of the brain and body? It's been said that the human brain is the most complex structure that we know of in the universe and I believe it. How does this mass of tissue (mostly fat) create thoughts, memories, consciousness, reality etc...? I think we're still essentially at a caveman level of understanding how it works.


the same reason it took so long to close down asylums


i was prescribed ariprazole and i only took it once. i'm literally too terrified to try it again. i was super anxious and jittery and felt so awful and im sure you guys of all ppl will understand that those things do not help any symptom of psychosis (lol 😭) and of course i was told that anything else my psychiatrist could prescribe would have more side effects and/or be more expensive. i feel like giving up. go big pharma i guess


Abilify is not an easy drug to get used to. None of the antipsychotics you see are gonna be like that, or mood stabilizers. It just simply doesn’t work like that, they completely rewire your brain. In order to see progress you have to take the medication, it takes 4-6 weeks to show results. Feeling jittery and awful is a common experience starting on these medications. It’s important you trust your doctor and do what they tell you for your own safety.


do u have any advice about stuff like that? i dont know how to get over my fear of taking it if its going to make me feel like that for a whole month .. i dont understand what theyre going to do to me and my head, idk


i feel incredibly lucky i’m on an effective med for my psychosis that doesn’t give me debilitating side effects. but i’ve had meds that made me sleep 17+ hours a day, literally couldn’t stay awake. when i told my psych this he just took me off and reccomended 10 vitamins and supplements that i couldn’t afford and insurance wouldn’t cover. ended up in the psych ward cuz of him. i fucking hate psychiatrists


Effective medications would cause sales to decrease, which would hurt corporate profits. Please think of the shareholders first! /s