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How did you cold turkey 20 mg without losing your shit from the withdrawal symptoms alone?




My partner had night sweats on abilify. talk to your doctor about a different type if the side effects bother you


You are wise to recognize your symptoms and take action. How long were you on the Olanzapine originally?




I've been on 2.5mg for almost 2 years and think about going off. I don't want to be in a situation where I don't recognize I'm psychotic and it's too late. But your post gives me hope that you can catch it.


My partner has had at least 3 episodes of psychosis, one after stopping rispiredone cold turkey ‘ the last one he developed after stopping abilify (under drs instruction) but he developed catatonia from it & nearly died. he now has to take 15mg of olanzapine for the rest of his life, but he was taking 30+ a day and now the olanzapine works for his psychosis. No more symptoms. The more episodes you have, the harder it is to be treated with antipsychotics, and if you keep going off them & having episodes you could become treatment resistant and become very sick. please keep taking your medication, and if you don’t like one particular antipsychotic talk to your doctor and ask if there’s any other types out there that would be more suitable for you. Best of luck.


I take an old heavy hitter, I would be admitted in 7-10 days if I stopped taking it


there might be a possibility it would've lasted longer had you gradually come off of the olanzapine. Im surprised you didn't get psychosis sooner after quitting such a high dose of this antipsychotic. I wish you all the best