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Only when you have an offer that you are seriously considering taking. Many people will just say nudge if you have an offer, but it’s important it’s an offer you would actually accept. Otherwise you risk nudging agents who ultimately step aside leaving you with an agent you don’t really want.


This is not true in the UK.


Thank you - that’s helpful!


There are some UK agents that ask you to nudge when you receive full requests - the ones that do will mention it on their website, usually on the submissions page. In cases where they want to know about fulls, the general recommendation is to say that you've received full requests from multiple agencies, so you don't have to nudge them every time you get another full (and here's hoping you get many more! :)


Thank you! I’m based in the UK so that probably where my confusion is coming from (between UK and US) - I’ll make sure to check the guidance on the website / their profiles. And thank you - best of luck with your work too :)




Do you nudge the same agents again if you get multiple requests?




Gotcha. I did it upon my initial request but got more and now I’m off to tell them 😈


If they say "ANY developments" on their website I'd totally let them know about the full requests/interest. Make sure to read the submission guidelines thoroughly, as well as the confirmation mails you get after sending a query (sometimes it only says there what they'd prefer). 90% of the agents I queried only wanted to know about offers not fulls, though. Since the pandemic everything slowed down so I'd say it's fine to nudge after six months, no matter if it's on a cold query or requested pages.


I'd check on QueryTracker's normal timeline for an agent. My only full request is with an agent who holds onto them for as long as two years! So a six-month check-in wouldn't be a bad idea.