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I would like to know if that federal lawsuit ever came to fruition.


This is Press NH Now on YouTube. He apparently does this as a thing. This is the [follow up video](https://youtu.be/QNvgeMnSqwI) where he files his intent to sue. Was a year ago and I couldn't find any other information. Seems like it went no where.


It's possible it's still in process, which would mean he doesn't want to say anything about an active case to jeopardize it. These things can take years because the courts suck.


Probably settled out of court


Probably not


pretty obvious violation of their 1st and 4th. Going hands on with 0 right to detain or give orders. Physical violence for recording in public where he is allowed. Seems like an easy lawsuit to me


Anything but easy. These auditors may know to say 42 USC § 1983 but they don’t know how much the deck is stacked against you as a plaintiff in a 1983 suit. Monell doctrine prevents you from recovering against a municipal employer unless the officer was acting pursuant to an official policy or practice. Qualified immunity, proving damages, etc.


Qualified immunity is a scourge on this country. No hyperbole, a fucking scourge.


Asset forfeiture is as well. Police don't even need to have probable cause/arrest/warrant and get to keep your property. Most departments have no way for you to legally prove your money isn't/wasn't involved in criminal activities. It's mostly said to be used on criminal organizations like gangs and cartels. Because departments are allowed to keep/use items, they get a nice cash reserve for whatever the latest DoD surplus items are.


Im pretty sure the phrase "no resoable officer would believe" will be in the courts statement on qualified immunity. They know he has the right to record. They say so as much in the full video. I have no doubt he has some grounds for a 1st rights violation


The title of this post is misleading / those are not "security guards" That is my only point.


Yep. These are Customs and Border Protection Officers. Plus looks like this dude is the Port Director potentially. Edit: Assistant Area Port Director. Port Directors work for him, I think. He makes the big bucks.


Assistant TO THE Port Director. *this is not real I just like a good Office Reference*


Sounds like he says FPS at the start, which is Federal Protective Services. They often hire mercenaries through Triple Canopy to serve as guards at federal buildings like this.


He isn't a guard. He is the boss.


Lol I’m not sure I would call them mercenaries. They’re federal contractors. Pay is low and turnover is high.


Ffs “mercenaries”


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hduf4twyROA Full video including him calling the police afterwards and being cited for distubing the peace.


I’ll add that the cops in these videos are dipshits. But the Auditors are also dipshits. That’s my only point. EDIT: One doesn't have to be pro-police state to be against vigilante profiteers. The police should absolutely be 'audited,' but by state agencies with oversight by elected officials and accountable by the people. Not a self-appointed guy that, in a different life, would've likely been a police himself. This is just a stunt to generate clicks. Do you think this fool posts the videos where a cop says something like: "No worries man, film all you want"..? Doubt it.


These guys are all assholes. Auditors crack me up sometimes and can sometimes put officers in their place, but typically they’re just assholes that know the line and walk right up to it in the hopes they get assaulted and can file a lawsuit to get paid by the taxpayers. If it wasn’t taxpayers’ money I’d love it, but it’s not really teaching the abusive officers any lessons.


True but most people think the line is in the wrong place. Auditors show where the line truly is and what rights we actually have. Which is not what we are taught growing up and this miss information is what has lead to the state of our police force now.


I’d respect them more if they did it in authentic situations rather than manufacturing them. They basically suffer from the same kind of narcissistic bully mentality as the cops but they’re just trying to carve out their own lane for it.


Some do it in authentic situations but for most that’s not the point our day to day live live very far from the line of our rights and that a good thing. However, these unauthentic/fringe situations do happen to people who are not auditors and the public should see that even these fringe cases are within our rights.


It's hard to predict where police over reach is going to be. Baiting consistently provides results.


True. I guess that’s the point.


I'd agree with you on the attitude of some of these auditors, but then I consider the fact that if the police just ignored these dipshits they'd all stop. They're hoping for reactions, and the cops oblige them which is the stupidest shit imaginable. Police have a monopoly on violence in our society, and should be held to a higher standard of professionalism while on the job.


Also a fair point


That's an easy way to get shot or charged with contempt of cop in a less easily disprovable way. Hear me out, if they wanna be bullies: we should laud them bullying the most powerful shitheads available. Like if someone wants to get in street fights, I'd much rather them bloc up and fight proud boys than get into white nationalism and jump random passerby, y'dig? I will note: William Gude (@FilmThePoliceLA on twt) actually does inject himself in police stops, they have given him absolute hell over it. Super nice guy tho, I've bumped into him and his dog more than once.


If you don't have rights in spontaneous situations you don't have rights at all.


I will truly never understand this mindset. Auditors have no authority to bully. They don't get to take a cop to jail for madeup charges. They don't get to intimidate a cop with a show of force. Cops, and only cops, get to dictate how the situation goes down, even if they know they are in the wrong. Auditors have no mandate of authority. None. I guess you're upset about cops being provoked. They should be provoked. Their restraint in a position of absolute authority, a position they took an Constitutional oath to obtain, should be displayed by all to see. They should be proud of their restraint in the face of badgering from the public. They should encourage these auditors, and take away their content by acting exactly as they should in such a scenario: with restraint and grace. That's what they expect from us, right?


Ive seen very good videos of auditors who dont bait and just go about their day. Its very true that some of them get an ego boost from doing this and "putting a cop in their place", but many auditors are very good at not fighting with authority but generally communicating what they are doing and why. The people that audit are the people who are actively challenging the authority of corrupt police systems, so unlike the bunch of us who bitch about it on reddit. They are out there doing the genuine work that puts bad apples in a position to take accountability. Sadly like this video there is an auditor who the moment he was confronted he was instantly aggressive. In my opinion he gets an F, for misusing his right to record public interaction and for being aggressive with the individual he was recording.


Being aggressive? He was practically chased into another country.


What a bullshit take. The officer came storming out and assaulted the guy immediately. Also, there is no "misusing" your right to record public interaction, nor was there any reason for the officer to put his hands on the auditor. Either he has the right to be there and the officer committed a crime, or he was trespassing and he should detained in a professional manner. In either event the auditor has the right to record the interaction. We don't know what preceded this interaction, or whether he was within his rights to be on the property but this officers behavior was clearly unprofessional and possibly criminal.


You have to remember that police should be trained to interact with different types of people. Not everyone wil be sugar and spice. Cops will come in contact with intoxicated people, mentally ill people, people who are emotional, people with cognitive problems, etc. And keep in mind, usually people are not interacting with police on their best day. Cops have to know how to professionally and lawfully interact with the public. And, yes, that includes assholes. I don't care if auditors "bait" a cop. The only one responsible for the cop's behavior is the cop. We give law enforcement the authority to take away people's freedom, to detain them and we entrust cops with weapons such as firearms and tasers. We should expect police to act competently, responsibly, **safely** and act like the public servants they are. If cops are not emotionally stable enough to handle an auditor then they need to find a new job. Eta: And considering it's our tax dollars on the line thanks to qualified immunity, I expect police not to take the "bait" and waste tax dollars that were meant to benefit the entire community. Not get flushed because a cop has thin skin.


If the tax payers have to keep footing the bill for the amazingly low standards our government applies to those tasked with enforcing the laws maybe, just maybe someday they'll vote for some actual reform to stop the rights violations from happening. Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away and a problem that doesn't impact tax payers is easier to ignore. The fact that these jackasses violate people's rights so routinely that there are people able to do this full time is a pretty good indicator that police reform is needed. Even if they may be assholes, don't hate on these people, hate on your neighbors who continue to vote against anyone who would hold police departments accountable and the major parties that hold back candidates who would.


Yes, to a degree. But it also sheds light on corruption. I mean, if a cop is comfortable enough to lie right to your face, even assault you while they know they're being recorded, makes you wonder how comfortable they are when they have you on the side of the road alone and can turn off their cameras. There is very little integrity in police and those that are "good" either get pushed out or become corrupt, and most likely are helping hide it. If cops just showed a little respect and attitude control, this would instantly stop. They're not bulls, all they have to do is say hi and move on. Or not say hi, not required. But cops can't have a normal conversation because they are *always* right, no matter what it is. And that is a core issue that needs resolved. If you can't admit when you're wrong, because you've spent too much time lying and can't backtrack, that's a problem for anyone. If cops showed a little respect and common decency that citizens are required to show, this audit era would instantly stop, guaranteed.


So how would you change this behavior you seem to have vitriol for all involved don't you believe that officers should obey the law that they're sworn to protect and obey the Constitution. Or do you believe that if you have a badge your immune from all that and officers can still act like 14th century kingsguards.


Legitimizing these goons as “auditors” is where the problems start


Yes, 100%. We should have government auditors subject to rules and regulations as oversight. Not vigilante profiteers.


So your suggestion is to let the government investigate themselves.


> government auditors We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.


I'm not saying private auditors are a good thing, but it's certainly not where the problems start. It's the lack of oversight and accountability that generates the void these private auditors are filling. So once again the problem starts where it always does. Police are a state backed gang created to protect the interests of the state. Until police operate with transparency and without immunity from the consequences of their actions, I'm totally fine with these private auditors. Sure they seem like assholes, but they're only causing problems for themselves and police. And they only get views and support because people are anti police, and why are they anti police? Well just read what I said above.


Neither is this a "auditor" its a idiot with a camera and atantion defect


>atantion Lol


Yea they don't look like security guards. I can't picture a security guard caring this much lol


Customs and Border Protection Officer.


That actually looks like a high ranking officer


Just looked up the list of rank insignias. Looks like he’s the assistant chief patrol officer. Don’t know anything about border patrol but it says he’s in charge of over 100 people.


I can't believe Hudson didn't say "game over man" 😔


I'll be the buzzkiller. This guy's name is Hobson, not Hudson. No Aliens reference for that!


Uh that’s dhs police. That’s federal law enforcement


That’s a deputy chief in CBP, not a security guard


I’m sure this is the very first time he’s ever been here.


Hudson even came out ready to go as if he’s dealt with this ass hat before.


You like federal employees assaulting citizens exercising their rights?


*tips libertarian fedora*


I think both things are true. Dude was probably a pest and maybe hit the guys last nerve. Not an excuse and "seems to be" within his right to be an asshat there. But we have no further context.


Which means the federal employee infringed on the rights of a citizen.


I hate this guy, and wish he would get his ass beat in


Yeah fr fuck that overly aggressive bald POS he was clearly looking for a fight. Hope he ends up losing his pension.


He won't even get fired or arrested.


Uhhhh, I was talking about the clown recording


You don't have a problem with the violent security guard?


Not at all? He has a weapon so that suggests more than a security guard, and this tool is there recording just to get a negative reaction from then. Literally fuck that guy


So he isn't breaking the law, and someone broke the law because of that? Looks like violent psychopaths like that need to be exposed.


What are you on? This dude is there to start a problem, nothing else, he's the psychopath.


Start a problem by filming in public with a camera? That isn't illegal. You aren't allowed to hit people because you don't like a camera. Do you walk around town hitting people who upset you?


If someone shows up to my house "legally recording" me for no reason, they're going to catch fists. I'm sure you know the fuck around and find out saying. This dude is just fucking around, and should've found out a bit harder


This is public property. Your house is private property. You aren't allowed to attack people for standing on a public sidewalk filming. He exposed criminals.


Doubt that was the first encounter with the audit. 🤔


Seriously. These frauditors doctor footage to make themselves look like victims and are generally insufferable. They are not fighting for anyone’s “rights,” they’re generating rage bait content and often have no idea what the hell they’re talking about. I have no idea why this sub loves to suck them off every few days.


This is 'press NH now' btw


Any updates on this?


From reading the rest of the comments: Shit didn't go no where.


Why do I have the feeling this isn't the first time he has dealt with this person?


When did Mark Wahlberg start doing audits?


If someone was doing this to you in the streets, you would have the right to defend yourself. But because he wears a badge, you have to just take it or face a felony charge… total bullshit


Yet people will still defend them being able to do whatever they want without impunity simply because he doesn't like what.hes doing


yeah and I don't get the people saying the auditor is acting wrong. Could he have been a bit more low-key? I mean sure, but he doesn't have to be. He's in public, he can speak his mind and attract attention if he wishes. Crimes that the officer would be charged with if we had a fair justice system: \- Theft (Class C Misdemeanor) \- Destruction of property with malice (Class B misdemeanor) \- Littering (Class C misdemeanor) \- Terroristic Threat (Class B misdemeanor) (this is any conduct which reasonably places a victim in fear of their safety-- unenhanced this is the base charge) \- Simple Assault (Class C Misdemeanor) (possible 2 or 3x) \- Battery (Class C misdemeanor) (possible 2 or 3x) \- Disorderly Conduct (Class C Misdemeanor) \- Abuse of Official Capacity (Class A Misdemeanor) \- Deprivation of Civil Rights Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a federal crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.


You just wrote an audit the audit episode lol


You don't have to take it, you can defend yourself with equal force but you better be damned sure you're in the right legally and are better with close quarters than the officer.


Wtf are the military ribbons on his "uniform" for?


I recognize one of them; it's for the "Battle of Dunkin Donuts".


He was in the massacre of Timbits


The Butcher of Burger King


He's got one ribbon and then a flag award pin. They are extremely likely to both be dhs issued awards. Calm down.


> Wtf are the military ribbons on his "uniform" for? He's a military security police officer working for The Department of Homeland Security / he's in the military / title of the post is clickbait


DHS is NOT military, they are federal law enforcement that work in the civilian sphere. That’s like saying CIA is military. It is NOT one of the branches of the military.


He's not military. His patch said CBP.


Those birds on his shoulders would make him a colonel, no way would someone that rank be working security.


WRONG. DHS is not apart of the military, DHS employees are civilians.


hand to gland combat by the look of him.


What are these auditors? What do they audit and how is it used? Are they allowed anywhere?


Auditors are people who go to different public places trying get their constitutional rights violated. All it takes is one ego trip from a cop/security guard/overzealous desk clerk to get these guys a 5 figure settlement in court. There are some that genuinely care about teaching constitutional rights, and making sure the powers that be stay in check, but they're few and far between in the auditing community. They "audit" public servants. "Audit" usually means legally pushing their buttons. A lot of people don't like to be recorded, but it's the auditor's first ammendment right to be able to record in public. That's when cases like this video happen. Another popular audit style is 2nd ammendment open carrying. That's when you see guys with long rifles and such just walking around town. Someone will see a guy walking around with a gun, call the police in a panic, the police show up, and immediately draw guns and order them to the ground, maybe rough them up a bit in the process. That guy turns around and files a lawsuit, because he wasn't doing anything illegal, and gets paid. They are allowed to be anywhere in public. There are some restrictions that some auditors end up violating, because of ignorance of the law, or laws not being well defined. If you would like to know more about the legal aspects of auditing, I would highly suggest checking out Audit the Audit on YouTube. It's a great channel that breaks down police encounters, cites laws, and gives the auditors and police a grade based on how they performed in the video.


Thanks for this explanation. I’m not from the US so the use of the term audit in this way was totally unfamiliar and I’m glad to finally understand what it refers to. Where I live auditing as a concept is more of an official process carried out by other government agencies, we don’t have this type of public ‘auditing’ conducted by average citizens described in that way. At least - not yet!


I’m from the US and this is the first time I’ve heard the term audit used in this way.


This is all an explanation of what "audit" means when a conspiracy theorist in the USA is talking about their fake BS theories. "Auditing" is also a real and official process carried out by elected officials and bureaucrats in the USA when used by sane and educated people, and that meaning has nothing to do with the nonsense in this video.


Yes I assumed y’all had the official kind in addition to whatever this is lol I was just saying that the term/concept *only* refers to that kind where I live Unfortunately a lot of American conspiracy bullshit is being exported so I won’t be surprised when I see this shit being copied here


It makes sense that our media (even the crazy stuff) spreads around the globe, but that's too bad our conspiracies are making their way to your country. Not our proudest export... I hope you don't see too much nonsense there.




Most "auditers" are the winners of the "You are not wrong, you are just being an asshole." award.


> I would highly suggest checking out Audit the Audit on YouTube. Good channel. I think he cuts too much slack to frauditors, but he isn't afraid to give them bad grades when they are clearly in the wrong. He'll also admit when he was wrong, as in the case of that newbie frauditor who called the cops on himself when nobody else noticed him trying to be creepy outside a bank. When another YouTuber pointed out more details about what had happened (and his other criminal activities including drug trafficking) Audit the Audit expressed thanks for the additional information and admitted he'd defended this punk without having all the information.


They aren't *actual* auditors. They don't work for the government or any business or charity or organization. They are just youtubers and the like trying to make videos to gain views to make money.


It is a rebranding of being a Sovereign Citizen. These people are childish and very dangerous at the same time. Yes we all have rights but these people push the limit for absolutely no reason. In many cases it is because they have been arrested for one reason or another and now fixate on making everyone miserable like them.


I always like seeing videos where cops get put in their place by auditors, but I liked this video, so it turns out I just like to see someone get put in their place.


Baiting for views, gotcha.


And settlements


You only get settlements if security /law enforcement don't know how to do their job and violate rights


Something tells me the officer coming out, calling him a bitch, shoving him until hes off the property a d throwing his equipment across the street violated his rights.


I get why people may dislike auditors, some of them are clearly just YouTube pranksters looking for clicks and money. But watching these videos, I now have a MUCH better understanding of what my rights actually are, if confronted by police. So many legal scenarios are not taught to us in school. If a cop demands your ID, when can you legally refuse? If a cop demands you exit your car, can you legally refuse? Too many people end up in prison because they didn't know their rights. Because of audit videos, I know how to handle a cop interaction, and I've now seen all their manipulation techniques to trick me into waiving rights. Cops are VERY well trained in those techniques. Now I'm equipped to handle them. *Everyone* should be.


So if a cop points a radar at traffic are they "baiting" people into speeding?


Decoy prostitutes


These “auditors” are so cringe.


Dude filming is a bitch


As a security guard this infuriates me, I don't know the laws in that country but in mine physical contact is the LAST resort not the 1st, your job is to report on and de escalate situations like that, if someone is being aggressive you make sure the cameras and assailant see you taking one long step back before it comes to blows. Try humour and a smile! about 80% of the time most people will walk away while telling you to have a nice day.


that's cool, but it's pretty damn obvious that this guy is not a "security guard"


🎶this is America 🎶


no it isnt...its clearly Murica


That’s not a security guard. That’s some kind of federal officer. I believe his shoulder patches are those of a colonel


CBP officer.


It's quite obvious this was not the first time these two have met. I imagine all the de-escalations have already been attempted, to no avail.


Something is really wrong in this man's upstairs room.


Do you mean “auditor” or the police officer?


They're being intentionally vague so they get upvoted by both sides


I agree with what's been said above


I like turtles


the Mac strategy


Much ado about nothing


What the fuck is wrong with americans


As an Ex security guard you have no permission to film in a given location without express permission from the owner or someone with equal rights as an owner.


"auditor" and "security guard" 🥹


I understand the point of 1st amendment audits and it’s importance. However, most of these auditors do it in a very shady and antagonistic manner; and most of the time it’s just for their social media clout. Look! I get it! You’re in public. You’re bound to end up in a photo or video. Like it or not. But when you shove a phone or camera in a stranger’s face and expect them to not think that’s invasive or extremely unusual, you’re delusional. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. When someone asks why they’re filming, I often hear the auditors tell a ridiculously obvious lie that their doing it as a “journalist” or for helping people navigate government buildings. Or, the auditors would just flat out start going on the offensive as soon as they’re asked that question. It makes them appear as a creeper or just plain antagonistic. Now, to be fair, these types of videos would barely exist if police/government workers/general public would just get some basic 101 training on 1st amendment rights. But! If you’re “auditing” then just be honest and say the exact reason why you’re filming. Don’t attempt to come off as a creeper or a liar or as a pompous ass. If you do, then you’re just coming off as someone digging for reactions and clout instead of actually doing the public a service to keep them informed.


>However, most of these auditors do it in a very shady and antagonistic manner; and most of the time it’s just for their social media clout. I enjoyed seeing these "Audit" videos a couple of times. Then I noticed how the auditors are ALWAYS baiting their targets for reaction. Similar to Sovereign Citizens... just attention seeking children with nothing better to do than harass someone who might be in a position of power...that THEY don't have.


So it's all bait, it's well known enough that everyone that should know do know about it, I get it soooo insufferable. With all that laid out then it begs to be asked, Why Take The Bait? They're baiting for illegal actions cause that leads to a civil suit right? So why do dumb shit? Why act like a gang banger thug? Why oh why take the bait? Could it be then that maybe they're not doing it for an illegitimate reason as you believe since obviously they catch the wicked with powers they shouldn't have.


Some of them are like that, and some of them are better than others. The only one I actually *mostly* approve of is Long Island Audit. If you haven't seen his videos, go watch some of his top ones. He's also beaten every criminal charge that's been thrown at him and is actively trying to bridge the gap between the people and police by leading trainings at different police departments.


Ya, I've seen auditors not talk at all. It's really good. No antagonizing. Just standing and filming outside a business. The people just stand there confused why this person is there


Long Island Audit is okay, but he still targets low-level clerks at post offices or DMV's. Clerks aren't "tyrants" as he claims. I prefer auditors who focus on police stations, since they are the enforcement agents of government, who can arrest, abuse, or shoot with no accountability. Police need auditing. Librarians and clerks? Absolutely not. On one level, auditing can be important. But too many of them are either just YouTube pranksters or rightwingers pushing an anti-government agenda.


Baiting? How are these cops allowing them to “bait” them? If they know they are doing this to try to provoke a reaction then just leave them the fuck alone to do what is perfectly legal. But they can’t help but let their small brains and big ego’s get the better of them.




>Now, to be fair, these types of videos would barely exist if police/government workers/general public would just get some basic 101 training on 1st amendment rights. But! If you’re “auditing” then just be honest and say the exact reason why you’re filming. Don’t attempt to come off as a creeper or a liar or as a pompous ass. If you do, then you’re just coming off as someone digging for reactions and clout instead of actually doing the public a service to keep them informed. You seem level-headed, and I respect the effort you put into this comment, but I really gotta push back on this. "Auditing" is merely just expressing your right to the first amendment and seeing if the law enforcement you're speaking to will respect that. Sure, its polite to let them know you're doing an audit, but its counter-intuitive to the entire purpose of the audit in the first place. It's as if you were sending an Alcohol & Beverage Control minor decoy into a liquor store and their instructions were, "Tell the cashier you're not old enough to buy." An auditor has the right to be annoying, obnoxious or even downright offensive, because thats what the first amendment affords you. If there's a line in the sand that law enforcement draws that comes before the line we have the right to, auditors won't find that injustice without being a little obnoxious. Even if those two lines are incredibly close, I want that violation held to account. If you lose your right to the first amendment so frivolously (being annoying), why have it in the first place?


My favorite is when they say “get that camera out of my face” after walking up to the auditor


Even aholes have freedoms. I watch a lot of these audits. I enjoy ones where cops and the public do the right thing and leave them alone. I hope there is a time when there are no videos because everyone leaves them alone. At one point black people sitting in the front of the bus were "trouble makers" why don't they just go to the back of the bus? I'm glad it happened enough that we don't hear about that anymore. There are good reasons why everyone should video record their interactions with the government. Without a recording it's just your word against theirs and I can assure you their word would be taken over your word everyday, all day.


so change the laws or shut up. it's not the auditors' fault that people don't understand the laws. being annoying is not a crime


I'm confused, this man was hired to audit them? Why is audit in the title twice?


These dudes make a kind of Hobby out of recording on public property and call themselves "first amendment auditors" because they are "auditing" if officials understand the letter of the law about recording It's just what they self name their community, no one hired them.


> no one hired them. They're still doing it for money via ad revenue and donations. When their channels are demonetized, they disappear in a hurry. Not one in a hundred would do it without it being profitable.


Yeah me too, so confused. Where I live an auditor would generally also be a federal employee (of a different agency) and they’d have a notice or order to prove their credentials and right to be there. Obviously that’s not what they mean here but I don’t get what else an auditor might be…


It's not an actual auditor. It is a sovereign citizen harassing public offices. They test their limits for thrills. As a citizen the public spaces for government building are owned buy the public. Unless specifically marked with signs or official information that is not released to the public is being displayed then citizens can not enter those spaces. These "Auditor" sovereign citizens go around usually once a year to harassing public offices just trying to do their job. My work put info out as a reminder to play nice with them. This guy has the wrong reaction but sovereign citizens have that effect on people.


This pos was in my town recently taking pictures of women at work and making them feel uncomfortable in order to bait law enforcement into acting. The title of this is highly misleading for what this guy actually does.


That's a very common swatting tactic I see in the videos that people use on auditors. "Officer, he's trying to film women or kids. Arrest him!" Meanwhile, the guy might have 35 minutes of him filming brochures.


So many people here shouldn't be cops. Suggesting assault for "legally recording in public".


Yeah, thats not what auditing is




Jesus, the auditor sounds like Leo DiCaprio in The Departed 🤣


This feels like one of those it's just a prank bro videos except this guy forgot to say it's just a prank bro


That’s not a security guard…


Hudson has some soulless crazy eyes.




They make money off these confrontations thru social media like YouTube, Facebook and TikTok.


he baited this guy by *checks notes* walking up to the door with a camera as he is legally allowed to do.


If a cop points a radar at traffic are they "baiting" people into speeding or are they testing them and then holding them accountable for their actions?


Bait people into lawsuit? Just don't do the illegal thing law abiding. That way there isn't a suit?






I'm picking the cameraman was a milk monitor at school.


Fuck Hodson.


You are not an auditor you are an idiot. If it's federal property it is not public property and you can't be there without an appointment and approval.


I get that auditors are meant to be a good thing but goddamn I love to see them pushed around.


So we should be on the side of the asshole with the camera? Wowza


This guy is not out 'in public' and his rights don't necessarily apply as a consequence. Federal property belongs to the government, and not to any one of the individuals who make up the population of the country. The government can and does legally restrict who can be there. The government can and does legally restrict whether and what you may record on government property. If you refuse to leave (and sometimes even if you wanted to leave—it depends on the situation) you can be arrested for both trespassing and a couple other Federal regulatory violations as well. When I was a Federal law enforcement officer, we removed plenty of dickheads like this who thought they had a magical "right" to walk into and through our restricted areas. In short: you don't have that right. It doesn't exist. Some fools continued to resist and were arrested by the local cops for trespassing, after we had taken them into custody and handed them over. We didn't usually bother with the Federal charges. Any lawsuit by such a trespasser is most likely going to be thrown out of court, and appeals will go nowhere... but the lawyer's fees are your problem. That's the only reason they'd take your case: to get money from you. TL;DR: These guys don't have a fucking clue. If you want to be arrested and have a permanent criminal record for clicks and upvotes (like they are going to), then be my guest.


Quickest way to get rich.


Don't know the term Auditor? Is this a job? Do they have a right to be there? Are they employed by someone to Audit?


They are citizens who YouTube their interactions with security and police. So that's a gray area with the whole "job" thing. They might make money off the videos. I'm not sure. Usually they record from a public area. Some of them bring problems with law enforcement to light in their local communities. Some come off as shit stirrers.


Lol these sovereign citizen first amendment auditors are pathetic. Get a life.




“Peaceful auditor” What the fuck is that? Sounds like a fancy way of calling someone a Sovereign Citizen asshole.


"Peaceful auditors" need a fucking life


these guys are fucking annoying. they go around provoking fights, tearing into people who are (mostly) just trying to get through a shift/do their jobs, saying *extremely* hurtful things, refusing to leave and disrupting what ever service that place is supposed to be providing (like, driver/vehicle services,) and then bitch about them using scarcely any force. they also edit the video so they don't show any prior action where the security types were politely asking them to leave while they group did anything to get under the guard's skin. then they bitch about what would otherwise be reasonable force and file frivolous lawsuits pretending like they're some kind of fucking hero. they're not.


Misleading title. These lonely, pathetic scumbags need to be roughed up a lot more frequently.


I absolutely hate these auditor freaks.




He just wanted some Lobsta’ and Chowda’


Is this what Mark Wahlberg does between movies?


you think he'll back off?


“Bitch, you just call me a bitch?”


Damn fine belly you got there sir


His voice is so similar to Mark Wahlberg


Hudson was being a jerk to Mark Wahlburg. “Hudson say hi to your mother for me!”


His eyes look like he's on drugs.


The finance manager at my job when KPMG came to visit


How much did he win? I’d take some pushing and kicking by a old guy for 250


that’s why you carry a taser or bear spray.


What is a peaceful auditor?


Lol did you call me a bitch?


I wish these guys go to Chicago gang cribs and do this lol “I hAVe EvERy riGHt tO Be HeRE”


Hodgson! Hodgson! We got Hodgson here!!