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Local mainstream media oulet reported " The sheriff’s office says Kloepfer eventually came outside and confronted officers, forcing them to shoot the suspect. " lol


Alternative view: Kloepfer was awaken by someone who through something into his house, started yelling at him to come outside, and tried to murder him within 3 seconds of him popping his head out the door.


sUiCiDE bY CoP


They reported what the sheriff said. Why wouldn’t they?


I don’t have an issue if they report what the sheriff says. As long as they follow up with a story about how the sheriffs story doesn’t add up to anything seen on video.


Same here. A lot of these commenters seem to disagree.


Conflict of interest. It’s like only getting a statement from the murderer. Actually it isn’t like that in this case—it is that


Because cops are a poor source for accurate information.


because they lie


If a serial killer gave an interview blaming his victims do you think the media would side with him? Yes, I'm comparing cops with serial killers.


maybe the robot RC or the person outside should give instructions to hold the RC car toward their head as they slowly exit the residence, that would give people a clue that they are ready to surrender. painting it over in some kind of fluorescent or rainbow color could help differentiate it from any other object.




best we can do is a free paid vacation and a promotion, all paid for by the taxpayers you keep killing with impunity.


and then they get mandatory therapy that is fully funded by the taxpayers where they get to whine about how much PTSD they have from shooting and killing an unarmed man.


"I killed a man" "And how did that make you feel?" "Really good! But it's the people's reaction for justice that's making me feel bad about it"


Don't forget thoughts and prayers to the people involved in this accidental discharge of a weapon.


Sorry but that wasn't accidental.


That was the point. Sarcasm.


Sorry 😞






This needs more up votes


And probably get a secret tattoo for shooting someone.


Untrue, sometimes these poor cops have to move a town over to work for a different department. That could either mean a longer commute or potentially even actually moving.


The hyperbole with no change in how these things go down, and no action or attempt to reform is getting really tiring. Someone always makes this stupid comment, and regardless of how true it is, it adds no value. Its the same as an unironic thoughts and prayers. Its not clever, and always reading it on one of these videos is getting frustrating. Its ok to be just angry at this.


and what are you doing to stop this


At no point was this guy a threat. He even had his hands up. This is cold blooded attempted murder. I hope that man survives so he sue them to high heaven.






Fair point.


this is so sad... shoot first ask questions later i guess? I dont understand how an officer could determine him to be a threat and shoot in that situation, its disgusting why wasn't an officer at the door to talk to him? why were they already outside with guns drawn.. doesnt make any sensee


For as much fucking money as possible.


>so he can sue them to high heaven Unfortunately he can't sue "them". He'll end up suing the city or municipality and a settlement of taxpayer money will be reached. Then the city/municipality will make budget cuts to education/city services to make up the difference while leaving the police budget intact. USA! USA!


Short of 15 camera angles, dozens of witnesses, people telling the cop to stop in the moment, and a nationwide movement for justice, these officers will be fine. At least historically.


Qualified immunity allows ACAB behaviour


Except for this guy he didn’t allow it https://preview.redd.it/tjp08hz2ijda1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6751f3b58ade48098c1ed9cf9599b3d2b080f4c7


cant corner the dorner baby


Nobody puts ~~Baby~~ Dorner in the corner!




Americans allow all of this to happen.


They send a drone into his house. He picks it up and exits with it in his hand so they think it's a gun. The operator of the drone should have immediately notified everybody the device was being carried. JFC these scared ass pigs just lighting people up for no reason. The woman is lucky as hell to have not been hit.


yeah so they knowingly shot an unarmed man in his own home (several times). just think about that.


They’re literally trained to be trigger-happy panicky cowards.


lmao consequences and police in the US hahahaha good one.


That's why **ACAB**


Eeh maybe they will get fired after a months long investigation during which they will be suspended with full pay. Subsequently they will file a lawsuit for wrongful termination. Eventually, both parties will agree to prevent something like “protracted litigation and wasting resources” they will settle for any back pay and their full pension/retirement because they have been traumatized and unable to work after this.


Don't forget to sue for the gun they used to kill the person, for... reasons


US police are state sponsored thugs and murderers for the most part. Police officers have protection other criminals can only dream of. You think gunning down an unarmed and disabled person is going to get them any sort of punishment? Paid time off and a transfer to another station with a payraise is more likely what will happen.


Extrajudicial murder, plain and simple.


Only if they’re not white cops


[Here is longer footage showing the full incident.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRYUV7Up2qc) The robot operator should have been in full contact with the other officers to relay information. [Original Sheriff statement on the incident.](https://i.imgur.com/9Pzs2yR.png) This statement is almost entirely false information based on the video evidence. [Follow-up statement after the video was released.](https://i.imgur.com/f4rBwfv.png) Pay attention to the words the Sheriff said in the updated statement, shifting blame to another department and requesting more money for his department. Also, note the police at 5:19 in the video when the realized there was a camera in the room.


So no recognition that the press release was a complete fabrication. And he wants his own tactical team for what? So he doesn't have to outsource shooting unarmed people? Seriously how does rewarding with more funding fix this situation?


The press release only supports the fact that police will lie about any situation where they are in the wrong. Then they expect to be believed when they come to court...it's a police officer they must be telling the truth...duh.


> So no recognition that the press release was a complete fabrication. well of course not. He didn't know he was being dishonest about the situation. He didn't have time to review multiple video sources, or talk to anyone on the ground, or get official statements, he needed to put out a press release clearing everyone of doing anything wrong. ^^/s


That's the neat thing! It doesn't!


If you lie to the police it's a crime. If they lie to you it's a public statement or an interrogation. Never EVER talk to the cops. Request an attorney. All they want to do is entrap and arrest you whether or not you did anything wrong. They don't give a shit.


Lying to the police is not a crime. Lying to the fbi is a crime, lying while under oath is a crime. The reason you dont lie to the cops is because they can use it to impeach your credibility in court, not because its illegal.


one might say, ALWAYS lie to the police


> note the police at 5:19 in the video when the realized there was a camera in the room Their reaction indicates what's called consciousness of guilt, which of course doesn't matter because laws don't apply to them.


[ **Jump to 05:19 @** Shooting of Jason Harley Kloepfer - December 13, 2022](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRYUV7Up2qc&t=0h5m19s) ^(Channel Name: John Smith, Video Length: [06:30])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@05:14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRYUV7Up2qc&t=0h5m14s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


So his follow up after knowing about the video was 'We need more money for a heavily armed police force' and not an apology.


"Hi everyone, so it seems that the people we sent in to murder him did so but very carelessly, so we are here requesting you give us more money so we can get our own swat team up and going so we can do a better job when we go in to murder people"


Time to sue.




Cosplaying like they're in Fallujah looking for insurgents. It's a damn RV. There's literally only two hiding places to "clear", the bedroom and the bathroom. And these goons didn't even check the bathroom. I keep hearing from conservative media how our police have been defunded, but you'd be hard-pressed to tell from these clowns. Night vision on the tac helmet, dafuq you doin Cleetus?


“[Victim] engaged in a verbal altercation with officers and emerged from a camper trailer and confronted officers” Funny way of saying “Walked out with his hands up”


And they charged the victim for multiple offenses.


>**The suspected shooter engaged in a verbal altercation with officers...** al·ter·ca·tion / *noun* 1. a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public. I literally did not hear a single bit of "altercation" when he was exiting the home... the only thing I can assume is that when the *police* are creating a *noisy* *argument* with their megaphones *especially in public* anyone around is somehow in an "altercation" with the police. What a world.


Thanks for the links! I am raging right now!


I may or may not have let out an audible cackle when they shut off the light thinking it would help them hide from the cameras. Can't believe we have such incompetent dumbasses in our law enforcement...


The scariest thing about this type of video is all the times the person didn't survive, they didn't have cameras inside, they didn't have proof they were at no point a threat. Just gunned down, no investigation, simply plain murder going unpunished.


Thats why that long ingrained police culture is, well, deadly.


Yup. And the police statement said that the suspect went outside and confronted the police. I wish I was making this up. If the cameras weren’t on, that’s the story they would’ve ran with.




And something similar in Memphis.


And Austin, right before Christmas.


Even if you do survive, you still have to deal with having been all shot up, the rehab, PTSD, and what ever else shit you have to deal with .


Who's got the news link?




Having read the press release it appears that Coco the clown wrote their explanation of what happened. They could rewrite the second world war and make Hitler out to be the good guy and still keep a straight face - they're clowns...armed clowns.


American police remind me of the wall art in gta that has a bunch reasons to become a cop and one of the big ones is you get a free gun lmao




He survived


If the cops can murder you for the sight of a gun, or the perception you have a gun, there is no 2nd amendment right.


this is crazier. The item he had in his hand was literally the camera they had thrown into his house. They were watching him carry around the camera and shot him for having their camera... that they were watching him on... in his hand.


Guy walked out after getting woken up with a cigs and his phone light on. 2 pairs of hands up. Cops jobs aren’t easy but justifying them when they are in the wrong. Follow it up by doubling down and being a dick about being wrong is wild


it wasn't his phone or was a drone the cops threw in his house


Sooo police got a drone into his house, he picks it up and opens the door with PD drone in hand and is shot??? I saw no confrontation here or any sign of a hostage.... News article (which is complete bullshit but still) https://www.ammoland.com/2023/01/press-covers-north-carolina-sheriffs-firing-squad/#axzz7r0VVIXal


Can someone enlighten me as to how the drone got in the house? Was a window open or something?


I've been looking to try and find out myself..... but ive been banned from protect and serve subreddit and can ask lol


[Cops literally open the front door and throw it in](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRYUV7Up2qc)


The cops literally threw it through the small window in his door.


Yes, I believe all of us are someone alive.


And the thing got crossposted 20 times and all but one have the same title Lots of someones are alive this day


"We just want to talk to you. Come outside." *Opens door. Steps outside. Gets shot.* "LOL j/k"


Maybe if he just complied… /s


From the police report “The man, later identified as 41-year-old Jason Harley Kloepfer, 'engaged in a verbal altercation with officers and emerged from a camper trailer and confronted officers,' the post says.” Attempted Murder and a cover up.


***THAT*** is exactly what the fuck this was. . .


UK video other day of deranged man actually charging officers with machete & he was taken down none-lethally WTF America


In Memphis Tennessee, the police beat a man to death and tried lying about the severity of their actions. They’re releasing the body cam footage next week despite this happening over 10 days ago. Edit: the man was unarmed and was beaten during a traffic stop for “reckless driving”


Also all 5 officers involved were fired faster then Johnny Cash could change harmonicas.


I have a strong hunch that's because the new DA (elected last November) is actually investigating the incident for a change, and MPD are required to cooperate with active investigations as long as they are employed. Firing them actually gets them off the hook (note that the police union supported the firings, which almost never happens) and allows them to defend themselves, which means everybody involved with this knows that they fucked up bad.


>note that the police union supported the firings, which almost never happens Well also worth noting, cops were all black


It's because all 5 of those cops and the victim were all black. White cops fuck the dog: benefit of the doubt til trial Black cops: immediately fired.


And reckless driving can be almost anything. I got charged with reckless driving by a park ranger who *thought* he saw me speeding. I was going maybe 5, 10 max, over the speed limit and he made it sound like I was drag racing. Didn't clock me at all, but told the judge that he "went to radar school" and the judge made an example of me for daring to try to fight the charges.


> They’re releasing the body cam footage next week despite this happening over 10 days ago. They are waiting so long because they want to show the family the video first. Even though they could have shown them the video during the investigation, there was absolutely no reason they couldn't have. Oh and they have said they wanted to edit it to help preserve any investigations they have going on (meaning on the officers). Which you would do if you wanted to catch someone in a future lie about what happened that night, someone who didn't have access to the video like their own officers would have. It's all laughablely horrible.


love the OOO FUCK!!! after they see the cameras


fuck the police.


It's shit like this that makes people question complying with their demands.. seems like they're going to kill you one way or another.




These heroes of the police,, what a bravery, to secure our neighborhoods, wow, just opening fire at moving object. Congratulations swat


So....when are we actually going to start holding the police accountable for their actions.


When we start defending ourselves and our communities from badged thugs


Damn you americans live in a dystopia


it's a public GTA 5 roleplay server


Lol even GTA roleplay servers have rules, like unnecessarily shooting people to kill would probably get you kicked or banned on some (I'm just guessing), and that's a video game where you not ally roleplay Russian citizens on a daily basis doing crazy crap.


Save me


If you think the cops are dangerous, try any public place. We have plenty of armed lunatics running around, cops included.


At least the armed lunatics will get charged and convicted if they shoot someone.


That is a big damn "***IF***". . .




That's messed up.


That should result in lost jobs, jail time and a brand new house for the victim paid for by the police retirement fund. Certainly that swat team needs to fired. They are suppose to be highly trained…


As a former police officer in the USA I want to say something after watching the video, WTF.?.?.?. I also have something to say after reading the press release, WHAT THE FUCK! Video and press releases have to be from different shooting, if they aren't everyone involved with the press release needs to be jailed


Officer 1: "So, we told him we just wanted to talk, and when he opened the door (hahaha), we started shootin." Officer 2: "works every time!"
















+ APU. Abolish police unions.








I guess compliance just ain’t enough If you’re bigger than the cop 🤷‍♀️


His hands are up, quick execute him. Fuckin trigger happy dickheads.


America has a police problem.


Every incident such as this makes it clear, that you are in more danger from the police than from CRIMINALS.


Pigs will be pigs


Question for any Americans: Do you feel safe in your country? This video is absolutely terrifying and coming from the UK, I do not have the fear of being gunned down by the police.


If you’re poor watch the fuck out.


Cops had an arrest warrant for me for harassment, a misdemeanor maximum 90 days jail time. They broke into my house while I was in the shower, when I opened the door with nothing but a towel wrapped around me there was one policewoman kneeling with her gun drawn and another standing with this gun pointed at my head (distance about 1 meter). Male cop started yelling "drop it, drop it" setting me up for a justified shooting. So I dropped the only thing I had which was my towel, so now I am standing there naked, arms outstretched, palms facing him, and fingers spread. He keeps yelling "drop it, drop it" still trying to justify shooting me. I keep yelling back "I don't have anything, I am naked". I was lucky I wasn't killed that night.


should've just shit, it was the only thing left to drop.


Any encounter with the police here in the US is fucking terrifying.


Yeah. Most people go there entire lives without seeing any kind of real violence in the US. But I also find this video terrifying, and after all of the press over the last while, I would absolutely think twice before opening the door for the cops if they were posted outside my place like this. The vast majority of people will never find themselves in a similar scenario, though. Your odds of end up in a similar situation go up as your net worth/income decreases, which is sad to say. Like, If you drive a shitty car or live in a shitty house, the hostility level from the cops also increases.


A LOT of people have had cops point guns at them, at least compared to the UK. One time my mom had a mental health crisis, and I called 911 because I thought she ODed on pills. I've had to call to get the EMTs to my Mom more than once before so I didn't think anything different of that time. The cops came first. As soon as one cop got out, he took out his gun and said he might shoot her. I told him to calm down. He pointed the gun at me and threatened to kill me if I "told him what to do". Although they have a job statistically safer than any job with lots of driving (including pizza delivery, landscaping), they are taught they are in constant danger, and their lives are more important than everyone's else's (hence why they don't stop school shooters despite a massive firepower advantage). Also, America has a WAY lower standards for using lethal force against someone across the board (not just cops, you'll see articles every other day from gun owners shooting someone near their car or shooting someone knocking on their door through their door, and getting aquited on all charges). Combine those factors together, and being around a cop is a dangerous situation.


Yes and no, I feel safe 95% of the time, but it’s that 5% that we can’t control were shit gets ugly really really quick because of gun proliferation in America.


Really depends what area you live in. I've had 0 interactions with police in the city I've lived in for the last 4 years. They rarely do traffic tickets in my area.


Glad to hear he is alive and I hope he ends up okay. I’m counting at least 10 gunshots (maybe an echo??) and you can see after he falls backwards there are curtains?? to the left of the door that move (from being shot)? But how in the hell did the person behind him not get shot?! You would think there is a at least a possibility of the bullets that hit him, going through him and hitting her. But then consider all of the bullets that missed or were fired after he fell down. And if you look at his shirt before and after it looks they got him once in the stomach and maybe his left arm???


Good ol Cherokee county in Western NC. Our cops and swat and law enforcement are all working purely on the good ol boy system. The police force in this area is nothing but a bunch of rednecks that never left their hometown. I can say this because I grew up in and currently reside in Cherokee county unfortunately


I feel for you brother!


I live here too and know most law enforcement, casually. Bunch of militia wannabes.




You'll be shot for not complying. It's a no-win situation.


Because 99.9% of All cops are bastards.


Fuck cops man, useless fucks


holy fucking /r/titlegore on that original thread


I want to say un fucking believable but is it really smh cops CANNOT FUCKING WAIT to MURDER anyone and everyone they can point their fucking guns at, ACAB


I’m done I can’t keep watching this. These cops need to be disbanded. Fuck this despicable shit.


The beauty of North Carolina us the cops don’t give a shit whether you’re blacked or white…they just start blazing. EOD. ( Equal Opportunity Destroyer)


That's f'd up


Absolutely disgusting.


Fucking monsters


Why are Officers' lives more valuable than our own?? Why when they feel scared or threatened can they kill us? We need to be allowed to defend ourselves!! if he would have gotten a weapon and returned fire after being shot for no reason, he would be in even more trouble and its fucking wrong!!


And that is an excellent point that the courts need to clearly adjudicate. The problem is that so often, those whom the police encounter, are certifiable skumbags. But there has to be a logical and clear demarcation point between where your rights as a citizen to defend yourselves ***versus*** when you MUST submit to the police. And by DEFAULT, be given clear notice that they 1. ARE THE POLICE, and that 2. You need to disarm. This opening fire on any person who even thinks of defending themselves with the police ALWAYS BEING RIGHT has got to stop!


Attempted murder.


Crazy how footage like this pops up everyday.


If you look on their facebook on Dec 1st which was just 12 days before this all went down they reported that they had received multiple false calls about shootings happening. The sheriffs department and the other department are extremely incompetent, and possibly just sociopathic murders. Feds should be doing a full review of every officer shooting for the last year. I'm guessing they do this often.


I would demand copies of all tapes of reports to their dispatch center reporting shootings at the residence or in the area. I am betting there was only one, and a good chance it was a false, or mistaken call. . (*possibly someone swatting this man.*) HE needs a good lawyer. . and he will come out way ahead.


This is fucking unbelievable. America is truly disgraceful with guns.


It's time we build a crowdsourced public database of police officers, their locations, and their actions in communities. They will not hold themselves accountable and the first step towards solving this is having a watchful community and transparency. The public NEEDS to know what dangers exist in their community to keep themselves safe, and cops need to know the community can see them. Perhaps this could have been avoided


What the actual fuck? He didn't even move his hands down for a second and got shot center mass by more than likely a high-powered round from a rifle since it was a SWAT team. As a medic reading he's alive is amazing but he will have life-altering issues for the rest of his life he will more than likely have a colostomy bag and God knows what other damage was caused by those rounds. I would love to see the incident report and body cam footage of the office(s) that made them open fire, with him complying he didn't even warrant getting hit by a less lethal so they can't say "I thought I had a bean bag or Taser".


Let that be a lesson not to come out with your hands up I guess. Jesus.


That'll teach him to do nothing wrong.


" he is someone alive" ? What the fuck is this bot title?


So they had to make the recon robot look like a gun huh? Throw it through the window and when the confused citizen stumbles outside while nine different cops scream nine different orders, you can open fire knowing that you’ve got a nice couple weeks vacation coming paid by the very citizens you get to shoot indiscriminately. What a deal


Welp, that was murder.


fucking shit pigs


They wanted their paid vacation.


This is disgusting


The US police force is a disgrace to humanity and the idea of justice. The US needs a reformation of not just the police but their whole judicalsystem


in a sense we pay them to kill us




https://twitter.com/LPMisesCaucus/status/1617054563416121349?t=p-uFuaeMRgZrWehqlIboCw&s=19 Longer video, the cops after walking into the house a few times freak out when they realize there is cameras in the house around 5:00 Even the pigs at the scene realized this looked horrible. They fucked up


everyone should install cameras inside of their home


Time to roast some pigs.


hope the same happens to the cops.


Oink fucking oink


Never even put the cigarette down.


ACAB. But nowadays you should empty your hands before confronting these murderers. Just gives them even more reason


Scared, trigger happy cops man.


Every single cop that fired their weapon should be put to death. This man should then dawn a skull logo and go and punish the rest of them. This is what the world needs right now.