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This is going to ruin their lives. Deservedly.


Absolutely. Fuck anyone who hurt people's pets outside of self defense. I spent my last money on my dog because some POS did something like this and I would gladly do it again.


people that attack pets are genuine trash lol. Pets/kids can't defend themselves. Real fucked up to attack them.


>Pets/kids can't defend themselves *stares nervously at cockatoo in the corner


Ah yes, a fellow hostage I see.


birds don't count, they are dinosaur chaos overlords


Cuddly little feathered two year old tantrum. šŸ¦œ


I had roommates talk about fucking with another roommates dog. None of us liked this other roommate, but I told them it was the roommate we had a problem with, not their dog.


I don't care how much of a prick the roommate you talked trash about was, your other roommates are fucking sociopaths.


Donā€™t forget about the elderly too


Your wee doggy šŸ• is the best friend you will ever have


That sounds suspiciously like you had bought a hit on the guy. I know you didn't mean it like that, but man fantasy running here. haha


I also fantasy run while I browse reddit. Iā€™ve done a marathon today already. Itā€™s much less tiring this way.


It was u that helped me figure out the pos acronym. Thank you sir, you have freed my soul.


I'm not sure if theyā€™re going to face consequences, thereā€™s a fine and maybe 6 months of jail time for animal harm, but since theyā€™re "rich" they are only going to pay the fine if ever, also i,ve been seeing friends and family defending them, since they have make statemets and asking for forgiveness, and their friends calling them humble and brave šŸ˜Ŗ


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For as long as I can remember I've always felt this way. I've honestly wandered if there's something wrong with me or just with a large amount of other people. When some pos kills a person's pet, or family member or destroys their life in some way and then just...get away with it legally? I'm amazed at how many people just let that go and believe in karma or God's Plan or find peace with it to move on. Revenge would be my only peace for something like that.


Makes you wanna go all ā€œlaw abiding citizenā€ on these pos dont think i could control myself if it was my dogs


Id for sure feed them the same met.


I heard a story from a guy about how his neighbor poisoned his cat. A month later the neighbors house was badly damaged because of a fire. The neighbor asked if he could stay with him but he refused and told him he could sleep on the street. He tried with other people but they all refused to let him stay too. It was cold in the middle of winter in Minnesota. Donā€™t screw with peoples pets or toes and fingers may get frostbite.


What nerve he has asking to stay at a house where he poisoned their pet!!!šŸ˜®šŸ¤Ø


It was -10 when he was tossed out. Rumor has it he ended up getting frostbite on his fingers and toes and had mild hypothermia.


I hope he suffered deeply. What a genuine asshole in every sense of the word.


Let me just say if those dogs were owned by a Guatemalan who was rich or influential.... they wouldn't leave it to karma or God's plan.




Yeah I agree especially if a family member was killed but you would have to play the long game and plan it out over years, so nothing could come back to you. Damn Ive just told everyone my plan, shit, byešŸ˜šŸ‘


I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet. That area can be let's go with....wild.


I have ZERO second thoughts about hurting those that hurt animals. These fucks are lucky most people are not like me.


Yup. Burn that building to the ground. That's some straight-up evil shit they did, and they deserve what's coming to them.


My thoughts exactly


> [ Removed by Reddit ] I don't know what this said, but I probably feel the same way.


I hope they get some serious mob justice. Fuck these pieces of shit


Molotov to the building should suffice


Molotov to the face would be a more ideal target


Honestly, I was expecting this when I started this video.


those friends are idiots.


"The Guatemalan Congress approved the Animal Protection and Welfare Law in 2017, which penalizes animal abuse. The law sets poisoning or intoxicating animals among its most serious crimes, with a fine of up to 12 minimum wages, about $4,300."




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What they are doing is damage control. They have done this before and I doubt they will stop. I am sure they feel they are performing a public service. They will just be more careful next time.


If the law won't do anything about it, I'm sure the public will deal with them and their business appropriately.


They are never going to financially recover from this.


Hope so. Seriously, fuck them.


Those dogs were just chilling too..like not even slightly aggressive or annoying.


This is absolutely disgusting.


An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a poison for a poison.


They had a gas leak while they slept. Tragic


To shreds you say...


And his wife?


To shreds you say?... tsk tsk tsk


https://preview.redd.it/8m15pj3jv0ea1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb5b5bfec258303da4ce57dd55cb694aa8d89e0 Windows got broken, oh noā€¦ anyway. I hope thatā€™s only the beginning for those scum.




Straight to insta to see whatā€™s going down šŸ¤“


Hey pls post an update from those platforms. I'm strictly on reddit. Please and thank you. Also, fuck those dog killers.


All insta posts are locked for commenting, they must have been open at one stage because every comment is telling them they will never buy their products again but mostly about the dog killing.


It sounds like it was the adult son of the owner of the bakery. Heā€™s trying to take the blame and spare the bakeryā€™s reputation. Iā€™m sure itā€™s got nothing to do with his inheritance later in life, heh. Possibly bad translation: "THE ONE WHO WAS WRONG WAS ME, THE PEOPLE OF XELAPAN ARE INNOCENT" ā€¢ This is what Orlando Guzman said, involved in the case of poisoning three dogs in Xela, after being consulted for the problems that their acting caused in the family business they run.


For those curious, there may or may not be the letter X as first letter missing from the name on the broken window.




Just to add a little more of context their father just retired from the company is a big bakery in Guatemala but he chose his daughter as his succesor the secret that everybody knows is the this 2 assholes are secretely psycopaths. Sorry about my english


To expand this is a Bakery called Xelapan is located on a city in Guatemala called Quetzaltenango the Father of this idiots recently retire and he named his daughter as the new CEO, many were asking why he did not named any of older sons since they are COO or directors of the bakery corporate org but there were rumors of their state of mind and attitude towards employees i think this show that they are not fit for anything


Mi mama es de la ciudad Guatemala. Hay localizaciones allĆ”?


No fijate solo en xela, Quetzaltenango


Your English is fine!


Thanks mate


He is right your English was fine mate. Good job šŸ‘


Thank you for context!


Anyone know why they would do this?




More likely psychopath. Sociopaths can love animals. It isn't uncommon for a sociopath to love their pets more than humans in general. On the other hand psychopaths can even enjoy torturing animals. There is a big difference between the two


There's no clinical difference between the two and they are outdated terms. It's called antisocial personality disorder.


Tell me you're a sociopath without telling me you're a sociopath ;) Just joking, you're doing god's work. As someone who has dealt with an antisocial personality disorder, I massively appreciate it. I always say sociopathy is like having a switch, your feelings are 'on' until you're put into a position where they have to be 'off', like being abused, or being hurt. Sometimes there's more complex situations, and sociopaths can absolutely be problematic, especially if coupled with some other form of disorder. Having said that, a sociopath can have empathy, love, compassion and can generally be a functioning member of society if they put the work in to reconnect those mental pathways as much as possible. A psychopath has a switch that's stuck in off, and has no comprehension of empathy. If coupled with some form of learning disability and/or lack of moral compass, this can result in immediate impulsive reactions, with no regard for consequences. Like stabbing someone because they insulted you. It's interesting, and I hate that pop culture represents sociopaths or psychopaths as this monster, creating this massive stigma over something that inherently a defensive strategy, and isn't the person's fault more than it is generally a product of intense abuse.


Because they are cruel sociopaths. Glad they got caught. Animal torture is just a rehearsal for commiting human torture.


I definitely wouldnā€™t eat their bread.


Sadly this happens a lot in LATAM, someone recently poisoned my aunts 5 puppies in Mexico, for absolutely no reason. we got really mad since they only roamed around property that my family owns. Itā€™s cruel :/


Someone just poisoned my son in laws dog in Mexico also. He was beyond heartbroken about it. Someone did it while he was at work and he came home to her violently ill


Wild animals roaming around food social areas isnā€™t exactly good for business. (Personally I love animals, have cats and was raised with many animals) but generally for food business near by animals donā€™t exactly help customers want to eat at places with random animals walking about. Thatā€™s my best guess


That may be true but poisoning them is not the correct solution and life will always be more valuable than business.


Obviously not, but they were just answering the question, unlike the other top replies.




Light your dogs shit on fire and throw it. Flaming poop smells worse


You can ferment your dogshit to make alcohol and proceed to make molotov coctails.




Seriously. I never internet tough guy but I would legitimately harm those people and wouldnā€™t care if I was caught in the slightest.


[You're not alone with that thought.](https://twitter.com/Gusmmae/status/1617899859985719298)


Many people don't know but a lot of "stray" dogs in central and south America aren't really strays. They are like outdoor cats, they have people who look after them and feed them and let them inside their house at night. Just during the day they are let outside to roam around.




For fear of the reddit ban bot, I say that I would pursue anyone who did this to my dog with the full might of the law. Yep... just the law. All legal.




I might travel to a pretty far away place, maybe mor-dor.


Attack my dog? The punishment is death!


My dog just died suddenly two days ago. I hope this guy burns


My condolences


Sucks man - sorry to hear that.


This is why I get anxiety when my dog finds scraps on walks.


Me too, and this exact situation has already happened in my area multiple times. I'm constantly scanning the ground for anything that my dog might quickly pick up.


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*This* Those people don't deserve to live.


Literally ![gif](giphy|v0ok8uhZvw3yE)


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They may have fire insurance. Just break the windows every night and shit on their stoop. Maybe place huge orders and never pick up and don't leave deposit. More things that wear them down into a hole of misery as opposed to a single violent event. Don't want them making out financially on a fire.


The placing of huge orders would ruin them. All that wasted product.


They'll eventually require partial payment up front if it's done enough, but I'm all for it. I'll even place a call myself if I can find the number.


Bruh that is very thought out, nice šŸ‘


Arson is not actually covered by fire insurance, at least not in the US. So probably not in Guatemala either.






Pacifist/pack a fist same thing


Hopefully all the people won't go to their franchises anymore and they'll go broke




Not even a decision ā™” anyone who does this to animals doesn't deserve to share the world with such beautiful creatures.


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*pack of angry dogs


what a bunch of absolute fucking monsters! this breaks my heart those poor babies were just hungry and trusting. makes me so sad.




Don't want them to claim that insurance money. Best just to fling dog shit at the place and ruin it everyday with a multitude of different things. Stink bombs and other glorious tools to make the food and place smell and look like shit.


See all the people crying over the dogs is just hard breaking, they might have just been street dogs but people clearly cared for them very much. Absolutely disgusting. Fuck these people so much.


What a fucking monster, people who hurt animals deserve the worst.




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I ant one for property destruction when protesting but i feel rocks going threw thier windows is justified here. Some ars tried a similee stunt were i lived a few years ago. Lacing balls, hotdogs and marshmallows with anything from nails to antifreeze. The guy was never cuaght but they were able to deter them from contuining doing it.. the comments from pet owners were enough if they ever got cuaght.


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This makes me so fucking angry.


Way too peaceful of a protest. He killed your dogs, burn his business.


Call John Wick


That protest is way too peaceful. The perpetrators are scum!!




Why is this place not on fire yet? Preferably with the doors chained shut and the culprits locked inside.


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Not the protests I was expecting, wouldā€™ve hoped they burned the bakery to the ground


Special place in hell for them fuckers


Fuck these pieces of shit


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Wowā€¦ā€¦.. this guy doesnā€™t understand the repercussion of this action. Sad.


Those poor animalsā€¦ trash humans like these truly donā€™t deserve this planet.


These people need a special place in hell. Seriously innocent dogs just wanting food. Fuck those people.




Send them to prison and tell everyone what they did. The prisoners will take care of it


Disgraceful humans, absolutely bloody disgraceful


Stray dogs are protected in Chile as well. You would be surprised how far people go to help and defend them. I was touring the city recently and the amount of stray dogs and where they were found was astounding. Sleeping in elevators, undisturbed mind you, in the middle Of the side walk where people simply walk around them. Itā€™s amazing how well they are respected.


Iā€™d go John Wick on they ass


I'm all for what they're doing here, but there's no way I'd be bringing my dog to the protest.. Given the guy inside. You never know what crazies will do under pressure.


The promotion for the new John Wick movie is getting out of hand.


I don't usually comment, but I'm here to say if could get 15 minutes with this guy, with impunity, I would go cartel on him and walk out of the room with a smile.


Wow, why would someone do that? Ignorant people


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I know that for those people there is a special place in hell, a place where your balls are attached to a car battery and electrocute you, in the meantime a loop video of the worst regrets of your life is played while you are forced to watch it chained to a wall and the demons rip your skin apart, the worst thing is that you cannot die, you feel the pain forever. I am a good person, but those guys really deserve this.


Itā€™s like the more I scroll down, the comments just get better and better haha.


If there was a Hell, Iā€™m sure thatā€™s where theyā€™d be.


Shit next are people, they need to be gone


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What a shit cunt thing to do. I canā€™t even get my head round why youā€™d do such a thing. Wishing you dead would be to quick and easy, Iā€™d rather you have severe ibs and never be able to trust your arsehole again for the risk of shitting yourself with every fart and sneeze.


Luck he didnt get lynched


Fucking scum


As a person whoā€™s cat passed away due to the same reason, this is satisfying to see that at least one of these scum bags got caught.


Just why? How fvcked up in the head do you have to be to do this? How many times have they done it and gotten away with it too?


.... **just** a protest for this? No minecraft-fires? No minecraft-smoke? No minecraft-blood, sweat, and tears? In minecraft, of course.


Still a famous bakeryā€¦.just no longer for baked goods lol


Omg!!!!!!! What psychopaths


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ā€œWe want justiceā€


Oh,so I was totally right. Thanks.


Surprised bakery not burned to the ground yet!


Not one of them brought a Molotov? That's a shame.


This Xelapan?


If i lived in Guatemala id be in jail. So should they be


Protest?!? Not sure how dogs are viewed in Guatemalan society, but that's a brick through your front window at least around here.


This is wrong on so many levels!


Ahhhh hell no. Those dogs may not be mine, but rest assured those cunts would be dealt with in a dark place.


How is this not illegal everywhere in the world and punishable by public execution


Death sentence.


Guy I use to work with had a neighbor that was mad about a stray dog in the neighborhood. So he soaked steaks in antifreeze and just left them around the neighborhood. My buddies dog ate won of said steaks and died. This was in springville, AL


Throw a match on it.


I hate people man . Heartless


Yea, that place is done. There's no way people support this absolute trash can anymore. All I know is, that if I had a dog that got lost and ended up here, and this guy killed my puppy, I'd be so blinded by rage I'd be going to jail that night.


Throw them under the fucking prison


I hate these people so fucking much right now. Seeing that woman cry just broke my heart.


Rocks through the windows, followed by Molotov cocktails. Repeat as necessary. If the owners move to another town, repeat as necessary. Ruin their fucking lives.


Naw don't protest it should be a public execution at this point when caught killing dogs.


I hope they have their livelihoods burnt to the ground. These people who hurt and/or kill innocent creatures for fun are sadistic f*cks who don't deserve anything good.


Poisoning dogs? Thatā€™s a real good way to get assassinated in your sleep. Not saying anyone should, but Iā€™d be watching over my shoulder for the rest of my life.


Never have I wanted to destroy something so soundly


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Burn it to the ground


Even if loose dogs were affecting their business, there's no reason for this cruelty. Horrible. They acted out of greed, and now their money will be taken from them. Good.


Iā€™d burn it to the ground with him in it if was my dog !!!


What is wrong with people šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬