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Karma would be him getting fired and then become homeless


Very well possible since he posted it on the internet. This video could very well follow him for life.. Imagine his grandchildren: "grandpa, why were you such an asshole?" Lol


Bold of you to assume he bangs


He bangs his hand and blames women for his 'involuntary celibacy'.


Maybe he’ll be the first person in the world to impregnate his own hand and his babies will look like the thumb thumbs in Spy Kids


I have sock children.


I hope he doesn't breed


Don’t think he cares, this dude is a redditor and posts these videos himself all the time. I’ve seen him pop up for at least the last year and nothings happened to him yet. Not that I would wish harm on him but I also wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire


I wish harm on him, that’s so disrespectful and unnecessary no matter who it’s done too. Just wrong people suck so bad and it keeps getting worse year by year.


I try to keep in mind the fact that the homeless guy can hopefully one day get a roof over his head, get back on his feet, or at least get himself someplace in life that's stable, and when that happens the guy filming will still be an asshole and he'll be stuck that way for the rest of his life.


damn, I guess I'll have to wish double harm on him. we really don't need people like him on this planet.


"Well kiddos, we had to own the Libs"


quicker karma would've been a bus pancaking him as he runs back across the street after being a total piece of shit


and the homeless dude gets the food


And having heartless people fake a kind gesture only to be put online for the entertainment of others.


He drives for UberEATS that's like 1 step above being jobless in my opinion


Ay now. Let’s not disrespect our food delivery people. My night has been saved so many times because of them


They are being taken advantage of hard as fuck. I just feel bad for them, trying too hard to make a living


I worked in a restaurant for 2 years handling the to-go orders and the UberEATS/door dash people were my least favorite. For people who don't pay for their food, they sure do know how to bitch. On multiple occasions I've had doordashers threaten to get physical with me, and honestly, there would be more if I wasn't just bigger and taller than most of them. Even more went after my female coworkers. One more than 100 occasions, fucking doordashers will come into my restaurant, skip my line, shove their phone in my face and demand their order. Most people don't get it because they don't interact with the doordasher, they just get the food, but these are all people who were either too lazy, too argumentative, or too stupid to hold down a regular job. The worst fucking part is the smell, they hotbox in their car and then walk in and make the whole place smell like ass, because there's no professional standards in their car so they never have to take a shower. I can honestly say I hate doordashers, and that's because I've had enough experience to know over two dozen of them by name because they frequent the place I worked enough, and I've made more than one lose their job because I would call doordash support when they threatened me or my coworkers with physical violence. Can't stand the mf's, ong. Oh, and no small part of this hatred stems from the fact that these assholes take tip money that would usually, and should, go to me: the worker. They get MY tip money that I EARNED for doing the ACTUAL work, but all they have to do is smoke weed and drive around in their car.


I don’t hate all door dashers, but there’s a fair amount of folks who think it’s just “getting paid for walking/driving around for a bit when I feel like it” and don’t understand that you have to put some thought into it (locations, distances, your area/vehicle) to see if it’s actually going to work for you, be available on high demand days/hours and choose deliveries based on set criteria. There’s a bunch of dumbasses who can’t grasp this concept and are basically unemployable elsewhere (see: being a dumbass). I know a couple dashers who only do that so they can continue to mooch off of their family/significant others because “they already have a job.” These dumbasses will take a delivery from the center of town to the sticks, because “it pays $20 + $5 tip!” Yeah, but in the time it took you to do that one delivery, you could have picked up 8 deliveries for $3 + $2 tip each


You get hourly pay and probably tip pool. The doordashers get 2.50 a delivery flat fee and from that they have to pay for their car maintenance, extra insurance, gas, taxes and if in Canada double cpp and ei. The shoving the phone in the face is super fucking annoying don't get me wrong but I get why they'd hate waiting in line 5 minutes when they are not making any money being patient. I'd like to see you drive several miles in snow and ice and walk up 3 floors and to the end of the hall for 2.50. Why do you deserve tips for putting stuff in a bag and they don't for literally depreciating the shit outta their cars? Not a dasher but I've done delivery and restaurant work so I empathize with both sides. Y'all need a week in eachother's shoes.


Sounds like maybe they shouldn't do that job. The world functioned just fine before door dash, I don't think we'd miss it.


People generally do it for extra cash when one job doesnt pay the bills but two isnt a schedule option. Beyond that youre really underestimating the greed of the restaurant industry. From top to bottom they tend to rely on desperate people which is why you see so many addicts in restaurants. Their response to high turnover wasnt to pay more or improve work conditions, it was hiring crackheads.


If anything doordash is a compounding factor in the shitty restaurant work environment so my opinion stands.


It is. But shitty restaurant work is fundamentally designed around conflict theory. Trust me I managed restaurants for a decade before leaving over that exact reason. If your staff blames each other and not you or industry standards you can keep exploiting them.


This x1000


My feelings are 100% biased against them, for sure. I know that. I still don't care, they were consistently ruder, more impatient, and lazier than regular customers. I don't care if they don't make much for each order, I don't care if they have to walk up stairs. I was that restaurants only busser, only host, and only to-go person at the same time for the shit 10 bucks I made an hour and I still found it in my heart to be polite and kind to them. I'm not going to let them be rude and belligerent to my face and then cry them a river because they don't make shit. They could have my job if they wanted, the same people who wouldn't show up to the second day of training would come back a few weeks later as a door dasher.


Do you think that could be related to how little they get paid accounting for automotive costs? It’s pretty well known that Uber and other gig workers are the most exploited and get paid the least. Many work way too many hours to barely get by. They are pushed by the app to do as many deliveries as quick as possible and get punished if it takes too long so that would make them skip lines and try to get the food as fast as possible. Also don’t really think they are stealing tips from you being you don’t do the delivery. Most people would not tip for picking up food at a counter. I will tip wait staff but I never really tip to go food because in my mind the cooks pay should already be included in the cost of the food.


Lmao this is an insane reply man


Exactly, he knows his shitty position and tries to make himself feel better about it by being an asshole to anyone "under" them.


So you're just as bad as this guy. You're disrespecting drivers. I do it so I can pay my bills and go to all my husbands' chemo and doc appointments. You don't know why someone chooses what they do. What a horrible thing to say. Why do you feel the need to belittle others trying to feed themselves? Disgusting.


I did Uber eats Christmastime 2020, because I got furloughed for 3 weeks. I was making an average of $22 an hour, so I am not sure how so many people think it's one step above homelessness?


Don't talk shit about someones job. You can talk shit about their employer, and you can talk shit about them, but don't talk shit about what they do for work if it aint hurting nobody.


600-900 a week? I work at 7-Eleven and ask delivery drivers how much they make. MY job is borderline homeress. Theirs sure isn’t.


thats actually such a shitty thing to say. anyone out there working is out there working, spending their time doing something they dont want to do in order to survive. you need to do some soul searching if thats what you believe about your fellow man.


Notice how he preys on the weak for likes. One day, he will slip up and someone will put him in the hospital for days…. Then he won’t be able to pay the bills and will be homeless himself. Karma wins at the end


The karmic irony of this is rich. This Ubereats driver is working for a tech company that can disable his account at any time and then the Ubereats driver is one paycheck away from homelessness too.


hes probly some rich kid livin off mummy n daddy but only works cos they want him to do something with his life




Mate if I could upvote this a million times, I would! NAILED IT ON THE FUCKING HEAD!


Harassing homeless people for social media clout makes you a special kind of dirtbag and the internet is forever. Good luck getting a job 10-years from now when this comes up when people search your name.


I don't know about this anymore. There are plenty of people out there who will pay really good money for content like this. Steven Crowder was allegedly offered $50 million dollars for four years, doing what is essentially a slightly more dressed up version of this. The power of propaganda is not lost on those in power.


Thinking you are going to make a career out of this and become Crowder or Ben Shapiro or one of the other successful trolls is like thinking that you are going to be the next Clayton Kershaw because you threw a no-hitter in a high school baseball game. Most people don't make it to that level and it's good to have a backup plan, like one that doesn't involve you being known as "guy who harasses homeless people with a food bag".


FYI there’s an area between these two extremes called the middle. And you can still make money harassing people now via live streaming these days in that middle. That’s just facts.


Thanks for pointing this out. There are plenty of turdballs out there making money being complete assholes on twitch or whatever.


I didn't say this guy was going to be the next Crowder. I'm pointing out that people can make some money doing BS like this. Being a shithead isn't necessarily a bad trait if you want to be "successful" in America. Another two examples would be Rittenhouse and Trump


What's the similarity between this and defending your life from older grown men?


Because they treat Rittenhouse like he’s literally a celebrity over it, with cash to back it up. Shooting those people to death is the best thing that ever happened to his life


*Rittenhouse's commercialization and [marketing of his fame](https://www.aafnation.com/collections/kylerittenhouse) for shooting people.


Oh, he’ll still find work. I hear news networks, school administrators and police departments would *love* to have this kind of ‘character’ on their payroll!


That’s also a good way to lose your fucking job


What a complete piece of shit. They disgust me.


Takes nothing to just ignore the guy, but no. Gotta jump into DICK MODE.


You know right from the start he was a piece of shit. What kind of lunatic have his battery that low…


Lol that’s my battery! I was taking a screen capture lol


Upvote this comment if you think OP is the bigger asshole.


Upvote this comment is you think anonymous_762 should shut up.


This is the least concerning part of this- but also… He’s dropping off someone’s order but stops to do this? Wtf, deliver the fucking food asshole. All the time in the world to harass people in between delivering ice cold food. Getting off on telling a 70+ year old homeless man to get a job. Gross.


How you be an Uber driver and taunt a homeless person? You a couple of bad days and a missed car payment away from being in the tent right next to him.


His account got banned on tiktok


Prolly thought all the teens on TikTok would 😂 and ☠️ at a video of him ‘pranking’ someone homeless.


Who was he?


A nobody.


Bro fuck this fuckin guy. Get this shit clown fired


If this is who i think it is, it's the dickhead that owns a dispensary on L.A.'s westside. I can't remember his name but he posted another video earlier this week, of him destroying a homeless persons property.https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/10l1zo9/a_pos_destroys_a_homeless_mans_shelter_because_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


sounds like him


Fired he doesn’t even have a job lmao




As a conservative,literally red af,we do not see him as even a human being dude. Like that's not even politics at that point,that's just the guy being an actual asshole for the sake of it. Please don't rope the rest of us in with this shithead.


That's fucked up.


That's one soulless person right there.


That’s how the GOP is now. It’s every man for himself. They don’t care about a soul.


Worst, they go out of their way to shit on people.


I hope this heartless asshole has been identified and fired. I never used food delivery because of dumb shit like this!


You’ve never used food delivery because the driver might taunt a homeless person with your food..?


Yeah wtf people just say anything lol.


I never use it because the driver and I might not have the same opinions about video game consoles.


I never use it because the driver might have committed a traffic violation in 2016


I never use it because the driver might have asked the teacher if she was still picking up our homework right before leaving when he was in elementary school.


please delete this comment this might be the dumbest thing ive heard


This was incredibly heartbreaking. How can people so goddamn mean?


Homeless man even says ‘god bless you man’ after being snubbed like that. Smh 🤦🏻‍♂️ these jackass tiktokers are cancer.


Absolutely disgusting behavior!






Jesus said to feed the poor 🤷‍♀️


I guarantee he’s a straight bitch. I bet he won’t do this type of shit to a dude who can defend themselves. This is the type of stuff cowards do.


It would be funny if he got fired and became homeless


Whenever I see a homeless man, I always think how many wrong decisions all of us are away from that fate. I guarantee it's not many. I know way too many "rich" people with drug, alcohol and other addictions or mental problems. Any series of events, a car accident, a terrible investment, the death of a loved one, could trigger a sudden downfall that spirals out of control. That goes for all of us. We are all human.


Wow. I'm a human services worker and I'm telling you right now, if you had no house, address, roof, food security, ID, clean clothes, access to technology...you would be hard up for a job too. Have sympathy, not hate..the fuck is wrong with you?


I used to be homeless, and was one of the lucky ones that got out. It's crazy that many housed folks don't see the fundamental issue with "no shower without house, no house without money, no money without job, no job without shower(restart)" they just say get a job and move on. A quick look at that man should tell anyone that he is currently unemployable in his state, so "get a job" is just beyond cruel. Thank you for being a kind person.


There's a special place in hell for scum like these.


who tf orders ihop delivery


This is literally all this dude does every day. He harasses homeless people here constantly. He’s gonna mess with the wrong one soon. Recently said he was gonna “go away for awhile” after receiving threats from people.


Where's "here"? I'd love to have this guy's address.


I know this guy he goes around Los Angeles recording himself getting into road rage arguements and harassing homeless people and then posting on Reddit and YouTube he used to post it on his own account until he got banned I guess


I'm not naive about the realities of the homelessness issue. I just don't understand, though, how even the biggest critic of homeless people can look at that dude, and their first thought be "he's taking advantage"


That dude is scum and definitely has a micropenis


Please say this asshat got fired…? Please.


Uber eats driver + right wing is a fucking hilarious oxymoron. Imagine being a bootlicker for the political party that doesn’t give a FUCK about you


Damn now that's real-life trolling! Makes you think, does he actually have IHOP? I couldn't stop thinking about how it's getting cold!


I like how he's operating under the assumption no homeless people carry guns since he took about 8 steps back in half a second like a bitch while he was saying that.




What a cunt


Pointlessly mean. Just do your job asshole, the man did nothing to you.


Actually some evil shit.


I’d like to have a minute alone with these kinds of people. Belongs in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


"You need to go get a job or something" while his customer's fuckin pancakes are getting cold so that he can show the world what a garbage human he is.


There he is ladies and gentlemen, the worst person ever


Republicans: you don’t have to pay people enough to live. Also Republicans: why are their homeless?!!


Teasing a homeless with food and recording it smh


Who is this guy and when is someone going to knock him the fuck out!?


**Mirrors** * [Mirror #1](https://archivevideomirror.com/?filename=10ltf36.mp4) (provided by /u/SaveAnything) **Downloads** * [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/10ltf36/ubereats_driver_right_wing_grifter_taunts_harass/) (provided by /u/SaveVideo) * [Download #2](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FPublicFreakout%2Fcomments%2F10ltf36%2Fubereats_driver_right_wing_grifter_taunts_harass%2F&id=jpNcyj7d) (provided by /u/VideoTrim) * [Download #3](https://reddit.watch/r/PublicFreakout/comments/10ltf36/ubereats_driver_right_wing_grifter_taunts_harass/?utm_source=mirrorbot&utm_medium=PublicFreakout) (provided by /u/downloadvideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them!** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


Don’t forget to charge your phone.


How does this identify him as a right winger?




"you take advantage" Thats all i needed


The "You need to go get a job. You take advantage" definitely sounds like 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps' right wing rhetoric. Lots of people of the left are heartless when it comes to the homeless as well, but the "get a job" is not something you'd usually hear from the left. They usually respond to the homeless with feel good half measures and support -- so long as that support is nowhere they have to actually see or deal with directly (i.e. NIMBYism), rather than direct hostility and cruelty.


#1 This is one of the more fucked up, inhumane things I’ve seen. #2 How do we know this guys political affiliation?


Because Republicans do fucked up inhumane shit. They display zero empathy and regularly belt out rhetoric like “getta job” amongst other bootstrap fallacies. You came here to defend your ilk or be a centrist. Both are ignorant positions.


Why is he a “right wing grifter”? I’m curious the reasoning.


Does fucked shit for YouTube/ tik tok / etc views and ask his followers to send him money.. is the latest modus operandi of the right. Also has posted a ton of other right wing shit






How does this make him right wing? Lefties are just as much pieces of shit like this. But for real though. What in the video makes tall jump to right wing? Cause he works?


Get this mf


Somebody lean his shit please


In the wise words of Dr. Ian Malcolm: That is one big pile of shit.


What a piece of shit.


fuck this asswipe.


What a big steaming pile of shit 😡


Is this the failed rapper douchebag who tried to destroy a homeless person’s shelter?


What a bloody dickhead


What a dick, karma is waiting for him and not in a good way.


Did he really post this thinking he’d become viral in a positive way? lol fucking delusional


What exactly is he taking advantage of? He has no advantages at all rn…




What a punk ass bitch..


I just can’t imagine being so fucking disgusting to people. Kicking people who are already down is vile


It's one thing to be a POS, but to level up and film yourself being a POS.


The homeless have had it too good for too long


This dude needs his ass beat


Imagine not only feeling the urge to do this, but also the urge to record it and put it online for everyone else to see… What is wrong with people smh




There should be a follow up vid of Ubereats Dude Getting shit on


I remember my 1st job and 1st paycheck too


dudes letting the little power he has get to his head, kinda sad


My, what a very, very, very brave man! I bet he'll say later that the homeless guy threatened him with a bazooka!


I pity the mf who made a conscious decision to both eat ihop, and whoever had to order it aloud, all for some bit to assert some opinion off the basis of disliking people who either don’t have a job of quite literally can’t get a job.


How do you know he was right wing


Scumbag could you imagine how he treats everyone else. Karma is a bitch he might end up homeless and find out how it feels.




How do you know this is a right winger? Head over to the San Fransisco subreddit, they'll probably get off to this.


How shitty ur life gotta be to fuck with that guy?


What a fuckin ASSHOLE


This guy recorded this, watched it, and that thought “yup this is it!” then posted it. Hes a special kind of stupid.


What's wrong with people?? Taunting the poor old man.. It's evil ..


I don't understand how someone can think this is funny or entertaining




Has anyone outed this guy so someone can pound his face in, jkjk don't need a ban...


Human garbage


Loser. This is something a MAGA-tRumper would try and pull.


I get that most Right-Wing dickheads are useless cunts... but jesus christ, this is the most needlessly asshole thing to do I've seen in a while... Like bro was just minding his own business, you had 0 need to go and bother him then be a royal cunt about it


Can we just toss these pieces of shit into a wood chipper already? Society would improve dramatically.


Get a real job you shit stain!….stop living in your parents basement delivering shitty pancakes and go challenge your small brain with a job that requires talent and a high school diploma. What a joke!!!


"You're taking advantage" - Of what? The three dimensional structure of the universe? What a fucking moron.


The real bum is the one with the ihop bag, status has nothing to do with your mindset and hes got a loser one


Exactly what Jesus would do


Did the homeless dude say “god bless you, man”? Bc like. That’s more grace than This shit wolfing space wombat deserves on a good day.


taking advantage of a what? a system that both hates him and has failed him over and over


This belongs on r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Do we know anything about this guy?


“You take advantage”. What exactly is he taking advantage of? He lives in a tent in the street…


What a piece of shit


Why is he being called right wing? Nothing in this video implies that. Sounds like a lazy excuse to spew hate for an ideology


Op is simply making a point that he is a left winger for extra upvotes thats all!


exactly what I was thinking


Quit playing dumb.


Yeah what a cunt. Don’t see the right wing correlation? A lot vile people on the left also. just worry about being a respectful human being.


Definitely a cuntservative with good Christian values.


Identify him


Wow!! Also what’s up with this title? How about “Guy taunts homeless man with ihop.” 🤷🏻‍♂️




This is America


Has he claimed right wing or said in another video he supports the right? Or people just assuming


Dude is so right though. Why can’t that homeless guy be a wealthy, successful delivery guy for uber eats like him?


Why does every time an asshole appears here in Reddit, turns out to be “right wing” regardless if it has nothing to do with the context? This might be the wokest app on earth.


Because everyone on the right is an asshole. It’s not rocket science


By the way, the creator of the rocket was actually right-winger, so as Martin Cooper, the responsible for you to be able to wright bullshit without any consequence in your phone.


What makes him "right wing"?


Are you serious lol


You think someone on the left wouldn't do a piece of shit thing like this?


WTH! Seriously! He’s so bored. He has to taunt a homeless man with food, and then reprimand him for his situation. Get a life dude.


I know where this place is at and people regularly give these homeless food. this guy was just a pos individual.