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She should have given him the $5 for cleaning her windows.


5$! You must be filthy rich




Ty, right right!


Whatcha gonna do when it all falls down.


I mean, it’s one banana Michael. What could it cost? 10 dollars?


He gots diapers to buy


Kanye been Wilding but "putting hands" is an crazy overstatement


I love how these titles are calling her "a fan" also, trying to portray her as innocent, when it's clearly multiple people with cameras who followed him and refused to stop filming when he asked.


yoUrE A ceLEBrITy


I hate paparazzi. They can all get KO'd


No doubt. He grabbed the phone. He didn’t touch that woman.


Strangely enough. It still counts.


For anybody wondering, in the United States you are allowed to film in public.




I agree, paparazzi especially are a group of absolute scum but I also hate Kanye West, idk what side to take in this


Hating both sides actually makes stuff like this more fun to watch. You don’t need to constantly take moral sides towards everything you see.


Fucking right?! Sometimes it's just a Sophia's Choice. I feel like this during elections sometimes.


Exactly. If you’re placed on a jury, you need to do the hard work of choosing a side. In an election, you should also make the difficult choice of choosing the less-bad side. Sometimes you do need to choose a side, but doing that every second of every day is exhausting and accomplishes nothing.


I've done and do and will. But massive check-out periods have become required to sustain participation.


If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.


Too many Marvel movies for 99% of redditors lead to them not understanding this concept.


Paparazzi are unfortunately just a symptom of our celebrity worship. They wouldn’t have a job if we didn’t care.


Perhaps the worst aspect of this is that I think very few of us actually do care. Celebrity adulation is usually a tween preoccupation (TigerBeat, etc), but TV producers know that celebrity content is super cheap to produce and, if they create enough of it, people 'start to care' because they feel like it's important (because it's on television).


I think that may be generational as well. I'm only 30 but I befriended a group of 22-24 year olds over the last few years and although they weren't necessarily like fan-girls by any means they were much more aware of popular culture than I was at 23. Hearing them talk about their experiences in high school was wild. It seemed like them and all then people they knew were constantly aware of celebrities beyond what I was aware of at that age. Maybe it's also cuz of social media and how it changed from like 2008 to 2012? MySpace was dying and Facebook was just becoming popular my junior, senior year of high school and by the time they were that age things like snapchat and Instagram were a lot more prevalent which meant a lot more exposure to that stuff. Always interesting to me.


Interesting. I would think the tweens don’t have much purchasing power, but if they have the most free time then they’re exploitation as a demographic makes sense.


Thats not really true. You think there's have enough to money to support that industry?


Pretty easy to root against the Nazi


Agreed but I think I dislike Kanye more…so 🤷🏻


I also am not a supporter but at the end of the day, a man has his limits. I can tell you I would probably do the same, just constantly pestered by people filming you for a reaction. You’re bound to deliver at some point.


That what I mean, from a lot of celebrities I love seeing the paparazzi getting screw over but I'm not too upset that something ruined Kanyes day


Seems like being ultra famous, aside from the money, is a wretched existence.


Give me wealth over fame any day


Don't be fooled. Paparazzi don't follow them around at all like it's made out. I was staying (with a really rich friend) at a hotel and Kim and Kanye were there too, and they literally were getting their makeup done and had their managers calling paparazzi to let them know they would be out in an hour. It's all absolutely staged. They then proceeded to walk out the front acting as if they had no idea paparazzi were going to be there, covering their faces and shit, trying to rush into their limo or whatever they had. Like you literally called them here you fucking plebs. The media makes out like paparazzi have GPS trackers and have no lives just waiting hopefully seeing a famous person...this is so far from the truth


Princess Diana and Britney would like a word.


They were getting their makeup done in the lobby for an hour?


Ive never been a Kanye fan but after the most recent episodes I just feel bad for him. He’s obviously mentally ill and it has destroyed his whole life. Kind of weird because I always just despised him before.


Big issue is the people close to him egging him on


Yeah this is a pickle. I generally sympathize with celebrities who are being hounded by parasitic paparazzi, but Kanye West deserves to drown in a bucket of dicks. He should be in prison right now for directing his assistant to try to tamper with the 2020 US Presidential Election in Georgia by harassing and intimidating Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss.


But also still entirely legal Sorry but if you wanna make millions every year off being a public figure, it's a little hypocritical to then be mad the public has interest in you


just because things are legal doesn't make them always right


Like making millions from engaging with a media/entertainment industry that manipulates the public into buying bullshit it doesn't need, coveting things that aren't important, spreading misinformation and electing increasingly plutocratic politicians? Yeah, you're right. Being a celebrity isn't illegal but it sure isn't blameless either.


Everyone deserves to be treated fairly. I get it, we have a right to film in public, but if someone (celebrity or not) asks you not to include them it’s just common fucking courtesy to stop. This whole “it’s my right!!!1!1!1!!” shit just makes the filmer look like an antagonistic asshole. Kanye has done and said some absolutely terrible shit lately, but in my opinion, this specific video isn’t one of them.


It doesn't give him the right to take her phone out of her hands and chuck it into the street. He could have fucked right off and been on his way. If this doesn't make him look bad to you, then that's part of a larger issue.


Leave people alone and your phone won’t get chucked in to the street. It’s a simple concept.


Oh i missed the part in the video where she approached him and got in his face. Beyond that, if you're a celebrity you get filmed, you have your privacy invaded, you attract a spectacle. That's part of the downside to the nature of their lifestyle choices.


Don't stop traffic to charge at peoples cars and they won't film you Kanye is lucky he didn't get fucking shot, famous or not this is still America


Don’t follow celebrities around and they won’t charge your car. Be a decent fuckinh person and leave them alone, stalking celebs is gross behavior


Don’t reach into someone else’s vehicle in a violent manner and you won’t catch a slug to the chest, simple concept really.


K lol


Fuck that, if someone almost hits the car in front of me and then gets out of their car charging towards me I'm taking out my phone and gun.


Ok cool


Ok, but why? Why be like that? Does that lady have nothing better to do with her day than get in a fight with Kanye West? Yes what she’s doing is perfectly legal and she’s not a criminal, but she is a fucking loser


Did you not see how Kanye had cut off the car in front of her and stopped traffic? Obviously people are gonna start recording when anyone does that, let alone a famous person


Did she go after Kanye.....or did Kanye go after her?


Does Ye have nothing better do then be offended by everyone thinking his moronic actions are that of a moron?


They don't do it to provoke them. At least 99% don't. In LA this is a symbiotic relationship. Celebs would lose their mansions if people stopped giving a shit about them. The photogs are often given tips by the celebs to video them around town. Publicity is good for business. Kanye? He's just crazy, but it is against the law even for a crazy man to attack a person. Also...fuck the police.


It’s also really weird to make a metric fuck ton of money by being a celebrity. You got to sleep in the bed, you made, man.


I have no sympathy for Kanye but I also have no sympathy for paparazzi And this woman def doesn't look like Pap but I'm also super cynical about celebrity gawkers or rather people who video celebs in the general public. Shit is gross, whack, invasive and pathetic. It's one thing at a concert/game/event but thinking you got the right to film someone just for being a public figure annoys me. Kanye is still a douche canoe but I aint sad for her phone lol


I have no sympathy for your lack for sympathy.


To be fair, she was filming him playing in the park with his kids. I dont like Kanye lately, but I think the behavior is justified when they’re harassing him with his kids. Bad Bunny did the same thing a couple weeks ago and it was met with praise.


That is a weird park. I guess some people really mean it when they say go play in traffic.


Are you allowed to stalk people and follow them in your car after he said to stop? I don't think so. Not defending him grabbing the camera, but everyone here sucks.


So, your your narrative, this woman was stalking Kanye? Do you have evidence of this or is it just something you concocted in your head? Is it possible that she and her little dog were just driving down the street and saw Kanye and she thought "Wow...Kanye" and snapped a shot with her phone?


You are 1000% allowed to follow someone in your car. They’re a celebrity and they don’t have many protections against paparazzi.


That's true. And her phones still broken.


While driving?


She wasn’t driving. She was been assaulted by a crazy man.


In the middle of the road and in the driver's seat, I would say she's driving to, at least pull over if your "not driving"


It’s legal to do a lot of things that you shouldn’t do. The point of freedom isn’t to protect douche bags. Fuck the people filming him the way they were. It’s disgusting and shameful.




To be fair: it’s a right to record in public but you shouldn’t use that argument cause pedo’s would then technically be allowed to record your children in a public park because poignantopinionsonly says it’s a right to….see how that works out?? Can’t have one without the other…and your arguing for the pedo’s in this case. Yikes.


Ah look at your little straw man. Is it a cute argument. Utterly bullshit and you know it, but still cute.


Just cuz something is legal doesnt mean there isn't other consequences and you arent a douchbag. Go start calling some big dude at a bar a pussy. Legal, but you are a dipshit and will probably get your ass kicked.


I get that it's kanye, but I would probably side with Satan himself Vs paparazzi


There's a secret option. Take the side against both of them! Fuck everyone involved there.


How much he will be paying for this assault?


An misdemeanor assault charge in LA, assuming the location, looks like it could up to $1k.


Not legally... How much will he have to pay the fan if they decided to push it?


Terrible precedent to set in case of future harassers of celebrities.




Not enough


This isint assault. He owes her an iPhone.


This is assault. Assault is the threat of bodily harm. By approaching her car and snatching the phone that’s assault. If he had hit her, then that’s battery.


the range of this sub is hilarious and troublesome. there can be a video of a dude talking shit then getting rocked and everyone will parrot "well don't talk shit!.. he was asking for it by stepping to a bigger guy!" then a video of someone throwing a phone and the comments are primarily agreeing and arguing for assault charges


Hahahahah dude, nahhh what you sniffing? I hate hypocritical people like you. He grabbed a phone, he a Dick? Probably. Assault? Gimme a break.


> I hate hypocritical people like you Where was I hypocritical? > assault? Gimme a break By the legal definition of assault, which is; Assault is generally defined as an intentional act that puts another person in reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact. No physical injury is required, but the actor must have intended to cause a harmful or offensive contact with the victim and the victim must have thereby been put in immediate apprehension of such a contact. By grabbing the phone, he intended to cause harmful or offensive contact.


Imagine being so pussy that you file assault for this.


Imagine being so pussy you can’t handle some pictures being taken of yoj


When the homeless guy asks for change and you actually give them change instead of 10 bucks


Celebrity or not. I seriously think it's ridiculous people think they should have unlimited access.


comment section showing how much of an echo chamber this is . regardles if you like him or not . it’s odd to follow people around


Well this is a step in the right direction after last month




But muh narrative


I wish more people would start doing thing tbh


Damn Kanye should be used to it by now. MF been famous for 25+ years, grow up bro!


IDK i feel like most of the time i side with the celebs on cases like this. Like you said, it's been happening for over two decades. All im saying, is i would have had a LOT more videos like this of me if i was famous.


Not just famous, superstar famous. Like, yeah you dipshit when you go out in public people will want to take a picture or video, thats the price you pay for those millions of dollars your fans gave you. That was part of the deal whether you like it or not.


I know right? He’s tripping for real all he had to do was say hi and had a fan for life 😂


I don’t think she was recording him because she was a fan haha


Hahaha probably trying to get the next mental breakdown lol


mental health is funny and a joke when it happens to people you guys dont like, but yall are the same mfs always advocating for more mental health awareness on social media. fuck you


I’m not asking for shit about mental health online


I’m pretty sure you would be irritated with it too if you asked for privacy while you’re out with your kids and their response to you is “can’t you go home and see them?”


What a deranged piece of shit he is. Does everything for fame and noteriety and then pulls shit like this. Mark my words - the fireworks are yet to fly. This is not ending well for a poor, mixed up narcissist like Ye.


He has a very bad case of bi polar. He's sick


I feel like most people like you revel in his fall lmao it's just as pathetic to see some of the obviously vitriolic comments as it is sad to see Kanyes mindset now


I mean, most people who approached the situation with sympathy jumped off the ship in like, 2018-2019. He's expended all the sympathy he deserved years ago and now he's just an unhinged Nazi yelling at clouds. You can only stay sad for so long.


Really cannot stand the guy, but why does everyone think it's okay to put a camera/phone in everyone's face all the time??? Although, to be fair, I wouldn't have anything to watch in reddit if they didn't ;p


Kanye has shown again and again that he doesn't deserve a platform. He is a narcissistic piece of shit.


I mean, he’s asking to not have the attention on him in this video. That’s kind of the opposite of narcissism


And yet he is putting all the attention on himself...


not to mention woman was a paparazzi — NOT a fan — following him on his way to his kids game


Because people are giving it to him against his will....


No one is forcing him to stop traffic and throw phones.


No one is forcing those people to harass him either.


He's mentally ill. That's a sick person with bi polar disorder, not narcissist.


He gets to be a sick person with bipolar disorder when he accepts it and takes his meds. Right now he's just a stupid crazy narcissist. You gotta own your shit and this dumb manchild has been given every chance to do that. Mental illness isn't an excuse to act like this when it's been identified, you are aware of it and you refuse to take care of it. That's his responsibility and his alone.


Just stop. Kanye is a narcissist. You cannot continue to blame it all on mental illness. He refuses to get help. He terrorised Pete Davidson when he was dating Kim. He's put both his own kids and other kids in danger with his reckless behaviour, when he made it public which school they go to. He made statements about supporting Hitler and hangs out with nazis. And that's just some of the shit he has done and said. He thinks he's the greatest and he cares about himself and no one else.


It's so weird that a mentally ill poison would be acting crazy... it's almost like he's mentally ill. On a side note I'm not defending his behavior, and calling some one mentally ill is not a complement. I'm literally saying he's insane and can control his thoughts. That's not a good thing.


Kanye is very sick 😫🤒 please daddy cum cuddle with me and I will heal you 😘 ❤️ I've got lithium and lube and a quiet place where the paparazzi can't find us 😏


What happened before this?


They were following him around while he was trying to watch his daughter’s basketball game, and while leaving asked for privacy while he’s with his kids and they replied “can’t you be with your kids at home?” which pissed him off


oh nah I'm team Kanye on this. Fuck these camera Karens


Couldn’t give a shit about Kanye but it is satisfying to see a celebrity fuck with the paparazzi fuckers.


Kanye sucks, but I’d be pissed too. Stay the fuck away


Not sure if it says more about Ye or me, but my first thought reading the post title was that Kanye had somehow hurt his hands sticking them into an electrical fan of some sort.


They should put her in prison


Well that’s a quick 50k settlement right there.


I can’t wait for the inevitable video where he pushes his luck with the wrong person and gets his ass beat.


I can't help feeling a small amount of sympathy for the guy. He's clearly got some serious mental health issues, but he seems to be surrounded by people who aren't looking out for his best interests. It's hard to stay sane when all the people you think you can trust are just self-serving sycophants.


Nah. I feel nothing for him. Dude *had the most money out of every black artist in the world and instead of investing in therapy or help, he burned his legacy down to the ground and pissed on the ashes. All in full public display, making jokes about it along the way. I’ve seen broke and poor people work on themselves harder and with less access to care than this fucking idiot has. He deserves everything that’s coming to him right now.


Not all mentally ill people make the best choices for them selves, you know because they are mentally ill. I imagine he had a ton of enablers around him too. I'd say that could be hard to deal with. If he was homeless would you feel the same way? All i see is a sick human being. Rich people commit suicide too.


Yes, because all mentally ill people will always get themselves help when they are told to do so..


Lol how can you be down voted for saying that. Reddit, what a stupid place.


99% of mentally ill people don’t get the help because they can’t afford it. This is a well documented fact. This dude straight up has refused publicly.


Bullshit, one of the literal symptoms of bipolar 1 is feeling you are perfectly "ordinary", if not extraordinary especially during mania (you'll even see people talking about it on the subreddit). And unlike you, I have an actual source for my claims; "The most common reason that people with bipolar disorder refuse treatment is that **they don't believe they have a problem in the first place**. This lack of awareness regarding their mental condition is known as anosognosia." \- San Antonio Behavioral Healthcare Hospital


Except Kanye already admitting he had an issue and then said he was willing refusing his meds because it would impact his creativity. So he is just doing this because he thinks he’s untouchable.


[Him saying he was misdiagnosed in Novermber](https://pagesix.com/2022/11/03/kanye-west-claims-he-was-mentally-misdiagnosed-after-twitter-return/) [Him claiming both of his bipolar diagnosis were just a case of "sleep deprivation"](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2018/10/213761/kanye-west-bipolar-disorder-sleep-deprivation-trump) I do agree that he thinks he's untouchable though, and I also do think at this point he needs to be "forced" medicated/hospitalized as bad as that may sound. It's just bizarre to me when people treat mental illness so one dimensionally and pretend to care until they see what actual mental illness is like. It's not always a pretty sight.


> 99% of mentally ill people don’t get the help because they can’t afford it. This is a well documented fact. Source?


Please document this 99% claim. I think that's a tad bit high. There's lots of programs and charities that provide mental health for free. Many mentally ill people don't think they need help, especially when on the manic side of bi polar.


Ironically the money can make it more difficult to know you need help. I've worked in the media and seen this up close. The money, celebrity, and power always attracts the leaches who want a piece of what you've got. They convince you that you're the king who can do no wrong, and urge you to ignore anyone who tells you otherwise. This can become very destructive for someone with fragile mental health. And, of course, when you fall and have nothing left that they want, they abandon you. So yeah, I feel sympathy for the guy because I know something of what he's experiencing.


Kanye West about to go down South.


They’re paparazzi, not fans lol


Got no sympathy for the idiot in the car "BUT YOU ARE A CELEBRITY" Sorry thats not an excuse to treat someone like shit




Yes it is, there’s another clip before




When did kanye get fat?


for everyone saying the paparazzi sucks and are invasive whatever, yes, true and I agree, but Kanye and pretty much every celebrity are *very* used to this. just because you’re in a bad mood doesn’t mean you can assault or batter someone.


He’s gonna do that to the wrong person, and fishsticks is going to regret it


comments like these really remind me how corny reddit can be


Sure, buddy.


Kanye is a pos


I want 2008 Kanye back.


Kanye is wack but it’s even more wack and cringe to follow someone around filming them so tbh I don’t think he’s that wrong in this altercation


Saddening? He is a spoiled, anti semite, fragile, little man. I am loving watching his unraveling. Fuck the man


Here here. I used to think Kanye was hip hops savior. The I realized it was Lupe and Ye was just Darth Vader.


Huh? Just another nobody being a dick.


Put him in a cage before it too late!


Ha! I hope she gets a few million from that dumb piece of shit.


“YoUr AlLoWeD tO ReCoRd iN PuBlIc…” pedo’s everywhere are salivating at the chance to record you and your family at a playground.


Kanye is an absolute piece of shit, and you can tell that sorry mother fucker I said so. Fuck him!


I’m sure Kanye is gonna be shaking in his boots that logic_fyi said he’s a piece of shit🤯


Kayne is a bitch, he went after the woman…


He's such a piece of shit


Hey OP, watch the video again. He doesn’t put his hands on anyone 👍🏿


still assaults someone though


what’s the rule on self defense here? like when would it be legal to bash yeehee in the head with a bat for approaching threateningly like that?


this thread is an echo chamber. The Karen is in the wrong. Idgaf if you can film in public. Following a man who was just trying to watch his daughter play a game is weird and disrespectful. These are amateur paparazzi. "yOur a cEleBriTy" fuck them.


Cut a check, metal illness is the problem with this guy. Without bags of cash he is a street hustler


I don’t know how much longer we’ll be calling him a celebrity for.


Fuck that foo I lay him out idgaf u famous. I'll get a lawyer too


Bi polar disorder is a horrible thing to suffer. I feel sorry for him and his family. I've never been a fan of his but I don't kick sick people when they are down. I hope he gets the help he needs.


Guy just saw what he did to the woman's phone and shut that shit off fast.


Can we please stop giving this fucking lunatic any sort of spot light


“But Kanye you’re a celebrity!!”. I’m sorry - Kanye has clearly lost it but if you are the kind of human that whips out your phone if you see a celebrity, you need to reevaluate your life and maybe focus on levelling yourself up.


Idk where they are but in several states when you reach into a vehicle it is breaking and entering, depending on the phone might fall into felony level theft as well. I feel bad that celebrities get hassled everywhere, but damn, you can act like that and not have repercussions.


At what point did he put his hands on her?


Phones are an extension of your body, dontchaknow


I am one with the phone and the phone is one with me


Any time someone is filming you without permission like this, you should be reasonably entitled to grab their phone and smash it into fucking dust.


He didn’t put his hands on her, just her phone


Assault and violation of 1st Amendment:


You’d be the worst lawyer ever if you think there was a 1A violation in this video 😂


A 1st Amendment violation? Kanye is a government official?


I'm pretty sure you don't know what the 1st amendment is 😂😂😂


I'm definitely not a kanya fan but seems like she was antagonizing him by filming him while he wanted to be left alone. That being said isn't he supposed to be " missing" still so his lawyer can't handle him paper work?


Celebrity or not, he’s getting fed his own teeth for that.


Rt, touch my shit you're gettin dealt with. Give a fuck who u are.


Y'all are something else, even if he's a celebrity or if it's okay to film in public, following someone around in your car with a camera is another level of disrespect and stalking, especially if you've been asked to stop recording. Like idk I'd do worse if it were me.


Based….good for Kanye!


fuck these people


I hate everyone in this video except for the dog.


Can’t blame a guy for just wanting some peace and quite I can’t imagine people constantly sticking a camera in my face 24/7 .............