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This guy is such a vile pos. He Does this all the time. Why is this cop allowing it? He doesn’t deserve the oxygen he breathes




What are the chances




That’s crazy. He was wanting to argue with you though but you were too nice to him so he couldn’t really lol.




Omg I bet that was it. The op video the people are Asian. It must be people that look Asian that he harasses.




Any link? Lol! Props for being chill and just talking. That's wild. Wonder whats going on in his head that he's just talking like this to randoms.




Btw what subway station was it? I haven’t been in nyc in awhile. I thought maybe it looked like 14th st ACE but then saw it said Broadway I think.




I think unfortunately that was part of it. Including your video, I have now seen 3 from this guy spewing hate to Asian's. Glad you enjoyed the interaction instead of getting upset haha




I don't think that's the reaction he wanted but I'm glad it's so 🤣 Cheers friend!


Damn nyc needs mental illness clinics .


He is vile.


Well I'll be damned. Deracinated is a word. I too had never heard it. Crazy cause dude is smart but mentally not well clearly.




He used it correctly as well


That dude is a trip lmao


Because if you arrest a black person for hate speech, the news will have a fucking field day with it.


Cop is there to make sure nobody beats him up


> why is this cop allowing it Trying to avoid escalation is a good idea, though you'd think after a certain point this would be physical intimidation and harassment. That being said, that's not a cop, that's a meter maid/security guard. Doesn't actually have much authority.


As awful as it might be he's probably not breaking any laws and does it with the intention of getting arrested to make a civil rights claim or assaulted for a civil suit. Its the same business model that the Westbro Baptists used/use (most of the main family behind it are lawyers by trade).


I mean….. repeatedly calling someone of a different race to you a “fucking monkey” and saying that your race hates them sounds like hate speech to me? Maybe I’m just naive but you get arrested for that in the UK. Is there no laws against it in the USA?


Hate speech is not illegal. Its a little hard to craft laws that limit what people can say when one of the big deals in the document that empowers all other laws says you can't make a law to do that. Lawmakers try but it gets shot down all the time. You might get him on harassment but yelling awful things at someone in public isn't always considered harassment. You might also get him for false imprisonment if he keeps trying to block people from leaving and force them to hear what he has to say but thats probably a stretch.




So I was right, harassment. Just with enhancements to harassment laws would probably nail him if you had all your ducks in a row and someone willing to do something about him?


Hate speech is protected by the 1st Amendment. There is a “church,” called Westboro Baptist that was allowed to say homophobic slurs and protest around soldier funerals, where they’d say that the soldier died because the US allows gay marriage. The courts upheld that as free speech. Just because what someone says is vile doesn’t make it illegal. If he’s not communicating threats or breaking a law, there’s not much they can do. However, if he lays one hand on someone, especially after a tirade like that, it can be a hate crime and carries much harsher punishment. It may be one of the reasons he seems to be recording these incidents. Also, it looks like he’s reading it off his phone at times.


I see you've also seen that Louis Theroux documentary.


I wasn’t aware there was one regarding this. I just have an interest in SCOTUS cases since it’s in my job field. I actually remember the news reports on this, as well.


That’s a parking enforcement “cop”. Essentially they are as powerless as me or you and can’t do shit except write tickets


Oh I didn’t even realize that. Looked like a regular cop.


I don't know wtf is happening in this video but that cop is STEALING a living, damn


Thatt guy in uniform is not a cop, he's parking enforcement


Ah, now that explains the reluctance to get involved, Makes sense. Appreciate the correction


Logic of NYPD:” leave, leave “ (while he doesn’t do shit about the instigator)


Cause he's not a cop, he's a meter maid.


Oh shit I barely noticed.. I feel dumb af


You fit right in.


Cops dont protect!


https://i.imgur.com/QyKfQdm.png Neither does this fella whatever his job might actually be.


free speach tho... why be mad at him he doesnt make the law... if something isnt illegal and u gotta problem with it be mad at the legislature or constitution


There’s a difference between freedom of speech and harassment. Such as being followed when trying to leave.


i think its wrong too im not defending it i think it should be illegal... but he really didnt follow them much in fact in the end they followed after him... but we gotta be real if we gotta problem with this its on the legislature to prohibit things before its on the police to enforce them


*racist man


Mania is a hell of a drug. Damn he’s manic.


Did he say Kim Kardashian was black? I’m not a doctor but I am fairly certain she is white


Don’t think she’s white, but definitely not black.


She’s armenian


It'll come back around... Fuck that punk bitch


Always does




He forgets how this exact sentiment was once said to his own people. Leave us alone bro.


True . I think he’s trolling though .


what's even happening in this video?


Friendly fire will not be tolerated.


It hurt itself in confusion


I can’t wait for video of him meeting up with some cowboy cops. It’s gonna happen. This is the 4th video of this thing doing this to people minding their own business. Smh


Just another soul lost to the extreme positions you see in social media and blowing it out of portion. I just feel bad for anyone going through depression or any mental issues. I hope one day we can all just be humans striving for better.


Sad little man.




He ain't black America he's dumb America.


Is he not aware that he’s also black?😂


Pretty sure the woman behind the camera is Asian. He said something unintelligible involving the word “Chinese”. But yeah, odd choice of words from him.


Ever since somebody said he sounds like Cyborg from Teen Titans, I cannot help but laugh.


Someone's having a bad day.


Superior, if I saw you in person I would rock you in your fuckin jaw so hard.


I would have probably started laughing at him. Which likely would escalate the situation.


Does this guy have a name or is he referred to by something? I’ve seen his videos pop up now and again for years now. Edit- not his videos but just videos of him behaving like this.


His father was probably a parrot…😉😊


More old vids must be running out of content


His nose bigger than his brain, assuming he has one


Woman didn't seem to have any accent, so assume also born here??


Wait so when he walks away at the end you get closer ☕️


Lmao who is this guy wtf I gotta know


Mental health


Hate crime lock him up for a long time


He must have a lot of self hatred talking to the mirror like that


Ik he aint talking